
One Year Ago Today: The Indian Ocean Tsuami

One year ago today The Indian Ocean Tsuami (Video) swept away entire villages in Aceh and Sri Lanka. Overall it killed over 200,000 people in 12 countries and displaced millions. Some say that it was a "man made" event, being that a certain military installation was warned hours before. So what did cause the Indian Ocean Tsuami? I find it hard to believe that no plausable explanation has been reached. I don't buy the "Man Made" thing though. In any case, Petra Nemcova, a Czech born model, soon became the main attraction as her story of holding on for dear life for eight hours spread throughout the MSM. One thing is for sure: If something happens once, it surely can happen again. Could this happen to the east coast of our country? Some say it can and will. Bottom line is if it did there would at best be 2-3 hours of time to warn and evacuate millions. Makes you think the next time your down the shore, eh? Apple iTunes


Merry Christmas

I just wanted to wish everyone a very happy, safe and joyous holiday. Merry Christmas! :)


Handgun Versus Woman

A little something I stole from Kate while she was away at her new job. The Top Ten Reasons Why a Handgun Is Better Than a Woman 10. You can trade an old .44 for two new .22s 9. You can keep one handgun at home and have another for when you're on the road. 8. If you admire a friend's handgun, and tell him so, he will probably let you try it out a few times. 7. Your primary handgun doesn't mind if you have a backup. 6. Your handgun will stay with you even if you're out of ammo. 5. A handgun doesn't take up a lot of closet space. 4. Handguns function normally every day of the month. 3. A handgun doesn't ask "Do these new grips make me look fat?" 2. A handgun doesn't mind if you go to sleep after you use it. AND.....THE NUMBER ONE REASON WHY A HANDGUN IS BETTER THAN A WOMAN.... 1. You can buy a silencer for a handgun.


Big Box Companies...oye...

---caution: long post--- Start Scene 1:00pm - pick up phone - dial Lowes of N. Wilmington, DE (wait on hold) 'how can I help you' "flooring please" (wait on hold) 'hello how can I help you' "hi how are you doing this morning" *yes I usually do start with this. Damn nice guy syndrome or something* 'good and you' "I have a little issue, I signed a contract and paid for flooring and haven't heard anything. I know it takes like 2 weeks for the carpet to come in and after it comes your contractor has 48hrs to call me but I haven't heard anything from anyone and its beyond the 2 weeks" 'oh well I'm not at a computer right now, I'm actually standing watch at a forklift, can I take your name/number and call you back' "I'd rather not, can you transfer me to someone who can answer my question" *seriously, why pick up the phone if you can't help. and no, I will not leave my name/number. I have never ever ever had anyone from any company ever call me back when they said they would. yeah I do know why, minimizing on hold time is probably some company priority but its worse if I do talk to someone who can't answer the question* (noise, people talking, I obviously wasn't getting transfered and instead was on 'active hold' while she just stood there) 'are you still there?' *where was I gonna go?* "yes I'm here" *blahblahblah its crazy busy I don't care I'm annoyed that you answered the phone though you were obviously incapable of helping at the time since you were elsewhere, which is fine just don't answer the phone then* 'ok this shows your carpet came in Wednesday, let me transfer you to the install department and you'll work it out with them' "whatever needs to happen, thanks" (wait on hold) (hear, BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP really loud) "yeah that's not fun, let's not do that" 'oh your still there? hang on' "Install" (insert spheal) 'ok I will contact the contractor and get him to schedule an install date with you' "So I signed a contract that you didn't follow (e.g. me getting called within 48hrs) and all that happens is you call the contractor?" 'yes, let me contact him and get him to call you' "is there a manager around' 'Hang on...wait he left his phone here, hang on...wait he's in a meeting, no wait there he is' *what the!?* 'can I help you?' (insert spheal) "ok let us call the contractor so he can call you and schedule an install" 'yeah but, I didn't get called within the 48hrs as in the contract and nothing happens?' "we'll call the contractor and get you set up" *he just wasn't taking the hint* 'so you didn't follow the contract and nothing happens' "I'm not trying to argue with you I just want to get you schedule" 'I signed a contract to get flooring and part of that was being informed within a certain timeframe which didn't happen and I get no compensation that you didn't follow the contract' *either he was annoyed that I stated basically that same thing again OR because I inserted the word compensation. I'm going with compensation* (louder annoyed voice) 'let us call the contractor and then we can discuss compensation' "ok, thank you" End Scene Start Scene 1:40pm (receiving phone call) 'can I speak with ?' *40 minutes turn around time. not too bad considering he's probably on the job. I KNEW I was goign to get a call pretty soon. I also was pretty sure it would be a waist of time call...see below* "speaking" 'yeah his this is Lowe's said you want your carpet installed?' *no I want it to sit in a warehouse. I paid for it up front and signed a contract to get it installed which included you coming over and doing measurements and a detailed estimate only for me to use it as compost.* "yes" 'I have nothing available up until christmas but I'm not in the office right now I'm on a job so I can't schedule anything until I get back to the office' *don't call me and waist my time! I know why you called me, because lowe's called you and said they're some crazy guy all pissed off (though I'm more annoyed than pissed off) so they asked that you call me right away to lessen my pissed-off-ness though all it did was increase it because you waisted my time* "ok just call me later" End Scene Start Scene 5:57pm (receiving phone call) 'hi can I speak with ' *yes. we only own cell phones. we do not have a home phone number. if anyone answers this particular phone number you have it will 99.9% of the time be the person you want to speak with* "speaking" 'hi this is I just got a cancellation on the 22nd' "um, let me get my calendar (fumble to get out MobilePro)...um, yeah ok 22nd is fine" *22nd actually kinda stinks but given the way the day went screw it, I'll take another day off to get this done. Plus it will hopefully be done off-gassing while we're away* 'ok, um, are you taking the carpet off yourself' "yes I am, so what are the logistics of this? What's the timeframe" 'well since your taking the existing carpet up yourself just one day' "what time will you be showing up" 'probably 9/9:30' *LOVE the specifics!* "speaking of tearing up the carpet, do you need me to remove the doors?* 'um, no we can do that, that's not a big deal' "ok, see you on the 22nd" End Scene I'm convinced there was no 'cancellation' and that it was either Lowe's giving him shit or Lowe's sweatening the pot for him. That depends on if the contractor was ever informed that my carpet came in. Whatever happened between the big box and their contractor is between them, my contract is with Lowes and THEY are to perform. If they get a contractor that's their perogative. Why do I even care? Well all I know is if the roles were reversed, if the little guy screwed up the big box company would have no problem screwing me over. That's why. What do I want? Heck give me a freaking lowe's gift card with 10% or even 5% of my purchase price on it. Ensures my business with you isn't impacted by your screw-up. I mean, there is a home depot a hell of a lot closer to my house. If they don't give me anything I know I can't do anything about it, but, I might as well try. I'm more annoyed that things didn't happen like big box company should ensure they do. I hate that I have to keep constant watch over anything I'm involved in and things just don't work they way they should. I shouldn't have to deal with this, THEY should be dealing with it. Why do I pay money? I mean I could've just bought the material, hauled it home, picked some carpet install guy from the yellow pages and had NONE of this. I went with this due to NOT having to deal with issues but what am I doing? Dealing with issues. I owe it to all the little guy's people out there to try to get something out of this.


Bush In Philly - A New Stratergy For The War In Iraq

I am reading the Daily Times and see that President Bush is in town this morning, to "Articulate" a plan for winning the war in Iraq, according to William Bender, a Times reporter. He is going to address about 600 local people of the World Affairs Council. From their web site:
"Established in 1949 as a forum for discussing differing points of view, the Council does not endorse candidates for public office or lobby for policies. Membership is open to all who share its principles. The Council currently serves over 120 corporate members and their CEOs, and more than 4,000 other executives and individual members."
Would have been nice if I was invited, better yet, Bush can come over my house and we can knock back some Budweisers and in no time at all I could maybe get some real answers from him. Cheers.


Airline passenger who made threat killed

Well now...I guess the idiot should have taken his medication, eh? In this day and age, we can ill afford to take any chances. Kudos to the fed air marshal.

Your thoughts? Inquirer.com JOHN PAIN Associated Press MIAMI - A passenger who claimed to have a bomb in a carry-on bag was shot and killed by a federal air marshal Wednesday on a jetway to an American Airlines plane that had arrived from Colombia, officials said. Authorities did not immediately say whether any bomb was found. Homeland Security Department spokesman Brian Doyle said the dead man was a 44-year-old U.S. citizen. It was the first time since the Sept. 11 attacks that an air marshal had shot at anyone, he said. According to a witness, the man frantically ran down the aisle of the Boeing 757 and his wife explained that he was mentally ill and had not taken his medication. The passenger indicated there was a bomb in his bag and was confronted by air marshals but ran off the aircraft, Doyle said. The marshals went after him and ordered him to get on the ground, but he did not comply and was shot when he apparently reached into the bag, Doyle said. Afterward, investigators put all the baggage on the tarmac and let bomb-sniffing dogs examine it in an effort to establish whether there were explosives aboard. Passenger Mary Gardner told WTVJ-TV in Miami that the man ran down the aisle from the rear of the plane. "He was frantic, his arms flailing in the air," she said. She said a woman followed, shouting, "My husband! My husband!" Gardner said she heard the woman say her husband was bipolar - a mental illness also known as manic-depression - and had not had his medication. The plane, Flight 924, had arrived from Medellin, Colombia, at 12:16 p.m. and was scheduled to leavet two hours later for Orlando, American Airlines spokesman Tim Wagner said. "I don't know yet if the passenger had been on the plane and was getting off, or was starting to board the aircraft," he said. The shooting happened shortly after 2 p.m., suggesting the plane was getting ready to take off, he said. About 105 passengers scheduled to fly to Orlando, he said. Martin Gonzalez, spokesman for Colombia's civil aviation agency, said the flight "left normally with no problems." There were only 32 air marshals at the time of the Sept. 11 attacks. The Bush administration hired thousands more afterward, but the exact number is classified.


