
Rain Rain Rain

I know that we need it, but what's with all this rain? Reason being I remember when this happened two years ago this August. My Mother lived in the Stonehurst section of Upper Darby. Naylors Run Creek Runs underground from Sherbrook blvd. to Walnut Park Drive, where it drains into Cobbs Creek. This culvert had collapsed in 1991 on Grace Rd, and cannot handle the amount of water. I remember going to a meeting at Stonhurst elementary school, where various local and state officials said they would look into how to improve it. Well I have a solution: Behind Marshall Road field there is a vast expanse of area suited for a series of retaining walls. Or, how about an alternate tunnel? Something must be done to prevent homes and businesses in Stonehurst from this kind of destruction from ever happenning again. Anyone else have ideas?


Yoke around your neck

By Casey Roncaglione For the past few weeks I have been concentrating my efforts meeting my constituents by going door to door in the 164th district, (Upper Darby, Drexel Hill, East Lansdowne and Millbourne). The results have been encouraging. Democrats, most Republicans and Independents are generally fed up with Mario Civera and for that matter the entire Delaware County legislative delegation. The reasons are too numerous to print here, but to say they are unhappy is an understatement. I’ve walked so much that my shoes are falling apart, but I’ve decided to not buy a new pair until the election is over as a statement of my determination to get the truth to the people. Hard work and and truth are worth a little shoeleather. When we get the representation that Upper Darby receives, I’ll get a new pair of shoes. Years and years of business as usual take a big effort to change and open minds, so far a pair of worn out shoes are the least of my problems. To alert my neighbors that they have been taken for granted and their needs have been subverted by special interests, PAC money, and those interests are secondary is well worth my wearing out my shoes. To my neighbors, let’s look at the past weeks what has been done by our legislature and their paid agents. Mr.McNichol, leader of the Delaware County Republican Party, tries to blame the Governor for the payraise. Did he not forget that his own legislators voted for and took the raise. Only after I and many others shamed them to repeal the vote, they did so, after much dismay. We protested Mario Civera’s office, had the police ask us to leave, and we heard unspeakable vitrol from those who Mr. Civera sent to get rid of us. We won’t go anywhere until the legislature returns to the founding fathers their constitution, and can once again be proud that the people are honoring that constitution which they wrote with their blood. Be sure these burgulars will try it again as soon a we are not looking, but that time is past. McNichol, you called our Governor childish and used disrespectful personal names attacking his policies and person, that is not the way he should be addressed. What have you done except for foisting look alike legislators that do nothing but follow your lead is to subvert the betterment of our Commonwealth.Your exclusion of those not in your club is UnAmerican. Mr. Swann called for the reduction in the size of the Legislature. Our Mario said let’s study the idea, typically saying nothing and playing it safe rather than taking a stand preferring to stand in the safety of the back room and stick your finger in the wind to see which way the political winds are blowing.. Mr. Civera should study his own ideas instead of following the leader, being that his only goal is to be re-elected and run as far from Swann as possible. Mr. Civera, your time has ended. The property tax bill is a joke, our legislators spent more time calculating the number of votes they would get by pampering to the 10% who might benefit while forgoing the majority’s those who will end up paying for this boondoggle. Civera, Perzel, McNichol and Sexton think that they represent the Pepublican party, but they forgot the people have abandoned them. In order to get a little closer to those who read this newspaper, and buy the rhetoric, they produce out of touch ideas that their constituents have left behind with the Falwell, Gingrich, Bush and Nixon camps. We are the new Pennsylvania, new Republicans, Democrats, new Americans, your time has come and gone. To the people of Upper Darby, East Lansdowne, Drexel Hill and Millbourne; On a personal note if I might. My campaign is underfunded compared to Mr. Civera. One of the reasons is that he say’s yes to any PAC willing to buy his vote, I will take no PAC money. His staff compose letters against me, finding supporters to sign their name to them, thus giving them credence. Anyone with a brain can see through this. I put forth my opinions with my name, unafraid of the results. The truth will win out and I am sure your readers can read through the lines. Be sure of this, I am determined and convicted to offer an alternative to the politics as usual that has dominated local politics that have given these incumbents the arrogance to treat you as sheep and herd into the pens of their desires and votes. I have the key to unlock those pens and give you all the freedom to choose your own way of life and decide once and for all a say in your lives and get this repressive government off your back and make it a partner and not a yoke around your neck. http//:caseyroncaglione.com


