
Saddam Executed?

Update! So this is the best video they have?
Pearly Whites So they executed Saddam Hussein for crimes against humanity. Hmmm. I notice he had really promininate upper teeth. with so many 'doubles', I'm happy that they got the right man.. Saddam Executed? <----- Sure thing.... Look for the Media whores to give this so called 'Story' a good ride for days if not weeks. So tell me this: What other 'Dictator' has killed 1000's of Iraqis? Wanna guess? I'm hearing about the kurds beong gassed and how Saddam was a ruthless killer. What I won't hear on that MSM is that Saddam was INSTALLED by our own government. When he refused to play ball in 91'? Well the rest his history. You sheeple amaze me to no end.



Our web site that is to a new server, one that supports PHP 5.0. The move should go smoothly, and when it's done I think were going to dump the forums in favor of one that can combat spammers, something with word verification. Cheers.


Mortuary of Sins

My Son (who turned sixteen yesterday) playing a short riff on his guitar last summer.. I am impressed with him and his band although I can only stomach the lyrics from Kyle for so long. Cheers.


On A Lighter Note..

Being that I am the only one who seems to post to this blog while pissing off certain stuffy ass people (See Below Blog Post), I figured I'd show you all that I do have a lighter side so to speak.


Christmas 2006 - America Wasted

There, are you happy Jeremy? I still hold true to my convictions. Iraq is a cluster****, and you and I both know it. So why oh why would someone send more fuel to the fire? As long as it isn't your kid 'over there', your all for it. Right buddy? This crap has been going on since world war one. Total control. Go read the Philly Aggregator for the original post that I 'Misspelled'. Then call your local ACLU branch and complain that I am treading on your rights. Update: This YouTube video is one of many that have populated the net that have convinced me that this counry has been hi jacked by whom again? If you don't like it, then your a TRAITOR. Sound familiar? You just don't get it do you Jeremy. Do you? BTW, here's my answer to what you e mailed me about. Merry Christmas Jeremy..

Let's Say Thanks

Sheila, a good friend of mine sent me this e mail: "Something cool that Xerox is doing If you go to this web site, www.LetsSayThanks.com you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving in Iraq . You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go to some member of the armed services. How AMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one!!! This is a great site. Please send a card. It is FREE and it only takes a second. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the soldiers received a bunch of these?" Whether you are for or against the war, our guys and gals over there need to know we are behind them..." I thought it a great idea to pass it along to the readers of this blog. Cheers.


Happy Birthday Dad

Well it's yet another year that the family would be celebrating our Dad, Pete Ward's birthday. A fine gentleman and a man who would give you the shirt off of his back, A veteran of both WW2 and Korea. A fine musician of traditional Irish music. But he was taken away ten years ago this July. So with that, I wish you Dad a Happy Birthday, from all of us. You are missed and loved forever. Merry Christmas. Cheers Dad.


Waiting For The Eagles Game

I hate it that they have to wait until 4:15 to play. So in the meantime, being the bored on Sunday self that I am, I scrounged around the net and came up with this: Does anyone actually use Geico for their car insurance?


When We Were Teens

This post is so true that I just had to share it with all of you. Read on.. Scenario: Jack pulls into school parking lot with rifle in gun rack. 1973 - Vice Principal comes over, takes a look at Jack's rifle, goes to his car and gets his to show Jack. 2006 - School goes into lockdown, FBI called, Jack hauled off to jail and never sees his truck or gun again. Counselors called in for traumatized students and teachers. Scenario: Johnny and Mark get into a fist fight after school. 1973 - Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up best friends. Nobody goes to jail, nobody arrested, nobody expelled. 2006 - Police called, SWAT team arrives, arrests Johnny and Mark. Charge them with assault, both expelled even though Johnny started it. Scenario: Jeffrey won't be still in class, disrupts other students. 1973 - Jeffrey sent to office and given a paddling by Principal. Sits still in class. 2006 - Jeffrey given huge doses of Ritalin. Becomes a zombie. School gets extra money from state because Jeffrey has a disability. Scenario: Billy breaks a window in his father's car and his Dad gives him a whipping. 1973 - Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college, and becomes a successful businessman. 2006 - Billy's Dad is arrested for child abuse. Billy removed to foster care and joins a gang. Billy's sister is told by state psychologist that she remembers being abused herself and their Dad goes to prison. Billy's mom has affair with psychologist. Scenario: Mark gets a headache and takes some headache medicine to school. 1973 - Mark shares headache medicine with Principal out on the smoking dock. 2006 - Police called, Mark expelled from school for drug violations. Car searched for drugs and weapons. Scenario: Mary turns up pregnant. 1973 - 5 High School Boys leave town. Mary does her senior year at a special school for expectant mothers. 2006 - Middle School Counselor calls Planned Parenthood, who notifies the ACLU. Mary is driven to the next state over and gets an abortion without her parent's consent or knowledge. Mary given condoms and told to be more careful next time. Scenario: Pedro fails high school English. 1973: Pedro goes to summer school, passes English, goes to college. 2006: Pedro's cause is taken up by state democratic party. Newspaper articles appear nationally explaining that teaching English as a requirement for graduation is racist. ACLU files class action lawsuit against state school system and Pedro's English teacher. English banned from core curriculum. Pedro given diploma anyway but ends up mowing lawns for a living because he can't speak English. Scenario: Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers from the 4th of July, puts them in a model airplane paint bottle, blows up a red ant bed. 1973 - Ants die. 2006 - BATF, Homeland Security, FBI called. Johnny charged with domestic terrorism, FBI investigates parents, siblings removed from home, computers confiscated, Johnny's Dad goes on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly again. Scenario: Johnny falls while running during recess and scrapes his knee. He is found crying by his teacher, Mary. Mary, hugs him to comfort him. 1973 - In a short time Johnny feels better and goes on playing. 2006 - Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. She faces 3 years in State Prison.


Get It Right MSM!

Today some kid killed himself in his High School in Springfield, Pennsylvania. Horrible thing, especially around Christmas. My heart goes out to his family and friends. My problem is with the local media. When this story broke on KYW this morning, I thought hell, Springfield High School, as in Delaware County? Even tonight, right now on Channel Six, they are saying: Springfield Township, Pennsylvania in their report. Imagine parents of children in our "Springfield High School" hearing what I did this morning on the radio? GET IT RIGHT MEDIA! If you broadcast into Delaware County, as well as "Montgomery County" (Where the tragedy happened) you should say what county you’re reporting about!

Happy Holidays Bill O' Reilly!

Yes Bill, I think of you a lot. I think about you and your smug self as you sit on your throne at Fox Broadcasting spewing your Joseph Goebbels like bullshit. I searched the Blogosphere from an enlightenment via Above Average Jane (More on that later), and found this at Robert Greenwald's Blog. A tribute to Bill and the rest of the New Neo-Nazi Spinmeisters that have backed themselves into a corner, supposedly defending freedoms in the U.S. but in reality serving the Oligarchs and collecting a fat paycheck to boot. Cheers.


Killing Christmas

Last night I had the displeasure? of chatting with a woman from Ridley at Thomas' Cafe. She said she was Catholic, and soon our conversation turned to the sex abuse scandal that plagues the Catholic Church. She admitted that it bothered her that no mention of this ever comes up at Mass. I then asked her what she thought of the meaning of the word "Christmas". I saw by the look in her eyes and the way she half smiled what was to come next. She explained to me that when she was a kid (judging from her looks that wasn't that long ago), she believed in Santa Clause and did all the things that her Mom had told her to do on Christmas Eve, like leaving some milk and cookies for Santa. As she got older, she found out (like we all did) that Santa Claus is a crock of baloney. She further stated that she didn't believe in Jesus being born in a manger, etc, etc. I asked her what demon invaded her soul. Before she replied, I answered her question. The reason you don't believe in Christmas is because the mass media has censored it for decades, instead shoving Santa Claus, Presents, Xmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa down our throats while making it "Politically Incorrect" to mention even the word Christmas in most references to the holiday. Anyone reading this knows I am telling the truth. Of course she said I was wrong in my assumptions, and walked to the other side of the bar. To me "Christmas" is celebrating the birth of Jesus. It's about giving, as he gave to us. The fact that other religious groups do not acknowledge this should not allow them to be able to try to ban or change Christmas. But they are doing just this. Just pick up your local newspaper, watch your favourite TV show, even go to a local Wawa where instead of "Merry Christmas" you'll get "Happy Holidays" as you finish paying for your coffee. The list is endless. As I was ready to leave with my wife, I walked over to the young woman, who was chatting it up with her three girlfriends. I had two words to say to her. Merry Christmas.


Danny Faulkner -25 Years Without Justice While Mumia Stays Cozy

Justice For Danny Faulkner
It's a cold day here in the Philly burbs, and as I sit here I am reminded of what happened 25 years ago today. Wesley Cook, a.k.a. Mumia Abu Jamal Murdered Officer Daniel Faulkner in cold blood. I will not give Mumia or his supporters the time of day; suffice to say that it would be a disservice to the Faulkner family. I knew Danny's brother Kenny, and talked with him at length about his brother’s murder. Kenny passed away without seeing justice served as in Mumia being executed.

Some may respond to this post as being racist. The only thing racist here is that certain groups labeled the trial that a long time ago and continue to support a murderer. PERIOD.

