Recently, I've been toying with the idea of starting up my old web site, Totally Delco.I first bought the domain name on April 27th, 2003. Long before the Daily Times. I bought it after realizing that I couldn't search online find a store nearby in Delaware County to buy a mattress, only the yellow pages had the lists.
So after several years of turning it into a blog, forum, web portal, etc. With lots of personal posts I've decide to go one step further. To integrate it with social networking, as in Facebook, only local. Wish me luck, I have zero experience in php or databases on here.
Doing It Up In Delaware County
I just had to post the picture below. It was taken tonight on Delmar Rd, where we used to live in the early 90's. Accross the street was the Bazzar, a place where one could spend all day buying all kinds of things, from a shotgun to a guitar, windows, bluejeans, jewrly, get a haircut, buy a puppy, you name it. Sadly, it was torn down in December of 1993.
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