
Blizzard of 2016

Just wanted to thank my Neighbor, Nick for helping me clear off the back driveway & our common front walkway. It was sad to hear that an 88 year old Man died from a heart attack after shoveling his own driveway yesterday. Was he offered help? Probably not. Younger people move in to a neighborhood, and automatically assume that their elderly neighbor is a mean person, unfeeling, uncaring. when in reality, the elderly have much to tell, and are lonely. So get out there and say hello to them.

I also want to thank Mayor Tom Micozzie, The Upper Darby Police Department, The Upper Darby Fire Department, Delco EMT Corps, as well as Ed Truitt and the County of Delaware for their no nonsense handling of this storm.



Clydesdales are coming to Media

Just a quick heads up. The famous Clydesdales Horses are coming here to Media, Delaware County today, ,December 13. hope to see you there! no Miller drinkers allowed.

On FaceBook 


UNREAL Estate in Delaware County

The "Real Estate agencies in Delaware County have one thing in common. To SELL. Hey, that's what they are expected to do when you approach them when you want to sell your property. But what most people don't know is that they all conspire with each other in my opinion (I do not have hard proof mind you) to keep the "Market Price" as high as they can, regardless of  how the economy is doing.

I have worked for several of them over the past thirty years, from wiring new townhouses and single homes from the ground up, to  providing safety inspections for a "U and O" "Use + Occupancy" certification. Many times I was told that the "Owner" thought that the price was too high, and what could be done to "Hide" or mask over problems, Being the good honest Electrician I am, I chided them for caving in to their client, and either correcting the problem, or telling them to find someone else.

The last dealing that I had involved a "Friend" (Insert Name Here), back in November. She called me after dinnertime and told me that She needed a GFI replaced in a house that was to be inspected in Clifton Heights Boro the following day. So I went to Home Depot as the supply houses were closed and purchased a White 15 amp, tamper Proof GFCI receptacle and cover plate. Upon entering the house I met a young couple, already living there. They guided me to the kitchen where I tested the GFI receptacle to the right of the sink,

I went down to the basement to shut the power off and found an old Murray "split buss" service panel. Illegal to sell a home with replacing. The owners "Electrician" installed a 100 amp breaker enclosure, and used the existing rotted out service cable (He/She taped it with electrical tape lol) and fed the panel with it. The new owner asked me if it was ok, as it looked like to him that it was unsafe. I told him I wouldn't buy this house unless they knocked the price off $2,000 to replace the whole service. He informed me that they already bought it and the inspector was coming back for the corrections the next day, hence me being there for the GFI. I guess he passed the panel job prior.

what gets me so pig biting mad is that I replaced the GFI, then the selling agent, (Not my "Friend the listing agent) shows up and points out an outlet on the counter hidden by a coffee machine that was to be replaced. Still waiting for my friend to show up (She never did), the agent insist She go to Home Depot and buy another one. so i wait, and wait, and wait. finally She comes back, and i explain what I found with the original GFI. I show Her and the owners the burnt line side "Hot" terminal  on the device. I replace the other receptacle, label the panel, and go home.

My charge from the onset? $75.00 plus materials for my "Friend". Her response at the time over the phone? Ok, just fix it. I;m in a bind here. Well now, it's now December 13th, and She is bitching about the price, telling my wife that that the seller (House Flipping Asshole) thinks I'm gouging him.
Really dude? you ought to be sued by the buyers, as the house is noting but old wiring, cosmetically done over, to appear like it's renovated. That is fraud. A lot more than my bill of  $83.87, completed on 11/03/15. and to make matters worse, several of the local district judges are also Real Estate Agents! Imagine me going into their court to have a judgement in my favor? Not a chance! I want to be payed for the 2 + hours spent on the job. no wonder I am reluctant to deal with Real Estate Agencies!

