
The Right To Travel Freely In America - DENIED !

I just received an email from someone about a woman named Deborah Davis. She's a 50 year old woman who was using a Public mode of transportation (A Bus) to get to her job. This is a tidbit from her web site: "The bus she rides crosses the property of the Denver Federal Center, a collection of government offices such as the Veterans Administration, the U.S. Geological Survey, and part of the National Archives. The Denver Federal Center is not a high security area: it's not Area 51 or NORAD." "On her first day commuting to work by bus, the bus stopped at the gates of the Denver Federal Center. A security guard got on and demanded that all of the passengers on this public bus produce ID. She was surprised by the demand of the man in uniform, but she complied:" And this: Suddenly, the second policeman shouted "Grab her!" and he grabbed the cell phone from her and threw it to the back of the bus. With each of the policemen wrenching one of her arms behind her back, she was jerked out of her seat, the contents of her purse and book bag flying everywhere. The cops shoved her out of the bus, handcuffed her, threw her into the back seat of a police cruiser, and drove her to a police station inside the confines of the Denver Federal Center. Once inside, she was taken down a hall and told to sit in a chair, still handcuffed, while one of the policemen went through her purse, now retrieved from the bus. The two policemen sat in front of their computers, typing and conferring, trying to figure out what they should charge her with. Eventually, they wrote up several tickets, took her outside and removed the handcuffs, returned her belongings, and pointed her toward the bus stop. She was told that if she ever entered the Denver Federal Center again, she would go to jail. So what did she do wrong? Well she refused to show a "Security guard" her I.D. and was arrested. I'll not delve into this any further, suffice to say that America is becoming a communist/facist country in my opinion, all in the name of "Freedom" and "National Security". Do you realize what this means? It means that any so called " Peace Officer" Including those Blackwater people can detain, arrest, and possibly make you just disappear without anyone being notified or any legal representation. The fact is? It's called kiss your rights goodbye as an American citizen. Here in Delaware County just the other day they, The Upper Darby Police Deptartment and their new Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood, conducted a "DUI" checkpoint, or better described as a "Roadblock", to catch people doing illegal things. I am personally for this, being that it was done in a straight-forward way, late at night, and netted results. And, It is very different than what happenned to Ms. Davis. She was using public transportation, not driving, which under Pennsylvania law is classified as a "Privilege, not a right". I say this sharade has to stop. Just visit her web site and read it. Decide. Are you ready for this?Are you ready for YOU to be treated this way? As a "Terrorist? I would love to hear your opinions on this. Amuse me.


My First Post...

...and although a short one, I hope I won't let you all down. Kudos to Upper Darby Township for hosting the counter-terrorism simulation drill last Friday at the high school. I know there were also other areas that had the same drills, from Philadelphia to all the way down in Georgia. Let's just hope that everyone (Police, FF, Paramedics, Dr's & nurses) really took in and learned all the things they needed to know in the event of a REAL tragedy, which would be absolutely devastating to the township. For those interested, you can read the article from the News of Delaware County here. ~kk

Natalee Alive?

I Live In Delaware County: More About Natalee Holloway Amazing that this blog post from June is receiving so many hits. I do think that she may have been kidnapped and sold as a sex slave, (As I posted eariler) but they are looking in the wrong places. They should try Saudi Arabia or Israel, two of the worst offenders when it comes to white sex slavery. Even Dr. Phil say's that she may be alive, but even if she is, how do you aquire her? Do you hire Mercs (If I had the money I would), or ask the state department to send in some clandesent special Op team? This isn't the movies you know, so in reality the best thing for Natalee's family and friends would be to find clousure. So I offer this: To those who know the wereabouts of Natalee Holloway, give it up. Your going to burn in hell if not before your tourtured first. You had no right to do what you did. Would you want the same for your mother/sister/wife/girlfriend? Not a snowballs chance in hell unless your demonic. Fire away.


An Interesting Project

I've been watching this now for a few days and I must say that I am impressed. Dr. Anu Sivaraman, out of the University of Delaware started this for her students. I'll not bore you all with my lengthly babble but do check it out, especially the student blog links. (Most of them are about Philly Sport teams Whoo Hoo!) Information Technology Applications in Marketing P.S. So who will get the best overall grade?


