"FEMA prepares the nation for all hazards and manages federal response and recovery efforts following any national incident. FEMA also initiates mitigation activities, trains first responders, works with state and local emergency managers, and manages the National Flood Insurance Program and the U.S. Fire Administration. FEMA became part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on March 1, 2003."FEMA is appealing to the residents of the affected areas who evacuated to stay put, and are as I type this, sending hundreds of personal to coordinate relief efforts. Here is a news statement from FEMA. I actually am thinking of just what I can do to help, other than to send money. Maybe join the CERT program? Has anyone really ever volunteered to go so far away? My sister in law, who works for State Farm, has been to Florida and other states in the past after hurricanes to set up comm posts. And as the price of gasoline skyrocket's "I saw it go up 9 cents today on Oak Ave, in Primos" this is going to affect us all. Your favourite WAWA coffee, Milk, Budweisers, Air Conditioning, Heat, etc, all will be affected by a storm named Katrina. Let's hope this is the last of the season.
Come Together
CommonSense: The Continuing Exploitation of Chester by Delco Politicians
Interviews & Snap on's
Quick Notes
Chump Change?
Since when is it "OK" that one puts the party and their wallets before the Country, State, City and Town? What has become of our elected officials? Are they all T.O. wannabes? Are they that smug and feeling so invincible that they think they can get away with these things? Democrat, Republican, it makes NO difference. BOTH parties have some members that are corrupt, mismanaged, and constantly jockeying for political leverage, while patting themselves on the back for a "Job well done". Today I read Rep. Nick Micozzie quoted in a letter to the Times saying this:
"Forget about guys like us, I got scars going all the way back to 1979. It's the family, the kids. The Micozzie name is well known in the area and you make us look like a bunch of crooks," Well Nick, a raise of eleven grand minimum while the "minimum" wage in PA hasn't been addressed in years dosen't sit well with a lot of people. This is not to say that Nick Micozzie and others haven't done a good job for their constituants mind you, I like Nick and vote for him everytime. It's just the way they now are whining about this issue that finally made me post this blog.
I can't vote myself a raise witout losing clients.This also makes A lot of people "voters mind you," angry. It's getting to be like that movie "Network", when William Holden screams out the window, "I'm mad as hell, and I ain't going to take it anymore!". The multitude of bullshit that is going on here in Delco and across the nation today is unbelievable. Just read the Haverford Blog sometime, and see what Haverford people think.
Iraq? Yes! Stay the course, as long as it isn't my kid over there! Price of gas? "It's because of supply and demand I hear on FAWX NEWS. Locally and across Pennsylvania I see all the back tracking because of the media fallout over this vote. My opinion? Secretly, your all banking on the hope that the "sheeple" won't remember this vote. Too late! Come 2006 things WILL change in Delco the way they should have 70 years ago. No more "War Board" or cronyism. Either both parties shape up or ship out. Put your constituents first! How they voted HERE.
P.S. Happy Birthday Pete, you old fart..