FACT: Wesley Cook (a.k.a. Mumia Abu Jamal) shot Officer Daniel Faulkner, killing him.
FACT: Wesley Cook (a.k.a. Mumia Abu Jamal) was CONVICTED of this murder.
FACT: Wesley Cook (a.k.a. Mumia Abu Jamal) will die someday, and he will be judged by God and sentenced to rot in hell for the rest of eternity.

R.I.P. Danny and Kenny.

Delaware County Singles

About 2 years ago I started a Singles Group on Yahoo called "Delco Singles". I started it after a frined of mine told me that She was tired of the bar scene and fed up with men there buying her drinks and expecting something in return. She also tried match.com and yahoo personals, to no avail. Lately the group has been seeing some action, but I guess people are gun shy or something. Anyway, if you are single and interested in joining, the link to the Delaware County Singles Group is right here - Delco Singles Cheers. Date.com

Hacking The Scammers

Most of those who come accross this blog have received e mails from Nigerian spam artist. I opened this one up this morning: DEAR ONE, PLEASE DO NOT BE EMBARASED,I AM SEEKING FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE TO HELP ME CLEAR ONE TRUNK BOX CONTENT $10.5M US DOLLARS WHICH MY LATE FATHER DEPOSIT IN A SECURITY COMPANY HERE IN ABIDJAN COTE D IVOIRE. YOU WILL COME DOWN TO ABIDJAN. AND I WILL TAKE YOU TO THE SECURITY COMPANY WHERE MY LATE FATHER DEPOSIT THE BOX. AND YOU WILL SIGN SOME DUCUMENTS THEN THEY WILL RELEASE THE BOX TO YOU. PLEASE IT IS MORE THAN URGENT,I PROPOSE 15% OF THE TOTAL MONEY AS YOUR SHARE FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE WHILE 5% FOR ANY EXPENCES YOU WILL INCURE TO SEE THIS TRANSACTION THROUGH. I WISH TO TELL YOU THAT I AM FINDING LIFE VERY DIFFICULT SINCE I LOST MY FATHER. I WILL DETAIL YOU MORE AS SOON AS I HEAR FROM YOU. PLEASE REPLY ME IMMEDIATELY FOR MORE DETAILS. THANKS AND GOD BLESS. CHRISTINA UMEH. Did anyone watch 20/20 last night? I had to laugh when watching the woman from down south who sent them her bank account numbers. People who deal with these scammers are all too often just greedy. No one, and I mean NO ONE, gives out millions to forigners for free. (Well maybe our own government). Anyway, below is some of the header information from the above e mail sent to my Yahoo e mail account. (I get a lot). X-Apparently-To: frannyward@yahoo.com via; Sat, 09 Dec 2006 02:00:16 -0800 X-Originating-IP: [] Return-Path: (c_umeh586ci@yahoo.com) Received: from [] by web58502.mail.re3.yahoo.com via HTTP; Sat, 09 Dec 2006 02:00:12 PST The only thing that I am interested in is the "Received" field. The ip address that is shown in red is where the message was composed. So I open up "Sam Spade" and punch in the address. This is what I get: 12/09/06 10:24:20 IP block Trying at ARIN Trying 196.201.89 at ARIN African Network Information Center NET196 (NET-196-0-0-0-0) - RIPE Network Coordination Centre RIPE-ERX-196-200-0-0 (NET-196-200-0-0-1) - # ARIN WHOIS database, last updated 2006-12-08 19:10 # Enter ? for additional hints on searching ARIN's WHOIS database. Curious, I then type in my browser I get a login page that is in french saying this: "Veuillez vous authentifier pour entrer dans la configuration du Evo-WR54ADSL". I don't read french so I copy it and paste it into Google's Language Tools. Volia! "Please authenticate itself to enter the configuration of Evo-WR54ADSL". Enough of a translation for me.. It's a DSL router, complete and out in the open with a username and password dialog box, just waiting to be hacked.. Cheers.


The Bombing of Pearl Harbor

Things I find on the net sometimes can overwhelm me. Read on. On 7 December 1941 the greatest disaster in United States history occurred. Truly this was and is, “’A date which will live in infamy.’”(Costello 1), but not for the bombing of Pearl Harbor, rather for the deception and the mis-guidance used by the Government and Franklin D. Roosevelt. In a purely artificial chess game Roosevelt sacrificed over 2400 American Seamen’s lives, thanks to his power as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. By over-looking the obvious facts of an attack by Japan on Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt was able to control both the political and economic systems of the United States. Most of American society before the Pearl Harbor bombing believed in the idea of isolationism. Franklin D. Roosevelt knew this, and knew the only way in which United States countrymen would take arms and fight in Europe’s War was to be an overt action against the United States by a member of the Axis Power. Roosevelt also believed Hitler would not declare war on the United States unless he knew they were beatable. There are numerous accounts of actions by Roosevelt and his top armed forces advisors, which reveal they were not only aware of an attack by Japan, but also they were planning on it, and instigating that attack. On 7 October 1940, Lieutenant Commander Arthur H. McCollum, head of the Far East desk of the Office of Naval Intelligence, wrote the eight-action memo. This memo outlined eight different steps the United States could do that he predicted would lead to an attack by Japan on the United States. The day after this memo was giving to Franklin D. Roosevelt, he began to implement these steps. By the time that Japan finally attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941, all eight steps had occurred (Willy 1). The eight steps consisted of two main subject areas; the first being a sign of United States military preparedness and threat of attack, the second being a forceful control on Japans trade and economy. The main subject area of the eight-action memo was the sign of United States military preparedness and threat of attack. McCollum called for the United States to make arrangements with both Britain (Action A) and Holland (Action B), for the use of military facilities and acquisition of supplies in both Singapore and Indonesia. He also suggested for the deployment of a division of long-range heavy cruisers (Action D) and two divisions of submarines (Action E) to the Orient. The last key factor McCollum called for was to keep the United States Fleet in the vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands (Action F). Roosevelt personally took charge of Action’s D and E; these actions were called “pop up” cruises. Roosevelt had this to say about the cruises, “’I just want them to keep popping up here and there and keep the Japs guessing (Stinnett 9).’” With the fleet located around Hawaii and particularly in Pearl Harbor a double-sided sword was created; it allowed for quicker deployment times into South Pacific Water, but more importantly it lacked many fundamental military needs, and was vulnerable due to its geographic location. To understand the true vulnerability of Pearl Harbor one must look at Oahu, the Hawaiian Island that the military base is located. The North part of the island is all mountains, these mountains hinder the vision of military look out points, making an attack from the North virtually a surprise until the sound of fighter planes are over head. There were many key military needs that were missing from Pearl Harbor, and they were; a lack of training facilities, lack of large-scale ammunition and fuel supplies, lack of support craft such as tugs and repair ships, and a lack of overhaul facilities such as dry-docking and machine shops. Commander in Chief, United States Fleet - Admiral James O. Richardson, was outraged when he was told by President Roosevelt of his plans on keeping the fleet in Hawaiian Waters. Richardson knew of the problems and vulnerability of Pearl Harbor, the safety of his men and warships was paramount. In a luncheon with Roosevelt, Richardson confronted the President, and by doing so ended his military career. Four months later Richardson was removed as commander-in-chief, and replaced by Rear Admiral Husband Kimmel (Stinnett 11). Kimmel by many top Naval personal was looked down upon on, for taking orders from Roosevelt and not considering the immediate dangers he was putting the fleet in. The second part of McCollum’s eight-action memo was a forceful control on Japans trade and economy. He insisted that the Dutch refuse to grant Japanese demands for oil (Action G), and a complete embargo of all trade with Japan (Action H), by the United States. This embargo closely represented a similar embargo that was being imposed by the British Empire. McCollum also knew that if Japan controlled the Pacific, it would put a strain on America’s resources for copper, rubber, tin, and other valuable goods. These imports from the Pacific were all essential to America’s Economy, and to protect these trading routes McCollum insisted for all possible aid to be given to the Chinese government of Chiang Kai-shek (Action C). Japan had some control over China due to a military operation, which took over part of the country. Thanks to the control, Japan took and used many raw goods from China that were not in abundance in their own homeland. The government of Chiang Kai-shek was completely against Japan, and with economic support from the United States, they were able to deny certain possessions from Japan. The United States Government and United States Navy by withholding important information about the bombing of Pearl Harbor have done everything they can do to protect the integrity of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the government. True nationalist believe this information is withheld from the general public in order to protect national security, and not to hide a conspiracy that was created by the United States Government some fifty years ago. This school of thought asks people and wants them to think, “How in the world could the President of the United States sacrifice over 2400 American seamen’s life’s, horrific amounts of damages to the Fleet, and tremendous amounts of destruction to Army fighter planes?” This group also asks, “In the past fifty years why has there not be one single piece of hard evidence which links Roosevelt to Pearl Harbor, or why has there not been one person who had top security clearance to come out and say something about Roosevelt and his involvement with the bombing?” On 5 December 1941 at a Cabinet meeting, Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox said, “Well, you know Mr. President, we know where the Japanese fleet is?” “Yes, I know, …Well, you tell them what it is Frank,” said Roosevelt (Toland 294). Knox became extremely excited with the ok from Roosevelt, and he went to tell the group of where the Japanese were and where they were headed. Just as Knox was about to speak Roosevelt interrupted saying, “ We haven’t got anything like perfect information as to their apparent destination (Toland 294).” All Navy reports showed the Japanese were in Pacific Water, and were in a direction towards Hawaii and Pearl Harbor. Roosevelt knew this information, but one must wonder why in the world would he not want to tell his cabinet this information, unless he wanted to hide something? On 6 December 1941 at a White House dinner Roosevelt was given the first thirteen parts of a fifteen part decoded Japanese diplomatic declaration of war and said, “This means War (Toland 318).” Later that night, Roosevelt along with top advisor Harry Hopkins, Henry Stimson, George Marshall, Secretary of the Navy Knox, with aides John McCrea and Frank Beatty deliberately sat through the night waiting for the Japanese to strike Pear Harbor (Toland 320). Not until the morning of 7 December 1941 at 7:55 Hawaii Time did Japan deliberately and forcefully attack the United States at Pearl Harbor, finally ending disillusioned isolationist ideas of an only European War. United States countrymen immediately ran to recruiting offices after the news of the attack, to join the armed forces and fight against the Japanese and Hitler. Beyond a doubt Pearl Harbor was President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s back door into the European War. Roosevelt’s decisions and actions were very much so, deliberate and calculated, in order to lead a victorious Allied Powers in World War II. By provoking the Japanese and the foreknowledge of an attack on Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt along with his top advisors and the Federal Government are truly to blame for the lost of American life’s and American property. 7 December 1941 shall be a day in American history, which will be remembered as “a day of deceit.” Works Cited Costello, John. Days of Infamy. New York: Pocket Books, 1994. Stinnett, Robert B. Day of Deceit. New York: The Free Press, 2000. Toland, John. Infamy. New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc, 1982. Willey, Mark. “Pearl Harbor Mother of all Conspiracies.” 13 Mar. 2001. www.geocities.com/Pentagon/6315/pearl.html. Works Consulted Larrabee, Eric. Commander in Chief. New York: Harper & Row, 1987. Prange, Gordon W. December 7, 1941 The Day the Japanese Attacked Pearl Harbor. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1988. The Roosevelt Years to United States Enters World War II. Videocassette. By Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. Flimic Achieves, 1995. 75 mins. Thompson, Robert S. A Time For War. New York: Prentice Hall Press, 1991. http://www.essays.cc/free_essays/d3/bsw283.shtml Why did Roosevelt want to enter into World War II? Was it to defeat the tyranny of Hitler? Stalin, who was our partner during the war, was even more vicious and tyrannical than Hitler. Was it to stop the aggression of the Japanese? Before the war, this country did everything it could to give Japan no choice and goad them into waging war. Roosevelt was a 33rd degree mason. That is the highest level one can attain in the satanic Masonic order. One of objectives of the lucifer worshipping Masonic order is to establish a one world government. After World War I these people tried, and failed, to start a one world government organization, The League of Nations. Realizing they would need another world war to finally create such an organization, they manipulated world events, started and won World War II, and created the United Nations, the tool for the final phase of one world government.