My letter to the editor of the Delaware County Daily Times

I'd be surprised if this gets printed in the paper. But I figured if it's something I was willing to say in the paper, it's something I should be willing to share here.
Dear Editor,

Anyone who has gone through Delaware County public schools, especially Springfield School District as I had, knows that politics -- Delaware County Republican Politics pervades through every aspect of public school life. This is what makes Michael Puppio's comments, in response to an aide of Democratic Congressional Candidate Joe Sestak passing out campaign literature in a Marple Newtown classroom, ("Sestak Apologizes for Campaigning at School" 15 June 2006) all the more incredulous.

Mr. Puppio claimed that "Anyone…vaguely familiar with Delaware County knows that you don't engage in political activity in our classrooms." Well, I'm more than vaguely familiar with Delaware County and I can say without reservation that, from the GOP sponsored scholarships to class trips to see political candidates speak, Republican Politics were a huge part of the education I received from Springfield School District -- both in and out of the classroom. One instance that I remember vividly: on October 12th 1992 President George HW Bush spoke on a campaign stop at the then Springfield Township Municipal Amphitheatre. Some of my fellow students attended this overtly political event and returned to E.T. Richardson Middle School proudly waving Bush/Quayle signs. Where was the outrage and indignation regarding politics in the classroom then? There was none! Perhaps it's because in 1992, those were the "right" kind of politics and there was no danger of Curt Weldon losing his job.

A more troubling underlying concern with the reaction to what happened on June 1st in Marple Newtown is the fear of our children becoming politically engaged and educated. Why are we so afraid of high school students learning more about the people who want to become their leaders and where they stand on the issues? We can not continue to raise our children in a bubble of ignorance where only ideas approved by Mr. Puppio and Curt Weldon are taught and other ideas are treated as a perverting influence on our way of life by outsiders who do not think the "right" way. By allowing this to carry on, we're only doing our children's education an injustice for the benefit of the Republican Party. Because really, Mr. Puppio, isn't that what this is about: Keeping Democrats out of the classroom so that the Delaware County Republican Party can continue its unfettered political indoctrination of future voters into its ranks?

Christina Rockwell SHS 1999 Morton PA


St. Alice's closes doors for last time

News of Delaware County By Dan Russo drusso@newsofdelawarecounty.com, STAFF WRITER After 80 years, the 166-student Walnut Street elementary school held its final day of classes Friday. UPPER DARBY - Students, staff and parishoners gave a final farewell to Saint Alice School Friday on its last day. "Kids were sobbing, teachers were sobbing - it was sad," said Principal Sister Mary Barbara Brahl. The community held a Mass June 9, and an honors assembly in the school building as part of its ongoing efforts to say goodbye. There was an 11-member graduating class this year. Many of the 166-student elementary school will attend classes close by next year. "We're working on the records transfer," Brahl said. "The largest majority are going to Saint Laurence." Over its 80-year history, Saint Alice has been a center of learning for the neighborhoods surrounding Walnut Street in Upper Darby. Saint Lucy's school for the visually impaired, also at that location, is slated to be moved to a new place. Many teachers, in particular, were overwhelmed with emotion, according to Brahl. "The kids here are pretty special," she said. Some staff have already located new jobs, and others are still looking, Brahl said. The Philadelphia Archdiocese announced Feb. 13 that the tuition-based school would be closing, citing declining enrollment and financial concerns. Other parochial schools in the same area, called cluster 63 by the Archdiocese, faired better. Saint Katherine Drexel in Chester is remaining open, as is Darby's Blessed Virgin Mary and Lansdowne's Saint Philomena, according to church officials. East Lansdowne's Saint Cyrils of Alexandria successfully raised about $250,000 to keep afloat. Brahl said the Archdiocese has not yet announced its plans for the property the school is on.


