Blah Blah Blah - Welcome to Reality
FW: I'm officially old..
Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 15:12:35 -0400
From: Ms. Blah Blah herself (Kidding Deb) "Debra Sullivan"
To: "Franny Ward"
Hey Franny,
Here is another one for Liz!!!!!!!!!!
1. Your house plants are alive, and you can't smoke any of them.
2. Having sex in a twin bed is out of the question.
3. You keep more food than beer in the fridge.
4. 6:00 AM is when you get up, not when you go to bed.
5. You hear your favorite song while in an elevator.
6. You watch the Weather Channel.
7. Your friends marry and divorce instead of hook up and break up.
8. You go from 130 days of vacation time to 14.
9. Jeans and a sweater no longer qualify as "dressed up."
10. You're the one calling the police because those %&@# kids next door won't turn down the stereo.
11. Older relatives feel comfortable telling sex jokes around you.
12. You don't know what time Taco Bell closes anymore.
13. Your car insurance goes down and your car payments go up.
14. You feed your dog Science Diet instead of McDonald's leftovers.
15. Sleeping on the couch makes your back hurt.
16. You no longer take naps from noon to 6 PM!
17. Dinner and a movie is the whole date instead of the beginning of one.
18. Eating a basket of chicken wings at 3 AM now severely upsets, rather than settles, your stomach.
19. If you're a gal, you go to the drug store for ibuprofen and antacid, not condoms and pregnancy tests.
20. A $4.00 bottle of wine is no longer "pretty good stuff."
21. You actually eat breakfast food at breakfast time.
22. "I just can't drink the way I used to," replaces, "I'm never going to drink that much again."
23. 90% of the time you spend in front of a computer is for real work.
24. You drink at home to save money before going to a bar.
25. You read this entire list looking desperately for one sign that doesn't apply to you and can't find one to save your sorry old butt.
Then you forward it to a bunch of old pals & friends'cause you know they'll enjoy it & do the same.
Hahaha Deb. Thanks! I'll be sure to send you and your net friends something good in return.
P.S. I will never grow up!
Today is I D-Day
Papers, Please!
Real ID = National ID Card
TODAY the US Senate is scheduled to vote on the implementation of a national ID card system. The Real ID Act is nothing less than a Real National ID Act. The only thing left to the individual states is to decide which pretty picture they will choose to put on the card: everything else will be controlled by Washington DC bureaucrats.
The Real ID Act has never been debated on the US Senate floor. They've never talked about it in any committee. Heck, most of them haven't even read it! Yet they're planning to vote on it on Tuesday, no questions asked.
In order to make a single irresponsible Congressman with totalitarian leanings happy, the Senate leadership let him write the bill and then slipped it into a another bill, one that would keep our fighting men and women taken care of in Iraq and Afghanistan. Supporting our troops means making sure they come home to a free nation, not a surveillance state.
Take Action
You've sent over 20,000 Faxes to your Senators.
Over the past 36 hours, over 20,000 faxes have been sent by you asking your Senators to stop the Real ID Act. This is nothing short of amazing, but we need to keep telling our Senators that this national ID scheme is un-American, dangerous and wrong.
Today is the day of the vote. Call your Senators. The bill you're calling about is H.R. 418 RFS. Tell them they need to remove the Real ID Act from this bill.
When speaking to your Senators, remember to:
be polite, and respectful;
remind them they should read and discuss a bill before voting on it;
tell them that this is America, not Communist China;
suggest that putting cops and judges in danger is not a good idea;
inform them that we must not let the terrorists change American life;
tell them that forcing National ID cards on us would be a victory for Osama bin Laden.
State: Pennsylvania
Arlen Specter (R)
Washington DC Office Phone: 202-224-4254
District Office Phone: 412-644-3400
Rick Santorum (R)
Washington DC Office Phone: 202-224-6324
District Office Phone: 412-562-0533
The above is what George Orwell wrote what was to become in 1984. Twenty One years off there George. And to Arlen and Rick ? I really hope you do not vote for this. I really really do. There is no need for Pennsylvania, the Birthplace of our Constitution, to be in on this beginning of a Police State. Nazi Germany had the same thing. Are we to stoop to that level all in the bullshit name of "National Security"?
The Huffington Post- Arianna's Weapon of Mass Destruction?
I had blogrolled her new site a few weeks ago, looking forward to it's debut. Well, it's day two of the Arianna "Blogstage" situation, and already I am feeling generally like crap. What am I talking about? At The Huffington Post, you have a pseudo-spattage of both newbie and veteran celebrities, all jockeying for the pole position. So far I've read some excellent posts, but all with one thing missing.(Remember the WMD's?)
You guessed it. No way to comment. At her main site, the one I visit all the time and even get a news letter from, you have the ability to reply to her posts with comments. I enjoy as do many others reading her comment section as much as the original posts. Here's a link to her last post w/ comments and you"ll see what I'm talking about.