Remembering Daniel Faulkner

 This Friday marks the 24 year anniversary of Philadelphia police officer Daniel J. Faulkner's murder by Wesley Cook, better known as Mumia Abu-Jamal. Several web sites are all for Mumia's release, not happy enough that the scumbag's death sentence has been put on hold. Mumia Abu-Jamal is a big cause for various Actors, Musicians and other "Anti death penalty" supporters. He even claims he is a political prisoner! Make one thing clear. The evidence against Mumia is mountainous. The man was convicted in a court of law. He deserves to die for his heinous crime of shooting a man point blank in the face after first shooting him in the back!

Here's a quote from Maureen Faulkner, Danny's Widow."After listening to six weeks of ballistics, the evidence, the eyewitness testimony, there was absolutely no doubt in my mind that it was Mumia Abu-Jamal murdered my husband." I heard several stories about people threatening Maureen, all because she took a stand against the "Free Mumia" fanatics. Some even called for phyicial harm! On a personal note, I was very good friends with Danny's brother Kenny, who just recently passed away. Kenny tended bar years ago at Pops Barrel Inn, not too far from my old stomping grounds. Every time something would come up on TV about "Free Mumia" etc, he would just shake his head. The stress that the Faulkner family has had to endure all these years must be overwhelming, and in my eyes, contributed to Ken's death.

So what has Mumia been doing all these years? Well let's see. He's still alive. He has managed to write a few books, gain the support of misled people, become an honory Parisian, and is a poster boy for every liberal minded, extreme cause you can think of. Mumia is not the Angel he is made out to be. He was one of the founding members of the Black Panther Party in Philly who were affiliated with the ones who killed Officer Frank Von Colin in 70' BTW, I was close enough to hear the shots that night, as I grew up in Cobbs Creek. Later he became a Move member and a "Radio Personality". I say he grew up a radical moron with a chip on his shoulders. I will not go any further at the risk of being labeled a "Racist" by you bleeding hearts. Just read the facts and you"ll see that Mumia is guilty of cold blooded murder, and deserves the same fate.


The ACLU's Holiday Season poem

In keeping with the CHRISTMAS theme that Living in Delaware County posted, I wanted to add this poem that I found at Is this Life, by TrekMedic, who resides in Philadelphia. Twas the night before December 25th and Santa's a wreck... How to live in a world that's politically correct? His workers no longer would answer to "Elves". "Vertically Challenged" they were calling themselves. And labor conditions at the north pole Were alleged by the union to stifle the soul. The runners had been removed from his sleigh; The ruts were termed dangerous by the E.P.A. And people had started to call for the cops When they heard sled noises on their roof-tops. Second-hand smoke from his pipe had his workers quite frightened. His fur trimmed red suit was called "Unenlightened." And to show you the strangeness of life's ebbs and flows, Rudolf was suing over unauthorized use of his nose And had gone on Geraldo, in front of the nation, Demanding millions in over-due compensation. So, half of the reindeer were gone; and his wife, Who suddenly said she'd enough of this life, Joined a self-help group, packed, and left in a whiz, Demanding from now on her title was Ms. And as for the gifts, why, he'd ne'er had a notion That making a choice could cause so much commotion. Nothing of leather, nothing of fur, Which meant nothing for him. And nothing for her.Nothing that might be construed to pollute. Nothing to aim. Nothing to shoot. Nothing that clamored or made lots of noise. Nothing for just girls. Or just for the boys. Nothing that claimed to be gender specific. Nothing that's warlike or non-pacific. No candy or sweets...they were bad for the tooth. Nothing that seemed to embellish a truth. And fairy tales, while not yet forbidden, Were like Ken and Barbie, better off hidden. For they raised the hackles of those psychological Who claimed the only good gift was one ecological. No baseball, no football...someone could get hurt; Besides, playing sports exposed kids to dirt. Dolls were said to be sexist, and should be passe; And Nintendo would rot your entire brain away. So Santa just stood there, disheveled, perplexed; He just could not figure out what to do next. He tried to be merry, tried to be gay, But you've got to be careful with that word today. His sack was quite empty, limp to the ground; Nothing fully acceptable was to be found. Something special was needed, a gift that he might Give to all without angering the left or the right. A gift that would satisfy, with no indecision, Each group of people, every religion; Every ethnicity, every hue, Everyone, everywhere...even you. So here is that gift, it's price beyond worth... "May you and your loved ones enjoy peace on earth.


It's called CHRISTMAS You Minority!

I agree with this 100 percent. Does that make me a Conservative? No, It's called being an AMERICAN Christian! Christmas Trees Are Christmas Trees "What Other Holiday Uses A Tree?" By Ken Hughes Nov. 30, 2005 We don’t celebrate the 4th of July with a tree, or Easter, or New Years. We celebrate Christmas with a tree so it isn’t a holiday tree after all, so says Dennis Hastert Majority leader of the House of Representatives. Christmas has become a merchant’s holiday, therefore if we were to accept a new definition of the traditional Christmas tree it would be more appropriate to call it a, “Merchants Tree” rather than the “Holiday Tree” either has little to do with religion. It’s a time of year when everyone is supposed to feel good about themselves and their neighbors, It may not always work out that way but that’s the way it should be. 75% of the population of this country claims to be Christian the rest are of other faiths or no faith at all. How can 75% of the population be expected to sacrifice a life long tradition just so they won’t offend 25% who probably celebrate Christmas along with the Christians. If they don’t celebrate they certainly take the day off work. Christmas, Hanukkah, Ramadan, and Kwanzaa have nothing in common. Hanukkah is the festival of lights celebrating the victory by the Jews over the Syrian in the first century BC. Ramadan is a dedication of faith by fasting, expressing an atonement to Allah. Kwanzaa is a harvest festival held by African Tribes in late October. There’s no reason to connect these holidays together, they have no common association. This is simply a way for the politically correct “I Hate Everything American Crowd” to screw up one more tradition that is American. There’re those who give minorities more rights than the majority. It’s acceptable to give everyone equal rights, It should end at equal, it doesn’t. When one group’s given rights beyond the majority, it becomes discrimination. Discrimination is a highway with many lanes running in many directions and going nowhere. It isn’t any particular group who abject to the name Christmas, African Americans are some of the most enthusiastic supporters of Christmas. Come to my neighborhood and I’ll show you dozens of Little fat Rabbis in red suits with bushy white beards sitting on lawns. Hanukkah trees have become a tradition in America. There aren’t enough people in this country truly offended by Christmas to fill a child’s wading pool. It’s Atheists and the Media who’re encouraging this attack on Christmas. The media for fun and profit, Atheists just because they can. There’s an old adage in the media,” Good News doesn’t sell, blood and guts do.” When it applies to anything negative, the media’s usually out front. According to Time’s 2006 Almanac only 3.7 % of the population would fall in the category of those having a cause to appose Christmas decorations on religious grounds. That leaves 96.3% who want a traditional Christmas or don’t care one-way or the other. More than anything, I believe the assault on Christmas is little more than small groups and individuals creating situations for them to get publicity they would otherwise never get, “Their 15 Minutes of Fame” as it were. There’re people who crave attention but do nothing outstanding to attract attention. They often turn to bizarre behavior as a substitute for achievement. If the media were to act as the fourth estate and report good news along with the bad and the ugly with equal fervor these people wouldn’t stand a chance of expressing their opposition to the trivial. There’s enough out there in the world for the media not to feel compelled to challenge the value of all of our traditions. Many blame the lack of quality of reporting news to the need by the new expanded 24/7 need for product. I say balderdash, there are only so many silk purses in a Sows ear. It’s a lack of commitment to honesty and a poor introduction to gathering facts that guides the media. Thank God, this country’s moving away from the absurdity of Liberal Politics. The public is finally realizing they’ve been had politically for the past 25 years. Some of the good old days will return with the sanity of a constitutional inspired congress. What I have been gathering now for many years is that a few "minority" groups have been trying to get rid of Jesus in America. Well I say to all Americans, "especially to the mg's" and to the rest of the world, Have a Merry, Joyious and Peaceful CHRISTMAS Season! Cheers!


Wait..who are the terrorists again? Oh yeah, us.