Taking Away Our Guns?

I just was reading an article in the Delaware County Sunday Times where Mike Chitwood had a sobriety checkpoint set up on the border between West Philly and Millbourne. He had over 30 officers from various locales, as far away as Brookhaven. Mr. Chitwood is quoted as saying: " One guy had two guns, a .45 and 9 mm." "He was ready for war. We're keeping the guns even though he has a permit to carry". My question is: What right does Chief Chitwood have in doing this? The guy had a permit, yet they "Confiscated" his firearms. Is the "right to bear arms" null and void in Upper Darby?


Delaware County Real Estate - Time To Sell?

I was wondering just what it would take to have my web site listed in the Delaware County Real Estate journal. Currently I provide a link to one Real Estate agency. There is a housing bubble that is about to burst according to the experts. So what does this mean? Will it be like is was in 1994 when I offered a man 98K for a Westbrook row with a big back yard, only to be refused and 14 months later he sold it for 78K? In a sense I want the housing bubble to burst. It will mean lots of homes here in Delco for cheap. Only problem is having the capital to buy them. I want to own my own home. Not spend a grand a month to rent one while maintaining it to boot. In other news, the Eagles are playing tonight. 20 bucks says they get thier butts kicked. Any takers? I thought so...

They Call Me Agent Fran

Well not really. But I just took the CIA's new online test. According to the results I am a "Thoughtful Observer". Some myths about the CIA are posted below. At the CIA, the challenges of today’s fast-paced global changes present opportunities for exceptional careers. Our intelligence mission is the work of the nation — and our success depends on a network of professionals around the world. Myth 1-You’ll Never See Your Family and Friends Again. The work we do may be secret, but that doesn’t mean your life will be. Because the variety of CIA careers is similar to that of any major corporation. So… your friends and family will still be part of your life. Myth 2-Everyone Drives a Sports Car with Machine Guns in the Tailpipes. Car chases through the alleyways of a foreign city are common on TV, but they’re not what a CIA career is about. And, they don’t compare with the reality of being part of worldwide intelligence operations supporting a global mission. Myth 3-You Have to be Superhuman in Every Way. You don’t have to know karate or look good in a tuxedo to work at the CIA. But you must possess a deep intellect, the ability to make good decisions and a dedication to serving America through the collection of intelligence. Myth 4-A Glamorous Lifestyle Awaits You. Working at the CIA doesn’t mean you’ll be jet-setting around the globe, attending parties with billionaires and showing off your Tango skills. In reality, we depend on administrative managers and staff for our operational success, at home and abroad. Myth 5-Hardly Anyone Ever Makes it Through the Background Check. Because of our national security role, CIA applicants must meet specific qualifications — but, don’t worry. Getting caught smoking in high school isn’t enough to disqualify you. Your intellect, skills, experience and desire to serve the nation are most important to us. Take the test and post your results below. Cheers.


Toying With The Blog

As you may see, I have been messing with the template for this blog. I wish Blogger would have a better variety of templates, something more like Word Press has. On a sidenote I also would also like to let you all know that Fez is doing good, although he has to get used to not getting turkey on Thanksgiving. Cheers.


Have A Happy Thanksgiving

And remember those overseas who are not able to share this day with thier families. I am thankful that I have my family, my friends, and even our dog FEZ here today. Others are far less fortunate. Cheers. P.S. Stay off the booze if your on the road. It ain't worth it.


Andre Waters

From my Father on the passing of Andre Waters: "I worked on the sidelines at the Vet during Eagles home games when Andre Waters played for the Birds. The sound of Andre hitting someone is etched in my mind. This self-made man, undrafted from Cheyney State in Delco, was a ferocious player. That was on the field. Off the field he was ferociously human. He never big-timed anyone, he was just another guy with a different job, just Andre. I would bring my oldest son to the games with me, 12 years old at the time, he sat in the 700 level with Andre's people. I once snuck him into the lockeroom with me after a game, he was in awe. Rightfully told to leave when security discovered him there, one of the players stepped in and said the kid was with him. Security let him stay and he hung out with his heroes. The player was number 20, Andre. Rest In Peace Andre, rest."


Is The EAGLES Season Over?

I do not nessasallary think so. It was not Donovan McNabb who gave up 31 points to the lowly Tennessee Titans. The one thing though that got my goat was his interception in the end zone. L.J. Smith was wipe open. Did McNabb see him? Dosen't matter at this point. Donovan is out for the season. Garcia aand Feeley will not be able to do the job with a defense playing so bad. 1 and 4 in the last 5 games puts them at the 500 level. With the Colts giving up thier first loss to Dallas yesterday, be sure to watch them annhilate the Eagles next Sunday. The rest of our games? Why it's Carolina, Washington, Giants, Dallas, and finally Atlanta. Five teams that could easily run against the Eagles defense. My prediction? It's going to be a long shot to make the playoffs, and Philly deserves better.


Our Dog Fez - Condemned To Die?

 Just look at my baby... Back in August of this year our son Eric went to the Delaware County SPCA to buy a Dog for his brother Nicky for his birthday. He is a Chiwawa male about 3 to 4 years old I was told. He was found on the street in Ridley. At first when we got him home he was both scared and angry, as anyone would be in a new environment. Soon he seemed to accept our home and warm up to my wife Liz and our son Nick as well as our other son Fran. Myself on the other hand proved to be a challenge. Fez (His new name), watched me like a hawk and barked and actually nipped at my boots. This went on for several days until finally I squared off against him, Man to Dog. What did I do? I fed him and took him on an extended walk around our neighborhood. It worked. It's funny how one becomes so attached to an animal, but I did. He would greet me at the back door, and jump up and beg for some loving, (Or food, as dogs do.) Fez is now at the Veterinary Hospital, Four Paws on Springfield Rd in Springfield, PA. He was brought there by my Wife and I after being lethargic and not being able to take a you know what. Seems that after 300.00 I was told that he has a bladder stone or something and needs an operation. This operation will cost $900.00 to $1,200.00 dollars. I thought about it and tried to convince myself that he would be better off dead. But just looking at his picture on my cell phone and the fact that I indeed love this dog convinced me that he worth any amount of money within reason to live his life happy, healthy, and most of all PAIN FREE. Four or (IV) Paws is located at: 19 E Springfield Rd Springfield, PA 19064 Telco number is (610) 543-4350 Several of my friends say I am nuts to shell out that kind of money. I say that life is short, and the greedy get theirs in the end. P.S. Cheers. P.S. To you know who.. I know there is healthcare for pets. I lost our healthcare for my own children, (Make too much for CHIP ring a bell?) So how can I justify paying premiums for a dog? Tell you what. YOU pay for my kids and I'll pay for FEZ... DEAL? Shop for Dog products


Blackthorn's Bahama Bash 2006

I missed it as usual. Serves me right for not being on top of the local music scene. While I pick up trashcans that blew all over the alley they enjoy the Sun and fun. Have Fun Johnny, your losing your hair lol.. (Like me) Cheers.


