
Republicans For Joe Sestak

So what is going on here? What will Cool Curt come up with next? Another Swift boat type attack on Joe Sestak? Just to let you know Curt, this Republican is voting for vice admiral Joseph Sestak (Ret.) I always admire men and women who put their life on the line, and although I know that Mr. Weldon did so as a fireman years ago, he couldn't hold a candle to the job that Mr. Sestak did. Wearing A Uniform? U.S. Navy Uniform Regulations, 1401.3.b(2) (2) Former Members of the Armed Forces. Unless discussed in DOD Directive 1334.1 or Title 10 U.S. Code Sec. 772, former members who served honorably during a war and whose most recent service was terminated under honorable conditions, may wear the uniform of the highest grade held during their service only on the following occasions and during travel related to those occasions. (a) Military funerals, memorial services, weddings and inaugurals. Curt and his cronies attacked Joe Sestak about wearing his uniform in a Memorial Day parade, something that he knows NOTHING about. So. What will it be? More BS from your campaign peons Curt? More appearances throughout Delco? What I find very disturbing is that the Republican base in power in this country today is using this fear factor as their main campaign issue. Let me repeat: The Republican base in power in this country today is using this fear factor as their main campaign issue. Iraq had NOTHING to do with 911, but our troops are fed this bullshit from a standing dictate. Most people get their daily BS from 1210 WPHT and Fox news. Is it any wonder they are blind? These same people that I know have told me that Curt Weldon is a good man, and that I am a traitor to the party for wanting to vote for Joe Sestak. I thought AMERICA was free! Party? Like the Nazi party? Communist Party? Likuid Party? Party lines mean NOTHING! (Just look at Joe Lieberman). At least I am NOT ALONE. Look. I have seen this country before my eyes be attacked by ghosts on 911, then raped by companies like BP/EXXON/HALLIBURTON and watched as our so called elected Senators and Congressmen blindly fall in line and vote for my rights to be stripped away. I really believe that Joe Sestak will not be one of those who will adhere exclusively to his party line. He wants YOUR rights back, wants this bullshit invasion of the Middle East by corporate America to stop, and most importantly, bring America and Americans the respect and honor that she once enjoyed. At the risk of losing some local electrical work that I do, I will use my rights as a freedom loving Republican to: Vote for Joe Sestak this November. Cheers. P.S. Watch as Gasoline reaches $4.00 a gallon while the Republican controlled Congress does NOTHING! Why should they? Their making really big bucks and drive around in vehicles that YOU pay for!


  1. Sestak may be a man in uniform, but rumor has it that he was responsible for a great many good people leaving the Navy due to his abrasive personality and poor listening skills. Is that what you want in your congressman?

  2. Umm, did you know Sestak owns more than $60,000 in oil company stock, including Exxon who you say is raping the country? Basically, every time one of us fills up their tank, its more money in Sestak's pocket. The huge boon in Exxon's profits means more money for Joe.

  3. The section you quoted proves that what he did WAS a violation. It states that " Unless discussed in DOD Directive 1334.1 or Title 10 U.S. Code Sec. 772, former members who served honorably....etc." The key being "unless discussed." The problem, is campaign and political activites ARE discussed in the DOD directive 1334.1 and are prohibited. Also, I would think the fact that he was invited by the head of his Vetersn Committee, Rocco Polidor clearly shows thsi was a campaign event for Sestak.

    "Title 10, U.S. Code, Sec. 772 (e) states "The President, in Executive Order 10554 of 18 August 1954, delegated to the Secretary of Defense the authority to prescribe regulations under which persons not on active duty who served honorably in the Navy in time of war may wear uniforms." The following excerpts from DOD Instruction 1334.1 of 11 August 1969 outline these instructions and prescribe limitations for members of the Armed Forces.

    (1) Members of the Armed Forces (including retired members and members of reserve components). Wearing of uniforms is prohibited under any of the following circumstances:

    (b) During or in connection with political activities (emphasis added), private employment or commercial interest, that imply official sponsorship of the activity or interest.

    Chapter 6, Section 10, Article 61002 of the United States Navy Uniform Regulations also specifically states that “Retired personnel are prohibited from wearing the uniform in connection with personal enterprises, business activities, or while attending or participating in any demonstration, assembly or activity for the purpose of furthering personal or partisan views on political, social, economic, or religious issues.”

    If his campaign had not distributed partisan campaign materials at these events it might be permissible. But becuase they did, they made the parade a political event for the canddiate.

  4. Fran,

    I tried to post, but I kept getting errors. I believe the post is still on the dashboard.

    Any clue what's wrong?



  5. I thought I fixed the peoblem with posting Kate. I'll look into it again. To anonymous: Now as far as Joe Sestak owning Exxon stock, that's his business. Hell I wish I owned some. As far as the uniform, something tells me that if that's all Curt Weldon can bring to the table he's in trouble. and lastly, poor listening skills?

    Mr. Weldon only listened when the Russian Duma, Boeing, or his "Boss" talked. I could go on and on, but I won't.


  6. Swiftboat, shitboat, who gives a rats ass. Pat military career is no prerequisite of success in my book. Granted Weldon has come up w/a bunch of crazy claims lately but what can Sestak accomplish in DC for his constituancy here in Delco? I've inquired w/Sestak's people via email on what his position is regarding the PHL Runway 17-35 Expansion project about 7 times in the past two months, all they do is tell me that they'll "...look into it and get back to me". Well, here I'am two months later scratching my ass as to what Sestak's position is regarding this very impacting issue and all his people do is say "...we'll look into it". Weldon is opposed to it and has stated such on numerous occassions. Someone tell Sestak he needs to address this issue, with or without his uniform on.


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