The Eagles Are Going To The Super Bowl
I am so happy about this that I could cry! After years and years of frustration and disapointment Philly fans finally have their Eagles heading to J-Ville. To all the nay sayers out there who doubted them, (Yes, I did at the beginning of the season,)Poo on you. The revenue that Philadelphia and the sorounding counties will generate can only add to the excitement.
On a sad note, Johnny Carson has passed away. I remember watching him religiously and enjoyed them. I went out and bought his 4 part series on "The Tonight Show" several years ago and intend on watching them again soon. Johnny made stars out of many people, including Jay Leno, David Letterman, Bette Midler, and a slew of others. RIP John.
Let It Snow
By: Al Cronkrite
The similarities between America at the turn of the Century and Germany in the 1930s are stunning, frightening, and unprecedented. They offer an apodictic history lesson of perils, present and future.
The American press and media have for several decades been lap dogs of the pernicious policies and apparent totalitarian intentions of our government. In spite of heavy Jewish control of our newspapers, television, and movies and the genocide suffered by their near relatives, the owners of these public voices have consistently failed to warn us of the dangers that lie ahead.
Like America, Germany, before the rise of the Nazi government, was a democratic republic, Field Marshall Paul von Hindenburg was President, and Adolph Hitler was a boisterous politician with some disreputable associates and a gift for oratory.
In the March 1932 presidential election Hitler ran second to von Hindenburg with a mere 30.1 percent of the vote. However, there were two other minor candidates and von Hindenburg’s 49.6 percent set up a mandated run-off. The run-off gave Hindenburg 53 percent and Hitler 36.8 percent.
The National Socialist Party (Nazi) did better in the ensuing congressional election garnering 230 Reichstag seats out of a possible 608. The 230 seats made it Germany’s largest political party and granted Hitler new political clout. On July 27th, 1932, four days before the election, Hitler attracted some 60 thousand listeners in Brandenburg and Potsdam and 220 thousand 120 thousand inside and 100 thousand outside) at Grunewald Stadium in Berlin.
By November 1932, gridlocks in the Reichstag forced new elections; the Nazis lost seats but remained the largest political party. Hitler asked von Hindenburg to appoint him Chancellor. Hindenburg refused. Franz von Papen whom Hindenburg had appointed Chancellor in June of 1932 was a farcical individual and under his leadership the Reichstag remained in chaos and deadlock. In an effort to remedy the situation von Hindenburg appointed army General Kurt von Schleicher who, unable to gain a majority coalition, resigned after 57 days.
On January 10th, 1933, President von Hindenburg appointed Hitler Chancellor.
The following month in February, 1933, a fire at the Reichstag building resulted in the arrest of a Dutch Communist name Marinus van der Lubbe and an blustery assertion by the new Chancellor and his associates that Communist terrorists had begun the revolution and were planning to burn buildings, museums, mansions, and industrial plants. It was shrilly proclaimed that women and children might be murdered, private property endangered and the health and welfare of the peaceful population put at risk.
Hitler persuaded President Hindenburg to issue a decree "For the Protection of the People and the State". The decree suspended constitutional guarantees of civil liberties by calling for "Restrictions on personal liberty, on the right of free expression of opinion, including freedom of the press; on the rights of assembly and association; and violations of the privacy of postal, telegraph and telephonic communications; and warrants for house searches, orders for confiscations as well as restrictions on property, are also permissible beyond the legal limits prescribed."
Two weeks after the Reichstag fire on March 23, 1933, Hitler went to the Reichstag and secured an overwhelming vote to suspend the Constitution freeing him to be dictator of Germany.
The existing judicial system with its independent judges was quickly replaced with controllable courts overseen by trustworthy party members whose job it was to protect and enforce the new regime
Hitler had made no secret of his hatred for Jews and in 1935 the Nuremberg laws were enacted legalizing anti-Semitism.