Another Day In The Life..

Well it's yet another Friday night, another week of sweating up in an attic, fielding nasty phone calls, and before I begin to bitch about life in general, remember my good friend Robbie MacNeal. Robbie, who recently turned 21, is confined to a wheel chair due to an unfortunate auto accident December 14th, 2003, where he was left in a coma and with severe spinal injuries. Anyway, here is some links about him. Remember him the next time your bitching about something. (I Am)... Rob MacNeal- While your visiting, you can always donate a few bucks via paypal or by check. And notice the scum spammasters who loaded up his guestbook. My own page for Robbie- Needs some updating too.


Catch Me If You Can!

It's an amazing thing.The Delaware County Domestic Relations Department recently put out a "Most Wanted" page in the Daily Times. Sheriff Joseph McGinn promised, "If we bring them in, they’re going to jail". Well how about the cases that involve children that are now adults? My step-son's "father", (like he ever was to him,) owes over 12 THOUSAND dollars to my Wife. He, John Peter Kenny, is currently living in Florida, working (under the table) I'm sure. Both myself, and my Wife's family supported this child (Who now is 26) for years. Yes, forget about him though, there are people who live closer and owe more, right? Well good luck getting any money out of them either. Funny thing that Domestic Relations always had my number, even locked me up on a bench warrant because my Mother had a stroke the day I was due for a modification hearing in 1997. But good old Johnny Boy laughs at the courts. He gets a job, then when an attachment is ordered, he quits as is evidenced below: No. DATE DOCKET DESCRIPTION 1 03/03/2006 ORDER EMPLOYER TO TERMINATE INCOME ATTACHMENT 2 02/10/2006 ORDER EMPLOYER TO ATTACH DEFENDANTS INCOME 3 02/08/2006 ORDER EMPLOYER TO TERMINATE INCOME ATTACHMENT 4 01/13/2006 ORDER EMPLOYER TO ATTACH DEFENDANTS INCOME 5 12/27/2005 ORDER EMPLOYER TO TERMINATE INCOME ATTACHMENT 6 08/19/2005 ORDER EMPLOYER TO ATTACH DEFENDANTS INCOME 7 01/31/2005 ORDER EMPLOYER TO TERMINATE INCOME ATTACHMENT 8 01/14/2005 ORDER EMPLOYER TO ATTACH DEFENDANTS INCOME 9 11/22/2004 ORDER EMPLOYER TO TERMINATE INCOME ATTACHMENT 10 10/14/2003 JUDGE ISSUES BENCH WARRANT AGAINST DEFENDANT FOR FAILURE TO APPEAR 11 07/25/2003 CONTEMPT PETITION ISSUED AGAINST THE DEFENDANT 12 07/25/2003 DEFENDANT SCHEDULED FOR A CONTEMPT HEARING. 13 03/26/2003 ORDER EMPLOYER TO ATTACH DEFENDANTS INCOME 14 07/20/2001 ORDER EMPLOYER TO TERMINATE INCOME ATTACHMENT 15 10/10/2000 ORDER EMPLOYER TO ATTACH DEFENDANTS INCOME 16 09/20/2000 ORDER EMPLOYER TO TERMINATE INCOME ATTACHMENT 17 08/29/2000 ORDER EMPLOYER TO ATTACH DEFENDANTS INCOME Notice this one: >"10/14/2003 JUDGE ISSUES BENCH WARRANT AGAINST DEFENDANT FOR FAILURE TO APPEAR" Bench warrant? That dosen't mean squat to John! Would a Cop in Florida detain him if he were stopped for something and they ran a check? NADA chance! So what does it take to get MY Wife and Step-Son justice here?


