
Remember The U.S.S. Liberty!

Yesterday was the 30 year anniversary of Israeli murder of American sailors. Posted for all you NCP's who think that Israel is our friend. Nothing could be further from the truth. Watch the Video if you really give a damn about YOUR country, AMERICA.


  1. Without Israel you would be paying 10 dollars for a gallon of gas you idiot.

  2. You Fran are an Arce hole. Stick
    your vidio and leftist opinion up
    there.. Stan

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Okay people,
    Do you really need to revert to name calling to have a discussion? Are we not adults? Our country has invested a lot of time and money to protect Israel with little real return on that investment. Besides this, we are supporting them mlitarily even though they don't actually belong in the country tha was given to them. Yes. They had a history there. But they no longer had a country, and to give them someone else's is absurd. What would happen if the world got together and decided to give the American Indians California? That's essentially wha was done to the Palestinians. If you're going to discuss this, have a REAL discussion.

  5. I'm not going to tolerate nasty name calling. The video is fact, Israel did intentionally atrtack the liberty, and Johnson covered it up.

  6. Stupid Americians! Israel IS the problem in the world! Without Israel , America would not have had 911 , the Cole , and the Beirut Marine barracks explosions , all caused by the Mossad! Look it up sometime!

    By way of deception , thou shalt do war!


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