
The true meaning of July 4th

From Wikipedia: In the United States, Independence Day (commonly known as "the Fourth of July","July Fourth", or even simply "The Fourth") is a federal holiday celebrating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from Great Britain. Today should be treated as such. To the politicians in America who have violated our Constitutional laws? You should all denounce your citizenship and move out of the country. You have invaded other countries, spied on your fellow citizens, stolen billions of America's money and fattened your friends wallets, allowed convicted criminals to walk away from justice, and thumbed your noses at the very document that you swore to uphold. To my fellow Americans, I wish you all a safe and happy July 4th. Cheers.


  1. To the politicians in America who have violated our Constitutional laws? You should all denounce your citizenship and move out of the country.

    But,...but,..then what would Hillary use to raise her campaign funds?

  2. Hillary? Please Trek.. I don't want another Bush or Clinton to inhabit the White House, as they have done enough damage to this once fine Republic over the last 2 decades...


    P.S. I need to get a spell checker, or drink less liquids.


  3. I don't want another Bush or Clinton in the White House, either.

    A Fred Thompson wouldn't be too bad, though! :)


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