Memorial Day - Remembering The Fallen

Here it is yet another Memorial Day in Delco. Most people seem to have left for points south and east, the rest are out firing up the BBQ's. Myself? I am also going to be cooking out, but in this day I will visit my Dad's grave and the rest of the fallen Vets at Glenwood Memorial. Today, forget about politics, forget about why these wars happen, forget about who served and who didn't and who went "In Country" Vs. "Pencil Pushers". Today is the day where America is supposed to honor their dead. Plain and simple. I leave you with this: We walked among the crosses Where our fallen soldiers lay. And listened to the bugle As taps began to play. The Chaplin led a prayer We stood with heads bowed low. And I thought of fallen comrades I had known so long ago. They came from every city Across this fertile land. That we might live in freedom. They lie here 'neath the sand. I felt a little guilty My sacrifice was small. I only lost a little time But these men lost their all. Now the services are over For this Memorial Day. To the names upon these crosses I just want to say, Thanks for what you've given No one could ask for more. May you rest with God in heaven From now through evermore.


Copper Caper?

Yesterday, I went to Home Depot to buy a coil (250') of 14/2 NMB, or "Romex" as in the trade call it. But when I saw the price of it I couldn't believe my eyes! $78.00? And get this: 12/2 was $130.00! Thank God I already had a full coil of 14/3 on my van. Before you say "Well that's tough" or something like that, this copper caper is going to force myself, and other electricians and plumbers to have to charge our customers more. So just why is copper so expensive? I've heard rumors that China is buying it all up, that because of the war in Iraq, that India is hoarding it, etc. All of these mean nothing to me. What matters is seeing the price of wire per foot triple since this time last year. I pity the larger Electrical Contractors who wire new homes, as they go through thousands of feet a week. My final question: Will the price ever go down? Or will everything, like Gasoline, Food, Utilities, etc just continue to go up? If so, then it seems to me that America is heading for a serious ressession. Higher prices mean less spending, less spending means less work, less work means less income. Maybe I will win the lottery.. P.S. If you live in Delaware County and are in need of an Electrical Contractor, Click Here.


While Were On The Subject..

I found this on Alex Jones web site. Alex is quite a Conspiracy guy, far more than I ever could be. But he raises valid questions about just what did hit the Pentagon on Septemember Eleventh, 2001. Even Donald Rumsfeld was quoted that " The Missile that struck this building". So was it? Who was behind this? Why did the "Warren Commission 2" just disregard the evidence? We all may never know but God willing SOMEBODY will shed some TRUTH on this.


Very Interesting... Far From Stupid

 Curt, we are very curious as to your knowledge of Able Danger and other interesting things... A visitor from (nslookup) arrived from www.google.com curt weldon 31-40, and visited www.totallydelco.com/blog/2004/10/curt-weldon-demigod-or-pariah.html at 05:32:34 PM on Friday, May 19, 2006. This visitor used Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624 Netscape/7.1 (ax). Status: string pattern matches to an IP address. Performing lookup... Status: address maps to Host241118.osd.mil Status: the forward resolution of Host241118.osd.mil maps back to, as expected. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status: connecting to whois server 'whois.arin.net'. Status: sending query ''. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OrgName: The Pentagon OrgID: THEPEN Address: OPN-BM, Pentagon Address: Rm BE884 City: Washington StateProv: DC PostalCode: 20310 Country: US NetRange: - CIDR: NetName: OSD-NET NetHandle: NET-134-152-0-0-1 Parent: NET-134-0-0-0-0 NetType: Direct Assignment NameServer: DNS-PUB-01-U.OSD.MIL NameServer: DNS-PUB-02-U.OSD.MIL NameServer: DNS-PUB-03-U.OSD.MIL Comment: RegDate: 1989-06-19 Updated: 2006-01-25 OrgTechHandle: IPMAN18-ARIN OrgTechName: IP Management OrgTechPhone: +1-703-692-0269 OrgTechEmail: dns@pentagon.mil It's about time someone with some authority looked into this, God knows that it, "The Story" has bothered me now since I first read it. P.S. Now, only if this fine patriot would visit the same blog post, it would make me believe that their are still more people that I put my faith in are protecting us. I like to call it; "The Triple Crown". Shop The Bunny Valentines 2007