Throw him in the pen!
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Conformity In Blog World
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Rain Rain Rain
Yoke around your neck
My letter to the editor of the Delaware County Daily Times
Dear Editor,Anyone who has gone through Delaware County public schools, especially Springfield School District as I had, knows that politics -- Delaware County Republican Politics pervades through every aspect of public school life. This is what makes Michael Puppio's comments, in response to an aide of Democratic Congressional Candidate Joe Sestak passing out campaign literature in a Marple Newtown classroom, ("Sestak Apologizes for Campaigning at School" 15 June 2006) all the more incredulous.
Mr. Puppio claimed that "Anyone…vaguely familiar with Delaware County knows that you don't engage in political activity in our classrooms." Well, I'm more than vaguely familiar with Delaware County and I can say without reservation that, from the GOP sponsored scholarships to class trips to see political candidates speak, Republican Politics were a huge part of the education I received from Springfield School District -- both in and out of the classroom. One instance that I remember vividly: on October 12th 1992 President George HW Bush spoke on a campaign stop at the then Springfield Township Municipal Amphitheatre. Some of my fellow students attended this overtly political event and returned to E.T. Richardson Middle School proudly waving Bush/Quayle signs. Where was the outrage and indignation regarding politics in the classroom then? There was none! Perhaps it's because in 1992, those were the "right" kind of politics and there was no danger of Curt Weldon losing his job.
A more troubling underlying concern with the reaction to what happened on June 1st in Marple Newtown is the fear of our children becoming politically engaged and educated. Why are we so afraid of high school students learning more about the people who want to become their leaders and where they stand on the issues? We can not continue to raise our children in a bubble of ignorance where only ideas approved by Mr. Puppio and Curt Weldon are taught and other ideas are treated as a perverting influence on our way of life by outsiders who do not think the "right" way. By allowing this to carry on, we're only doing our children's education an injustice for the benefit of the Republican Party. Because really, Mr. Puppio, isn't that what this is about: Keeping Democrats out of the classroom so that the Delaware County Republican Party can continue its unfettered political indoctrination of future voters into its ranks?
Christina Rockwell SHS 1999 Morton PA