Showing posts with label Daily Times. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daily Times. Show all posts


Our Future here in Delaware County


This is what's on my mind at this late hour. this is my opinion of what's going on here in the United States as well as the rest of the world. The Democrats, with the aid of the MSM, Social Media, the backing of George Soros, The Vatican, and the Communist Government of China, have been mounting a multi-faceted assault on President Trump and the Republic of the United States of America. This amounts to Seditious Treason, espionage and several other "Crimes against the State". Our children are being indoctrinated into Marxist ideals in school, violence is glorified, sexual perversion is rampant. Make no mistake. This shit is REAL. 

And the Republicans are guilty of this as well, but in a different way and a different time. I was dead set against George Bush and his "Terror" campaign naming Saddam Hussein as the bad guy behind 9/11. Within 24 hours of that horrible day, where I watched three buildings imploded right on television, He was begging for war with Iraq. This had NOTHING to do with Saddam or Kuwait. It had everything to do with Him deciding to trade oil not with American Dollars, but with Iraqi Dinar. 

That was his fateful decision that costed 600,000 Iraqi citizens of all ages death, and over 1,200 American Service personnel thier lives. 

And over the years, Gulf "Two", and Afghanistan have cost us dearly.

President Trump is the FIRST "outsider" that I know of that wouldn't play their game. "Both" sides have been trying to oust him, unsuccessfully. 

This November, WE The People need to VOTE TRUMP. Or seal our fate as slaves to the Democrats who want the U.S. to go back to "The Way it Was". Like having our companies outsource to China, and sell out America for their cronies.

Lastly? This "Wuhan" Virus? It was manufactured with the blessing and help in my opinion by Dr. Anthony Fauci, Funding by Bill Gates and George Soros, and the blessing of the MSM, Social Media, Silicon Valley, and the Democratic higher ups.

And locally? We have the inept "Novel" Mayor, Barbarann Keffer, who clearly cannot handle this community and it's problems. More about Her later... 



UNREAL Estate in Delaware County

The "Real Estate agencies in Delaware County have one thing in common. To SELL. Hey, that's what they are expected to do when you approach them when you want to sell your property. But what most people don't know is that they all conspire with each other in my opinion (I do not have hard proof mind you) to keep the "Market Price" as high as they can, regardless of  how the economy is doing.

I have worked for several of them over the past thirty years, from wiring new townhouses and single homes from the ground up, to  providing safety inspections for a "U and O" "Use + Occupancy" certification. Many times I was told that the "Owner" thought that the price was too high, and what could be done to "Hide" or mask over problems, Being the good honest Electrician I am, I chided them for caving in to their client, and either correcting the problem, or telling them to find someone else.

The last dealing that I had involved a "Friend" (Insert Name Here), back in November. She called me after dinnertime and told me that She needed a GFI replaced in a house that was to be inspected in Clifton Heights Boro the following day. So I went to Home Depot as the supply houses were closed and purchased a White 15 amp, tamper Proof GFCI receptacle and cover plate. Upon entering the house I met a young couple, already living there. They guided me to the kitchen where I tested the GFI receptacle to the right of the sink,

I went down to the basement to shut the power off and found an old Murray "split buss" service panel. Illegal to sell a home with replacing. The owners "Electrician" installed a 100 amp breaker enclosure, and used the existing rotted out service cable (He/She taped it with electrical tape lol) and fed the panel with it. The new owner asked me if it was ok, as it looked like to him that it was unsafe. I told him I wouldn't buy this house unless they knocked the price off $2,000 to replace the whole service. He informed me that they already bought it and the inspector was coming back for the corrections the next day, hence me being there for the GFI. I guess he passed the panel job prior.

what gets me so pig biting mad is that I replaced the GFI, then the selling agent, (Not my "Friend the listing agent) shows up and points out an outlet on the counter hidden by a coffee machine that was to be replaced. Still waiting for my friend to show up (She never did), the agent insist She go to Home Depot and buy another one. so i wait, and wait, and wait. finally She comes back, and i explain what I found with the original GFI. I show Her and the owners the burnt line side "Hot" terminal  on the device. I replace the other receptacle, label the panel, and go home.