Jackass & Company - The Fear Factor

I just got done watching this morons show on Fox 29. Its 2:00 A.M., and I was flipping channels. In a nutshell, he and his wacky blonde wife who calls herself "Rexella" talk about Armageddon incessently, build up Israel as the center of the world, and slam anyone who is not "saved." As I watched these two blather about 911, Israel, and the fact that I'm going straight to hell because I'm unclean made me just want to buy up all of their tapes, books, and posters! Seriously, what kind of utter morons actually believe this crap? Did Monsanto genetically alter their minds via the food chain over the last 20 years? Gee, I won't sleep well tonight because the rapture is coming and I am not ready so I have to spend lots of MONEY that I do not have to ensure that I will be saved... Good Night.


Delco Election Results - My Predictions

Update: If your here looking for the November 2008 Delaware County Election Results, Please CLICK HERE. I have had several E mails asking me about this page. Well it's a few years old. Cheers. Original Post: I have had it with the negative ads that both parties have ran as of late. For what it's worth, here is who I believe will win where I live in Delaware County, Clifton Heights. My Congressman Joe Sestak Joe Sestak will easily defeat incumbant Curt Weldon. Why? Because myself and other Republicans are fed up with gerrymandering, cronyism and the "Chimp in Charge" who doesn't care about who dies in Iraq, as long as it's not his own. Besides, Curt maybe headed to prison, according to a local website. My State Senator Ted Erickson - District 26 Ted Erickson will hold on to his job in my book, mainly because he is below the radar screen when it comes to scandals and seems to me to be a decent man. My State Representative Nick Micozzie - District 7 Nick Micozzie has a proven track record when it comes to his constituants. He has listened to us, and responded to us. THAT makes him my choice. Feel free to respond to who you think will win on tuesday where you live.

P.S. Congrats to the Lower Chichester JV Eagles last night on your win against our Clifton Rams, only the bad call to kick the ball to your # 22 allowed you to win .

Here's a poem I found while Googleing "Delaware County Youth Football".

Please don’t curse that player down there, He is my son you see. To you he’s Just a player to watch, But, He means the world to me. I did not raise my son dear fan, For you to call him names, He may not be a superstar, But, He doesn't need your blame. This game belongs to them you see, You’re really just a guest, They do not need a fan like you, They need the very best. If you have nothing nice to say, Please leave them all alone. And If you have no manners, Why don’t you stay at home? So please, don’t curse those boys down there, Each one’s his parent’s son. And win or lose or tie, you see, To Us, they’re all Number ONE!!!!! Cheers.


Thanks All

I thank this blog, contributors, and commenters. It's a great resource for everyone who Lives In Delaware County.


More Delco Shenanigans

More Delco Shenanigans - Justice Delayed is Justice Denied by rzklkng on October 19, 2006 - 4:59pm So, here's the cliff notes - allegedly, a Darby Township employee, during the workday, was observed by a campaign worker for the Casey Roncaglione campaign for state representative stealing legally placed signs from the lawns of township residents. After a police investigation, the District Attorney, Jackson M. Stewart, Jr., and a three-week period to examine the charges (which naturally would be after the election, conveniently enough). Furthermore, the police refuse to release the police report. I present to you below, the original post from Casey's blog about the incident, an email I received from the campaign worker who observed the questioned removal of signs, the planned actions in response regarding the release of the report, and the final concession by the Casey campaign that they will not receive timely justice on this attempt at electoral malfeasance. Casey's Original Post: Via I Live in Delaware County: Stolen Campaign Lawnsigns10-11-06Upper Darby TownshipCasey R. RoncaglioneDemocratic Candidate 164th District After a high speed chase through the streets of Upper Darby, going down one way streets and almost hitting pedestrians, a city License and Inspection official was stopped by over 10 Upper Darby Police. The Township official was attempting to avoid being caught by one of my campaign workers who spotted the official stealing my campaign lawn signs. In his trunk were found my political lawn signs, illegally taken from legal Township locations. The signs were taken from private property, whose owners had given permission to me to post the signs. Lawnsigns were also stolen from Roncaglione's home as well as his neighbors and supporters. The candidate, Casey R. Roncaglione, Democratic candidate in Upper Darby Township, called the actions typical dirty tricks. "I doubt my opponent Mario Civera (R-164) had anything to do with it, but I don't know that for sure," said Roncaglione. "It's not the end of the world but it is pretty cheap politics, Mr. Civera has over $190,000 in campaign funds, I have a little over $4,000. He could buy 50,000 signs and not even feel it, I have to watch every penny, so a sign is an important expense to me." Upper Darby Police are filing a report and superintendent Chitwood promised there would be an investigation possibly leading to charges. Upper Darby Township, a Republican stronghold has never been too acceptable of competition. Mr. Roncaglione is different though, actually friendly and respective of Mr. Civera. "Roncaglione spoke to Mr. Civera earlier on the day of the incident to complain that his signs were being taken down. Mr. Civera told Mr. Roncaglione that he doesn't do that and the two parted amicably. Soon after the episode occurred. Mr. Roncaglione who has pledged a clean campaign hopes this puts an end to the dirty tricks and that the voters get an honest and fair chance to learn the issues to vote for whom they feel can best represent them. This is the email from the campaign worker who observed the theft (unedited): This is the report made to Lt. Rhoades, who is handling the case under orders from Superintendent Micheal ChitwoodREPORT TO UPPER DARBY TOWNSHIP POLICEOur signs had been being stolen for about four days, so I staked out the location at State and Lansdowne over those days for 20 or so hours to catch the thief. This was on Monday or Tuesday, I forget right now. Finally I saw a man driving a red Lexus pull up take down Casey's sign and put it in his trunk. If the sign was placed illegally why not just tell me and that would be the end of it. Instead he ran away hoping to avoid me and get caught, Obviously he knew he was wrong and was trying to get away with it. After a high speed chase through the streets of Upper Darby, going down one way streets at speeds of up to 70mph and almost hitting pedestrians and parked and moving vehicles , a city License and Inspection official who was the sign stealer was stopped by over 10 Upper Darby Police at a roadblock near City Hall at Market and Sansom street in Upper Darby. The chase lasted at least 20 minutes and is recorded on 911 as our campaign worker was on 911 as the episode was happening. The Township official who was attempting to avoid being caught by a Casey Roncaglione campaign worker who spotted the official stealing the campaign lawn signs was driving a 2006 Red Lexus. When UDPD stopped the man, in his trunk were found Casey's political lawn signs illegally taken from legal Township locations. The signs were taken from private property, whose owners had given permission to the candidate to post the signs. Lawnsigns were also stolen from Roncaglione's home as well as his neighbors and supporters. To this date we know of 26 missing signs. I have no proof who took them but I have a good idea. The total signs stolen have been estimated at a cost of almost $5 each. The candidate, Casey R. Roncaglione, Democratic candidate in Upper Darby Township, called the actions typical dirty tricks. "I doubt my opponent Mario Civera (R-164) had anything to do with it, but I don't know for sure," said Roncaglione. Mr. Civera has over $190,000 in campaign funds, I have a little over $4,000. He could buy 50,000 signs and not even feel it, I have to watch every penny, so a sign is an important expense to me." Mr. Roncaglione is actually friendly and respective of Mr. Civera. Roncaglione spoke to Mr. Civera earlier on the day of the incident to complain that his signs were being taken down. Mr. Civera told Mr. Roncaglione that he doesn't do that and the two parted amicably. Soon after the meeting the episode and chase occurred. Mr. Roncaglione who has pledged a clean campaign hopes the voters get an honest and fair chance to learn the issues to vote for whom they feel can best represent them. Although it was originally communicated to me that the report would be released on Monday, it appears that some combination of the police, the District Attorney, or the Township have decided to wait a little while, like after the election. The following comment was posted here: Rather than take time away from a hectic campaign that is becoming closer than anyone though it could, Casey Roncaglione said today he would let the justice system take it's course.Lt. George Rhoades reported to the Casey Roncaglione Committee that his investigation into the lawn sign incident was completed today. Lt. Rhoades delivered the criminal report to Assistant District Attorney Jackson M. Stewart Jr. (610-891-4240) at the D A's office in Media. Mr. Stewart reported that his investigation will begin today and be concluded within 3 weeks. At that time he will release his decision and if deemed press any charges. Pure coincidence, I'm sure. Justice delayed is justice denied. For his part Casey Roncaglione will go on with his campaign. Knocking on doors, meeting the voters and concentrating on election day rather than political Township workers. Email this * Add to del.icio.us * Add to Yahoo MyWeb2 * Seed This * Technorati: Links To This Item * Related from Sphere October 19, 2006 - 4:59pm from rzklkng add a new comment filed in Politics Delaware County

Roncaglione vs. Civera heats up

Unique Race for House Seat in Suburbs by KYW's David Madden You’ve heard a lot about the hot races in the Philadelphia suburbs, particularly for Congress. But one interesting contest just under a lot of political radar screens pits a college student against a longtime state House veteran up for re-election. Mario Civera has represented Upper Darby as a state representative for 5 years longer than Casey Roncaglione has been alive. A 21-year-old Temple student, he takes exception to being called a novice but seems to embrace it at the same time.: “Inexperience is going to be helpful here. Experience has brought us nothing but trouble.” Besides, the democrat says, his business studies will help bring jobs to the district. Civera says Roncaglione made his intentions known some time ago. “I’d figured that this was going to happen because he had grabbed on to an issue and he’d just kept running with that issue.” That issue? The now cancelled legislative pay raise which Civera insists he’s paid back every penny. Roncaglione’s bottom line? It’s time for a change.