The most frightening corollary between Hitler’s Germany and Bush’s America involves the reactions of the citizens. Bernard Weiner in a review of German author Sebastian Haffner’s book, "Defying Hitler" records the following in regard to the German people: "Given their built-in weakness and their willingness to swallow the most outrageous Big Lies emanating from the propaganda ministry and the media, most Germans were fruit waiting to be plucked by the Nazi harvesters. ‘They still fall for anything. After all that, I do not see that one can blame the majority of Germans who, in 1933, believed that the Reichstag fire was the work of the Communists. [The Parliament burned down and a convenient Communist arsonist was fingered, which the Nazis used as the excuse to unleash police-state tactics against all opponents.] What one can blame them for, and what shows their terrible collective weakness of character clearly for the first time during the Nazi period, is that this settled the matter. With sheepish submissiveness the German people accepted that, as a result of the fire, each one of them lost what little personal freedom and dignity was guaranteed by the constitution; as though it followed as a necessary consequence.’" Sebastian Haffner lived in German under the Nazi regime "Defying Hitler", published in 2000, is a post humus publication found in his files following his death at the age of 91.
America is rife with similarities to Nazi Germany. The Reichstag fire was allowed to go forward and loudly blamed on Communist terrorist-conspirators in order to frighten the people into accepting suspension of the Constitution in much the same way the 9/11 episode has been used to override much of our own Constitution. Devvy Kidd has written a review of a new book by Michael Ruppert entitled "Crossing the Rubicon" that documents suspected government complicity in the 9/11 tragedy.
Hitler received some support for all classes of Germans but his largest voting block was among rural Protestant Christians. The situation in America is some different but the present regime has been able to gain the backing of large numbers of Protestant Evangelical Christians. In reviewing a new book by Daniel J. Flynn entitled "Moronic Intellectuals" Thomas DiLorenzo writes "Carefully surveying many of Strauss’s writings, Flynn notes that although he was an atheist and "scoffed at the idea of God," he nevertheless thought that appeals to religion could be helpful in duping naïve Christians, especially, into going along with his interventionist foreign policy agenda. It seems to have worked, since ‘evangelical Christians’ are among the most bloodthirsty warmongers in American society today."
There is an interesting parallel between Hitler’s anti-Semitism and America’s denigration of the Arabs. Again, it is not exactly the same but Israeli and American hatred of Islam and willingness to see Arab men, women, and children killed in an illegal war bears a considerable resemblance to the general anti-Semitic sentiments in 1930s Germany.
Another familiar excuse for membership in an aberrant political party was that it might allow reform of the Nazi Party. This mindset was prominent among intellectuals. How many thousands of American citizens and political hacks maintain membership in the Republican Party with the vain intention of returning it to Conservative Constitutionalism?
Though real anti-Semitism is rare in America there is a direct corollary concerning the success and affluence of Jews and their equal success and affluence in 1930s Germany. In Germany Jews were resented and Lutheran Protestants had the vehement anti-Semitic writings of Martin Luther to re-enforce their sentiments.
The misgivings that hung on as the Nazi regime came to power, the lose of personal freedom, the police state restrictions, murder, and genocide began to be offset by victories on the battlefield, by order in the economy, and realization that most Germans who conformed and did not resist were allowed to live orderly lives without government interference.
Those who were involved in the regime itself - the magistrates, the law enforcement officials, and the soldiers were intent on their own careers and conformed to the orders they were given. The massacres that occurred in Nazi Germany and on a much smaller scale in America at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas in April, 1993, were not carried our by crazed or mentally unbalanced individuals; the murders were committed by normal citizens acting as comrades with the approval of the governments that employed them.
On a CD entitled "The Rebirth of Tyranny in America" Attorney Gerry Spence talks about the rank dishonesty and misuse of power in the FBI’s conduct of the Randy Weaver case. Spence is a superb trial lawyer and his rendition is spellbinding. During the trial, FBI agents manipulated evidence, made false statements, and were proven to have used criminal procedures all in an effort to convict an innocent man. When the criminal behavior was specified the FBI agents involved received perfunctory punishments; one of the key men received a promotion.
Government operatives who committed crimes against those they are paid to serve are freed and rewarded while innocent citizens who pay for their service are illegally hounded, persecuted and killed with impunity. Spence calls it tyranny and it is but a short hop from the atrocities of Nazi Germany.
There was heavy pragmatic support for policies that German citizens knew in their hearts were evil. As in America, the propriety of the programs was judged by consequences. German society was predominantly secular and the propensity of human reason to equate virtue with success clouded thought. Citizens, unwilling to accept and face reality, began to live in a dream world. Americans are similarly afflicted. Christians are lawless and willing to forgo freedom and place their trust in a dishonest secular government living with the dream that it is the will of God prior to the end times. Intellectuals and the secular cadre that conduct the everyday business in America are without an immutable legal structure and hampered by the limited capacity of human reason. Their pragmatic approach allows ever increasing barbarism as a means to their ends. It was the same in Germany. The wholesale murder of the helpless did not begin immediately .Priortothe1940s it was brutality,injustice,and an occasional murder. But as tyranny matured it became wholesale murder and genocide. Americans are willing to allow our government to murder over eighty men, women, and children at Waco and condone the passing of a freedom robbing Patriots Act, written and waiting to be passed when citizens and legislators were stampeded by fear. Such precedents provide a dire prescience.
