
Primary just the Beginning

As you know I'm running for the 164th District seat in the PA Legislature, representing Upper Darby, Drexel Hill, East Lansdowne and Millbourne. I don't want to abuse this blog by posting self-serving political appeals. So if you find this post out of line then please delete it. Yesterday Mr. Heron, editor of the Delco Times, wrote an editorial basically saying that we in Delaware County don't care about who represents us in Government. I disagree. Just because we don't protest in the streets doesn't mean we don't care. We have families, jobs, responsibilities that are more important than politics at this point of the year. When the time comes Mr. Heron will find that we do care, and care deeply. Of course I would prefer to win, but I prefer more that we are not accused of being sheep who blindly follow to the slaughterhouse. LETTER TO THE EDITOR The embers of discontent are still burning in Delaware County, and in November the blaze will erupt. One can only scream so much before the voice grows hoarse and needs to rest and recuperate. Be assured that memory has no such need, people are not forgetting that their Legislators betrayed them. I've spoken with hundreds of people and visited countless homes, most of them are quietly waiting for November to pay back that betrayal. Howard Beale is dead but the "mad as hell" is alive and well. Look at what's happened thus far. A vote for the minimum wage, a giveback of the raise, and attempts to make up for their arrogance. When I organized the Delaware County protest against the payraise, little did I realize that the result would be to remind our Legislators that they work for us and not that we work for them. Even if I don't win the election, the fact that reminding those who have represented us for too long that we do care is a victory. But I do plan on winning. New ideas and a respect for those who we wish to represnt is a breath of fresh air to those who have been taken for granted for too long. Your opinion that threre won't be much turnover has validity. Those in power have incredible advantages against challengers, particularly a 20 year old challenger whose opponent has been in office longer than I've been alive. Even with that the people I've met are ready for a change and I'm preparing to be the best Representative Upper Darby has ever seen. My opponent's big claim is that he delivers, but that's only part of the job. I'll deliver too, but I will never forget that I'm the employee and the people are my boss. I guess what I'm saying is don't underestimate the power of the silent majority who care more about integrity of our Legislature than the fact that it's always been this way so why expect anything different. I think you'll need an extra large printing of the Delaware County Daily Times on November 8th. Casey R. Roncaglione State House Candidate 164th District


  1. Your just a child and if you think that anyone takes you seriously you have alot of growing up. winning against Civera is impossible and just what do you have to offer anyway ?

  2. I can only age one day at a time.
    Nothing is imposssible.
    I'll work for you, not for myself.

  3. Dear anonymous,
    "Children" younger than this young man are dying in combat to protect your right to be anonymous. We should take anyone who is willing to put themselves on the line seriously. You done more harm to anyone suppporting Civera by being so ignorant.

  4. That's funny - anonymous calls Casey a child, and they have the English skills of one.

  5. You all are right on the money.Casey has balls enough to really do something that most of us (Myself Included) would only dream of doing. When I was his age, I was into things that only mattered to ME. (I've payed dearly for it too).

    Things have to change here in Delco, and across the nation to save America. I won't go into details here, that's for another post.


  6. What I like was that Casey was saying that we are all being lumped into the same uncaring boat. He didn't sing his own praises but indentified that there are those of us who do care but aren't always screaming.

  7. Mr.Roncaglione, my parents have lived in your district for the past 40 years. In the last 8 years their neighborhood has been turned upside down by the influx of Section 8 rental tenants. What do you plan to do about correcting this mess? If you haven't thought about this, you better, because allot of your voters have had enough and what areas that haven't been turned into a "ghetto" soon will be because of this.

  8. This is tough one but Section 8 has to go. I've seen firsthand streets that look like trash and the first thing a longtime resident tells me is Section 8 is ruining the neighborhood. Yet we have to help those who need a hand, but this program is being abused and someone must be profiting or else it would be gone. I don't have all the answers but I'm not going to shy away from answering the tough ones. There has to be a better way than Section 8. Pride of ownership is the number one way to assure a property is kept up. We have to find a way to make it easier to put that 8 money into a fund that renters can use, and repay, to buy instead of rent. I'll leave it at that but Section 8 needs to go and let's find a better way.

  9. This blog is frozen---


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