How To Vote In Delaware County

I uploaded this a a "Public Service" announcement to give you a heads up on how these new "voting machines" work. The Danaher ELECTronic 1242 is what Delaware County decided on as our new voting machine, after George Bush passed his HAVA Act. This machine has no paper trail and has caused quite an uproar in the last SELECTION I mean election. Anyway, good luck to you voters, espicially the older ones like my 82 year old Mother. I should go down to Stonehurst and do my own HAVA in her behalf. Cheers and enjoy watching Condi show you how to vote...


Protest/Press Conference Tuesday at Upper Darby High School

A Protest/Press Conference will be held at UDHS on Tuesday, October 24th at 2:30 pm. We will meet at the big sign in front of the Auditorium on Lansdowne Avenue. If we are thrown off school property we will move across the street in front of the cemetary gates on the corner, look for me at the location for any last minute details. The subject of the Protest/Press Conference will be non-Township students attending the school, violence in the school and the costs related to those matters. Home made signs are encouraged. We need as many of you who care, and can be there, to attend. Should last a half-hour. The only way the school board and administrators to listen is to force them to see and hear us, the best way to do that is to be there with us on Tuesday. See you there, Casey Roncaglione 610-804-7373

Is That Paula Brown?

I was checking out the "PA Clean Sweep" web site eariler and went into thier photo gallery. Lo and behold, the woman to the left of the guy at the podium looks like Paula Brown. Agree? Disagree? Do I need glasses? Anyway, the reason I went to the web site is because of an e mail I received eariler (It's about 1:00 AM here in Delco). In it, it reminded me of the 2:00 AM pay increase that many of or representatives gave themselves. As I explained in a previous blog post, I was pissed but if I could vote myself one? Hell, I would. And most of you would too. Admit it! As a self employed electrician I can charge any price I want. Getting paid is a completely different thing. I think that in all jobs, people should be paid on preformance. Look at the sports jocks. Multi Million dollar contracts and poor preformance (Hint to the Flyers?) And.. Take a look at George Bush. He gets paid no matter how bad he يخدع this country up. And he gets perks too! Just remember who did what for you in thier jobs as our State Representatives. Investigate. Call them. and for يخدع sakes don't listen to those stupid political commericials! What a waste of money!


Why the hell hasn't anyone written about Curt yet?

What about Grumpy?
Weldon has charged that the investigation was timed to inflict maximum damage on his re-election campaign. Speaking to reporters after a House Aviation Subcommittee meeting Wednesday afternoon, he said the retired FBI agent, Gregory Auld, confirmed the night before that a Sestak worker "was bragging that three weeks ago they knew this was going to come down." "That, to me, is absolutely outrageous," Weldon said. "If that occurred, it means that someone in the Justice Department was coordinating whatever was happening with a political campaign." Except it didn’t happen, according to Auld, who told an entirely different story. "No, that’s not what happened," he said in a phone interview, when asked about Weldon’s statements. Auld, a retired FBI agent from Drexel Hill, said a man at a local gym - he refers to him as "Grumpy" because he doesn’t know his name - told him Tuesday that another man in a Sestak shirt said three weeks ago that "something big" would happen to Weldon last weekend. Auld then approached the Sestak supporter, who told him, "We kind of sniffed this out." "I said, ‘You guys knew about this?’ and he didn’t say anything," Auld said, adding that it was the other man, "Grumpy," who said he had heard from the Sestak worker that "something big was going to come down on Weldon." "He didn’t say, ‘We knew,’ he just said, ‘We sniffed it out,’" Auld said of his conversation with the latter individual. Sestak spokesman Ryan Rudominer said, "The idea that our campaign has any influence over the FBI or the Republican-led Justice Department is laughable." He said the campaign had no prior knowledge of the investigation.
wow.. The DelCo G.O.P.s very own media lapdog is jumping ship. Something I never thought I'd see..


We interupt coverage of the upcoming election to ask this important question:

Has anyone here ever joined the YWCA of Eastern Delaware County? They're a combination of the Y on Landsdowne Avenue by the Trolley, the one in Secane, and the Ridley HS Pool. I want to join, because I'm not losing weight at the rate at which I would like, and can not afford a huge club fee. Anyway, what are the facilities like at Secane in particular (I probably won't be making it to Landsdowne much, and living in Morton, I can walk to Secane). Is it shady, in disrepair, or anything else that I should consider before putting the money out? What's your experience been like if you're a member? Thank you for your patience through this edition of "Chrissy is a cheap fat ass". We now continue our normal posting against Curt Weldon and Mario Civiera ;)


Dirty Tricks

Stolen Campaign Lawnsigns 10-11-06 Upper Darby Township Casey R. Roncaglione Democratic Candidate 164th District After a high speed chase through the streets of Upper Darby, going down one way streets and almost hitting pedestrians, a city License and Inspection official was stopped by over 10 Upper Darby Police. The Township official was attempting to avoid being caught by one of my campaign workers who spotted the official stealing my campaign lawn signs. In his trunk were found my political lawn signs, illegally taken from legal Township locations. The signs were taken from private property, whose owners had given permission to me to post the signs. Lawnsigns were also stolen from Roncaglione's home as well as his neighbors and supporters. The candidate, Casey R. Roncaglione, Democratic candidate in Upper Darby Township, called the actions typical dirty tricks. "I doubt my opponent Mario Civera (R-164) had anything to do with it, but I don't know that for sure," said Roncaglione. "It's not the end of the world but it is pretty cheap politics, Mr. Civera has over $190,000 in campaign funds, I have a little over $4,000. He could buy 50,000 signs and not even feel it, I have to watch every penny, so a sign is an important expense to me." Upper Darby Police are filing a report and superintendent Chitwood promised there would be an investigation possibly leading to charges.. Upper Darby Township, a Republican stronghold has never been too acceptable of competition. Mr. Roncaglione is different though, actually friendly and respective of Mr. Civera. "Roncaglione spoke to Mr. Civera earlier on the day of the incident to complain that his signs were being taken down. Mr. Civera told Mr. Roncaglione that he doesn't do that and the two parted amicably. Soon after the episode occurred. Mr. Roncaglione who has pledged a clean campaign hopes this puts an end to the dirty tricks and that the voters get an honest and fair chance to learn the issues to vote for whom they feel can best represent them.



BRING MY FRIENDS HOME Mister President bring my friends home. Now. We miss them, their families miss them, our county misses them. They're the best we've got, just think what good they could do right here at home. The Iraq war is my generation's Vietnam. Unpopular and deadly. It is time for our sons and daughters and friends to come home. Some won't be coming home, to their families I offer my sincere sorrow. At least we honor and care for our brothers in arms this time. I know many of my fellow Upper Darby High School classmates serving with honor, doing the best they can in what is now a civil war. I hope they all come home so no more families suffer that ultimate loss. An Iraqi veteran friend of mine, I won't mention his name, is in bad shape. Physical and mental scars are his daily burden. I visit him every one in a while and we talk about the old days, try to have some fun, but in his eyes is a look that only a few who have been in combat will know. I know I'm only a smalltime State Representative candidate with no say in Washington, but I am a citizen of this great country. As an American citizen I ask, Mr. President bring my friends home. Have the biggest parade the country's ever seen for them. Care for their every need. If they want to go to college, pay for it. Treat their wounds, both physical and mental with the best physicians we have, no matter the cost. Make it a priority that every one of them has work when they return. Treat them like the heroes they are, like no other veteran has been cared for, you owe it to them Mr Bush. Casey Roncaglione www.caseyroncaglione.blogspot.com


Crashing the States: Joe Sestak

Crashing the States interviews Joe Sestak Here is a must watch video clip of Joe Sestak being interviewed. In it, he again states the need for our government to take care of business here, where healthcare is non existant, where Americans are being shortchanged in favor of billions of our taxes being spent to corporations who do NOTHING for us, only to line their pockets. VOTE FOR JOE SESTAK IF YOU ARE A TRUE PATRIOT AND TRUE AMERICAN. Cheers...


My Four Main Campaign Positions



Play That Funky Music White Boy

After all the crap going on with Bush getting his way by effectively destroying our rights as Americans with the power to lock up anyone who he or his cronies deem "Terrorists", I thought the above song is right on target. Habeas corpus is dead. I guarantee that Bush will next declare Martial Law, if the Mid Term "Selections" cannot be pulled off. Anyone wanna bet?