Americans have become used to illegal searches and freedom robbing law enforcement. The airports subject every passenger to personal indignities and our police officers regularly stop innocent citizens and demand their acquiescence which if not given will result in brutal incapacitation, handcuffs, and a jail cell. The death of a police officer is treated as more important than the death of one of the citizens they are hired to serve. Vindictive brutality is common.
Hitler was intent on creating a German Empire by conquest while America has created an empire by stealth. The Nazis in Germany were responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent citizens. Although their conquest was overt it went on for an extended period before the wrath of other nations set them against it. America’s conquest has been more subtle and to this point substantial opposition has been confined to the overt invasion of Iraq. Human casualties have already accumulated but if the present course continues, and it appears nothing will prevent it, they will increase to massive proportions.
Most disturbing is the lack of a moral compass in our plan for world hegemony. Rumsfeld and the Straussian based Neo-Con cabal who fashion our foreign policies make their decisions with consequential pragmatism. Human lives mean little. Former Secretary of State, Madeline Albright, was quoted as stating that our policies in Iraq were worth the deaths of half a million children. This humanistic, callous disregard for life is identical to the thought that pervaded Hitler’s Third Reich!
Many of us who have spent the time to understand what is happening in America and who write about it have found ourselves isolated and scorned by family and often by friends. Dissent in times of despotic peril is not popular. Citizens want to trust their government and therein lies much of the problem. Our Founders were wise in regard to government; they distrusted it and made every attempt to curtail its growth. This wisdom is gone and has been replaced with an inordinate dependence. It is a dysfunctional relationship in which the head has become the foot.
The heroes of history are often oddities to their contemporaries. Jacob Hornberger of the Future of Freedom Foundation has written a review of "The White Rose" entitled a "Lesson In Dissent". The White Rose is the story of a group of young academics who sacrificed their lives to resist the evils of Hitler’s Germany. Robert Scholl was the father of brother and sister, Hans and Sophie Scholl, both involved in the movement, he despised Hitler and though his children had joined the Hitler youth and might have had him arrested he was able to convince them of the evil that was progressing and they in turn were the impetus that began a pamphlet resistance. It is a touching story of bravery and self sacrifice, a real life story of "give me freedom or give me death".
However, the resistance was not organized. The Scholls and their brave little group acted with no outside support. Most Protestant ministers offered little resistance. More Catholics ended up in the concentration camps than Protestants. The general population was submissive and many were supportive. America has an almost identical pattern!
As we approach the presidential election we need to understand that it makes no difference which of the two political parties wins the election the slide into tyranny will continue unabated. The powers that promote it have firm control of the majority of our elected officials including our Presidents.
Fighting the monster is a lonely venture with frustration certain and martyrdom possible.
"Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact."
The Keyword Effect
Mention Pearle, WHYY, and Bush whle throwing a rant will get google and others to take notice..
Iraq is lost President Bush.. Now GTFO NOW!
Why I Refused 2nd Deployment to Iraq by Sgt. Kevin Bendermen
Sergeant Kevin Bendermen
First a brief forward from POAC co-editor Jack Dalton. I received an email a few moments ago from Kevin’s wife Monica. In it she has told me a total of 22 people in Sgt Benderman’s unit have refused to deploy to Iraq. 17 have gone AWOL and 2 have attempted suicide. The status of the remaining 3 is unknown at this time. We at the POAC fully support the decision to refuse deployment to Iraq which has been made by Sgt Benderman, and the others in his unit.
I am Sgt Kevin Benderman and:
These are the chronological events that led me to conclude that I had no other choice than to refuse the deployment order to Iraq.
I was deployed to Iraq in March 2003 and returned in September 2003; while I was there I was with the 1st Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division. We staged our vehicles in Kuwait and then proceeded to move out into Iraq. We were carried on the back of heavy equipment transporters to about fifty miles south of Baghdad and then we downloaded the vehicles. We were in the vehicles while they were on the trucks, which I thought was a little odd considering that in the garrison environment those types of actions are considered unsafe and are therefore not allowed.
