
Delaware County PA - Are you happy with your party?

The following is a TRUE story. As a life long Republican I am getting more and more fed up about our party's representation of us as a whole. This "WAR" in Iraq, costing the peons of America their Brothers & Sisters. Now Social Security is primed to be raped by all the well to do Republicans, and many Democrats too. The per capita personal income in Delaware County was $38,508. honest people who voted for a stronger America. What did we get? more BULLSHIT from a Republican party that ONLY cares about corporations and foreign intrests. What do I want from George W. Bush? 3 things... 1. Bring our troops home. (Were not wanted there and you know it. Fuck em.) 2. Draft legislation that will benefit us working class people.(You know, the ones who put you in office.) 3. Be a man. (Quit being a puppet from Arial Sharon and his Zionist cabal. And finally? PUT AMERICANS AN AMERICA FIRST! WE NEED A TRUE LEADER! Why am I feeling like this? Well the article below moved me to. I invite anyone to try and chastise or debunk this woman. She is a real person. A Mother who lost her Son, one of more than 1,440 who gave their lives in the name of "Freedom". What a crock of shit! So what else is planned in 2005 from Washington via Tel Aviv - Brussels? I can hardly wait. Not Worth My Son's Sacrifice by Cindy Sheehan 02/07/05 "LewRockwell.com" -- I was supposed to be on the Larry King Live show last week. I was asked to be on the show to offer my opinion on the election in Iraq from the perspective of a mom whose son was killed in the war prior to the elections. One of the questions I was going to be asked was: Do I think my son's sacrifice was "worth it?" Well, I didn't get a chance to be on the show, because I was bumped for something that is really important: The Michael Jackson Trial. If I had been allowed to go on Larry King Live last night and give my opinion about the elections and about my son's sacrifice, this is what I would have told Mr. King and his viewers: My son, Spc. Casey Austin Sheehan (KIA, Sadr City, 04/04/04) enlisted in the Army to protect America and give something back to our country. He didn't enlist to be used and misused by a reckless Commander-in-Chief who sent his troops to preemptively attack and occupy a country that was no imminent threat (or any threat) to our country. Casey was sent to die in a war that was based on the imagination of some Neo-Cons who love to fill our lives with fear. Casey didn't agree with the "Mission" but being the courageous and honorable man that he was he knew he had to go to this mistake of a war to support his buddies. Casey also wondered aloud many times why precious troops and resources were being diverted from the real war on terror. Casey was told that he would be welcomed to Iraq as a liberator with chocolates and rose petals strewn in front of his unarmored Humvee. He was in Iraq for two short weeks when the Shi'ite rebel "welcome wagon" welcomed him to Baghdad with bullets and RPG's, which took his young and beautiful life. I think my son's helmet and Viet Nam era flak jacket would have protected him better from the chocolates and flower petals. Casey was killed after George Bush proclaimed "Mission Accomplished" on May 1, 2003 – he was also killed after Saddam was captured in December of that same year. Casey was killed before the transfer of power in June of 2004 and before these elections. Four marines were tragically killed after the election. By my count, about five-dozen Iraqis and coalition troops were killed on Election Day – is that the definition of "Catastrophic Success?" But is that a good day in Iraq? Hundreds of our young people and thousands of Iraqis have been needlessly and senselessly murdered since George Bush triumphantly announced an end to "major combat" almost 2 years ago now. All of the above events have been heralded by this administration as "turning points" in the "war on terror" – or as wonderful events in the "march of democracy." Really? I don't think, judging by very recent history, that the elections will stop the bloodshed and destruction. I would have asked Mr. King if he would want to sacrifice one of his children for sham elections in Iraq. Would he or George Bush send their children to be killed, or maimed for life, for a series of lies, mistakes and miscalculations? Now that every lie has been exposed to the light for the invasion and occupation of Iraq – why are our sons and daughters still there? NOT ONE MORE DROP OF BLOOD SHOULD BE SPILLED FOR THIS PACK OF LIES. This war was sold to the American people by a slimy leadership with a maniacal zeal and phony sincerity that would have impressed snake oil salesmen a century ago. The average American needs to hear from people who have been devastated by the arrogance and ignorance of an administration that doesn't even have the decency or compassion to sign our "death" letters. In the interest of being "fair and balanced" (oops, wrong network), I would have been pitted against a parent who still agrees with the "Mission" and the President. Although I grieve for that parent's loss and I respect that parent's opinion, I would have defied Mr. King, or that parent to explain the "Mission" to me. I don't think anyone can do it with a straight face. The President has also stated that we need to keep our troops in Iraq to honor our sacrifices by completing this elusive and ever changing "Mission." My response to him is "Just because it is too late for Casey and the Sheehan family, why would we want another innocent life taken, in the name of this chameleon of a 'Mission'? Well, I was bumped from the show anyway. Now that Scott Peterson has been convicted and sentenced for his crimes and Laci and Connor's families have the justice they deserve, we have the new "trial of the century" to keep our minds off of the nasty and annoying fact that we are waging an immoral war in Iraq. We can fill our TV screens and homes with the glorified images of the Michael Jackson molestation trial. We can fill our lives with outrage over MJ's victims and hope they get justice; not even questioning the fact that George Bush, his dishonest cabinet, and their misguided policies aren't even brought to the court of public opinion. We won't have to confront ourselves with the fact that the leaders of our country and their lies are responsible for the deaths of 1438 brave Americans – tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis – and the loss of our Nation's credibility throughout the world. That might mean we would have to turn off our television sets and do something about it. Oh yeah. In answer to the original question Larry: No it wasn't worth it!!


  1. Three words to cindy: GET OVER IT!

  2. Bush Rules! said...
    Three words to cindy: GET OVER IT!

    Please shut up. I don't understand how people still stand by Bush's actions. It's been one lie after the other. The nation has been lied to yet we rather focus on a book of lies that Opera praised when Bush is doing much more harm. Can't wait for those tax cuts for the rich and make hard working people do more. Even education funds will be cut. Is it because we're already growing to be the dumbest nation and will have no money or future we have to rely on joinning the army? I sure know I didn't vote for him, and I'm speechless for the blinded fools who think Bush has been a great leader.


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