

Dion Davidson

Why Dion? Well he is the one who owns the web site www.findlori.com. What makes me curious is that she went missing as he says on the 19th, and on the very next day, he buys the web site name. a little background on this: 07/27/04 06:14:48 whois findlori.com .com is a domain of USA & International Commercial Searches for .com can be run at http://www.crsnic.net/ whois -h whois.crsnic.net findlori.com ... Redirecting to MELBOURNE IT, LTD. D/B/A INTERNET NAMES WORLDWIDE whois -h whois.melbourneit.com findlori.com ... Domain Name.......... findlori.com Creation Date........ 2004-07-20 Registration Date.... 2004-07-20 Expiry Date.......... 2005-07-20 Organisation Name.... Dion Davidson Organisation Address. 1240 Crestridge Rd Organisation Address. Sandy Organisation Address. 84094 Organisation Address. UT Organisation Address. UNITED STATES Admin Name........... Dion Davidson Admin Address........ 1240 Crestridge Rd Admin Address........ Sandy Admin Address........ 84094 Admin Address........ UT Admin Address........ UNITED STATES Admin Email.......... diondavidson@yahoo.com Admin Phone.......... +1.8015727750 Admin Fax............ Tech Name............ YahooDomains TechContact Tech Address......... 701 First Ave. Tech Address......... Sunnyvale Tech Address......... 94089 Tech Address......... CA Tech Address......... UNITED STATES Tech Email........... domain.tech@YAHOO-INC.COM Tech Phone........... +1.6198813096 Tech Fax............. +1.6198813010 Name Server.......... yns1.yahoo.com Name Server.......... yns2.yahoo.com Now, call me crazy, but listen to me. What kind of nut buys a web site name on the bet that a local woman who disappears the day before will become big news? Either the guy has a savvy eye or is truly heartbroken about this woman. Relative maybe? The timeline is what has me curious.


Sick as a dawg - Again

I have acute bronchitis and pneumonia. Last winter I had the same thing and cracked a rib coughing. Still smoking these damn cigarettes though. It amazes me that people like me can be so addicted to something even knowing that the product is killing them. The last time I quit smoking was in 1981, and only for 2 years. But I did it cold turkey, with no support other than Gods. So, when you factor in that a  pack and ½ a day for twenty one years at an average of  3.00 a pack at 365 days plus those weekend binges and buying the girl friend’s and  wife them adds up to about $12,500.00. And I’m not even including all the Budweiser in all those same years either. I try to quit, and then within a few hours go nuts. Literally. Nicotine to me is probably like heroine to a junkie. I have tried the patch, gum, and cold turkey and nothing helps. It doesn’t help that the wife smokes either. So, I pose the question to ex smokers. How did you do it? Were you just sick and tired of being sick and tired? Did the doc warn you that you were heading for trouble? At this very moment, I am puffing and hacking away.  I really need to contact these people.   A WAWA coffee in the morning to me just won’t cut it if my Winston’s aren’t included. All that money. Speaking of money, what ever happened to the billions of dollars the states (including ours) received? Did I, the nicotine junkie see any? Just who received that cash? Well, it’s time to head out to WAWA. Have a smoke free day.


Your a nut, so we will lock you up

Bush To Screen Everyone For 'Mental Illness
'All 'Disruptive' Children To Be Forcibly Medicated?
What it all means is that now the feds are going to forcibly medicate or institutionalize anyone who does not believe in the "Fatherland" and the NWO. That my take on it. Care to comment?