During the road march north through the country I saw the effects of what war does to people, those effect are such; homes were bombed, people were living in mud huts, people were obtaining their drinking water from mud puddles along the side of the road and were catching rain in buckets when it did rain, they begged us for food and water and we had enough, we would share it with the people that were there, the kids looked especially hungry and thirsty. The commander told us to stop giving the people food because they would get food from other sources after the trucks started bringing in relief supplies.
Somewhere along the route there was this one woman standing along side the road with a young girl of about 8 or 9 years old and the little girl’s arm was burned all the way up her shoulder and I don’t mean just a little blistered, I mean she had 3rd degree burns the entire length of her arm and she crying in pain because of the burns. I asked the troop executive officer if we could stop and help the family and I was told that the medical supplies that we had were limited and that we may need them, I informed him that I would donate my share to that girl but we did not stop to help her.
When we were there, the command elements ordered the unit to perform all types of actions that are considered unsafe to soldiers, such as, having military vehicle maintenance personnel retrieve missiles that were present in our area of operations using a M88 recovery vehicle and transport them to sites to be destroyed by the explosive ordnance personnel. They also ordered mortar personnel to enter into a compound that held various types of munitions that the Iraqi army had left behind and to load these munitions onto trucks. When these personnel were not working fast enough for the 1SG he ordered them to throw the mortar rounds onto the trucks whereupon one of rounds exploded and inflicted shrapnel wounds on two soldiers.
We were using an old custom building that was located in the middle of the town that we were in for the troop HQ and naturally that attracted the attention of the local populace. Small children would come up to the wall that surrounded the place before we had a chance to apply concertina wire along the top of the wall and they would toss small pebbles at us inside the walls. We would tell the children to get down from the wall and leave the area, one day the troop commander saw us telling the children top get down from the wall and he told everyone there that if the children came back at any time after that to shoot them if they were to climb back onto the wall.
I was in charge of a group of soldiers that were in their late teens through their early twenties and I had to constantly tell them to keep their heads down because they thought that the war was like the video games that they played back at the barracks. War is not like that at all and until you have the misfortune to engage in it for yourself you cannot begin to understand how insane it all is. There are no restart buttons on reality and that is why I cannot figure out why now we are pursuing such a policy in this day and age. War should be relegated to the shelves of history, as was human sacrifice. If you stop to think about it you become aware that war is just human sacrifice. There is no honor in killing as many as you can as quickly as you can.
We, in America refer to ourselves as civilized and people from other countries still living the simple life are backwards and un-civilized, but what is civil about the capability to create atomic weapons? What is civil about being able to kill over 100,000 people with just one bomb? We may be more technologically advanced but are we more civilized? I think the answer is no. War has to be considered the absolute enemy of mankind. Where we would be without it? I would presume that we as a nation would be out of debt if we were to apply as much energy to pursuing sound economics as we do pursuing war, we would never get sick if we spent as much on preventive medicine as we do on war, the elderly would get affordable prescription medication if we were to use the resources that are spent on war to work for that purpose, there would not be un educated children if we were to buy new classrooms and books for schools instead of new weapons systems, social security would be a lot more secure with some of the money that war costs.
Why do we want to train the young people in the world that the only way we can settle our differences is to kill one another? Why shouldn’t we train them to become surgeons or homebuilders? Why shouldn’t we train to become anything but killers? I think that the world would be better off if we were to do that instead. I have talked to veterans from every war from WWII on and their opinion is that the wars they fought were to be the last war ever fought. How many more are we going to fight before we realize that the act of war is for small minded people that are intent in only satisfying their own needs and not the needs of the people in general? I do not want to be killed because I am living in a place that has a ruler that wants to go to war with any one.
The only way to bring peace to the world is to let the people of the world decide for themselves what they want to spend their efforts on. I feel that in this day and age governments start wars, and not people, and since the governments want the wars then why don’t we let the government fight the war? All of the politicians that want to fight a war are free to trade places with me at any time. I will gladly go and learn war no more.
