Fact is, just about everybody is on their "Smart Phones" or tablets.Just take a look around like I did over the weekend. Driving to my favorite "Convenience Store", I spotted no less than seven drivers glued to their phones, five of them women, and four of them actually while driving.
And to think of the EMF that we all our being exposed to.What our CHILDREN and GRANDCHILDREN are.
At home, I still have my DELL Computer hardwired to our "Wireless" router, Spewing out EMF in the form of waves in the 2.4 GHz, 3.6 GHz, 4.9 GHz, 5 GHz, and 5.9 GHz 6 60 GHz 900 MHz Ranges. Add to that, all of those "Cell Towers", many disguised as "Trees" or placed inside Church steeples, and you have a plethora of radiation that does who knows what to our bodies. I'm wondering if this Spring I'll see the Honey Bees out and about.
Hopefully we will see.