
Darby Borough & Paula Brown

This website has information about the General Election on November 3, 2009 and will frequently update what happens at Darby Borough Council Meetings....and on the streets of Darby.... In the future, it will have regular updates on what happens in Darby...The Good... and the Bad.. So check back frequently!

It's Been Awhile

Yes it has been awhile since I posted here on the blog. Mainly because of going thru the winter with about half the work as an electrician, the other was I kind of lost interest in the web site, until today.You see, our web provider, IPOWER, shut the web site down this morning all because of an application called Joombla. I purchaced it last year for $12.95. I installed it but couldn't get the templates to work. So I deleted it. Seems that IPOWER hadan automatic yearly subscription fee, and the card I used then is expired. No warning, just shut down the site. Well now after spending over an hour with some guy living in India for over an hour, I am going to re vasmp the web site. Cheers.