There are activities that I have been involved in that have led me to these new and developed beliefs, and they are numerous but I can tell you some of them. When you walk in the woods and you see a deer stand and look at you, or you are on the river in the morning and the mist rises off the water while you hear the morning calls of the river birds, and the otters just lie there as you glide past in your boat and don’t even move, you know that there is a better way. When you can find solitude in the woods that are so filled with peace and the wildlife that is all around you, you feel the better way all around. A person must acknowledge the fact the we are a part of the universe and the universe does not want to be out of sorts with itself, so why do we spend so much effort on trying to be out of sorts with others of the human race?
I have been to the war zone and I have seen the devastation it causes. Why can’t everyone agree that war is the most repugnant of all human endeavors? Why is it considered noble to be able to look through the sights of a rifle and kill another human being from 300 meters away? Why are you a hero if you can throw a hand grenade farther than the next guy in the foxhole? Shouldn’t these young men and women that are in the army be throwing footballs or baseballs or softballs instead? It would impress me a lot more to see someone make the winning free throw at the basketball game or kick the winning extra point at the football game, or knock in the winning run at the World Series than to see them be able to shoot more humans from 300 hundred meters. I would rather they spend their time at the golf course or the tennis courts or in college, any where but in the war zone trying to survive and having to kill to do it. It just doesn’t make sense to me.
A Brief History of Sgt Kevin Benderman’s Military Service
I first entered the army on 27 Jan 1987 and received basic training at Ft. Bliss, TX. I received advanced individual training at Ft. Sam Houston, TX. My military occupational specialty was designated as 91R10 Veterinary Food Inspection Specialist which is basically the equivalent to a U.S.D.A Food Inspector.
My first duty assignment was Ft. Leavenworth, Ks. Where I worked in the commissary and my duties included; inspecting poultry and dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables, canned goods, and the general sanitation of the facility. My mission was to ensure the health of the soldiers. Was a part if the United States Army Medical Dept. Activity or USA MEDDAC.
I received an Army Achievement Medal while serving on the unit fund counsel, which utilized funds, raised through various activities to help provide for soldiers that were not able to get home during Christmas. I received another AAM for assisting during an increased workload due to personnel shortages during the Persian Gulf War. I also received my first Good Conduct Medal during this enlistment.
I received an honorable discharge from the Army after the Persian Gulf War on 24 Apr 1991. I re-entered the Army 26 Jun 2000 and was awarded the MOS of 63M10, which is a Bradley Fighting Vehicle mechanic. Re-took basic training at Ft. Knox, KY and went the US Army Armor School at Ft. Knox, KY
Received AAM for being honor graduate from the Class.
First duty assignment after completion of training was Ft. Hood, TX. Unit was 1st Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division. Also known as the Buffalo Soldiers.
Went to Iraq with the 4th I.D. in March 2003 returned to Ft. Hood Sep 2003. Re-enlisted with choice of duty station of Ft. Stewart, GA.
You may contact Sgt Benderman thru the Project for the Old American Century at http://www.oldamericancentury.org/index.htm All mail be forwarded directly to him. Just make sure to put his name in the subject line.
I had a dream the other night I didn't understand,
A figure walking through the mist, with flintlock in his hand.
His clothes were torn and dirty, as he stood there by my bed,
He took off his three-cornered hat, and speaking low he said:
We fought a revolution to secure our liberty,
We wrote the Constitution, as a shield from tyranny.
For future generations, this legacy we gave,
In this, the land of the free and home of the brave.
The freedom we secured for you, we hoped you'd always keep,
But tyrants labored endlessly while your parents were asleep.
Your freedom gone - your courage lost - you're no more than a slave,
In this, the land of the free and the home of the brave.
You buy permits to travel, and permits to own a gun,
Permits to start a business, or to build a place for one.
On land that you believe you own, you pay a yearly rent,
Although you have no voice in choosing how the money's spent.
Your children must attend a school that doesn't educate,
Your moral values can't be taught, according to the state.
You read about the current "news" in a very biased press,
You pay a tax you do not owe, to please the IRS.
Your money is no longer made of silver or of gold,
You trade your wealth for paper, so life can be controlled.
You pay for crimes that make our Nation turn from God to shame,
You've taken Satin's number, as you've traded in your name.
You've given government control to those who do you harm,
So they can padlock churches, and steal the family farm.
And keep our country deep in debt, put men of God in jail,
Harass your fellow countryman while corrupted courts prevail.
Your public servants don't uphold the solemn oath they're sworn,
Your daughters visit doctors so children won't be born.
Your leaders ship artillery and guns to foreign shores,
And send your sons to slaughter, fighting other people's wars.