Meet the Candidates

Mike Farrell is running for State Senate against Ted Ericson in the 26th District. He's running such a strong race that the State Democrats have targeted his race as winnable! Most of us who read this blog live in his district and I think it's important that we learn more about him and what he stands for: See Mike's Site You will also have a chance to meet with Mike, this Sunday at Barone's Tuscan Grill in Springfield. He will be joined by Larry Healy who is running in the 165th (Springfield, Morton, Marple, and Radnor) for State Rep. This will give you a chance to meet both gentlemen--one on one--and discuss what's important to you in this district. It's important to realize why we need Ericson out of office and why Mike Farrell is the best person for the job! Find more information here.

Illegal students to face theft charge?

I am definitely all for this. If there's any way to get those that don't belong in the UD School system, I say go for it! Illegal students to face theft charge? By Dan Russo, STAFF WRITER09/28/2006 School officials are researching legality of proposal in their ongoing efforts to crack down on non-resident students. UPPER DARBY - A new tactic is being considered in the school district's on-going efforts to crack down on non-resident students. School officials are examining a proposal which would criminally charge students and their "support network" with theft of services if evidence is found that the students do not reside in the district. "We are evaluating the details behind the scenes," said Assistant Superintendent Louis F. DeVlieger. "We are researching the legal aspects of the proposal." Upper Darby Police submitted a document outlining the idea. It states that police would become involved in an investigation of a possible illegal student only if they had already come in contact with the student as a result of another incident. "In other words, if a student is involved in a fight after school and the responding officer suspects he is an illegal student, that officer would forward his incident report to Sgt. [James] Reif," states the proposal. "He would then contact the district, advise them, ascertain the student's information and conduct an investigation ... This can be likened to the same student being involved in a fight and the responding officer finding credit cards in another person's name on the student. The officer and this department would be remiss if they did not follow up and investigate the suspected theft/fraud case." The district already routinely conducts its own investigations of suspected illegal students through its Central Registration Office. Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood stressed that it is not the proposal's intention to interfere with the district's existing system. "What we've done in the past if we had information on suspected illegal students, we'd give that information to the school district," said Chitwood. "With this proposal, we would get more involved. We would seek prosecutions for theft. We're not trying to take their work away. We're hoping to enhance the current efforts." Attendance Services Manager Jack Shingle, who supervises the district's investigations, was among a group of school officials who testified before the Pa. House Republican Policy Committee last April to lobby for stricter laws regarding illegal students state-wide. Officials argued that a significant influx of non-resident students has caused a financial burden on the district and the resident tax payers who fund it. In 2005, the district instituted a re-registration of all students entering ninth grade and their siblings. A seven percent decline in enrollment was reported as a result. A similar initiative was undertaken for the 2006-2007 school year. School Superintendent Joseph Galli reported on this year's enrollment at the latest school board meeting Sept. 12. The total enrollment for all schools in the district as of this month is 12,098. That's an increase of about 60 students over 2005. Galli explained that the official numbers were subject to change since the year had only just begun, but the re-registrations, did cut down on illegal students. "We went from about 12,000 to 12,100," Galli told the school board. "If we had not done this re-registration process, we would be looking at a population of over 13,000." Re-registration isn't the only method officials have tried to deter non-residents from attending schools. Shingle cooperated with School District Special Council Mary Alice Brennan last November to file about 20 civil suites in district and county courts seeking re-imbursement for a total of about $200,000 in costs from parents and guardians of students removed from the district for not being residents. The importance of the non-resident student issue has been magnified in light of a large boost in enrollment in recent years.A school capacity task force has been formed in Upper Darby to find solutions for overcrowding at several district schools. Walter M. Senkow School in Glenolden opened last year in a leased facility to handle over-flow from Bywood Elementary School. Bywood, for example, had 835 students in 2004-2005. About 223 of those students were transferred to Senkow in 2005-2006. Upper Darby officials are not alone in experiencing issues with non-resident students. William Penn School District officials have also openly discussed the problem. The district initiated a residency review program in November 2005. Student attendance was examined for six days. Students who were absent or tardy for four consecutive days were asked to prove their residency to William Penn's registration coordinator. In all, 150 students were affected, according to the school district.


From The Campaign Trail

I have met many people in my campaign to be the State Representative for Upper Darby, Drexel Hill, East Lansdowne and Millbourne. All have been gracious, many receptive, one was hard to convince. I knocked on his door and introduced myself, "Hi, my name is Casey Roncaglione and I want to be your next State Representative." No sooner had I finished speaking, the man said he would be voting for Mario Civera because Mr. Civera, who used to be a barber, cut his hair when he was a child. When I told him that Mr.Civera gets free haircuts now, paid for by the taxpayers, he began to listen as I went through the list of perks and freebies that Representatives get. It's a long list for Mr. Civera, and I told him about some of them. He gets catered meals, free haircuts, gym memberships, money for his Cadillac lease, travel expenses, food and lodging. Free health care. A daily per-diem pay of $141 a day. "Legislative weekends" in Philadelphia which include free hotels, meals and sports tickets from lobbyists. Up to $29,400 in office expenses. A pension that was boosted by %50 in 2001 and free private attorneys to defend leadership against citizen complaints. Millions of dollars in leadership accounts, where he sent his payraise money, that are used for political advantage. And that is just a sampling of what we know about. The man at the door told me this was news to him. I'm not sure I changed his mind about his vote but he was definitely less happy about his haircut memories, and who knows what will happen when he does vote. And that's the point. In a time where taxes keep rising, along with the costs of daily living, how can Mr. Civera and fellow Representatives keep taking all these perks while hard working people are paying their own way everyday. I think it's about time that our State Representatives live more like the people they represent instead of treating our treasury as their own personal expense accounts. Why not use a state car, which is much cheaper, instead of a $650 leased Caddy. Contribute to the health plan like everyone else who has insurance. Say no to free gifts from lobbyists who expect favors in return. Pay for your own haircuts and meals. The cost of state government is a burden on every taxpayer and leaves many worthwhile projects that would benefit our neighborhoods unfunded. Most of these perks would have been unknown to me and the man at the door if it had not been for the Payraise that Mr. Civera and fellow Representatives voted for themselves. The payraise was bad enough, but once the rug was lifted, we began to see how good our Representatives had made life for themselves. A new Legislature will take over in January and there are many reforms and changes that need to be made. At the top of the list will be ending the free lunch for our Representatives. I'm hoping to be part of the new group of Representatives, and I'll definitely change the way things are done. After all, our Representatives work for us not for themselves, though it seems many of them have forgotten that. I won't forget. Casey R. Roncaglione Democratic Candidate 164th Legislative District


7th Spotlight: Immigration, FAA top agenda

By William Bender, Of the Times Staff Illegal immigration and the Federal Aviation Administration’s airspace redesign plan at Philadelphia International Airport emerged last week as two major issues in the 7th District race. While U.S. Rep. Curt Weldon and Joseph Sestak agree the borders needs to be sealed and the FAA needs to be stopped, they differ on how to make it happen. The Republican-controlled House recently passed a flurry of legislation over the past two weeks to construct a 700-mile fence along the U.S.-Mexico border, deploy unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), deport illegal immigrant gang members and strengthen penalties against those who build or finance border tunnels. "We in the House have done the responsible thing. We have voted twice now to shut the border down," said Weldon, who said his constituents are concerned that illegal immigration is a threat to American jobs and homeland security. (AMEN, CURT!!!!!) Echoing the sentiments of Democrats on the Hill, Sestak said the House legislation is an election-year effort to compensate for Congress’ failure to address the issue sooner. Sestak joined the club Thursday, but he blamed the problem on Weldon’s "dismal leadership." "We have had a Congress that has failed to provide oversight over the executive branch," he said, adding the FAA proposal will pose safety problems, adversely impact the environment, lower property values and increase overhead noise. "Where has Curt Weldon been?" Sestak asked a group of supporters at Jeanne Frantz’ Ridley Park home. He said Weldon should have stood up to the FAA sooner and forced the administration to hold more public hearings in the county. The Democrat recently added an FAA information section to his campaign Web site. The Weldon camp can’t believe Sestak is pushing this issue, since the congressman has been an outspoken opponent of the airspace redesign plan. "Meetings with the FAA are not going to stop this," said Weldon spokesman Michael Puppio. "The seniority of a 10-term congressman who knows the inner workings of the FAA and is the second-ranking member of the Homeland Security Committee is what’s going to stop this plan." Of course, no one could stop the FAA from moving forward with the extension of runway 17-35. Last year, that project was opposed locally and by Weldon, then-U.S. Sen. Jon Corzine, U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, and state Sens. Connie Williams and Ted Erickson, among others. Construction starts next month. A Democratic CREW? We ran a story Thursday on a report from the left-leaning Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) naming Weldon as one of the "most corrupt" members of Congress. The group included Weldon in its annual report based on news reports showing his friends and family may have benefited from his congressional work. After checking the campaign finance reports, I noticed that Daniel Berger, a member of CREW’s board, is a major contributor to Sestak’s campaign. His Philadelphia law firm, Berger and Montague, has given $12,850 to the retired Navy admiral so far. Berger himself maxed out with $4,200 in Sestak contributions. And he has poured gobs of cash into other Democratic causes including the campaigns of congressional candidates Lois Murphy and Patrick Murphy, U.S. Sens. Hillary Clinton and Robert Menendez, and Senate candidate Bob Casey Jr. The list goes on. For quite a while, actually. Berger did not return a phone call or an e-mail Thursday, but CREW spokeswoman Naomi Seligman Steiner said her organization has "no idea who our board members support or don’t support." She said the report was compiled by staffers, and neither Berger nor any other board member has a say about which politicians are targeted. Weldon isn’t buying it. "Partisan hypocrisy is obviously CREW’s stock-in-trade," his spokesman said, alluding to CREW’s Democratic ties. While four Democrats, including U.S. Rep. John Murtha, are named among the 21 Republicans in the CREW report, none are in particularly competitive districts. Paging Ned Flanders Bob Edgar, former Democratic congressman in the 7th District, says it’s no mere coincidence that he ran into Weldon and Springfield GOP boss Charlie Sexton at Tinicum’s Philly Diner last weekend. "I call it a Godcidence," Edgar, general secretary of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, said at a Sestak fund-raiser. "A Godcidence is just an inch more than a coincidence." Don’t worry, I’ve never heard of it either. But Edgar said it’s not a coincidence -- certainly not a Godcidence -- that gas prices just happen to be coming down weeks before the mid-term elections. "I think there’s a little bit of manipulation there," he said. Sexton also used religious terms to describe his reaction to seeing Edgar and his wife once he realized who they were. "I said ‘Oh, my Christ, that’s Bob Edgar," he recalled. And, really, what else can you say when a political nemesis you haven’t seen in 20 years is staring at you from across the diner, eating scrapple? Elsewhere on the trail First Lady Laura Bush will attend a fund-raiser for Weldon Oct. 4 at the Springfield Country Club. Tickets are $500 each ..The books close Saturday for the quarterly Federal Election Commission campaign finance reports ..Weldon will be in Concord Monday morning with U.S. Rep. Nancy Johnson, R-Conn, talking about women’s issues ..Sestak will continue his early morning train station stops this week and plans forums on immigration reform, college affordability, national defense and other issues.