My charge from the onset? $75.00 plus materials for my "Friend". Her response at the time over the phone? Ok, just fix it. I;m in a bind here. Well now, it's now December 13th, and She is bitching about the price, telling my wife that that the seller (House Flipping Asshole) thinks I'm gouging him.
Really dude? you ought to be sued by the buyers, as the house is noting but old wiring, cosmetically done over, to appear like it's renovated. That is fraud. A lot more than my bill of  $83.87, completed on 11/03/15. and to make matters worse, several of the local district judges are also Real Estate Agents! Imagine me going into their court to have a judgement in my favor? Not a chance! I want to be payed for the 2 + hours spent on the job. no wonder I am reluctant to deal with Real Estate Agencies!

So, to all of you who are buying or thinking of buying a home or commercial property in Delaware county. Have an independent inspector thoroughly inspect all aspects of it before buying. I have made it a habit of inspecting all places I am called to for any job, just for piece of mind and to let the owners know what to fix for their own. if you live in Clifton Heights Boro, and have any issues concerning complaints about possible code violations,contact



Doing The Right Thing

A good read in the Daily Times, our County Council members are holding money earmarked to Harrisburg. Our Governor, Tom Wolf, refuses to negotiate with the Republican controlled Legislature. As a lifelong Delconian, I am pleased to see our County Council Members care about us. Make no bones about it. If the Democrats gain control? Watch Delco wind up like Philadelphia. Full of corruption and wasteful spending.

Come to think of it, locally here in Upper Darby, Democrat voter registration is on the rise. Why? It's called a change in the demographic base. To me people who are "Democrats" expect everything to be free. They, for the most part, feel that they are "entitled" to food stamps, free housing, healthcare, you name it. and don't even get me started about "Section 8". It was the downfall of this once great Township.



It Was Genocide

After reading Christine Flowers blog post about what the Turks did to the Armenians (Christian Armenians) mind you, makes me a bit spastic.  And I love how Obama is now cuddling up to his Muslim Brothers, downplaying the whole idea that the Ottoman empire were upset that the Armenians were "leaving them".
Yeah, right.

 Read Her post below...


Invitations To Author This Blog

The slogan on this blog as been "Musings from a variety of people from Delaware County" now for over ten years. Two other people who have authoring rights have not posted in quite some time, and I remind myself that I also have not. People change, their schedules, jobs, etc change.

I am looking for a few people who would be interested in posting their "musings", i.e, whatever is on their minds. From Lifestyle to Politics, Religion to Race, from what made them happy to what pisses them off.

What I would not want is the old "cut and paste" posts, like I see on Facebook (I do it there also), or the overuse of " the "N" words, as in Nasty. So think about it, and shoot me an e-mail, or respond right here.

Finally? You have to live in Delaware County, or at least have lived here in the past and have some interest in it.



Chico and the Woman

So let me get this straight. A woman named Susan Senn sees a little Chihuahua chained up on the front lawn of a house in Secane. She gets out of her vehicle, walks up to the dog, unchains him, then takes him to Lansdowne and gives him to a friend.
The cops are called, an investigation is started, the doggy found, and a warrant is issued for her arrest. End of Story? Hardly. Thanks to the comment feature on the Daily Times Web Site, several posters who know the "owner" of Chico have said that the dog is left out 24/7. So what if there is a doghouse, water, and food. A Chihuahua is not a cold weather dog and to chain it? Christ what moron would chain a little cute dog like Chico?

Leaving Chico outside is clearly a case of Animal abuse, and the more I read into it, it's the owner who should be locked up, not Susan Senn. I wonder if the SPCA is looking into this? Is Chico spending the night outside? Will Mike Chitwood hold a news conference and call ms Senn a "Scumbag"? Seriously, there is a web site/ Organization called "Unchain PA Dogs" that is trying to get a law passed in PA that makes it a criminal offence for a person to chain a dog up all day and night.

Seems to me that Chico needs to be set free from his bonds.

Update:  Whatever became of poor little Chico?


Making A Comback (of sorts) for 2012

Recently, I've been toying with the idea of starting up my old web site, Totally Delco.I first bought the domain name on April 27th, 2003. Long before the Daily Times. I bought it after realizing that I couldn't search online find a store nearby in Delaware County to buy a mattress, only the yellow pages had the lists.