From the AP: Miami police announced Monday they will stage random shows of force at hotels, banks and other public places to keep terrorists guessing and remind people to be vigilant. Deputy Police Chief Frank Fernandez said officers might, for example, surround a bank building, check the IDs of everyone going in and out and hand out leaflets about terror threats. "This is an in-your-face type of strategy. It's letting the terrorists know we are out there," Fernandez said. --------------- So the Miami Police is now an occupying force keeping the terrorist citizens at bay. In other news Miami citizens are now prohibited from walking around in public without an arm band signifying their political affiliation, sexual preference, practiced religion and domesticated animal preference all in the name of Homeland Security. One official noted "an ancillary benefit of this program is it makes dating that much easier". I ask again, who are the terrorist? Bin Ladin? The Police? Us? My cat? Everyone? Well, everyone except politicians...


Camp out for Hunger

Every year radio personalities Preston & Steve from WMMR have a "Camp out for Hunger", which will help those in need here in the Delaware Valley on behalf of Philabundance. For those of you who can help, stop by from Monday, December 5th at 6am until Friday, December 9th at 10am at the Metroplex Shopping Center on Chemical Road in Plymouth Meeting, and drop off a can or two to help feed a family. Here's an article from the News of Delaware County letting everyone know that food is needed as much as ever. For those of you that read here, have a very happy and safe Thanksgiving. :)

"Diagnosis: Critical"

"Diagnosis: Critical" Mental Health Series This is a six-part series regarding mental health and the terrible tragedies that occur when treatment isn't rendered or followed through with, most recently and notably the murders in Drexel Hill committed by Michael Rafferty. It's a long series from The Daily Times, but well worth the read.


The Right To Travel Freely In America - DENIED !

I just received an email from someone about a woman named Deborah Davis. She's a 50 year old woman who was using a Public mode of transportation (A Bus) to get to her job. This is a tidbit from her web site: "The bus she rides crosses the property of the Denver Federal Center, a collection of government offices such as the Veterans Administration, the U.S. Geological Survey, and part of the National Archives. The Denver Federal Center is not a high security area: it's not Area 51 or NORAD." "On her first day commuting to work by bus, the bus stopped at the gates of the Denver Federal Center. A security guard got on and demanded that all of the passengers on this public bus produce ID. She was surprised by the demand of the man in uniform, but she complied:" And this: Suddenly, the second policeman shouted "Grab her!" and he grabbed the cell phone from her and threw it to the back of the bus. With each of the policemen wrenching one of her arms behind her back, she was jerked out of her seat, the contents of her purse and book bag flying everywhere. The cops shoved her out of the bus, handcuffed her, threw her into the back seat of a police cruiser, and drove her to a police station inside the confines of the Denver Federal Center. Once inside, she was taken down a hall and told to sit in a chair, still handcuffed, while one of the policemen went through her purse, now retrieved from the bus. The two policemen sat in front of their computers, typing and conferring, trying to figure out what they should charge her with. Eventually, they wrote up several tickets, took her outside and removed the handcuffs, returned her belongings, and pointed her toward the bus stop. She was told that if she ever entered the Denver Federal Center again, she would go to jail. So what did she do wrong? Well she refused to show a "Security guard" her I.D. and was arrested. I'll not delve into this any further, suffice to say that America is becoming a communist/facist country in my opinion, all in the name of "Freedom" and "National Security". Do you realize what this means? It means that any so called " Peace Officer" Including those Blackwater people can detain, arrest, and possibly make you just disappear without anyone being notified or any legal representation. The fact is? It's called kiss your rights goodbye as an American citizen. Here in Delaware County just the other day they, The Upper Darby Police Deptartment and their new Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood, conducted a "DUI" checkpoint, or better described as a "Roadblock", to catch people doing illegal things. I am personally for this, being that it was done in a straight-forward way, late at night, and netted results. And, It is very different than what happenned to Ms. Davis. She was using public transportation, not driving, which under Pennsylvania law is classified as a "Privilege, not a right". I say this sharade has to stop. Just visit her web site and read it. Decide. Are you ready for this?Are you ready for YOU to be treated this way? As a "Terrorist? I would love to hear your opinions on this. Amuse me.


My First Post...

...and although a short one, I hope I won't let you all down. Kudos to Upper Darby Township for hosting the counter-terrorism simulation drill last Friday at the high school. I know there were also other areas that had the same drills, from Philadelphia to all the way down in Georgia. Let's just hope that everyone (Police, FF, Paramedics, Dr's & nurses) really took in and learned all the things they needed to know in the event of a REAL tragedy, which would be absolutely devastating to the township. For those interested, you can read the article from the News of Delaware County here. ~kk

Natalee Alive?

I Live In Delaware County: More About Natalee Holloway Amazing that this blog post from June is receiving so many hits. I do think that she may have been kidnapped and sold as a sex slave, (As I posted eariler) but they are looking in the wrong places. They should try Saudi Arabia or Israel, two of the worst offenders when it comes to white sex slavery. Even Dr. Phil say's that she may be alive, but even if she is, how do you aquire her? Do you hire Mercs (If I had the money I would), or ask the state department to send in some clandesent special Op team? This isn't the movies you know, so in reality the best thing for Natalee's family and friends would be to find clousure. So I offer this: To those who know the wereabouts of Natalee Holloway, give it up. Your going to burn in hell if not before your tourtured first. You had no right to do what you did. Would you want the same for your mother/sister/wife/girlfriend? Not a snowballs chance in hell unless your demonic. Fire away.


An Interesting Project

I've been watching this now for a few days and I must say that I am impressed. Dr. Anu Sivaraman, out of the University of Delaware started this for her students. I'll not bore you all with my lengthly babble but do check it out, especially the student blog links. (Most of them are about Philly Sport teams Whoo Hoo!) Information Technology Applications in Marketing P.S. So who will get the best overall grade?


Special Guy 29

I'm watching MSNBC's "Dateline" special report about pervos who meet who they think are 13, 14 year olds for sex. 19 Men, ranging from Doctors, to Rabbi's to Enlisted men all agree to meet these "Kids". One pedophile in particular, "Specialguy29"shows up with a 12 pack of beer and strips naked in the garage. When confronted by the Dateline investigator Chris Hansen tells him some line of BS. What amazes me is that the same guy (Chris Canelli), after getting caught redhanded and his fugly mug plastered on a national television show, proceeds to get back online and try to hook up at a McDonalds. And when he's confronted with this yet again? He blurts out: "I was hungry!". I'll give him hungry. You pedophiles think that your above the law. At least one website, Perverted Justice has been exposing these freaks for what they are. One thing I like is how they make these scumbags lives miserable by posting anything and everything thay can get on them. Here in Delco we have the Delaware County Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, I believe started by then Delco DA Patrick Meehan. Lt. David Peifer is the head honcho, with Michelle Deery as lead investigator. What they do I assume is to go into chat rooms like they have at Yahoo, and AOL and pose as young kids. Their track record is impressive. Over 100 arrests right here in Delaware county, and tipping off other jurisdictions. But more has to be done. As in My eariler post, I showed how a convicted pedophile who lives right behind me continues to hang around a Catholic school and the law protects him. The message here is clear. Prey on underage children and pay with your soul. Don't give me your excuse that you were "Sexually abused as a child" either. That's a pure cop out.


Foot In Mouth Disease - Terrell Owens Undoing

Nov.7 (Bloomberg) -- Philadelphia Eagles receiver Terrell Owens, a four-time Pro Bowl selection, won't play for the team again this season after criticizing the organization and quarterback Donovan McNabb, coach Andy Reid said.

Keep picking your ass TerrellSo Terrell Owens opened his big mouth way to many times, being critical of his fellow teammates. According to several local Philly news outlets, Owens has acted like an out of control megalomaniac. Megalomania One entry found for megalomania. Main Entry: meg·a·lo·ma·nia Pronunciation: "me-g&-lO-'mA-nE-&, -ny& Function: noun Etymology: New Latin 1 : a mania for great or grandiose performance 2 : a delusional mental disorder that is marked by infantile feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur - meg·a·lo·ma·ni·ac /-'mA-nE-"ak/ adjective or noun - meg·a·lo·ma·ni·a·cal /-m&-'nI-&-k&l/ also meg·a·lo·man·ic /-'ma-nik/ adjective - meg·a·lo·ma·ni·a·cal·ly /-m&-'nI-&-k(&-)lE/ adverb Ok. Enough of that. Fact is, Owens fits the bill to the tee. What does this mean to me? NOTHING. I've known all along as well of many other Philly sports fans that these "Lone Rangers" in the end do more damage to the team as a whole than they are worth.

Remember Eric Lindros?

The big baby who couldn't do nothing unless Mommy & Daddy approved? The same Eric who repurtedly screwed Rod Brind'Amour's wife? The one who was "IT" ?

The Eagles will survive, as you all know, it takes A TEAM to win. Not one or two players. Remember this quote? "Win together now and we walk together forever." Yes, A man who I grew up admiring as a coach of the greatest hockey team ever, Fred Shero said that in 1975, during the Stanley Cup playoffs. The Eagles, and Andy Reid have made a good call in terminating Owens, as hurtful as his talent will be missed. I just feel sorry for all you people who went out and bought a T.O. jersey. Maybe you can auction them off on Ebay. Or burn them in effigy. Good riddance I say.