Curt Weldon - I Am Listening

By KIMBERLY HEFLING, Associated Press WASHINGTON A Pentagon report rejects the idea that intelligence gathered by a secret military unit could have been used to stop the Sept. 11 hijackings. The Pentagon inspector general's office said Thursday that a review of records from the unit, known as Able Danger, found no evidence it had identified ringleader Mohamed Atta or any other terrorist who participated in the 2001 attacks. The report was ordered following the assertion last year that the unit had identified four of the 19 hijackers in 2000. That claim was made by a former intelligence officer who worked on Able Danger, Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, and by Rep. Curt Weldon, vice chairman of the House Armed Services and Homeland Security'committees. Weldon, R-Pa., has said the unit used data-mining to link Atta and three other hijackers to al-Qaida more than a year before the attacks. The 71-page report, blacked out in parts, also rejected Weldon's claim that the unit wanted information given to the FBI but that Pentagon lawyers would not allow it. The report acknowledged that one Able Danger member alleged he was prohibited from providing a chart to the FBI in 2000 by a senior Special Operations commander. But, the report said, "the senior official did not recall the incident and we are persuaded that the chart would have been of minimal value to the FBI." The Pentagon had said some employees recall seeing an intelligence chart identifying Atta as a terrorist before the attacks. The report said those accounts "varied significantly" and witnesses were inconsistent at times in their statements. Last year, the bipartisan commission that investigated the attacks dispensed with the issue by calling it "not historically significant." Associated Press writer Pauline Jelinek contributed to this report. Defense Department Office of Inspector General: http://www.dodig.osd.mil/ I don't know what Curt Weldon was up to, but to me the FACT alone that the MSM continues to spout the BS that "19 Arabs with boxcutters" were responsible for the 9-11 attacks is getting old. The FBI, CIA, and other government entities NEVER then and to this day report this falsehood as FACT! Go look it up. Amazing that so many people in Delaware County are so stupid to RESEARCH facts that are avaialible to the public from official government web sites and from the library of congress that refute the "MSM (Main Stream Media) for all of you AOL users out there that the 911 commissions report is flawed, and biased, not to mention, never spent any real time and effort into the investigation. Bottom line? The evidence has been either destroyed or kept away from the people. I'm fed up with this, as is thousands of other AMERICANS. People who love America, not thier so called "Party" that will change it. Only time will tell if the real culprits will get away with the 9-11 LIE. Cheers.


Nothing That An Ithaca 37 Couldn't Handle

From across the pond...

Big Brother is shouting at you

Last updated at 21:02pm on 16th September 2006 Big Brother is not only watching you - now he's barking orders too. Britain's first 'talking' CCTV cameras have arrived, publicly berating bad behaviour and shaming offenders into acting more responsibly. The system allows control room operators who spot any anti-social acts - from dropping litter to late-night brawls - to send out a verbal warning: 'We are watching you'. Middlesbrough has fitted loudspeakers on seven of its 158 cameras in an experiment already being hailed as a success. Jack Bonner, who manages the system, said: 'It is one hell of a deterrent. It's one thing to know that there are CCTV cameras about, but it's quite another when they loudly point out what you have just done wrong. 'Most people are so ashamed and embarrassed at being caught they quickly slink off without further trouble. 'There was one incident when two men started fighting outside a nightclub. One of the control room operators warned them over the loudspeakers and they looked up, startled, stopped fighting and scarpered in opposite directions. 'This isn't about keeping tabs on people, it's about making the streets safer for the law-abiding majority and helping to change the attitudes of those who cause trouble. It challenges unacceptable behaviour and makes people think twice.' The Mail on Sunday watched as a cyclist riding through a pedestrian area was ordered to stop. 'Would the young man on the bike please get off and walk as he is riding in a pedestrian area,' came the command. The surprised youth stopped, and looked about. A look of horror spread across his face as he realised the voice was referring to him. He dismounted and wheeled his bike through the crowded streets, as instructed. Law-abiding shopper Karen Margery, 40, was shocked to hear the speakers spring into action as she walked past them. Afterwards she said: 'It's quite scary to realise that your every move could be monitored - it really is like Big Brother. 'But Middlesbrough does have a big problem with anti-social behaviour, so it is very reassuring.' The scheme has been introduced by Middlesbrough mayor Ray Mallon, a former police superintendent who was dubbed Robocop for pioneering the zero-tolerance approach to crime. He believes the talking cameras will dramatically cut not just anti-social behaviour, but violent crime, too. And if the city centre scheme proves a success, it will be extended into residential areas. The control room operators have been given strict guidelines about what commands they can give. Yelling 'Oi you, stop that', is not permitted. Instead, their instructions make the following suggestions: 'Warning - you are being monitored by CCTV - Warning - you are in an alcohol-free zone, please refrain from drinking'; and Warning - your behaviour is being monitored by CCTV. It is being recorded and the police are attending.' Mr Bonner said: 'We always make the requests polite, and if the offender obeys, the operator adds 'thank you'. We think that's a nice finishing touch. 'It would appear that the offenders are the only ones who find the audio cameras intrusive. The vast majority of people welcome these cameras. 'Put it this way, we never have requests to remove them.' But civil rights campaigners have argued that the talking cameras are no 'magic bullet', in the fight against crime. Liberty spokesman Doug Jewell said: 'None of us likes litterbugs or yobs playing up on a Saturday night, but talking CCTV cameras are no substitute for police officers on the beat.'

Seems that jolly old England has gone hi-tech. Imagine being at your favourite Wawa and as your walking to your car hear "Hey scumbag! Pick up that cigarette butt you just thrown on the ground! Do you do this at YOUR house"? Sure thing, I have 3 CCTV cameras (Infrared I might add) Front, Rear, and a "Roaming" one, to thwart these types of scumbags.. I also am thinking of purchasing a loudspeaker, but I already have one at home. Seriously, Just when will it end?

Was George Orwell some kind of modern day Nostradamus? It's a sobering effect to see that you cannot even walk down the street without knowing that your being watched, by people who probably judge and convict people's characters, looks, etc, and all while being paid! Sounds good to me! I have one person in mind that I would love to watch, I'm sure you do too.

I remember hating hearing "Watch The Tram Car Please" down the shore as a kid, I know it was for "my safety", but guess what? It was a clever indoctination into Orwell's "1984". The "NWO" is here! Cheers..

P.S. Coming up: Nicholas Yarris (NickyGate)


Joe Sestak - Affordable Healthcare

I was sent this video. We here in Delco who do not have healthcare for our families are watching what you say. The above video has Joe Sestak talking about it. Curt Weldon also has a stance. Problem is, he has had many years to get the job done, and still no affordable healthcare. I move to vote Joe Sestak as our new Congressman. Time for new blood. Cheers.


Five Years Ago Today - Bringing Closure

Share this film with everyone you know. Watch the whole video to gain knowledge about 911.
Most people here in Delco will be watching the ABC movie that has basically blamed the Clinton administration for the 9-11-2001 attacks. The people who lost loved ones on 9-11 are the ones who need closure, NOT grandstanding pols who will surely yet again use today's anniversary of "terror" to further their careers.

the four 911 widows Nazis like Ann Coulter, the heathen who has said this about the four women pictured above who are in also in the video:

"These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by grief-arazzis. I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much. ... And by the way, how do we know their husbands weren't planning to divorce these harpies? Now that their shelf life is dwindling, they'd better hurry up and appear in Playboy.... These self-obsessed women seemed genuinely unaware that 9/11 was an attack on our nation and acted as if the terrorist attacks happened only to them."

