Showing posts with label Ron Paul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ron Paul. Show all posts
Go On Home British Soldiers - Go On Home
Being that I'm in a political mood tonight, I give you this: (To you stuffy people or children, go away.)
Why I'm a Republician
I oppose tyranny. I am for a free Republic. I am first generation Irish in America. My allegiance is to America and only to America. Any questions?
Independant Of The Party Machine
"He's so independent. He's independent of the party machine. I'm like, 'Right on, so am I." <---- This one statement that Sarah Palin says is enough to convince me that she should be PRESIDENT of the Untied States of America. Unfortunately, I'll settle for VP for now.
Installing A Puppet
Quote from Dawn (from the Haverford Blog)
As John McCain did in a news-clip yesterday, I too send congratulations to Barak Obama for breaking the racial barrier to become the first black American to lead a National Party for election to president of the United States.
May the best man win.
My Response:
Why is the national media and John McCain announcing his V.P. pick, like he is the official GOP canidate? Ron Paul and Mitt Romney didn't "drop out", just suspended their campaigning.
I am fed up with the MEDIA who is controlled by foreign countries who select candidates. RON PAUL has my vote in November, come hell or high water. That's my RIGHT. The RNC convention didn't happen already, did it? Watch for RON PAUL delegates (official from their constituents) to be harassed, bullied, and arrested. And the NEWS response? There just a crazy bunch of so called "libs" when in fact most Ron Paul backers are the most intelligent people in this country who actually see the eroding of the Constitution.
Welcome to AMERIKA.
Damming Video?
Got this from Gil Spencer's blog a few minutes ago.
I had posted about Hussein's involvement last week over at the Haverford Blog. I really don't trust Obama, and to be honest with you think that McCain will start WW3 and reinstate the draft if elected. My Sons and Daughters are not going to be used as cannon fodder for some silver spoon fed out of touch man who feels that war is the answer. My choice is Republican Ron Paul. I will write him in at the voting booth come November. Thousands upon thousands of fellow Americans will also. Will he get elected? Not a chance. But at least I will show them where I stand.
The Next President - Ron Paul
Ron Paul is the Man who I will be voting for come this November.Obama? McCain?
Please. Take a listen of just what he has to say. If you disagree? Feel free to comment.
Republican Primary In Pennsylvania Today
I find is quite disgusting that all of the local news media (TV, and especially the Daily Times) failed to even mention the Republican Primary that is today, April 22, 2008. In Delaware County and accross the state, Registered Republicans such as myself get to vote on whom they want (delegates) to represent their choice in November. I don't give a hoot about Obama or Hillary, as both to me are lucid and quite frankly full of crap in everything they spew out of their mouths. Same goes for John McCain, but to add to his dementia, he wants nothing more than to invade Iran and eventually Saudi Arabia, all in the name of "Democracy". Want your children to fight in his wars? I don't, and the simpletons who call sound off at the Daily Times and say reinstate the draft most likely are bitter ex Vietnam draftees, well to do stuffy asses with kids in college who will get a deferment, or just plain out liars.
Today Delaware County Republicans can vote for the the above delegates, all of whom support Ron Paul. Yeah, the same Ron Paul who is for smaller government, true American Independence and Sovereignty, strongly against meddling in other countries affairs and feeding them billions of your tax dollars, Pro Gun, Pro Life, and most of all? Adhering to the original Constitution of the United States, a document that George W. Bush and William Jefferson Clinton have managed to mangle and rip apart over the last 16 years.
Important links below:
Dems in Delco - Time to Change Your Party
If you really want change in America, you"ll change your party affiliation to Republican and vote for Ron Paul in the April 22nd Primary. Hillary and Obama have no chance to become President. That leaves Ron Paul, a true consertative that is for All Americans.The MSM is against Paul because they and their handlers fear him. That is why Ron Paul is scarely mentioned on TV and the Newspapers.
From Ron Paul's Web Site:
In Pennsylvania, only registered Republican voters can vote for Ron Paul in the April 22, 2008 primary, or sign and circulate petitions to place Ron Paul and Ron Paul GOP convention delegate candidates on the ballot. Petitioning begins January 22, 2008 and ends February 12, 2008.
If you are not already a registered Republican, we need you to register Republican as soon as possible.
It’s easy: Download, print and fill out this form and mail it to your County Voter Registration Office (addresses on the back). Important: after you send in this form, make sure you get confirmation back from your local Voter Registration Office, that you have been registered as a Republican.
Going To The Candidate's Debate
"Laugh about it, shout about it when you've got to choose..
Every way you look at this you lose..."
Yes, yet ANOTHER BULLSHIT election heating up, and RON PAUL isn't mentioned. The Delaware County GOP isn't saying squat on who they will endorse. Well if they were honorable and truly patriotic people, they would endorse RON PAUL. We will see just how birds of a feather flock together, or to put it bluntly - "Who's ass is worth kissing in the name of holding down power and a job". a.k.a Cronyism? I thought that was solved.
Anyway, It's the same old same old. The Dem's been doing it for decades. When will Delco and it's "elected" leaders do the right thing? Go with what is right? Or go with the national dictate?
Only time will tell..
Word to the Delaware County GOP. Endorse RON PAUL. If your so smart with computers and tracking software, etc, you"ll see that the MAJORITY of people who know about RON PAUL in Delaware County will vote for him. And if he doesn't get the nod from the national party? People all across America have good memories, and are FED UP with BOTH Dem's and Re pubs. You Both are selling out your constituents and have been for years. It reminds me of a wife who has been cheated on but then realizes her Hubby is really leaving her and leaving her high and dry, kids and all..