Well I guess its about time for some kind of comments on the SEPTA situation. Rather than peddle my opinion I'll let everyone chime in. Comment away. I will say though people need to lose that chip on their shoulder and realize this isn't going away. Your just going to have to learn to deal with packed trains (yes, even if more cars are added the trains will still be packed) and long lines. We all have to go through it and no your not a special case. Everyone has a job to make, appointments to make, kids to pick up, etc, etc, etc... Yes it sucks but constantly complaining about it and showing your short fuse to everyone around you isn't going to alleviate the problem one bit.



Interesting take on the recent bombings in Baghdad. Of course there are always recent bombings so to clarify this is in regards to the three car bombs near the hotels that just so happened to occur within prime view of multiple cameras...


Pissed at Wawa

In the process of trying to find out just who is running for what in the election on November 8th, I came across this from Dan Quinn's web site: HELEN AND RICHARD D. GREENWALD, SR. 8 COLUMBUS AVENUE HAVERTOWN, PA 19083 E-MAIL: POP19083 @AOL.COM October 13, 2005 My bride of 40 years and I have been residents of Haverford Township for 35 years now. We moved here many years ago so that our three(3) children could benefit from the excellent schools and the family atmosphere that existed at that time. Our children are now grown, but in their place, many of our ten(10) grandchildren still reside in Havertown and still attend the same excellent schools. Yes, we all love our community! However, something happened recently that bothers us greatly since we are people of principle and don't like the fashion in which we have been treated by either WAWA or their authorized agent. On Saturday October 1st (Havertown Day) we parked in the WAWA located at Darby and Manoa Roads and our automobile was subsequently towed. Note that we were wrong and deserved to be punished. We were more than willing to pay the $200 towing charge and this issue would have ended there. However, WAWA's agent (shown below) refused to give us our car back on Saturday and told us to come back on Monday- when, naturally, additional storage charges would also be tacked on to the original $200 towing charge! TOW SQUAD, INC. 6702 MARKET STREET UPPER DARBY, PA 19082 We have both been treated in an extremely rude and calloused fashion to the point that (forget me) I was concerned that my wife was going to have a heart attack. (Having personally had a heart attack and quadruple by-pass surgery, I guess you might consider me to be somewhat of an expert on heart attacks.) When I say she was near having a heart attack, let me tell you that she continues to shake at the mere mention of the words "WAWA or Tow Squad"! As an example of WAWA's attitude, when my wife demanded to pay the $200 towing charge and get her car back on Saturday, WAWA's agent (in front of a Haverford Police Officer in the WAWA parking lot), snapped his fingers in the air in an extremely belligerent and aggressive manner and said "Sure lady-just like that you'll get your car back-You'll get it back on Monday morning and not before!" I immediately went to the WAWA agent's above location, where the car was being held, and called the Upper Darby Police. Their incident report will document that at that time, the owner was on the premises, another employee was on the premises and in addition they released a previously towed car to a young woman that arrived "AFTER" me. (because she paid them an additional $100 that I did not have!) In addition, his tow truck had another car in the process of being put on his lot when I arrived. WAWA's agent refused to give me our car indicating that his office was closed until Monday. Let me reiterate: -The owner was present -Another employee was also on-site -They were in the process of releasing a car to a person that arrived after me -They were continuing to tow cars -All they had to do to release my car was to open the gate- there were no cars blocking us in. THUS, THEY WERE "NOT CLOSED", THEY WERE OPEN AND WERE CONDUCTING BUSINESS!!! PETITION TO ALL LEGISLATORS IN HAVERFORD AND UPPER DARBY TOWNSHIP AND ELSEWHERE IN THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA Our signature below signifies that we agree with the Greenwald's open communication dated October 13, 2005 that spells out in detail the need for new and enhanced legislation to address the obvious deficiencies in our current Towing Regulations. We request that new legislation be passed AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE TIME to protect the citizens of our communities. Some specific issues and recommendations follow: -Towing Charges- it is requested that a towing company's charges be tied to a specific index. As an example, "a towing company's fees can not exceed the charges levied by the police department of the township from which the vehicle is towed for similar services". If there is a need to further punish the owners of towed cars, it is acceptable to add to this amount an additional reasonable "specified" penalty fee. - Towing Destination- to ensure that vehicles are not towed across the country and further to ensure that the Township from which the vehicle is towed does not lose its legal jurisdiction, we request that a new regulation be passed that specifies that a towed vehicle can not be towed outside the township from which the towing commences. - Vehicle Protection- the current regulations that indicate that towing companies are not responsible for damage to, loss, or theft from towed vehicles must be closely re-examined. - Recovery of Towed Vehicles- A towing company can not be allowed to pick and chose when they will allow the return of personal property of other people. All towing companies should have to adhere to the same schedule in the respective township! Further, a specific new section should be added that indicates that any towing company that tows a vehicle after the prescribed time schedule is deemed to be open for business and must accommodate the owners of towed vehicles that desire to retrieve their vehicles on the day towed. It is noted that one of the Tow Squad's signs indicates that that recovery is by "appointment only". Since the Tow Squad was "not" open when the owner and another employee were on-site and when they were both towing and releasing vehicles from their lot, we wonder how anyone could possibly make an appointment! . -Towing Authority- The legal rights of a towing company (and naturally the owner of the vehicle) must be thoroughly examined. After a vehicle leaves the property of a business (such as the WAWA) by what right does the towing company have to tow the vehicle further, charge whatever fees it desires, and decide when it will release the personal property to the owner, while at the same time hiding under an umbrella of section 3353 of the PA Motor Vehicle Code that apparently says they are not liable for any damage to the vehicle or other loss or theft therefrom? It is further important to distinguish between the actions of the towing company in the actual towing of the vehicle and subsequent damage, loss or theft that arises after the initial towing action is complete (the vehicle is placed in the lot of the towing company). It is further suggested that all towed cars be immediately towed to the applicable local police department's towing lot and that the local police take ownership of the matter immediately. - Parking Meters- Authority should be granted to all Police Department's to tow all vehicles that are parked in front of expired parking meters. - Expired Registration Stickers- The posted WAWA sign indicates that vehicles with expired registrations will be towed. WAWA and their agents are not the local police enforcement agency- what right do they have to tow the vehicle of a customer of WAWA that is doing business in their store? WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE! I hereby support the need for the above new towing regulations and ask that all legislators immediately address the deficiencies that are highlighted in this petition and the Greenwald's communication dated October 13, 2005, a copy of which will be made a part of the formal petition. Click here for the petition What amazes me is that Wawa would even think of pulling a stunt like this. I always have felt good when going to area Wawas, the people who work there perform multiple tasks, like fixing you a sandwich or hoagie, "Deli Worker", ringing you up"Cashier", in addition to deal with product "Stock Person". Even cleaning the rest rooms, and store! At "MY WAWA"(s) the workers and managers are extremely nice and a few I even would consider friends. So that to say that the above had me shocked is beyond belief. But shocked I am. I hope that Mr. & Mrs. Greenwald achieve two things. One, a sincere and public apology from Wawa, and Tow Squad Inc; and Two, the people in power in Haverford Township take notice of this and deal with it accordingly. Better yet, how about all of Delco's community leaders look into this?


Kiss Your Rights Goodbye

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon is looking at the possibility of using federal troops to enforce a quarantine in the event of an outbreak of pandemic bird flu in the United States, a senior official said on Wednesday. President George W. Bush said last week he would consider using the military to "effect a quarantine" in response to any outbreak of avian influenza, but provided few details. Bush at the time also suggested he might place National Guard troops, normally commanded by state governors, under federal control as part of the government's response to the "catastrophe" of such a flu pandemic. Paul McHale, assistant defense secretary for homeland defense, said quarantine law historically has been under the primary jurisdiction of states, not the federal government. "And my expectation is that any quarantine measures that would be put in place would likely involve a substantial employment of the National Guard, probably under command and control of the governor of an affected state," McHale told a group of reporters. "However, we are looking at a wide range of contingencies, potentially involving Title 10 forces (federal troops) if a pandemic outbreak of a biological threat were to occur," McHale added. The H5N1 avian influenza virus has killed or forced the destruction of tens of millions of birds and infected more than 100 people, killing at least 60 in four Asian nations since late 2003. Experts fear that the virus, known to pass to humans from birds, could mutate and start to spread easily from person to person, potentially killing millions worldwide. Experts have questioned America's preparedness. McHale said he believed there would be a clearer understanding within a few weeks of the military role in response to pandemic bird flu as part of a broader federal response. Pentagon officials were meeting on Wednesday to discuss the department's role in a flu pandemic. LEGAL BARRIERS One issue that could face the U.S. government in the event of an outbreak is whether or how to cordon off parts of the country to prevent the disease from spreading. The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, enacted during the post-Civil War reconstruction period, prohibits federal military personnel from taking part in law-enforcement within the United States. But a president can waive the law in an emergency. National Guard troops under the command of state governors are permitted to perform law enforcement duties, but would not be permitted to do so if they were put under federal control. McHale noted that the military has been used only under extraordinary circumstances for domestic law enforcement and restoring civil order. While not specifically referring to enforcing a quarantine, McHale said the Pentagon has active-duty federal military units on alert and deployable at the direction of the president "to deal with occurrences of massive civil disturbance." He did not identify the units. On the topic of possible domestic attack involving biological, chemical or nuclear weapons, McHale said the government needs "a more robust civilian capability" to respond so the country is not exclusively dependent on the military. McHale said the Pentagon is working to help make the Department of Homeland Security better able to make strategic plans for natural disasters or domestic attacks involving weapons of mass destruction. The department's Federal Emergency Management Agency was strongly criticized for its slow response to the Hurricane Katrina disaster on the U.S. Gulf Coast in August. Yes, I have a problem with this. It really looks to me like Bush is setting America up as a Police State. Like the movie "Outbreak", we Americans will be herded like cattle and put in internment camps already built across America. And guess who will be the first to go? That's right, people like me who dare to question our beloved leaders in Washington. About 100 people so far have died from this flu Worldwide! How are they so certain that it will be a pandemic? How about closing the frigging borders? Noooo, that would ruin the corporations who depend on these illeagals for their profit margin. Cancelling flights from the far east! Nada. No way. Bush has only one answer for everything. Send in the troops. This will not sit well with many, and forget about crying wolf about terrorists in subways. We know that was a load of B.S. to divert the public's attention from the real threats that plauge us like our open ports, where any dimwit could smuggle in a nuke. Martial law? There is no way people will give up their guns. So it looks like we are heading for civil war here in America if Posse Comitatus is repealed. Do you (the government) really believe this is good for us? You as an employee of the government work for the people. What happens when the "troops" UN, etc.. come for your family? Do you all think you"ll have a free pass? I don't think so.. Look what happened in NOLA! It's quite obivous that the feds can't do anything but create total kaos. Like volunteers being arrested by Soldiers who thought they were stealing, people dying from dehydration, bloated bodies floating for weeks. trains and boats being told to go away, a moron horse trader in charge. May God help America and help it soon, before it's too late. Remember this quote? "If this were a DICTATORSHIP, it would be a heck of a lot easier. A DICTARTORSHIP would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the DICTATOR." I do... And it scares the shit outta Me.