I just hope that Queen Arianna does the right thing and allows readers to comment on her long list of guest blogger's threads. I mean, Joe Scarborough? Bill Maher? Gary Hart? And you cannot comment? Please! Even the God of News himself, Walter Cronkite for Christ's sake, has allied himself with her. Arianna, please consider allowing us mere "Useless Eaters" the privilege of commenting.
P.S. So when is King George going to post?
Mothers Day, Hi-Jinks & Hallmark
Happy Mothers Day to all you Moms out there. I couldn't make it to my Moms today, but at least called her. I have heard that Mothers Day is the most busiest day of the year for the quasi - Baby Bells. Hallmark also reaps in a good bit of moolah. I went down to the Hallmark store in Aldan today and bought my Mom one of the few remaining cards. It was one of those funny ones. I hope she likes it when I give it to her tomorrow.
I also bought a figurine of two kittens in a bag. Now I used to love cats as a kid. I especially loved my grey striped tabby, Jinks. This cat was more like a dog, not afraid of water and always snuggled up to me at night. In August of 1973, Me and my Sister and Mom went to visit her relations in Boyle, Co. Roscommon.
We were there for 3 weeks and toured Europe. When we got back, the first thing that I expected was to be greeted by Jinks. Pixie and Snowball were sitting around, eating as usual, but no Jinks. I asked my Dad: Where was Jinks? He said he had not seen him in since the day before, and when he did Jinks was meowing all the time, panting like it had rabies.
I was in a panic, my heart racing. I went out back and called to him to no avail. I cried myself to sleep, wondering just where my friend was. The answer came the next morning. A neighborhood friend George had helped me look for jinks along with my sister and my friends Pete & Spiro. George had looked under a shrub in our neighbors yard and spied Jinks. He was dead. I did not know what to do. I grasped my friend Jinks and cradled him in my arms sobbing. After about 30 minutes of crying and screaming and cursing , George took my cat away from me and buried him in my back yard.
I made a cross with his name and birth/died date type of thing, then went in my house. For weeks I would look out my bedroom window at night at the grave, remembering all the wonderful times that I had with my cat. I also found out years
later that Mr. Kettlewood, a jerk off neighbor four doors up from us, had poisoned my cat because it was digging in his flower bed. (I took my revenge by shooting out his back windows one night). As I got older, Snowball and Pixie (Jink's sister,) died. Other cats and my beloved black lab "Lady" would also come & go. But Jinks to me was special. A one of a kind cat who acted more human than feline.
Back to all you Moms out there. What you go through is nothing short of amazing. To put up with your children and husbands and boy friends all wanting your attention 24/7 is indeed worthy of a day set aside for you. Just how did you spend your day? Did you get breakfast in bed? A full body massage? Taken out to dinner? Dishes done by someone other than you? Given a membership to Curves or Hollywood Tans?
All of the above are pretty nice things to do for a Mother, weather she is your own or the mother of your children. Me? I told my wife that you she is special and loved and appreciated, and a hell of a woman to put up with four boys, (Me being one of them!)
Plus, I gave her a hundred bucks.
Happy Mothers Day :-)
Hold The Door Please!
I was thinking about my Dad tonight. I miss him. I guess I am looking in the mirror more often and am realizing that I am getting older. During the course of the work day I meet women at Wawa and other places. I look at them and measure myself as a compatible person and potential friend. I know what your thinking, this guy is married! He has no business looking at another woman! Sure thing. When the day comes around that I stop admiring a woman's beauty or being a "Gentleman" will be the day that you can put a round behind my right ear!(And I'll lend you my Baretta too!)
In today's world, Nazi-Feminist have corrupted the essential "roles" of Men and Women. It's "not ok", to look at a woman, gaze at her lovely legs, hold a door open for her, or just say: Hi, my names Jake Jericho". Men like me are considered pigs and perverts. I recently held the door open for a woman at Wawa and she said: I can get the f'n door myself! Well EXCUSE ME BITCH! Don't get me wrong now. I do not look at a woman every time and picture me in bed with her or visually take her clothes off. I just enjoy being around them. Their scent just overpowers me at times. The short skirts, breasts hanging out, the coy smile they give you plus the spring weather reminds me of just how goddamn great it is to be a man!
Which brings me back to my Dad. He was a ladies man. He knew how to treat them good, to make them feel special. In the end though it was my Mother who was there for him. Not his bitch wife Beverly, a woman who just married him to flaunt herself within his circle of friends and when he died, denied me and my sister Kathy his personal effects until she met yet another man to leech onto. No, I am still bitter. You see, Women can be evil too.