So, to all of you who are buying or thinking of buying a home or commercial property in Delaware county. Have an independent inspector thoroughly inspect all aspects of it before buying. I have made it a habit of inspecting all places I am called to for any job, just for piece of mind and to let the owners know what to fix for their own. if you live in Clifton Heights Boro, and have any issues concerning complaints about possible code violations,contact cliftoncodes@cliftonheightsboro.com



Doing The Right Thing

A good read in the Daily Times, our County Council members are holding money earmarked to Harrisburg. Our Governor, Tom Wolf, refuses to negotiate with the Republican controlled Legislature. As a lifelong Delconian, I am pleased to see our County Council Members care about us. Make no bones about it. If the Democrats gain control? Watch Delco wind up like Philadelphia. Full of corruption and wasteful spending.

Come to think of it, locally here in Upper Darby, Democrat voter registration is on the rise. Why? It's called a change in the demographic base. To me people who are "Democrats" expect everything to be free. They, for the most part, feel that they are "entitled" to food stamps, free housing, healthcare, you name it. and don't even get me started about "Section 8". It was the downfall of this once great Township.



Upper Darby Sentinel News

I just came across a lively discussion on Face book that reminded me of how a good thread can get out of hand. Agnes Bedard, a local Highland Park Woman who contributes to the Examiner, and also our local Upper Darby Sentinel, has a Face Book group called "Upper Darby Sentinel News". As the name implies, the topics are about what is going on in our township.

The pinned post, from Michael Bente, addresses the Township and it's lack of youth activities for children. Wow! What a response. Typical mudslinging, blame them not me, NIMBY type of bullshit.
Look. There is one thing to address the issues, another to verbally attack another and their children.
We are adults here, right? "He or She, who is without sin, cast the first stone".

As Rodney King once said :"Can't we all just get along?

Afraid not Rodney.



Quan Ta

Our Professional Delco Dronetographer - A Bright future for him.

One Nine Ohh 82/26
One Nine Ohh 82/26: Few more of these until I go bye-bye. If your school is in it LMK. I'm Bywood, BH, UD. You???
Posted by Quan Ta on Thursday, July 30, 2015


PINK, Impressed!

Wow, local girl does a fuck all great rendition of Janice.

Kudos there Pink.

Pink ... Rockin' Out - Me & Bobby McGee ...... OMG !! WOW !! Epic !!! ♥
Posted by Angel Hill on Tuesday, February 11, 2014


My Opinion Christine

Good Sunday Morning. After reading Christine Flower's "Opinion" about "Privacy" can do more harm than good, with Cell Phones, the "Patriot Act" and "Rand Paul", as the main subjects, I have a real hard time agreeing with Her. Preventing another "911", witch in my opinion was total bullshit if you take a logical approach to that day and the days afterword, the invention of the "Patriot Act" was already written and signed by the majority without even reading it.

What I'm trying to say here plain and simple, is that our government has No Business in our Business. And that includes spying on our cell phones. Really Christine?  "There have been few to no prosecutions of innocent people under the Patriot Act". Oh yes there have been, you just are not privy to the information.

She also goes on to say " I doubt that the U.S. Government is really interested in the host's wife, naked or fully clothed", referring to the guy saying he has a right to have those pics on his phone.
Seems that Cops have no problem in copying and forwarding pictures, The Patriot Act was basically our "Governments" way of breaking the Law of the Land.

Many people say, I'm not breaking any laws, so I have nothing to hide. Well guess what? you have a problem with our government? To them, you're on a list. and that list will someday get you a cot in a FEMA camp, as an "Enemy Combatant". No, Americans are not the enemy here. Spend more time watching the Chinese, who lately have a thirst for our government workers personal information, and are flexing their muscles in the Pacific.


What's The Verdict?

I remember this case going down last year. As it turns out, the defendant has a court date tomorrow in Media. I don't judge him as a former cop, I judge him as a guy who was injured at work and then got addicted to pain meds, something that can happen before you realize how bad your addicted.



Liberal Dems

I couldn't pass this up.