Special Guy 29

I'm watching MSNBC's "Dateline" special report about pervos who meet who they think are 13, 14 year olds for sex. 19 Men, ranging from Doctors, to Rabbi's to Enlisted men all agree to meet these "Kids". One pedophile in particular, "Specialguy29"shows up with a 12 pack of beer and strips naked in the garage. When confronted by the Dateline investigator Chris Hansen tells him some line of BS. What amazes me is that the same guy (Chris Canelli), after getting caught redhanded and his fugly mug plastered on a national television show, proceeds to get back online and try to hook up at a McDonalds. And when he's confronted with this yet again? He blurts out: "I was hungry!". I'll give him hungry. You pedophiles think that your above the law. At least one website, Perverted Justice has been exposing these freaks for what they are. One thing I like is how they make these scumbags lives miserable by posting anything and everything thay can get on them. Here in Delco we have the Delaware County Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, I believe started by then Delco DA Patrick Meehan. Lt. David Peifer is the head honcho, with Michelle Deery as lead investigator. What they do I assume is to go into chat rooms like they have at Yahoo, and AOL and pose as young kids. Their track record is impressive. Over 100 arrests right here in Delaware county, and tipping off other jurisdictions. But more has to be done. As in My eariler post, I showed how a convicted pedophile who lives right behind me continues to hang around a Catholic school and the law protects him. The message here is clear. Prey on underage children and pay with your soul. Don't give me your excuse that you were "Sexually abused as a child" either. That's a pure cop out.


Foot In Mouth Disease - Terrell Owens Undoing

Nov.7 (Bloomberg) -- Philadelphia Eagles receiver Terrell Owens, a four-time Pro Bowl selection, won't play for the team again this season after criticizing the organization and quarterback Donovan McNabb, coach Andy Reid said.

Keep picking your ass TerrellSo Terrell Owens opened his big mouth way to many times, being critical of his fellow teammates. According to several local Philly news outlets, Owens has acted like an out of control megalomaniac. Megalomania One entry found for megalomania. Main Entry: meg·a·lo·ma·nia Pronunciation: "me-g&-lO-'mA-nE-&, -ny& Function: noun Etymology: New Latin 1 : a mania for great or grandiose performance 2 : a delusional mental disorder that is marked by infantile feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur - meg·a·lo·ma·ni·ac /-'mA-nE-"ak/ adjective or noun - meg·a·lo·ma·ni·a·cal /-m&-'nI-&-k&l/ also meg·a·lo·man·ic /-'ma-nik/ adjective - meg·a·lo·ma·ni·a·cal·ly /-m&-'nI-&-k(&-)lE/ adverb Ok. Enough of that. Fact is, Owens fits the bill to the tee. What does this mean to me? NOTHING. I've known all along as well of many other Philly sports fans that these "Lone Rangers" in the end do more damage to the team as a whole than they are worth.

Remember Eric Lindros?

The big baby who couldn't do nothing unless Mommy & Daddy approved? The same Eric who repurtedly screwed Rod Brind'Amour's wife? The one who was "IT" ?

The Eagles will survive, as you all know, it takes A TEAM to win. Not one or two players. Remember this quote? "Win together now and we walk together forever." Yes, A man who I grew up admiring as a coach of the greatest hockey team ever, Fred Shero said that in 1975, during the Stanley Cup playoffs. The Eagles, and Andy Reid have made a good call in terminating Owens, as hurtful as his talent will be missed. I just feel sorry for all you people who went out and bought a T.O. jersey. Maybe you can auction them off on Ebay. Or burn them in effigy. Good riddance I say.



Well I guess its about time for some kind of comments on the SEPTA situation. Rather than peddle my opinion I'll let everyone chime in. Comment away. I will say though people need to lose that chip on their shoulder and realize this isn't going away. Your just going to have to learn to deal with packed trains (yes, even if more cars are added the trains will still be packed) and long lines. We all have to go through it and no your not a special case. Everyone has a job to make, appointments to make, kids to pick up, etc, etc, etc... Yes it sucks but constantly complaining about it and showing your short fuse to everyone around you isn't going to alleviate the problem one bit.



Interesting take on the recent bombings in Baghdad. Of course there are always recent bombings so to clarify this is in regards to the three car bombs near the hotels that just so happened to occur within prime view of multiple cameras...