If you were in "her" shoes, what do you think she would do?
I'll see you at Casey's someday...
Democracy Unplugged Presents
2008 Foreign Policy Presidential Campaign Forum
Democracy Unplugged presents our initial 2008 Campaign Forum, this one focusing on foreign policy. This Forum will be held on Friday Night, January 25th, 7:30 at Swarthmore Borough Hall, 121 Park Avenue.
The format will consist of questions from a student panel, followed by short speeches from each Candidate/Representative and a question and answer session. There will be a Literature Table with material from those present and many others. Over one hundred invitations have been sent out to various minority Democrat and Republican Candidates, along with Independent and Third Party Candidates. Refreshments will be available and donations will be accepted.
The scheduled speakers are:
DANIEL AVERY BACON Independent Candidate from New Hampshire
CLIFF WILSON current Delaware County Democratic Chair representing JOHN EDWARDS
JAMES CREIGHTON MITCHELL, JR. Republican Candidate from Illinois
DR. CHRIS MACDONALD-DENNIS representing the Socialist Party Candidate BRIAN MOORE
JOHN MURPHY Chester County Green Party Chair representing RALPH NADER
DAVID LAMB representing RON PAUL
SCOTT SHIELDS Mayor of Rutledge, supporter of Fred Thompson
LANAKILA WASHINGTON Humanist Party Candidate from New York
Hey Scott?
Ready to help out Ron Paul? After all, he is PRO GUN, and ANTI ABORTION.. Or are you not allowed to trully represent yourself and the "Party". I really thought you were on the level reading your replies on Spencer Blog..
Now I know better.
Play It Again Gil
Sorry Gil, James Kirchick is a shill for you know who. I cannot say here because I don't want to be labeled a Anti Semitic, Racist, Bigoted, Homophobic "Angry White Man!" FYI - A little tidbit of information about Mr. Kirchick.
"James Kirchick is an assistant editor of The New Republic, a columnist for the Washington Examiner, and a frequent contributor to the Los Angeles Times. He has worked as a reporter for the New York Daily News, the New York Sun and The Hill and has written for magazines including The Advocate, The Weekly Standard, The Boston Globe Magazine and Doublethink. His writing has appeared in The Wall Street Journal Europe, the International Herald Tribune, The Jerusalem Post, USA Today, The Boston Herald, The National Post of Canada and other publications. "He is the recipient of the 2006 National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association Excellence in Student Journalism award and was the organization's 2007 Journalist of the Year. In other words.. A liberal Gay advocate who is pro Israel, Pro Nation building, Pro Homosexual Rights, Anti Consertative (look up the true definition of the word) journalist tries to pull a swift boat on Ron Paul? Judging from the first of over 1200 replies to Kirchicks slanderous diatribe, I'd say the cat is out of the bag. Did I forget to tell you I'm also a "Republican"? Vote Ron Paul - Hope for all America!
Why the Delco GOP Should Endorse Ron Paul - Pt. 1
I had a post here but it seems that Blogger dot com dosen't like me posting anything positive about RON PAUL. Let's just say that the GOP in Delaware County should take a hard look at who they have to endorse for President.
Mike Huckabee
Mitt Romney
Fred Thompson
John McCain
Ron Paul
Rudy Giuliani
Duncan Hunter
Only Dr.Paul will stand up for all Americans.
A Brief Overview of Congressman Paul’s Record: (From the Ron Paul web site)
He has never voted to raise taxes.
He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
He has never taken a government-paid junket.
He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
He voted against the Patriot Act.
He voted against regulating the Internet.
He voted against the Iraq war.
He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.
The others?
Ron Paul Meetup In Delco
It's coming up fast! always a good time at Casey's Restaurant, located at 812 Lansdowne Ave in Drexel Hill, Right across from Bond's Shopping Center. Looking forward to meeting my fellow Ron Paul supporters from Delaware County and elsewhere.
Info below:
When? Thursday, Jan 3, 2008, 7:30 PM
Where? Casey's Restaurant and Saloon
812 Lansdowne Ave. Drexel Hill
Drexel Hill, PA 19026
Telco # 610-789-7575
Cheers and have a Happy and safe New Year!
P.S. I am looking forward to meeting all of you who read our blog, regardless of the so called "party affiliation".
Ron Paul
Why the GOP must nominate Ron Paul
Delaware County For Ron Paul
In an earlier post, I briefly posted on why I think that Ron Paul should be elected president in 2008. After reading about the Iowa Straw Poll, and the fact that I believe it was rigged for Romney, only reinforces my belief that the Republican party needs a major overhaul.
Ron Paul is one of three candidates (the other two are Mike Gravel and Dennis Kucinich, both Democrats), that say that they would bring our troops home from the Middle East. This so called "War" is killing thousands of American men and women. Didn't we learn anything from Vietnam? Look at Russia, who got it's asses handed to them in Afghanistan in the 80's while we funded Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban.
Ron Paul will put an end to this. He will not stoop to the big corporate lobbyist. He is against "Nation Building". He respects and says he will uphold the Constitution of the United States, an oath that Bush took and has laughed at ever since.
If you really love America, wake up and get involved. I would like to see Ron Paul here in Clifton Heights. I would like to see him as my president in 2008. If you would also like to see him here, click on the eventful picture above.
P.S. Interesting video about what the Federal Reserve Bank has done with our nations wealth. Click Here.
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