Call Me A Doctor

A while back I e-mailed our Senator Arlen Specter, a man who I have voted for since I was 18 about a problem that we in Delaware County and all across the State have. Doctors, who because of skyrocketing insurance premiums are either leaving Pennsylvania or choosing to limit their specific specialty and or just retire early. As one of the thousands of self-employed people across the state who barely afford health care for my family, this is a two pronged issue. I was quite surprised today when I received this from Senator Specter. Dear Mr. Ward: Thank you for contacting my office regarding the issue of medical liability insurance. I appreciate your keeping me informed of your recommendations and concerns regarding this important issue. During the 108th Congress the United States Senate considered legislation that would place a cap on non economic damages in medical malpractice cases. I support caps on non-economic damages so long as they do not apply to catastrophic injuries such as the paperwork mix-up leading to the double mastectomy of a woman or the recent death of a 17 year old woman from North Carolina, due to an erroneous blood test. An appropriate standard for cases not covered could be analogous provisions in Pennsylvania law which limit actions against governmental entities or in the limited tort context which exclude death, serious impairment of bodily function, and permanent disfigurement or dismemberment. On February 24, 2004, I voted in favor of the motion to proceed to the consideration of S. 2061, the Healthy Mothers and Healthy Babies Access to Care Act of 2004. On April 7, 2004, I voted in favor of the motion to proceed to the consideration of S. 2207, the Pregnancy and Trauma Care Access Protection Act of 2004. Moreover, on July 9, 2003, I voted in favor of the motion to proceed to the consideration of S.11, the Patient's First Act of 2003. These votes however, failed to garner the necessary 60 votes to further floor debate. Congress will continue to pursue these measures. Beyond the issue of caps, I believe there could be savings on the cost of medical malpractice insurance by eliminating frivolous cases by requiring plaintiffs to file with the Court a certification by a doctor in the field that it is an appropriate case to bring to court. This proposal, which is now part of state procedure, would be expanded federally, thus reducing claims and saving costs. Further savings could be accomplished through patient safety initiatives identified in the report of the Institute of Medicine. I think it is worth noting that my service for 23 years on the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee for Health and Human Services has been to provide access to the best possible medical care to all Americans. I have consistently voted to assist doctors on adequate reimbursement in Medicare cases. I have consistently voted to expand funding for the National Institutes of Health to find cures for Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, cancer, heart disease and other ailments. I have voted to increase funding for graduate medical education and to provide the delivery of health care for people in financial need. From my travels throughout the state, I understand the problems faced by medical professionals, as well as to people injured in the course of medical treatment; and I am working with my colleagues in the Senate to provide an appropriate legislative solution. The concerns of my constituents are of great importance to me, and I rely on you and other Pennsylvanians to inform me of your views. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact my office or visit my website at http://specter.senate.gov . Thank you again for writing. Sincerely, Arlen Specter Now I do realize that it must be difficult for a Senator to choose between the Insurance lobbyists who I'm sure bombard him 24/7 and the Lawyer lobbyist doing the same. Arlen, (Or at least his staffers) at least replied to me. Until this issue is resolved guess who will continue to suffer the most? The citizens of Pennsylvania. Ask your Doctor the next time you visit Him/Her how much they have to pay for insurance and you’ll find that they too are paying way too much. Now I'm not defending any Doctor who is proven incompetent, say who gives a wrong diagnosis that results in say a healthy kidney being removed instead of the diseased one, or stuff like that. They should be held accountable. But let's face it. More and more Physicians will continue to close shop for elsewhere unless something about this is done. Also, I would like to put forth the Insurance companies position that there has been an 11% increase over the last 6 years of Attorneys seeking multi-million dollar amounts for "frivolous lawsuits" as they put it. Again between the Doctors. Insurance Companies, and Law Firms, We the people lose out the most. Anyway,Thank You Arlen for being on the ball.


I'm BAACK...

I have just been way to busy with work, and a sick child, etc to post. Also, I have been actively reading many blogs and official White House "via FAWX / Rush/Hannity/Asshole Bill O'Lielly press releases" and have come to the conclusion that the shit is already hitting the fan. It's now up to the people who are on this to follow thru. To Fitz in Chicago? Do not back back down! WE as a whole are fed the hell up and want these treasonous pricks put in prison. NOW! Not next year or whatever. The new "Person who has sexual issues"(Happy now Shelley?) that Bush nominated is a joke. She never sat behind a bench. WTF. When will us AMERICANS Of all political affiliations demand accountability? Are "Conservatives" really that gullible? Do you not care about your country and where it's headed?


Yes Fran, I am outraged!

OK, I have lots of issues today.....Appointing a fucking veterinarian to direct Women's Health?? How many decades will this administration push back women's issues? I've been fearful of what is going to happen once the frat boy gets to make an appointment to the Supreme Court (now 2 of them, oy vey). I feel like we as a gender have been pushed aside....can you say burka? I was hoping that my generation's strides in women's rights would be a legacy to pass down to our children and grandchildren...was hoping that when my granddaughter is of age, there would be no glass ceiling for women in business, that women would not have to struggle as hard as men to get to the same place.... I know some of you that read Fran's blog are young enough to think that I'm talking smack here but seriously....when I started my career in 1973, I was working in the Intensive Care Unit of a large Philly hospital...large pediatric hospital actually. I was making $4.20 an hour which really, at that time, you could live on ($5.00 to fill your gas tank)...the male nurse that started with me, also a new graduate made 10 cents an hour more. Why? (and yes I DID ask), "Because he has a family to support". This has chapped my ass for years and you know what? It still happens! Back to the women's health issues....there is already a difference in the way health insurance treats male and female issues. Viagra is paid for but in many instances, birth control pills are not, did you know that? I know of what I speak, I work for an HMO. Insurance also pays for an erectaid pump in cases of erectile dysfunction and does not pay for a similar technology for women with sexual dysfunction. Need a penile implant? You can get one! Need breast implants? Sorry Miss. On to another issue..the news. Did you learn from reading the headlines today that we're suffering casualties in Iraq? I didn't think so. I have a dear friend that is there as a reservist, working as a nurse doing air evacuations...didn't hear from him all week and was beginning to worry. Heard from him briefly today, just enough time to tell me that it's bloody and ugly over there this week...just thought you might want to know. Enough bitching for now, but I'll be back!


Male Veterinarian Appointed Acting Director of Women's Health

Ladies: What do you think of this? I think it's an insult to women. First we have a former commissioner for the International Arabian Horse Association, now a former Veterinarian in charge of the Office of Women's Health?


Remembering 911

Earlier I posted this but mysteriously the link that was working fine suddenly is not. Remembering what happened on 9-11-01 and what has happened to America since then has been the topic of many people around the world. I will not go into my thoughts about 911, because it makes me sick to know that people got away with mass murder and continue to get away with it to this very day, four years later. So.Where's Usāmah bin Muhammad bin `Awad bin Lādin, the mastermind of 911? Where is he hiding? Will the 3000 plus souls who lost their lives ever get true justice? I, as well as thousands more, have been remembering 911 ever since and demand the truth. I do believe that someday, someone will come out with evidence that will make the "Official" story look like the story of a Pet Goat. Enough of the lies, enough of the brazen, cocky attitude that befalls the ones who did this. Americans will never forget 911, and pray God I hope that history dosen't get the chance to preserve it in falsehood.


