Duane "Dog" Chapman, A.K.A. Wannabe A R N O L D
Rants, Raves, and other Useful Information: Beer Revealed as Historic Female Plot...
As president, I will never pressure Israel to make concessions that will compromise its security. My commitment to a safe and secure Jewish state is unwavering... We must stand with Israel, supporting our ally's right to build a security fence... As president, I will use bold diplomacy to get governments to recognize the growing crisis of resurgent anti-Semitism, and take action to deal with it...
I believe that the time has come for the American people to demand that the relationships, between the United States, Israel and certain Israeli groups be reviewed immediately. Israel and certain Israeli groups will always put the interest of Israel and their own ideologies ahead of any thought of America or the rest of the world. My perspective at this time goes like this, 9-11 was “Tonkin Bay 2001” and it was extremely successful. Now we have to “DEAL WITH IT”. 9-11 was a conspiracy that continues within America. The actors that conspired to stage the event are criminals, pure and simple. The list of crimes they committed will be large, as will the number of individuals that will be caught and prosecuted for these crimes. I tend to disagree with the assumption that this has to be a massive conspiracy; I think we may find that a relative small number of persons actually working for the government, and others working within the government were actually involved in the prosecution of the traitorous deed itself. The conspirators that planned the 9-11 events are more than likely outside the criminals that originated the ideal of using an event of such magnitude to change history and lead our country on the courses we now travel. The number of individuals needed to accomplish the act is directly related to the power of the persons involved. I also tend to lean heavily toward involvement by Israelis. “WE, THE JEWISH PEOPLE, CONTROL AMERICA, AND THE AMERICANS KNOW IT.” Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon October 3, 2001 (IAP NEWS) We do not need to wait 5-10-25-50 years to know the traitorous criminals that were involved in 9-11. (Northwoods 40 years) The ideologies that contemplated and carried out the criminal acts on 9-11 are a very real (Level Bright Red) threat to our country. Think about it; they committed what they thought were perfect crimes, escaping unknown and untouched. Now the depth and breath of their crimes are being exposed and they have nowhere to hide. The repercussions from the truth about 9-11 may be far reaching and with amazing changes in the relationships we now have with Israel. I do not think for a moment that certain groups of Israelis would hesitate in killing 3000 Americans, or 300,000 Americans, or 3,000,000 Americans if they thought the results would benefit their vision of Israel and the rest of the world. I do not for a moment think that certain Americans (powerful people, families, and corporations,) would hesitate in killing 3000 Americans, or 300,000 Americans, or 3,000,000 Americans if the results would benefit their visions of themselves and the rest of the world. Israel is somewhat like a child which has benefited from 50 plus years of leniency, and protection from an over zealous mother (USA) who would not listen to any sort of criticism whatsoever of her lovely child. Now the child has become a sociopathic serial mass murderer. Whatever relations we have from this point on with the State of Israel and certain related Israeli groups cannot continue to proceed as is, by outdated agreements and arrangements that blind us to the evil in the child. This is not Isramerica, or Jewmerica. This is the “United States of America” and even with all its warts and blemishes it is ours, not theirs. Our treasury and military are not supported by the citizens to be used or abused by any other county regardless of who they are. We cannot lose our democracy and solvency because of our subservience to any country or ideologies. We have to assume the role of leadership. You know the saying,”Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way”. We have to lead, we cannot follow, and we are too big and bad to get the hell out of the way. When I say bad, I do mean bad, we have the ability and the means to defeat any foe or foes on this planet. It is a given that we are by far the most potentially dangerous nation that has ever existed. How, we manage this massive power will probably decide the fate of this world. The enormity of American power is almost inconceivable, capable of turning the planet into a lifeless hunk of space debris. It makes no “difference” to history if the United States of America becomes a failed experiment in “Democracy”, but it damn well “matters” to history. This “Country’ was not built on the backs of our many millions of ancestors, mostly decent, hard working, and honest people, to be given away to any peoples, cults, political parties, or other country, so they could fund themselves, their friends (conspirators), and their ideologies as some kind elixir for World Government. Respects, I myself am fed up with America kissing Israel's Ass. Billions of dollars we give them. They have healthcare, cheap gas, hell, Sharon's comment? I'll vote for George Bush in a heartbeat if he would put AMERICA instead of Israel first. And yes George, I know you read this blog too. So how about it?