Showing posts with label theft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label theft. Show all posts


Republican Primary In Pennsylvania Today

Delaware County Republican Primary Delegates Supporting Ron Paul Michael P. Boyle Peter J. Manfra David K. Walter Ryan Hodinka Rick Lacey John Savastio Are you a registered Republican in the state of Pennsylvania and reside in Delaware County? Be sure to vote for the above delegates for a real change, a much needed one. The three ponies currently in the MSM spotlight are coddlers to the corporate whores that have been ripping you off for over 90 years.
I find is quite disgusting that all of the local news media (TV, and especially the Daily Times) failed to even mention the Republican Primary that is today, April 22, 2008. In Delaware County and accross the state, Registered Republicans such as myself get to vote on whom they want (delegates) to represent their choice in November. I don't give a hoot about Obama or Hillary, as both to me are lucid and quite frankly full of crap in everything they spew out of their mouths. Same goes for John McCain, but to add to his dementia, he wants nothing more than to invade Iran and eventually Saudi Arabia, all in the name of "Democracy". Want your children to fight in his wars? I don't, and the simpletons who call sound off at the Daily Times and say reinstate the draft most likely are bitter ex Vietnam draftees, well to do stuffy asses with kids in college who will get a deferment, or just plain out liars. Today Delaware County Republicans can vote for the the above delegates, all of whom support Ron Paul. Yeah, the same Ron Paul who is for smaller government, true American Independence and Sovereignty, strongly against meddling in other countries affairs and feeding them billions of your tax dollars, Pro Gun, Pro Life, and most of all? Adhering to the original Constitution of the United States, a document that George W. Bush and William Jefferson Clinton have managed to mangle and rip apart over the last 16 years.
Important links below:


Martin Luther King Tribute From My Friend David

Yeah I have a diverse field of friends too. My friend from You Tube sent me the below video. I have something to add below - Some of you may know what I'm talking about. To you stuffy racist "anonymous" people who have a problem with my views both here and over at the increasing liberal Democratic (What a joke, you censor me to no end as of late Haverford Blog) - either email me, or call me.. Or haven't you got the guts to face me one on one? What a joke! While I'm at it.. To my sister Kathy. Loose lips ship sinks.. Or in your case, get you fired and possibly put behind bars. Better think twice about how you respond to people and treat them in this age of computers, texting, e-mails, caller ID.. You get it? I got it all. Cheers.