Can you regain your Freedom for which we fought and died?
Or don't you have the courage, or the faith to stand with pride?
Are there no more values for which you'll fight to save?
Or do you wish your children live in fear and be a slave?
Sons of the Republic, arise and take a stand!
Defend the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land!
Preserve our Republic, and each God-given right!
And pray to God to keep the torch of freedom burning bright!
As I awoke he vanished, in the mist from whence he came,
His words were true, we are not free, and we have ourselves to blame.
For even now as tyrants trample each God-given right,
We only watch and tremble -- too afraid to stand and fight.
If he stood by your bedside in a dream while you're asleep,
And wonder what remains of your right he fought to keep.
What would be your answer if he called out from the grave?
Is this still the land of the free and home of the brave?
Think REAL hard.. YOUR future depends upon it! I know I have!
Conspiracy Nut I'm Not - Now Where's My Hat?
I really think that this site is really about disinformation. C'mon. The Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie? Mind Control? The powers that be already have cornered the market on it. It's called the American media.
Quick question for those you know to ask.
Was Saddam Involved with 911? I polled 50 friends and acquaintances. Over 35 of them said yes. And out of those 35 asked them where they got their news from. Answers were; Newspapers: The Daily Times, News of Delaware County, Town Talk.
Radio: 1210 AM, 1060 AM.
T.V. Fox News, Local channels 3, 6, and 10, Msnbc.
Not a one of them ever heard of Tom Flocco, Jeff Rense, or Arianna Huffington.
Now they do..
And while were on Conspiracies, check out what News With Views has to say about Chemtrails. News With Views is not a quack site either. For them to have reveal this means that they have researched the issue. Read on about Chemtrails.
THIS JUST IN: Bush To Attack Iran
by: sfliberal (34/M/San Francisco, CA) 01/07/05 10:45 pm
Msg: 3337872 of 3337874
1 recommendation
A determined Bush gives the Iran Government this warning "We have good intelligence that Iran has Weapons of Mass Destruction (Caspian Sea) and harboring terrorists (earthquakes). We will flush those terrorists out of their holes and make them pay for what happened in Southeast Asia before it happens to the U.S. Let's fight those Tsunamis on their soil before we have to fight them on ours. Either you're with the Tsunamis are you're against them. Now Let's Roll"
Republicans are in complete support of their fearless leader even though most of them live nowhere near the Ocean. One Midwestern Bush Supporter comments "You just don't know when theses Tsunamis are going to attack. One minute you're walking the streets of Wichita, the next thing you know, BLAMMO! you've been hit by a Tsunami. We, we, have to do something about those, those, those TERRORISTS! God help us all!" She leaves the Walmart parking lot in tears.
CIA, Fockers, San Andreas, and other things
I'm currently watching Meet the Fockers" on the USA network. Focker's future FAW is Robert Di Nero. Does the CIA have "Operatives" really like this? I think not. Last night my son nick asked me to help him with a school project concerning the country of Colombia. I scoured the major search engines (Google, Yahoo, and MSN) and one hit came up in the top ten.
What was the web site? The CIA World Fact Book. Now, being that I am a bit paranoid concerning the facts that I kind of question people like Congressman Curt Weldon, or take a stab at George Bush and get a lot of hits from DIA, NASA, and especially House.gov made me a little bit nervous even typing the URL.
But being this is America and I am an American citizen I did just that. What I found out was that the CIA does have a substantial database of just about every country/ region on the planet. I not only ingested every pertinent fact about Columbia (Much to my Son's delight,)for his project, I spent over an hour on their web site, gaining valuable information about countries the quite frankly, I've never heard of..
I enjoy reading. I read anything and everything that I get my hands on. I think that reading is more than fundamental, it should be mandatory for all Americans. George Bush's program of "No Child Left Behind" falls far short of educating our young. It's a good program, but there is a critical flaw. PARENTS. If parents would interact more with teachers on a personal basis I believe that his goal would be achieved.
I for one am guilty of this. For 2005 I pledge more support both monetarily and more importantly to bridge the gap between my Sons teachers and myself. America is STRONG and her people have the resolve to get the job done, no matter what the cost. We are the number one leader in the caring catagory, hands down.
P.S. i think that the CIA should revise their job listing, I do not have a BS degree, but would bet my pants that I would be more valuable to them than one who did. (I checked out their job section as I am getting older for physical work but I read well..)
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