So after several years of turning it into a blog, forum, web portal, etc. With lots of personal posts I've decide to go one step further. To integrate it with social networking, as in Facebook, only local. Wish me luck, I have zero experience in php or databases on here.



The Future of the Delaware County GOP

With the May Primary fast approaching, I am curious to see how our local Republican candidates fare. The Republican candidates are as follows:

For Governor:
Samuel E. Rohrer
Tom Corbett

For Lieutanant Governor:
Steve Johnson
Jean Craige Pepper
Russ Diamond
Chet Beiler
Stephen A. Urban
Daryl Metcalfe
John Kennedy
Billy McCue

United States Senator:
Pat Toomey
K. Peg Luksik

US Representative; (District 7)
Patrick Meehan

State Representative; (District 163)
Nicholas A. Micozzie

Corbett, Toomey, Meehan, and Micozzie I can relate to and am voting for. As far as the Democrats, who knows and who cares? If the Democrats gain control of Delaware County, specifically Upper Darby, you can bet that the township will be annexed into the City of Philadelphia. Don't believe me? Well look it up. The city has swallowed townships like Northern Liberties, Bristol Township, Roxbourough Township, Delaware Township and many more here.

Imagine losing their Police and Fire Departments, Departments of Sanitation, Public Works, and the School District. If you think the township has gone to the dogs now, just wait until November. My advice? Vote Straight Republican in November!


The Daily Times Needs YOU!

As I sit here on a half decent Sunday morning, I checked out the Daily Times web site as I usually do every day. I see that Phil Heron, editor of the times is pushing his recruting drive to have local people (like me) to join the ranks of "Community Journalists ". People like Lou Mahlman, Buck Fleming, KatieRose Keenan, Eric Koehler, and Jennifer Hoff have answered the call. My question is: Will the Daily Times staff feel threatened by them? Am I crazy here? Nope, you see the days of print (as in newspapers) journalism are slowly dying, replaced by facebook, myspace, twitter and other online mediums.

Journalist like Alex Rose (Who interviewed me several years ago about our website) have great talent in reporting and commenting on a story. To read it online just isn't the same as sitting in my van in the morning, drinking a Wawa coffee, and reading it on paper. I am afraid (some beg to differ) that the newspaper business is going to the wayside of the typewriter and shoe repairman. Only time will tell.

Oh yeah, and if anyone from Delaware County wants to contribute here? By all means you can contact me at . You MUST have a blogger or gmail account because Google bought Blogger and now Google is demanding it. Oh how I miss the typewriter.


Politics in America (8th Edition)


Getting with the Times?

Well well, I see now that the Daily Times is finally doing what I have been doing now since June of 2004. Blogging about Delaware County, what's on my mind, what I think about this area, the Upper Darby School District, etc. On this blog (I had to recently move it here to blogger because they are canceling FTP to my web site and others in May) we have only two contributors at the moment, Paula Brown and my Wife Elizabeth, who's father "Ace" incidentally worked for the Daily Times for forty years, both are MIA. I don't blame either, as Paula and I may beg to differ on Politicial issues, and Liz just isn't really interested at the moment.

along the way, we have had several bloggers as contributors, ranging from Casey Roncagilone, to Don Roberts, and briefly, Peter Porcupine. But in this day of Facebook and twitter, many people seem to go for the shorter posts, not the blathering like I'm doing right now. I will say that I will be blogging much more this year, voicing my opinions about Upper Darby, Clifton Heights, and in general, Eastern Delaware County. If you would like to join here as a contributor, just shoot me an e mail telling me why you want to blog here and what section of Delco you live in. Just think of it this way. your own little venting ground, where at least 5000 people will read your rants and raves each month.


P.s. Gil? Phil? Your also welcome as well as Alex.



I remember this dump of a bar many years ago when I believe it was called G.I.Joe's or something to that effect. Chitwood should shut the joint down, but it seems to me that certain new people in Upper Darby are thwarting his efforts. Murder, Rape, and other serious crimes are rampant in this extension of west Philadelphia.

If I were a betting man, I'll give Upper Darby 8 more years before it is annexed into the city of Philadelphia like Roxbourough, Andorra, and the greater Northeast were years ago. The Democrats would just love it! Imagine, No more UDPD, or Upper Darby Public works, Sanitation, Electricial Dept, etc. The ONLY reason Upper Darby is not an official section of Philly is because of Republician control.

