
What's Next?

After reading this article in the Daily Times, it makes me wonder just what's next in the minds of politicians.

The good Parkside Police Chief John Egan gun proposal reeks with our right to do as we please on our property. seriously, BB guns? When I was a kid I owned several, as well as my friends. We would go down  Cobb's Creek Park and either shoot squirrels or pigeons or line up some tin cans. We also made a backstop in my basement with a target on it.

Back then, you could walk to Upper Darby High School with your match rifle in a soft case if you were on the Rifle Team without any cops giving you trouble. I know, times have changed. 9/11, Terrorists, Fear, etc just gave the government more power and control over you and me. ID cards, keyfobs, swipe cards, all for your protection. Right.