
Making A Comback (of sorts) for 2012

Recently, I've been toying with the idea of starting up my old web site, Totally Delco.I first bought the domain name on April 27th, 2003. Long before the Daily Times. I bought it after realizing that I couldn't search online find a store nearby in Delaware County to buy a mattress, only the yellow pages had the lists.

So after several years of turning it into a blog, forum, web portal, etc. With lots of personal posts I've decide to go one step further. To integrate it with social networking, as in Facebook, only local. Wish me luck, I have zero experience in php or databases on here.



  1. Anything I can do to help let me know.

  2. Thanks Don, I will. Trying to use a simple way of updating pages like php or asp but i am in the dark. probably need to go to the library.


Feel free to post your thoughts... Try to keep it clean.