Spinning Katrina

I am listening right now to Bill O'Reilly, again defending the Bush Administration on what is being done about the victims of Hurricane Katrina. This guy should be fired and I am ashamed that he is a fellow American. This is a crisis of bibicial proportions, and O'Reilly, smug and cocky as ever, shows me that he is a friggin'' racist in the worst way. He does not care to mention that the Bush administration cut their budget for flooding in June. Now I hear him say that FEMA cannot do their job because of armed gangs (He failed to mention they are Black, but he lets you know in his racist baritone anyway.) He is slamming the NOLA Mayor, saying that he is not a good leader for his people, and yet,Bush flies over for a few minutes in his sanitized AF-1 at 2500'? When is enough enough? The stench from you, Bill O'Reilly is more sickening than what must be coming from Bourbon Street. FIRE everyone who failed and is continuing to fail these people. Do not let the media sway you! These people cry "Help us!" for 6 days? Now Hannity is spewing his bullshit, trying to belittle Giraldo Rivera, after he makes a direct plea for the Jack Boots to allow the people out. Even Russia offered to help, and Bush replied? Yep, you guessed it.. NO. So just when will YOU, the American citizen and neighbor, demand accountability? Are you that stupid? That brainwashed in just what is going on with this administration? And what about you people who work for the government? Feel a little confused lately? I challenge ANYONE to let me know why this is happening! Why fellow Americans should be allowed to die? Is Iraq more important? NO! (But the OIL is!) Both O'Reilly and these other so called commentators should be sent overseas, preferably to Angola, to live among the "colored" people they despise so much. To Mr. O'Reilly? I have no respect for you. In fact, I respect Michael Crook (Who I detest) more! At least he doesn't back down on what he states, unlike you Mr. "Spinmeister". I hope that someday you will die a slow painful death, much like you have no problem with the "Bottom Feeders" of Louisiana and Alabama are each and every minute of the day and night. forget about gas prices, forget about Iraq and their "Freedom"!!! The number ONE distressing issue that has to be addressed RIGHT NOW is our fellow AMERICANS! And to those pols who want to be re-elected in 06? We are watching you. From the Haverford Blog: Awaiting Ivan in the Big Uneasy Thanks Pat! A sub note. To Michael Marcavage: Your statement that the sinful gay people of the NOLA deserved what Katrina brought them is just plain evil. You call yourself a man of God? You are a worthless cause, a twisted soul who should be the soul patient of Haverford State Mental Hospital. Do something humbling. Go and help your fellow man and woman. In fact fellow Delconian Michael, I'll make you a deal. I'll drive you to Louisiana and we'll both help. Are you in?


Attention Delconians ! Fed up with gas prices?

I received this from a woman friend of mine on My Space. It makes perfect sense, as OPEC is putting the screws to us Americans, even in light of the horrible tragedy in the Southeast United States. Repost this and tell your friends. We need to take this nation back. OK, Let's fight back! Read on and do your part, only buy from the companies listed below: TO BUY YOUR GAS, THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Why didn't George W. think of this? Gas rationing in the 80's worked even though we grumbled about it. It might even be good for us! The Saudis are boycotting American goods. We should return the favor. An interesting thought is to boycott their GAS. Every time you fill up the car, you can avoid putting more money into the coffers of Saudi Arabia. Just buy from gas companies that don't import their oil from the Saudis. Nothing is more frustrating than the feeling that every time I fill-up the tank, I am sending my money to people who are trying to kill me, my family, and my friends. I thought it might be interesting for you to know which oil companies are the best to buy gas from and which major companies import Middle Eastern oil: Arab oil: Shell - 205,742,000 barrels Chevron/Texaco - 144, 332,000 barrels Exxon/Mobil - 130,082,000 barrels Marathon/Speedway - 117,740,000 barrels Amoco - 62,231,000 barrels: "If you do the math at $70/barrel, these imports amount to over $434 BILLION! Here are some large companies that DO NOT import Middle Eastern oil: Citgo - 0 barrels Sunoco - 0 barrels Conoco - 0 barrels Sinclair - 0 barrels BP/Phillips - 0 barrels Hess - 0 barrels ARCO - 0 barrels All of this information is available from the Department of Energy and each is required to state where they get their oil and how much they are importing. But to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of gas buyers. It's really simple to do. Come on people do it! Go to Arab Oil Boycott I agree, get the word out, better yet? JUST DO IT!


Come Together

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, there are hundreds of thousands of people now homeless in America. Millions without power (No refrigerator = rotting food) A lot of these people have nothing left but the shirts on their backs. I just was browsing the MSM news on the TV and saw a woman being informed that her son's grave and hundreds of others were uprooted, and emptied out of their caskets. The time to act is now. No squabbling about where's the money coming from. Imagine what is happening down there. Imagine what is going to happen in the next week or two. In every passing day, hundreds of people will die from dehydration and disease is surely to come. I was quite happy to receive this letter today but it failed to address the money issue, other than to donate. "Ken Mehlman, RNC Chairman" To: frannyward@yahoo.com Subject: Hurricane Katrina Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2005 22:29:50 -0400 (EDT) Dear Francis, Hurricane Katrina has passed and now the people of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama must begin the process of rebuilding. Our thoughts are with those who were affected by this powerful storm. During times like these, there is no room for politics and partisanship. This is a time when we all come together to help our neighbors. Due to the size of this storm and the area of impact, the cost for recovery will be staggering. For that reason, we are asking you, our supporters, to make a donation to hurricane relief efforts. The American Red Cross and the Salvation Army provide shelter, food, water, blankets and clothing to those who have lost everything. We appreciate your willingness to help these groups. Your generosity will help the people impacted by the storm begin the process of rising up and recovering from this disaster. Thanks for all you do. Sincerely, Ken MehlmanChairman, RNC And I thought that the GOP didn't care! I was wondering what FEMA is doing to mobilize first responders. As you know, FEMA better known as the Federal Emergency Management Agency, is the "people in charge" of both natural and man- made disasters. What I didn't know is this:
"FEMA prepares the nation for all hazards and manages federal response and recovery efforts following any national incident. FEMA also initiates mitigation activities, trains first responders, works with state and local emergency managers, and manages the National Flood Insurance Program and the U.S. Fire Administration. FEMA became part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on March 1, 2003."
FEMA is appealing to the residents of the affected areas who evacuated to stay put, and are as I type this, sending hundreds of personal to coordinate relief efforts. Here is a news statement from FEMA. I actually am thinking of just what I can do to help, other than to send money. Maybe join the CERT program? Has anyone really ever volunteered to go so far away? My sister in law, who works for State Farm, has been to Florida and other states in the past after hurricanes to set up comm posts. And as the price of gasoline skyrocket's "I saw it go up 9 cents today on Oak Ave, in Primos" this is going to affect us all. Your favourite WAWA coffee, Milk, Budweisers, Air Conditioning, Heat, etc, all will be affected by a storm named Katrina. Let's hope this is the last of the season. The Chevron Pascagoula Refinery

Rigorous Intuition: Crash on the levee

I'm not the only one who aware of what's going on.


CommonSense: The Continuing Exploitation of Chester by Delco Politicians

Amazing information and a good read to those who want to know what's really going on in our county government. Thanks Peter and welcome to "I Live in Delaware County"! Feel free to post here anytime.


Interviews & Snap on's

It was a pleasure to finally see the article that Alex Rose of the Daily Times interviewed me about a few weeks ago. Basically, the article is to the letter, and I was pleased with it. Thank you Daily Times! So now that's the cat's out of the bag, I was hoping that a swarm of net surfers would be posting away on the forums, and clamoring to be contributors of this Blog. I was wrong. It seems that the majority of people who surf the net treat it the same way they do the television. If they don't find it interesting or interactive, they just change the channel. That's all fine and dandy with me. I'll explain this at another time, as I am too upset to do it in a logical and calm way. Let's just say that if I came into your home and replaced a 3 way switch, and 3 weeks later it failed, would you be hesitant to pay me? You bet your snap-on's you would! Then to tell other's that I am a "Deadbeat" for not paying a bill that I really do not have the legal obligation to pay, being that the vehicle isn't even mine? But don't worry, you will be "paid" in full. I'll never recommend you two to anyone ever again. Have a great weekend!


Quick Notes

Our web provider recently asked me ( forced more like it) to change the password to the site. I forgot to also change it on blogger. I have reloaded the blog and all who posted comments should see them show up. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Chump Change?

With two more Delaware County lawmakers reversing positions and refusing to accept their "unvouchered expense" checks, a majority of the county's 15-member delegation in the Pennsylvania General Assembly has postponed their salary raises until next term. From the Daily Times today the above has me laughing. Why? Because in a nutshell the "Times" and other print media exposed what goes on in Delaware County and Pennsylvania when it comes to your tax dollars. Imagine giving yourself a 16 to 34% raise! And doing it late at night, like a cockroach coming out to feast on the crumbs on the kitchen floor that you failed to clean up. Locally, only ONE member of the house of representatives actually voted against this cowardly thievery. A one Greg Vitali, a Democrat representing Haverford and Radnor Townships. And, the kicker is, Vitali was penalized for it!