Let's keep it that way..



What Excuse Will This Bastard Give?

Investigation continues as hit-and-run victim buried By: Cindy Scharr, 08/08/2008 As the family and friends of 16-year-old hit-and-run victim Faith Margaret Sinclair said their final goodbyes Friday, investigators waited to hear from the owner of the damaged Mercedes-Benz found inside an Upper Darby garage. What they heard was silence. "We've not heard a thing today," said Sharon Hill Police Chief Robert Tinsley. "I'd love to have him come in with his attorney and talk." Read the full article here. So Mr. Payne, a scumbag who has prior arrests for drunk driving and citations for reckless driving, What's your excuse going to be? Did someone else drive your car? Or here's one: "I thought it was a deer that I struck!!!" Your pathetic guilt only causes me and thousands of others who are following this story want to run you over. How would that feel Mr. Payne? I cannot believe that you're not in jail right now! I don't need to post "Alleged driver" like the newspaper need to do. You can sue me you scumbag. You won't get a dime. How can you sleep at night? Do the right thing. CONFESS! You know you did it! Suck it up and turn yourself in! P.s. I know where you live you bastard and so do a lot of others!


Shady Scenes in Clifton Heights?

I am quite curious about this so called "Clifton Heights Economic Corp" after reading the below Daily Times piece. Questions surround grant in Clifton Heights By: Dawn Mitchell, Times Correspondent 07/26/2008 CLIFTON HEIGHTS - Residents and some council members questioned the transfer of $825,000 in grant money to the Clifton Heights Economic Corp., a nonprofit entity that council has no control over, at a recent council meeting. "I don't know how we authorized this corporation when we never got papers on this corporation," said Councilman Mario Alpini. A listing for the corporation at nonprofit compendium could not be found. Council President Anthony Casadei, answering a question from the audience, revealed state Rep. Nicholas Micozzie, R-163, of Upper Darby, "took care of allowing money to go to the corporation," but said he did not know who established the corporation or who is in it.

 According to a document disclosed at the meeting - which one council member insisted each member of council had received during a caucus meeting the previous Thursday - former council president James Salmon is listed as president of the nonprofit. Salmon was running for another term on council last year, but was forced to step down for violating the federal Hatch Act because of his employment with the Department of Defense. Under the act, federal employees cannot hold elected office. Other nonprofit board members include: Clifton Heights Business Association President Rich Angelucci, owner of Full Cycle Ink Jet; Vice President Joe Lombardo, owner of M.F. Williams Funeral Home; and Financial Secretary Russ Jirik, owner of Family Matters Adult Day Care, according to that document. Also on the Clifton Heights Economic Corp. board is retired Clifton Heights police chief Ronald Berry, whose wife, Betsy, is a Clifton Heights council member. He is currently deputy director of the county Juvenile Detention Center in Lima. Angelucci and Jirik each made contributions totaling $300 to Micozzie in 2005 and 2006, while Lombardo has contributed at least $850 to Micozzie and $2,500 to the Delaware County Republican Finance Committee between 2002 and 2006, according to the Pennsylvania Department of State.

"Ron and Betsy Berry" have also contributed at least $795 to Micozzie since 2000, according to state records. In late June, council voted 5-3 to return $300,000 and $525,000 in grants issued last spring by the Pennsylvania Department of Economic Development. Alpini and fellow council members Robert Penjuke and Harris Resnick opposed the motion. But minutes at the meeting show council instead voted to redirect the funds to the private entity, which was formed June 16. Some council members now allege minutes were interpreted wrong, altered or even deleted.

 The grants were to facilitate the purchase of the adjacent Mac and Sam property and to redevelop borough hall. They were not set to expire until 2010 and 2011, respectively. According to Casadei, criteria specified in the grants were problematic and would have cost taxpayers $7 million to $8 million. Penjuke disagreed in a phone interview Thursday, saying the plan was to purchase property in stages, as money became available. He had anticipated having a community center. "We were originally told it wouldn't cost the borough anything for the revitalization project," said Penjuke. "Micozzie didn't think we had a good enough plan ... that we were not moving fast enough." "Personally, I'm not ready to give up $825,000," said Alpini, who opposed returning the funds since it was first discussed in May. "It's too much money and too hard to get to walk away that quickly." Penjuke also questioned the Clifton Heights Economic Corp.'s handling the borough's money.