This is a perfect example of how "pussified" (George Carlin) Americans have become, to put up with these NeoNazis who twist the truth about what happened on 911, and how the government lied and continues to lie five years later. The so called "911 Commission" thumbed their noses at the 911 families, including local ones right here in Delaware County. Rummy got it right when he said "It will take another 911 to wake people up" . Wake up to the lies that almost 3000 families have heard for the last five years? Or wake up to the fact that America is hijacked.

But not by whom you think.


Pa. town's law cracking down on illegal immigrants revised

The new measure is a crock of crap. I think keeping the original ordinance, which punishes business & landlords who employ & rent to illegals should stand. I also think the illegals should be deported AND I think Upper Darby needs to adopt the same ordinance - but I know THAT would NEVER happen. Hazleton's City Council tentatively OKd a version that its backers say will withstand a court fight. By Michael Rubinkam Associated Press HAZLETON, Pa. - Seeking to put its groundbreaking crackdown on illegal immigrants on sounder legal footing, the City Council is scrapping the law it approved in July in favor of a dramatically overhauled ordinance that boosters say will have a better chance of withstanding a court battle. Like the version it replaces, the new ordinance given tentative approval Friday would punish businesses that employ illegal immigrants and landlords who rent to them. But the new measure would go about enforcement in a completely different way, putting the burden of verifying immigration status on the city, giving landlords and businesses time to correct violations before imposing sanctions, and softening penalties. "Once this ordinance is enforced, landlords and the public will know that the people who are here have a legal right to be here," said Republican Mayor Lou Barletta, who has championed the measure. Latino activists said the replacement ordinance was unconstitutional and vowed a court fight. The city has assembled a legal team to defend the measure, including Kris Kobach, a University of Missouri law professor and immigration adviser under former Attorney General John Ashcroft. The council, which voted 4-1 Friday in favor of the ordinance, is expected to give final approval on Tuesday. "This one is a lot better, a lot more legally sound," City Council President Joe Yannuzzi said. David Vaida, a civil-rights lawyer who also sued the city, said the new ordinance had the same flaws as the old one. "It is preempted by federal law. The United States has exclusive and sole jurisdiction over immigration," he told the council. Last week, officials in the city of 31,000 residents agreed not to enforce the original ordinance after the American Civil Liberties Union and Latino groups sued in federal court to overturn it. In return, the plaintiffs agreed not to seek an injunction against the city. Under the agreement, Hazleton must give the plaintiffs at least 20 days' notice before it begins enforcing the replacement ordinance - enough time for the ACLU to head back to court to try to stop it.


Door to Door with Marie deYoung

Yesterday while we all were out, a woman came up to our door. She knocked and then wrote something on a piece of paper and put it in our mailbox. My neighbor told me this, even noticing that the wrote with her left hand,(I'm also Left-Handed). It turned out to be none other than Marie de Young, who is running for Nick Micozzie's job as State Rep in our district, the 163. The flyer indicates that "Marie is a proven reformer with a plan to change the way Harrisburg does business". It goes on to state that she was a whistleblower who testified against Dick Cheney's (Former) Halliburton, who fleeced millions from us in the form of overcharging, etc. One thing it states is that She plans to "Make health care more accessible and affordable." That issue is number one to me, being that I am self employed and have lost it for the time being because of being to expensive. To be fair, Nick Micozzie also stopped by a few weeks ago. I was not here but he left a similar message. He has been working with a Democrat, by the name of Anthony DeLuca, to create a "Universal Health Care Plan". I again state that this health care issue is critical to people like myself, who don't have the luxury of working for a large corporation. Btw, what did Marie write? "I'm sorry I missed you!" So am I Marie. So am I.


Curt Weldon - A Fireman's Friend

As some of you know, I'm not really a fan of Curt Weldon. A friend of mine who knows this recently reminded me that Mr. Weldon has been a big supporter of Firemen across the country, and has managed to obtain as Senior member of the House Armed Services Committee $7.6 billion dollars to help fund volunteer fire companies across the U.S. As an admirer of firemen in general for the jobs they do and the lives that they save, I thought that I would post something about Mr.Weldon in a positive light, one in witch he deserves. I'll admit that yes he has looked out for them, and that to me is a good thing. My Thoughts: This country needs a "Weed and Seed" program for all the politicians. Across Party lines, across Counties, across States, etc. Me? I'm still voting for Joe Sestak. Will it make a difference? Maybe not. But It hopefully will send a message that Delconians need their Congressmen right here, not worrying about Iraq or Iran or other things that a President should be handling. (Our current Prez has made a joke out of foreign relations, and is better suited to stay in Crawford with his Horses) Curt Weldon has actually contributed to Delco where it is most needed. So Dave, I stand corrected about Curt. You win. I'll buy you a cold one at Thomas's. P.S. Here's a thought: Joe Sestak for Congress, Curt Weldon for President. Deal?


The School Property Tax

The following is part of an e-mail from a Drexel Hill resident to me, and my response. My point was that there must be a better way to fund schools, and make them even better, without such a reliance on property taxes. I attended the public school system in Upper Darby, K-12. I know how good it is, how much teachers, administrators and school board members care about what they do. Why not find new and innovative funding sources, rock solid and certain, so that our schools can continue to, and even improve the ultimate product, the children of our community. THE E_MAIL: After writing my previous message to you this afternoon, I continued to shake my head. I wondered to myself, "How could someone be so oblivious to the connection between well-supported school districts and the quality of life in a community? Does this person have no idea that houses represent the biggest financial investment that low-income people will ever make and that, by letting the schools crumble and therefore destroying the attractiveness of the community, he will basically be flushing those peoples' hard-won investments down the toilet?? Does he really want to turn Drexel Hill into another Lansdowne? I think it is wonderful that someone your age wants is serious about political issues, and I really do applaud you for that. You are obviously bright and have a lot of energy. But what in the world makes you think that in 20 years you have gained the life experience to be able to be a state representative? Is it presumptuosness? Arrogance? Plain old ignorance? You simply have no idea of the broader consequences of the positions you are espousing. You couldn't. You just haven't been on the planet long enough. MY RESPONSE: Thank you for your thoughtful comments. One question, if you don't mind. If for over 20 years of Mario's service why have property taxes risen to the point of forcing some of our neighbors from their homes, and what would be the problem with finding other sources to replace them while maintaining and even improving our schools? I must say I find it refreshing to hear from someone who cares enough of our community to speak up. I may only be 20 but I never would have taken an illegal payraise as Mr. Civera did. I would never allow winter utility shutoffs just because of campaign contributions received by Mr. Civera. I would never drive a $650 Caddy at taxpayer expense as Mr. Civera does. I would never fight to keep the actions of our legislature secret as Mr. Civera does. I might not be legally able to drink but I am of age to fight our wars and serve in our legislature. I've been taught that when I see something wrong, do something about it. Don't just sit by and let it happen. So win or lose at least I'm trying to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem. I'll end with this; Will your teenagers be better of with the status-quo of Mr. Civera or the reform and vision of the future that puts people first, as I espouse. I went on too long, I apologize, but I believe I'm on the right side and it's thought provoking to discuss the issues with a concerned person like you. I'm OK with your non-support, at least we live in America where when it's over, we shake hands and work together. Sincerely, Casey Roncaglione


Striking The Root On August 22nd

From a Yahoo Msg Board: Recommend this Post Ignore this User Email this Posting Report Abuse Re: NO CRITICISM OF ISLAMIC ATROCITIES! by: yankeerunningdog 08/13/06 11:05 pm Msg: 1631 of 1759 18 recommendations Why is the USA inciting hatred of Muslims all over the world. Bush even used the term ISLAMO FACIST the other day. If anyone said Jewish facist, they would be locked up for hate crimes. Posted as a reply to: Msg 1629 by striykermt
People like myself are just really getting ticked off about the way the Bush admin has managed to align all these "Muslims" to hate us. I believe that they really don't hate US, per say, only our selected officials. This above comment only re-inforces my belief that America should quit being the watch dog of the world, quit interfering in other countries business, and worry about her own people first. Bush and his cronies have totally screwed up this country. This isn't about Dem or Pub either. Both parties are equal in guilt for NOT doing something radical about the current situation. What we need is new leadership, ones who will take this county away from the corporations, take over the MSM who only release slanted stories of what is really happening in the world, and work for US, the American citizen! On August 22nd, there is a wide growing rumor that world war three will start in the middle east, first by Iran launching SSN-25 Onyx sideburn missles missiles in the Persian Gulf, or something even more devastating. Some "Muslim" holy day also is on the 22nd. Bottom line is that all you know, all you love,Your America may be obliteriated by some nutcase with his hand on a button in a city near you. Remember the SALT treaties that Nixon created? One can only hope that someone with real balls steps up to the plate and takes action against these crazy so called leaders in Washington, Tel Aviv, and Jolly Old England (Yes, the same country that we had our so called independence from.) In closing, I feel enlightened by what knowledge I have gained by being on the net now for 17 years. Forget about BS liquid bombs on domestic Aircraft(A HOAX), I'd be more worried about the next 9-11, that will surely happen to save these thugs in Washington's jobs and thier sick NWO agenda. Good Night.