Since when is it "OK" that one puts the party and their wallets before the Country, State, City and Town? What has become of our elected officials? Are they all T.O. wannabes? Are they that smug and feeling so invincible that they think they can get away with these things? Democrat, Republican, it makes NO difference. BOTH parties have some members that are corrupt, mismanaged, and constantly jockeying for political leverage, while patting themselves on the back for a "Job well done". Today I read Rep. Nick Micozzie quoted in a letter to the Times saying this:

"Forget about guys like us, I got scars going all the way back to 1979. It's the family, the kids. The Micozzie name is well known in the area and you make us look like a bunch of crooks," Well Nick, a raise of eleven grand minimum while the "minimum" wage in PA hasn't been addressed in years dosen't sit well with a lot of people. This is not to say that Nick Micozzie and others haven't done a good job for their constituants mind you, I like Nick and vote for him everytime. It's just the way they now are whining about this issue that finally made me post this blog.

I can't vote myself a raise witout losing clients.This also makes A lot of people "voters mind you," angry. It's getting to be like that movie "Network", when William Holden screams out the window, "I'm mad as hell, and I ain't going to take it anymore!". The multitude of bullshit that is going on here in Delco and across the nation today is unbelievable. Just read the Haverford Blog sometime, and see what Haverford people think.

Iraq? Yes! Stay the course, as long as it isn't my kid over there! Price of gas? "It's because of supply and demand I hear on FAWX NEWS. Locally and across Pennsylvania I see all the back tracking because of the media fallout over this vote. My opinion? Secretly, your all banking on the hope that the "sheeple" won't remember this vote. Too late! Come 2006 things WILL change in Delco the way they should have 70 years ago. No more "War Board" or cronyism. Either both parties shape up or ship out. Put your constituents first! How they voted HERE.

P.S. Happy Birthday Pete, you old fart..


Nextel - DONE!

From one of my many blogs.. Today in the Daily Times I read about a guy who was “alledgely” stabbed by his girlfriend after she peeked at his Nextel camera phone and saw pictures of him and another woman doing the nasty. Is he an idiot? Or did he want her to see them? Seriously, I think that they were his “Trophy” pics. You know, the ones you used to take of you and your girlfriends and be scared shitless that the lady at the PhotoMat wouldn’t look at them? (You knew she did by the nasty look she would give as you picked them up.) Today, things have changed. Digital camera’s abound, “Web Cams” are the norm, and voyeurism goes on. Speaking of voyeurism, I did a quick google search of the word and was shocked to find that it is labeled here as a “disorder of sexual arousal”. Heh. I used to call it a peeping tom.


Flood Insurance

Delaware County is getting 'new' Flood Insurance Rate Maps. What does that mean? Well the requirement for flood insurance is based off of these maps. And no, your lender isn't the one requiring it, Congress is. They created the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in 1968. Why? Because many insurance companies went belly-up from flood claims. After that most insurance companies wouldn't offer flood insurance. Some still do though, mostly overseas companies, at an increadibly huge cost. The lenders though determine if you are required to purchase flood insurance though they do a very half-ass job in this determination usually paying some other company to do it for them. Homeowners Insurance does NOT cover flood damage. Don't have a mortgage/home equity loan? Your not required (mandatory purchase of flood insurance is enforced through the lenders) to purchase it though you really really really should get it if your live in/near the floodplain. So anyway, Delaware County maps have been updated. If you want to look at them go to your municipality (usually a planning/zoning department but something the building permitting office). Think the floodplain is wrong? Better have some data and by data I mean engineering data proving that its wrong. Think the road names suck? Go ahead and comment back to the municipality, who may or may not bring that to the government (depends if they agree), who will then change it. Here is the official NFIP site. The NFIP is one of those few government programs that make a lot of sense. Money goes into the program from insurance premiums. That money is used for employee salaries, floodplain mapping, mitigation programs, and a host of other related stuff. Congress has recently been throwing taxpayer money into the pot to push things along and create modernized maps (read: digital) for the entire nation in about 5-7 years.


Latoyia Figueroa - Missing in Philly

I've been thinking about this young woman ever since I first saw a story about her here in the local paper. With all the mainstream medias attention on Natalee Holloway, I think that Latoyia's family needs equal exposure. Some info: Latoyia is 24 years old, 5'2", 130 lbs, with a tattoo of the name "Angel" on her right wrist and another tattoo "IZHANAE" (Her Daughter's name) on her left arm. She is 5 months pregnant. She was last seen on July 18th wearing a tan top and black pants in the area of S. 52nd st. Do you know how many young woman go missing each year in the U.S.? Thousands. How many receive major/national news coverage? Just a few. How many "minority" women? Not many. I saw just one report on "FOX" news about Latoyia. Then it's right back to Aruba looking for Natalee. BOTH of these young women need to be found. It kind of ticks me off that the MSM cares more about their ratings than actual people. Let's face the fact here. Natalee is White, Latoyia is Black. And that my friend is why no coverage. And that's the real story.


What do you do?

You fly into London at 9am. Have to be at the train station on your way to Paris the same day by 6p or 7p. You are alone in London for the day. What do you do? No seriously, I'm taking suggestions. Last week in August. And yes, I will be riding the tube/buses. Not just in mere defiance but to also just get around.


Sears - Where America Shops

Ok, Monday morning here and a little over 5 months ago we needed a new refrigerator, being that our other one went kaput. We didn't have time to be shopping around so I went online and ordered one from Sears. It showed up about 4 days later. The men who delivered it also removed our other one. Everything worked fine until yesterday. After getting back from the Giant I wanted to make some tuna sandwiches. Milk goes great with tuna as some of you know. Anyway, our "New" refrigerator is not working. Freezer section, ok, fridge section, no good. So now we wait until Thursday (Yes Thursday) for the Sears repairman,(or woman) to come and try to fix it. Thankfully, we have our old trusty 14 year old Frigidaire "Quality Goes In Before The Name Goes On" or some old saying I remember in the garage still plugged in used to keep beer & soda, or we would have had to find someone else's fridge to use. I am curious as to why this refrigerator broke in the first place. Compressor is ok, as evidenced by the freezer section. The blower motor seems to be the culprit. Off to work.


Plop Plop - Fizz Fizz

Yesterday evening my wife and I were on our way to Borders Books to buy a copy of "The Deadly Game", A novel by Catherine Crier. It's about the Scott Peterson investigation. She is obsessed with Court TV. I told her she should get a job at the Media Courthouse lol. Anyway, right before Borders, I spotted good old Michael Marcavage, in front of a church, holding a 4' by 4' of a aborted fetus.Very graphic, and in full color.It was gross! I yelled out at him: Hey Michael? Don't you have better things to do? I don't think he heard me, and I really don't care. What I do care about is the fact that a lot of young children were also in cars on Baltimore Pike, and had to see the same gross picture that I did. Why I was at Borders I overheard two women discussing the picture. I chimed in. They said to me that "NO MAN HAS A RIGHT OVER A WOMAN'S BODY". I kind of agreed, giving in to them being out numbered and all.. Anyway, we landed up at The Clam Tavern in Clifton Heights where I barely ate my Filet Mignon. It was good, but the ole' belly was in need of Pepto Bismol. So Michael, I hope you read this and explain yourself on how you have the right to get my stomach upset. Better yet, here's one for you to look at. I took one that wasn't too graphic out of respect for those weak stomachs that may read this at lunchtime. For really gross ones Michael, CLICK HERE - WARNING! GROSS PICTURES OF THE DEAD AND DYING OUTSIDE OF THE WOMB! I guess your "god" says that's it's ok to kill, just not while in the womb. Get a life you freak!


Detained in America

I got this off the net about 6 months ago and have been trying to add to it. See, I'm not all about politics and conspiracy theories. Day 183 My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while I am forced to eat dry cereal. The only thing that keeps me going is the hope of escape, and the mild satisfaction I get from ruining the occasional piece of furniture. Tomorrow I may eat another houseplant. Day 184 Today my attempt to kill my captors by weaving around their feet while they were walking almost succeeded, must try this at the top of the stairs. In an attempt to disgust and repulse these vile oppressors, I once again induced myself to vomit on their favorite chair ... must try this on their bed. Day 185 Decapitated a mouse and brought them the headless body, in attempt to make them aware of what I am capable of, and to try to strike fear into their hearts. They only cooed and condescended about what a good little cat I was.... Hmmm. Not working according to plan. Day 186 I am finally aware of how sadistic they are. For no good reason I was chosen for the water torture. This time however it included a burning foamy chemical called "shampoo." What sick minds could invent such a liquid. My only consolation is the piece of thumb still stuck between my teeth. Day 187 There was some sort of gathering of their accomplices. I was placed in solitary throughout the event. However, I could hear the noise and smell the foul odor of the glass tubes they call "beer". More importantly I overheard that my confinement was due to MY power of "allergies." Must learn what this is and how to use it to my advantage. Day 188 I am convinced the other captives are flunkies and maybe snitches. The dog is routinely released and seems more than happy to return. He is obviously a half-wit. The bird on the other hand has got to be an informant, and speaks with them regularly. I am certain he reports my every move. Due to his current placement in the metal room, his safety is assured. But I can wait, it is only a matter of time!