 "We have no control over the corporation," he said. "As council, we're going to still be held accountable because we started the ball rolling. I just want to improve things in Clifton Heights and build it back up to a cute little town." Staff Writer Alex Rose contributed to this report. ©DelcoTimes 2008 So who runs it? Who are the officers? Why the secrecy? And why would our local committee people (including my own) authorize the transferring of funds (grants) to them? I do not know Dawn Mitchell but I do know Alex Rose. I am certain that more of this will unfold before November, when me (as in a resident of Clifton Heights)will get to vote.



ACDC - Let The Cat Out Of The Bag!

I took notice of this reply and am posting it in the hopes that it will raise awareness about cats being stolen in Delaware County, especially in the Upper Darby area. As far as the Animal Coalition of Delaware County being involved with some sort of "Cat Napping" ring, as the below poster suggests, I would have to say that in my opinion in this lawsuit happy day and age? No Comment other than to say something does smell fishy here. Maybe someone over at the Delaware County Daily Times can investigate this? Read on: Anonymous said... If you can, please post this in the hopes that people will see it. Due to recent reports of missing cats in the Drexel Hill / Havertown area, I wanted to post a warning to neighborhood cat owners about the Animal Coalition of Delaware County, a local organization purportedly concerned with animal welfare and who place cats into foster homes and special sections at local PetSmarts. This is an unsettling story in two parts: (Part One) Our beloved indoor-outdoor cat (a neutered, male, absolutely beautiful orange Main Coon mix who answers to 'Saab,' in case you've seen him) went missing from our Drexel Hill home and the area around it about a month ago. He was about nine years old, perfectly healthy, and a very solid animal capable of holding his own in a fight and finding his way home, so we believed him to be alive somewhere, possibly taken in by a concerned animal lover. We searched for him all over the neighborhood, knocked on doors, and registered a lost report with the Delaware County SPCA, heading there every day or so to check the intake rooms for him. So far, no sign. After weeks of looking for our boy, our family agreed that, since we had always been a multiple-cat household, we wanted to welcome a new kitten or two into our home. While still searching for our cat at the SPCA intake rooms, we kept our eyes open for kittens in the adoption rooms. When we could find no kittens at the SPCA, we reluctantly turned to Pet Smart and were immediately enamored with two little kittens, a brother and sister. We were told that they were adoptable through an organization called the Animal Coalition of Delaware County (AC DC) and that, pending a clean vet record, we'd likely be able to bring them home within the week. Of course, that hasn't happened. Through we put in an application and have a vet record of always spaying, vaccinating, and treating (when necessary) our animals, some of whom lived with us for upwards of 20 years, we have not heard from anyone at the Animal Coalition, save once, when we were informed that the kittens would be carted around to "meet and greets" to ALL of the potential families, whose applications were allowed to pile up before any adoption could be finalized. (Wouldn't you think that, with so many cats in need of homes, one happy, loving home would be as suitable as the next?) We were also told that it would be "impossible" to keep up-to-date online records of animals' statuses... basically, from this phone call, we started to get a bad feeling from this organization of animal activists. (Disclaimer: Now, we respect AC DC for being no-kill and for keeping their animals healthy, but right now, that is beside the point.) (Part Two) So, we are still without kittens and still missing our grown-up male. All of our friends know this and have been keeping their eyes open. One friend in particular, knowing how concerned we were and knowing that we had been looking at PetSmart, called this afternoon to tell us a rather disturbing story: the blocks immediately around her mother's Drexel Hill home have, in the past few weeks, reported FIVE missing cats. Very strange. What's more strange is this: One of those five missing cats was a three-legged, micro chipped cat owned by a local veterinarian. She of course conducted a search, and that veterinarian FOUND her cat, three legs and all, sitting in an ACDC cage in the local PetSmart. A happy reunion? One might think. But the organization WILL NOT turn the cat over to its owner, despite her profession and her cries of, "But that's my cat!" Claiming that they found the cat wandering in a cemetery, the organization says that adoption offers are already pending on this three-legged animal, and they refuse to reunite this veterinarian with her cat. It sounds remarkably shifty, and we, as a family of cat lovers still hoping for a reunion with our missing cat, are extremely concerned. Is this organization, which could be doing so much for so many animals, really plucking calm, peaceful cats out of residential neighborhoods and putting them up for adoption because they are so against cats being outside? (Prospective AC DC parents must swear to keep their cats indoors 24/7, and the organization reserves the right to make "home visits" to make sure that that is happening.) Now, we have no concrete proof of any foul play, since the AC DC volunteers at Pet Smart will swear until they're blue in the face that that cat was found wandering a cemetery and that there's no way it could belong to the Vet in question. But putting the pieces together raises some very alarming questions and suspicions, and bearing that in mind, I at least wanted to call attention to local cat lovers. So, if you have a cat who enjoys the freedom of some time outside, BEWARE. Some people believe that cats shouldn't be able to enjoy their God-given habitat, and it appears to me as though some of those people will sink so far as to snatch your beloved pet right off of the sidewalk in order to put it in a "better home."


