Showing posts with label The Examiner.Upper Darby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Examiner.Upper Darby. Show all posts


Narcan Now In Stores In Delaware County

Today I was browsing online and came across an article that the Acme is now carrying Narcan.
I have mixed feelings about this, as one the one hand it is definitely a life safer to a Heroin user who overdoses, but on the other hand, I feel that some users may make a pact with each other and if they see one overdosing, they will administer the drug.

Read On.

Life-Saving Nasal Spray Used For Drug Overdoses Now Available In All PA Acme Stores:
The nasal spray Narcan, which reverses the effects of an opioid overdose, will now be available in all Acme pharmacies in Pennsylvania.
And here's a video of a local guy overdosing and being treated by the Upper Darby Police.


Upper Darby Sentinel News

I just came across a lively discussion on Face book that reminded me of how a good thread can get out of hand. Agnes Bedard, a local Highland Park Woman who contributes to the Examiner, and also our local Upper Darby Sentinel, has a Face Book group called "Upper Darby Sentinel News". As the name implies, the topics are about what is going on in our township.

The pinned post, from Michael Bente, addresses the Township and it's lack of youth activities for children. Wow! What a response. Typical mudslinging, blame them not me, NIMBY type of bullshit.
Look. There is one thing to address the issues, another to verbally attack another and their children.
We are adults here, right? "He or She, who is without sin, cast the first stone".

As Rodney King once said :"Can't we all just get along?

Afraid not Rodney.