Brit Hume Should Be Fired

I just came accross this via the Huffington post. "My first thought when I heard - just on a personal basis, when I heard there had been this attack and I saw the futures this morning, which were really in the tank, I thought, 'Hmmm, time to buy.'" - Fox News's Brit Hume, 7/7/05 Brian Kilmeade and Stuart Varney, two other clowns that work for FOX, had this to say: KILMEADE: And he [British Prime Minister Tony Blair] made the statement, clearly shaken, but clearly determined. This is his second address in the last hour. First to the people of London, and now at the G8 summit, where their topic Number 1 --believe it or not-- was global warming, the second was African aid. And that was the first time since 9-11 when they should know, and they do know now, that terrorism should be Number 1. But it's important for them all to be together. I think that works to our advantage, in the Western world's advantage, for people to experience something like this together, just 500 miles from where the attacks have happened. VARNEY: It puts the Number 1 issue right back on the front burner right at the point where all these world leaders are meeting. It takes global warming off the front burner. It takes African aid off the front burner. It sticks terrorism and the fight on the war on terror, right up front all over again. Totally digusting from a so called "Fair and Balanced" news network. But alas, O'Reilly and others will spin it and somehow make it all go away. Yes the London bombings are horrific. Fox and others wnat you to forget about the Downing Street Memo,The Valerie Plame affair, The Iraq quagmire,etc, etc. Just concentrate on the "War" on terror. Wars on Drugs, Literacy, Terror, etc are NOT designed to be winnable. Only profitable.


London's Madrid today, Madrid's 9/11 yesterday, what happens tomorrow?

When I think of the british I always think of the nicest people in the world. I mean really, I have never met a british person I didn't like. Maybe its the accent, everyone coming off as so educated and intelligent. Now add London to that equation. One of the greatest cities in the world. Full of such rare class. Then today happens. I was in Brooklyn on September 11th. Luckily too far away to see details. Smart enough to turn away before things got out of control. Unlucky enough to see it first happen. Unlucky enough to see it happen real-time, outside of the magic tv that makes real events look like a movie. Unlucky to have to drive through Staten Island/Brooklyn, seeing that lone lane dedicated to the FBI/CIA/EMS/NYPD/NYFD and anyone else I don't want to see. Lucky enough not to have lost anyone I knew. Unlucky enough to watch a dockworker goes crazy trying to get in touch with his wife whom worked there, only to find out she was one of the few running late for work. The use of Iraq as an excuse for the bombings is getting to me. It made Spain pull out. Its making Italy leave in September. 5-10 more years of this Iraq thing. 5-10 more years of the rest of the world thinking not contributing in Iraq equals no bombings. In 5-10 years everyone else will be forced to realize Iraq has nothing to do with all of this besides being an excuse. How can europe forgot the many bombings prior to Afghanistan & Iraq? Britain has been through this before. Many times before. I've seen one video, not from London, where a suspiscious truck was found parked on the side of a busy road for hours. Slowly and calmly the entire area for 3 blocks was evacuated. A robot sent in. The entire street in shambles following the blast. Pushing forward is in the blood of every Britain. Dealing with hardship is like taking holiday. All of these people, killed and injured, for no reason. Some probably thought Iraq was a mistake. Victims of some misaligned initiative created by realigious zealots. My heart to the families of the victims of New York, Pennsylvania, Washington DC, Madrid & London whom are either having to watch their loved ones suffer, watch them leave this world, or have been forced to relive their horror. And my heart to those who witnessed this event, stuck with a vision no one deserves. I couldn't image Madrid. I can't imagine London. I don't want to. Long live the Queen.


Happy Birthday Mr. President

Today is July 6th, 2005. Today is George W. Bush's 59th birthday. In his 59 years, he has been involved with several failed oil businesses, arrested for drunk driving, accused of being AWOL from the Air National Guard, owned a baseball team, executed hundreds of people while governor of Texas. He also is accused of stealing two elections, doing nothing after America was "attacked" on 9/11/01, and going to war without authorization of Congress. Today is also the day that my father died. in his 74 years he was a tail gunner in World War 2 (RAF), shot down over Germany, spent 8 months in various "Luftstalags", made his way to America, joined the U.S. Army in 46', shipped out to Korea in 50', fought in yet another war, wounded and bloodied, sent home, arrested for drunk driving, had a few failed businesses of his own. was in the VA at Coatesville. Played the violin and accordion, enjoyed fishing. In the end my dad to me was an honorable man. He was diagnosed of having pancreatic cancer at the VA hospital in Philly. He spent several months in agonizing pain, then died on July 6th, 1997. Why God picked that day to take him is anybody's guess. But I now have a feeling that it was a sign. A sign of things to come in the world that would make Nostradamus's head spin. R.I.P. Dad.


Who Cares About Disney Anyway?

I am a suscriber to Link Share, a popular web based company that offers commisions from various "consumer companies" for adding their links. You will see a few on our index page. I have made bacially zilch from this, but they say that some people make money. The below email was sent to me today. We regret to inform you that Disney Movie Club (Buena Vista Home Entertainment) has temporarily removed you from their Affiliate Program. Merchants may remove affiliates from their programs for many different reasons, including violation of legal terms, inactivity, changes in site content, etc. If you feel that you have been removed in error, or would like further clarification on why you were removed, please contact disneymovieclub@linkshare.com. LinkShare manages hundreds of other affiliate programs. We encourage you to log in and find other programs with which you may want to partner. Best Regards, The Disneymovieclub.com Affiliate Management Team Who cares? I never even added a link to them. If I added every company that I signed up with I would have over 300 links. Much too many for me to sort out. Just venting a bit before I go to bed. Cheers.

Live 8 on non-music tv & July 4th

Ok, so Live 8 went off pretty well. Except for one thing. How can an apolitical event, meant to spread the word and drum up support for poverty stricken nations in Africa, become a ratings seeking venture? Why was only MTV allowed to air live performances on TV? And true to the non-music television form they spent most of it interviewing people, talking with each other on 'what a great day this has been', and spewing out commericals!? How could they not let local stations broadcast! This was a charity event to raise awareness afterall wasn't it? Yeah you raised my awareness, my awareness of how much I lament MTV. How do you cut The Who off? Wait, how do you cut off Pink Floyd!?!?! I mean, it's Pink Floyd! Kudos to AOL for having great coverage, allowing AOL users to switch between venues and even posting when performers were up next. Makes me wish I overpay for internet service (wait, I have Comcast, so I guess I do). Jeers to MTV for once again proving music television doesn't broadcast music. And Cheers to Aston Township for another great fireworks display. Last year it was raining shells & embers, an anomoly we enjoyed actually. This year? Well I'm not sure if it was accidentally or done purposely but one firework seemed to go off a bit too close to the ground. I think the effect was a 3D dispersion going up and out; but, it seemed to go off either on the ground or inches from the ground, instead of feet. Either way a good show. It seems this year they added a whole bunch of touches: garbage cans, a DJ, food/drink at the concession stand on the football field. Why go into the city when I can lay down on a blanket and have the fireworks go off directly above me?


Happy Birthday Nessie

Earlier tonight Vanessa, or "Nessie", her friend PJ, Her sister Erica and Boyfriend Dustin came over to watch the Clifton Heights Fireworks. Nessie asked my wife where I was, and she told her I was up in bed sleeping. I had a rough day of partying, and was resting for the fireworks. Vanessa decided to come up and jumped on the bed beside me and woke me hell up. I didn't even recognize her. She looks great. she has a glow around her, and I was curious as to know why. You see, the last time I saw her was in March, as I visited her brother, Robbie. She was kind of down and out at the time, and it was quite obvious, even to me. But tonight she was different. She met a good man. His name is Derek. A good guy I'm told, and I believe her and I am happy as hell that this special woman to me has finally found a good man to spend time with her! (Am I boring you all yet?)Well we all went to the fireworks, and they as always were awesome! Clifton puts on the best display. We did see Collingdale's from a distance, and to me they were quite a sight. It' has been a great fourth of July, I took someone's advise and fired up the BBQ, forgot about George Bush, and enjoyed having people visit us who I love. Happy Birthday Vanessa. Keep in touch.

Independence Takes On A New Meaning

My sons and I went fishing yesterday, out on Ridley Creek Rd. Fran caught a fish, it was a sunny. I remember when my Dad and I would go out to what we called "The Water Works", right off of Baltimore Pike and Ridley Creek Rd. That's were we were initially heading. There are no trespassing signs all over the place. So, we wound up at the other site. Just a heads up for anyone thinking of fishing at the Springton Reservoir. It's off limits. Seems that Good old DHS decided that Anglers may pose a "Terrorist Threat". I think that this is a bunch of bullshit. Americans are losing freedoms in the guise of retaining them. If that makes any sense at all. So, Tomorrow is our "Independence Day". Independence from what? England? Oh well. Just remember to wave the flag and be sure to spy on your neighbor. He or She may be one of those al-Quida types, or may be a sympathizer. Hell, you may even get a call from your local congressman telling you, Good Job! What I am trying to say is that since the faux 911 affair, I have seen this country turn into a police state with big business owned by non AMERICANS ruling with an iron fist. After August, you will find it way harder to just file for bankruptcy. Own a home? TPTB can take it from you to build a mall. Want to go to abroad? Be sure to get strip searched, especially if your a young woman. Bush the other day used 911 and terror as his favourite words in his speech to the troops several times. Informed people know that another "Leader" used these same pep talks in his quest for justifying war. I will bet that the draft comes back, that gasoline reaches three bucks a gallon, that there is some other "Staged terrorist event" just to keep you sheeple in line. Happy Fourth of July.