St Cyril's To Stay Open For Years To Come

Saint Cyril's Graduation picture - June, 1975 Yes it is true, according to a friend of mine. Thanks to a group who will be sponsoring them, My former school will stay open for hopefully years to come. It never could have been possible without the following short list. Tommy Geromichalos Gil Spencer Linda Reilly Paul Thomas "Jeannie" The Make a Wish foundation There are hundreds of other people and businesses who without their generous donations, Tommy's dream would have never have come true. The sponsor is as yet unidentified, but deals in Catholic charities. More to follow. Cheers.


Play It Again Gil

Sorry Gil, James Kirchick is a shill for you know who. I cannot say here because I don't want to be labeled a Anti Semitic, Racist, Bigoted, Homophobic "Angry White Man!" FYI - A little tidbit of information about Mr. Kirchick.
"James Kirchick is an assistant editor of The New Republic, a columnist for the Washington Examiner, and a frequent contributor to the Los Angeles Times. He has worked as a reporter for the New York Daily News, the New York Sun and The Hill and has written for magazines including The Advocate, The Weekly Standard, The Boston Globe Magazine and Doublethink. His writing has appeared in The Wall Street Journal Europe, the International Herald Tribune, The Jerusalem Post, USA Today, The Boston Herald, The National Post of Canada and other publications. "
He is the recipient of the 2006 National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association Excellence in Student Journalism award and was the organization's 2007 Journalist of the Year. In other words.. A liberal Gay advocate who is pro Israel, Pro Nation building, Pro Homosexual Rights, Anti Consertative (look up the true definition of the word) journalist tries to pull a swift boat on Ron Paul? Judging from the first of over 1200 replies to Kirchicks slanderous diatribe, I'd say the cat is out of the bag. Did I forget to tell you I'm also a "Republican"? Vote Ron Paul - Hope for all America!


Bad Apples In Every Profession

In today's online edition of the Daily Times you can read about a Delaware County Deputy Sheriff who was arrested after being charged with threatening his estranged wife and her 9-year-old son with a gun. The Deputy, Martin Hineman, was arrested at a local Wawa after a brief manhunt. Thank God no one was hurt, unlike what happened to these people out in Wisconsin. Bottom line? Everyone has the ability to snap. Even those who carry guns in their profession. To the anti gun people I say: What do you do about this?


Gil Spencer Has A Blog!

I read about it this morning in the Daily Times. Good to see that Gil is finally getting into the Blogosphere. I had e-mailed Gil several times in the past to become a contributor of this blog, but no bites. It would have been interesting to see the comments that would have come after one of his "Bush" loving posts lol. I guess maybe that he had come across one of my posts directed toward him. If so, then I couldn't blame him one bit for refusing. I actually do like Gil, have met him a few times, and thought that his article that he did about Tommy Geromichalos was sincere and started the ball rolling to keep St.Cyril's School open. So I look forward to reading his blog, and maybe post a comment or two. Cheers. P.S. The link to his blog is not working as of 10:50 AM. P.S.S. His blog is up and working.. Find Anyone's Email Address