Pissed at Wawa

In the process of trying to find out just who is running for what in the election on November 8th, I came across this from Dan Quinn's web site: HELEN AND RICHARD D. GREENWALD, SR. 8 COLUMBUS AVENUE HAVERTOWN, PA 19083 E-MAIL: POP19083 @AOL.COM October 13, 2005 My bride of 40 years and I have been residents of Haverford Township for 35 years now. We moved here many years ago so that our three(3) children could benefit from the excellent schools and the family atmosphere that existed at that time. Our children are now grown, but in their place, many of our ten(10) grandchildren still reside in Havertown and still attend the same excellent schools. Yes, we all love our community! However, something happened recently that bothers us greatly since we are people of principle and don't like the fashion in which we have been treated by either WAWA or their authorized agent. On Saturday October 1st (Havertown Day) we parked in the WAWA located at Darby and Manoa Roads and our automobile was subsequently towed. Note that we were wrong and deserved to be punished. We were more than willing to pay the $200 towing charge and this issue would have ended there. However, WAWA's agent (shown below) refused to give us our car back on Saturday and told us to come back on Monday- when, naturally, additional storage charges would also be tacked on to the original $200 towing charge! TOW SQUAD, INC. 6702 MARKET STREET UPPER DARBY, PA 19082 We have both been treated in an extremely rude and calloused fashion to the point that (forget me) I was concerned that my wife was going to have a heart attack. (Having personally had a heart attack and quadruple by-pass surgery, I guess you might consider me to be somewhat of an expert on heart attacks.) When I say she was near having a heart attack, let me tell you that she continues to shake at the mere mention of the words "WAWA or Tow Squad"! As an example of WAWA's attitude, when my wife demanded to pay the $200 towing charge and get her car back on Saturday, WAWA's agent (in front of a Haverford Police Officer in the WAWA parking lot), snapped his fingers in the air in an extremely belligerent and aggressive manner and said "Sure lady-just like that you'll get your car back-You'll get it back on Monday morning and not before!" I immediately went to the WAWA agent's above location, where the car was being held, and called the Upper Darby Police. Their incident report will document that at that time, the owner was on the premises, another employee was on the premises and in addition they released a previously towed car to a young woman that arrived "AFTER" me. (because she paid them an additional $100 that I did not have!) In addition, his tow truck had another car in the process of being put on his lot when I arrived. WAWA's agent refused to give me our car indicating that his office was closed until Monday. Let me reiterate: -The owner was present -Another employee was also on-site -They were in the process of releasing a car to a person that arrived after me -They were continuing to tow cars -All they had to do to release my car was to open the gate- there were no cars blocking us in. THUS, THEY WERE "NOT CLOSED", THEY WERE OPEN AND WERE CONDUCTING BUSINESS!!! PETITION TO ALL LEGISLATORS IN HAVERFORD AND UPPER DARBY TOWNSHIP AND ELSEWHERE IN THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA Our signature below signifies that we agree with the Greenwald's open communication dated October 13, 2005 that spells out in detail the need for new and enhanced legislation to address the obvious deficiencies in our current Towing Regulations. We request that new legislation be passed AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE TIME to protect the citizens of our communities. Some specific issues and recommendations follow: -Towing Charges- it is requested that a towing company's charges be tied to a specific index. As an example, "a towing company's fees can not exceed the charges levied by the police department of the township from which the vehicle is towed for similar services". If there is a need to further punish the owners of towed cars, it is acceptable to add to this amount an additional reasonable "specified" penalty fee. - Towing Destination- to ensure that vehicles are not towed across the country and further to ensure that the Township from which the vehicle is towed does not lose its legal jurisdiction, we request that a new regulation be passed that specifies that a towed vehicle can not be towed outside the township from which the towing commences. - Vehicle Protection- the current regulations that indicate that towing companies are not responsible for damage to, loss, or theft from towed vehicles must be closely re-examined. - Recovery of Towed Vehicles- A towing company can not be allowed to pick and chose when they will allow the return of personal property of other people. All towing companies should have to adhere to the same schedule in the respective township! Further, a specific new section should be added that indicates that any towing company that tows a vehicle after the prescribed time schedule is deemed to be open for business and must accommodate the owners of towed vehicles that desire to retrieve their vehicles on the day towed. It is noted that one of the Tow Squad's signs indicates that that recovery is by "appointment only". Since the Tow Squad was "not" open when the owner and another employee were on-site and when they were both towing and releasing vehicles from their lot, we wonder how anyone could possibly make an appointment! . -Towing Authority- The legal rights of a towing company (and naturally the owner of the vehicle) must be thoroughly examined. After a vehicle leaves the property of a business (such as the WAWA) by what right does the towing company have to tow the vehicle further, charge whatever fees it desires, and decide when it will release the personal property to the owner, while at the same time hiding under an umbrella of section 3353 of the PA Motor Vehicle Code that apparently says they are not liable for any damage to the vehicle or other loss or theft therefrom? It is further important to distinguish between the actions of the towing company in the actual towing of the vehicle and subsequent damage, loss or theft that arises after the initial towing action is complete (the vehicle is placed in the lot of the towing company). It is further suggested that all towed cars be immediately towed to the applicable local police department's towing lot and that the local police take ownership of the matter immediately. - Parking Meters- Authority should be granted to all Police Department's to tow all vehicles that are parked in front of expired parking meters. - Expired Registration Stickers- The posted WAWA sign indicates that vehicles with expired registrations will be towed. WAWA and their agents are not the local police enforcement agency- what right do they have to tow the vehicle of a customer of WAWA that is doing business in their store? WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE! I hereby support the need for the above new towing regulations and ask that all legislators immediately address the deficiencies that are highlighted in this petition and the Greenwald's communication dated October 13, 2005, a copy of which will be made a part of the formal petition. Click here for the petition What amazes me is that Wawa would even think of pulling a stunt like this. I always have felt good when going to area Wawas, the people who work there perform multiple tasks, like fixing you a sandwich or hoagie, "Deli Worker", ringing you up"Cashier", in addition to deal with product "Stock Person". Even cleaning the rest rooms, and store! At "MY WAWA"(s) the workers and managers are extremely nice and a few I even would consider friends. So that to say that the above had me shocked is beyond belief. But shocked I am. I hope that Mr. & Mrs. Greenwald achieve two things. One, a sincere and public apology from Wawa, and Tow Squad Inc; and Two, the people in power in Haverford Township take notice of this and deal with it accordingly. Better yet, how about all of Delco's community leaders look into this?