So to all you women who happen upon this blog, Know that most men are on the whole only acting on what God and their Mothers hopefully gave them. Don't be so snobbish! And when he holds the door open for you at Wawa? Say with a smile: T H A N K S!
Anyway, I updated my tribute page to my Pop if your interested.
Runaway Bride
They "found" Jennifer Wilbanks today, safe but tired in New Mexico. Turns out she had a case of "cold feet" I am happy that Jen is alive, and laughing at some of the vulture news outlets who compared her missing as another "Lacy Peterson". She initially told through a 911 call that She had been abducted.
So who is mad about this? The news media made this a national story, only for the fact that she had 600 people attending her wedding today, was from a well to do family, and was White. Many people go missing, such as the law man from Bucks County, or the couple from Philly. How come no hoopla? Not a peep from CNN, or MSNBC or any other major media outlet.
As I type this, I am listening to FAUX News. (Wife watching it, I do not) and already they are discussing possible crimminal charges against her for lying. Boy, oh boy, just keep the wheels going!
White + Female + Missing = Big news coverage for the tabloid news. Anything else is unworthy of coverage. What a shame.
The Whale Is Back
There is this whale who was in the Delaware river a week or two ago. It was last seen heading toward the Delaware Bay and everyone involved breathed a sigh of relief. Just a few moments ago I hear that it was spotted in the Schuylkill River! Why cant they just shoot this whale with a knock out agent, then air lift his ass to the Atlantic? It can be done!
Just watch out for his buddy..
Editorial: Santorum rains on free-market parade
In the good old days, Republicans used to want taxpayers to get more for their money.They also used to be in favor of capitalism and the free-market system. That was then. Now, meet U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa. The Pittsburgh-area lawmaker - known best for his stances against abortion and "man-on-dog" sex - is flexing his muscles and reaching for the stars. Specifically, he’s introduced legislation that would restrict the kind of information the National Weather Service would collect and how it can be disseminated.
Santorum would forbid the weather service from providing certain kinds of weather information if it can be obtained from the private sector.
To put it simply, he would force people to buy a product from a business that they’ve already paid for through their tax dollars.
Now why would the Number Three Republican in the U.S. Senate bother with such a mundane matter? The way he tells it, it’s all about protecting Pennsylvania jobs - the jobs at 14 private weather-service companies in the state, including AccuWeather in State College.
They shouldn’t have to compete with the government, Santorum contends. And until a rule that restricted the activities of the federal weather service expired last year, they didn’t have to, either.
Santorum’s critics - and they are legion - see it another way. They point to the $5,800 AccuWeather’s employees have donated to Santorum’s campaign coffers since 1999 and wonder whether that has anything to do with his celestial concerns.
Some, including U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., say the measure could endanger those in the paths of hurricanes and other severe weather who may not be able to get the best and most complete forecasts available. Nelson spokesman Dan McLaughlin fears the precedent of shutting down government services just because the private sector also offers them.
He may have a point. Would guardians of public morality like Sen. Santorum put themselves out of a job because private religions already exist to divine God’s will?
More seriously, the U.S. Senate has no business censoring government agencies that exist to protect the lives and property of American citizens.If private businesses can’t compete, maybe they need to improve their services - or deservedly go out of business.
In any event, the taxpayers shouldn’t get soaked to protect the hides of a few of Rick Santorum’s best friends.
This is one proposal that is all wet.
Today is take your kids to work day
Ok. I am taking both of my Sons to work today. They will be observing me do some telephone wiring. Laws in the state of Pennsylvania forbid your children from doing actual work unless you have workmans compensation on them and working papers. I am not making this up. Also, your employer can refuse you from even entering your workplace with your kids.
Nowhere can I find any legal stuff at the linked site I put up concerning these laws. So be forwarned.
How many of you took your kids to work today? What did they do?
Delaware County Freecycle Network
A quick note: If you live in Delaware County or the surrounding area and have something that you do not want anymore, and are willing to give away to someone else, then The Delaware County Freecycle Group on Yahoo is the place to go. Join in and post you item(s)!
More from the group:
Delaware County, and neighboring area, of Pennsylvania, Freecylce Network is open to all who want to "recycle" that special something rather than throw it away. Whether it's a chair, a fax machine, piano or an old door, feel free to post it. Or maybe you're looking to acquire something yourself. whatever - you can post it (with the exception of explosives, weapons or any illegal items).
*Every item posted must be FREE*, no monies exchanged. Post your items here so they can find new homes with someone who needs them. Let's keep usable items out of the landfill! We all know about recycling, but reuse is even more environmentally friendly. The only requirement is that it must be FREE. No trading, swapping or bartering, please.
The Delaware Co. group is involved in many activities during the course of the year. Please go to the Database and Poll sections of the group list and check them out. If anyone has any questions, or not sure about a certain item to post please feel free to email boopido@comcast.net. I will be happy to help.
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