
The Great Gasolie

I have just about had it with the OPEC Cartel and the conspiring oil companies jacking up the price of gasoline and diesel. Just last night the Exxon at Providence & Oak went up yet another penny to $3.70 a gallon for regular. Not just in Delco but all across America, Americans are literally being hosed at the pump. Wawa increases their coffee price 6 cents, other companies are being forced to attach a fuel surcharge to their invoices, trucking firms are reduced in size, and our so called "leaders" in Washington do NOTHING! OPEC and the oil barons are the real terrorist attacking us, and something has to be done and done soon about this. To you gasoline station owners I say shame on you all. Don't give me that "I ain't making any money off of this" crap, the fuel in your tanks you paid for is now worth more. and you sell it at a nice profit. In Havertown the Oceanic and Sharro are owned by a guy who lives in nice sunny Florida. Think he cares about the locals up here? Not a chance. Nor does many other station owners. 1973 was the year that they (OPEC) deliberately staged an "oil shortage". The result were long lines, odd and even licence plate sales, fights, and eventually? Much higher fuel prices. Let's hope global warming continues so that we here in the Tri State area may not have to spend our hard earned money this winter. Cheers.


  1. I spoke to a gas station owner the other day who informed me it's costing him over $40,000 a month just to put the gas in the ground to pump and he only makes 0.5% on the entire capital investment, the credit card banks earn over 2% on average from all his transactions naturally, so station owners are being "hosed" as well.

  2. Franny Ward, are you one of the many racist Republicans in Clifton Heights? PS Learn to spell

  3. Hey Mike,LEARN how to post an actual VIDEO on You Tube you ASSHOLE.


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