Kiss Your Rights Goodbye

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon is looking at the possibility of using federal troops to enforce a quarantine in the event of an outbreak of pandemic bird flu in the United States, a senior official said on Wednesday. President George W. Bush said last week he would consider using the military to "effect a quarantine" in response to any outbreak of avian influenza, but provided few details. Bush at the time also suggested he might place National Guard troops, normally commanded by state governors, under federal control as part of the government's response to the "catastrophe" of such a flu pandemic. Paul McHale, assistant defense secretary for homeland defense, said quarantine law historically has been under the primary jurisdiction of states, not the federal government. "And my expectation is that any quarantine measures that would be put in place would likely involve a substantial employment of the National Guard, probably under command and control of the governor of an affected state," McHale told a group of reporters. "However, we are looking at a wide range of contingencies, potentially involving Title 10 forces (federal troops) if a pandemic outbreak of a biological threat were to occur," McHale added. The H5N1 avian influenza virus has killed or forced the destruction of tens of millions of birds and infected more than 100 people, killing at least 60 in four Asian nations since late 2003. Experts fear that the virus, known to pass to humans from birds, could mutate and start to spread easily from person to person, potentially killing millions worldwide. Experts have questioned America's preparedness. McHale said he believed there would be a clearer understanding within a few weeks of the military role in response to pandemic bird flu as part of a broader federal response. Pentagon officials were meeting on Wednesday to discuss the department's role in a flu pandemic. LEGAL BARRIERS One issue that could face the U.S. government in the event of an outbreak is whether or how to cordon off parts of the country to prevent the disease from spreading. The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, enacted during the post-Civil War reconstruction period, prohibits federal military personnel from taking part in law-enforcement within the United States. But a president can waive the law in an emergency. National Guard troops under the command of state governors are permitted to perform law enforcement duties, but would not be permitted to do so if they were put under federal control. McHale noted that the military has been used only under extraordinary circumstances for domestic law enforcement and restoring civil order. While not specifically referring to enforcing a quarantine, McHale said the Pentagon has active-duty federal military units on alert and deployable at the direction of the president "to deal with occurrences of massive civil disturbance." He did not identify the units. On the topic of possible domestic attack involving biological, chemical or nuclear weapons, McHale said the government needs "a more robust civilian capability" to respond so the country is not exclusively dependent on the military. McHale said the Pentagon is working to help make the Department of Homeland Security better able to make strategic plans for natural disasters or domestic attacks involving weapons of mass destruction. The department's Federal Emergency Management Agency was strongly criticized for its slow response to the Hurricane Katrina disaster on the U.S. Gulf Coast in August. Yes, I have a problem with this. It really looks to me like Bush is setting America up as a Police State. Like the movie "Outbreak", we Americans will be herded like cattle and put in internment camps already built across America. And guess who will be the first to go? That's right, people like me who dare to question our beloved leaders in Washington. About 100 people so far have died from this flu Worldwide! How are they so certain that it will be a pandemic? How about closing the frigging borders? Noooo, that would ruin the corporations who depend on these illeagals for their profit margin. Cancelling flights from the far east! Nada. No way. Bush has only one answer for everything. Send in the troops. This will not sit well with many, and forget about crying wolf about terrorists in subways. We know that was a load of B.S. to divert the public's attention from the real threats that plauge us like our open ports, where any dimwit could smuggle in a nuke. Martial law? There is no way people will give up their guns. So it looks like we are heading for civil war here in America if Posse Comitatus is repealed. Do you (the government) really believe this is good for us? You as an employee of the government work for the people. What happens when the "troops" UN, etc.. come for your family? Do you all think you"ll have a free pass? I don't think so.. Look what happened in NOLA! It's quite obivous that the feds can't do anything but create total kaos. Like volunteers being arrested by Soldiers who thought they were stealing, people dying from dehydration, bloated bodies floating for weeks. trains and boats being told to go away, a moron horse trader in charge. May God help America and help it soon, before it's too late. Remember this quote? "If this were a DICTATORSHIP, it would be a heck of a lot easier. A DICTARTORSHIP would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the DICTATOR." I do... And it scares the shit outta Me.