Check your kitchen sometime

I wonder if Budweiser has this crap in it?   * Food Additives that ALWAYS contain MSG * Monosodium Glutamate Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein Hydrolyzed Protein Hydrolyzed Plant Protein Plant Protein Extract Sodium Caseinate Calcium Caseinate Yeast Extract Textured Protein (Including TVP) Autolyzed Yeast Hydrolyzed Oat Flour Corn Oil   * Food Additives That FREQUENTLY Contain MSG * Malt Extract Malt Flavoring Bouillon Broth Stock Flavoring Natural Flavors/Flavoring Natural Beef Or Chicken Flavoring Seasoning Spices * Food Additives That MAY Contain MSG Or Excitotoxins * Carrageenan Enzymes Soy Protein Concentrate Soy Protein Isolate Whey Protein Concentrate Also: Protease Enzymes of various sources can release excitotoxin amino acids from food proteins. Aspartame - An Intense Source Of Excitotoxins Aspartame is a sweetener made from two amino acids, phenylalanine and the excitotoxin aspartate. It should be avoided at all costs. Aspartame complaints accounts for approximately 70% of ALL complaints to the FDA. It is implicated in everything from blindness to headaches to convulsions. Sold under dozens of brand names such as NutraSweet and Equal, aspartame breaks down within 20 minutes at room temperature into several primary toxic and dangerous ingredients: 1. DKP (diketopiperazine) (When ingested, converts to a near duplicate of a powerful brain tumor causing agent) 2. Formic Acid (ant venom) 3. Formaldehyde (embalming fluid) 4. Methanol (causes blindness...extremely dangerous substance) Common Examples: Diet soft drinks, sugar free gums, sugar free Kool Aid, Crystal Light, children's medications, and thousands of other products claiming to be 'low calorie', 'diet', or 'sugar free'.

sunglasses Ray-Ban Oakley Maui Jim Revo

sunglasses Ray-Ban Oakley Maui Jim Revo

Are we nuts?

The Mind Altering Abilities of Chemtrails by Anonymous http://educate-yourself.org/ct/ctsmindalteringability29jun04.shtmlPosted June 29, 2004Original Posting Sept. 15, 2000 Original title: The Great Dying; The Real Reason Behind ChemtrailsWatching the debates over (and phone taps to my line here) since sending you my email of yesterday, it occurred to me that I should get this last email out to you regarding and expanding upon the reasons for CTs, as well as dealing with issues sure to be discounted by the agents of the ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence, the agency in charge of the Chemtrails Ops.) Taking each issue in turn might help shed some light upon this problem. The overall scope and agenda behind Chemtrails (Operation Clover Leaf, Operation Red Sky, Operation Rain Dance, the code names for these ops, BTW) intertwines several overall objectives deemed imperative by the real power in DC, which is the NSA [Natioanl Security Adminsitration]. It should be noted that most of the intel groups that are involved in domestic control are, in varying degrees, "in the loop" on this business and are actively working with the ONI and NSA in seeing this program succeed. Listing all the agencies would be moot and pointless. What would anyone do with the knowledge anyway? The reason I say this has to due with STO vs. STS [Service to Others vs. Service to Self spiritual orientation]. Here's what we mean: By conservative estimates, there are over 300,000 people in the USA alone that are chemtrails aware. Of those, only about 125 people have undertaken an active campaign to educate and inform the masses about this "final solution." Do the math. How many of you know what the word apathy means? The agencies are counting upon this apathy and in fact, helped create that state of consciousness to begin with way back in the late 1950 (Fluoridation, Aspartame, street narcotics.) If such a small percentage were actually doing anything about the phenomena, then wouldn't these same agencies be correct in their analysis that "they don't have anything to worry about?" The facts speak for themselves. They will in fact succeed, because they are at the 80% completion point in these CT operations. They will be finished by March of 2001. Main and ancillary operational objectives of Chemtrails as outlined in Operation Red Sky, Phase One: Main objective: Creative cleavages in spatial perceptions. Creating a blockage in the brain of the interaction of various amino acids that relate to higher consciousness and the increase of dopamine in the brain producing a listless, euphoric state of lower, reactive mind. This, though most cannot (won't?) process this perception, is their main objective. It has many layers to it, and the salts found in these CTS are the prime indicators of just why they use such a vector to create this state in the human brain, the physical repository of and connecting point between the real and the unreal. To understand this goal necessitates an understanding of the human soul, the Self (Christ or God within, if you like) and the connection between the two as related to the endocrine system functioning within each human host. Pay close attention to these last words, as "host" indicates that there is a parasitic relationship to be established. Many UFO abductions are part of this op. To begin with, we must understand that our intelligence agencies are operating at a very high level of OCCULT SKILL AND AWARENESS, as taught to them by their progenitors, the Nazis of old who were brought here in 1947 through 1953 via various operations, the most common known being Operation Paper-Clip. In short, any Intel agent of a G20 rating is a practicing black magician entirely "sold out," soul-wise, (via rites, satanic rituals, and esoteric training in Long Island, Florida, and California) and are, speaking plainly, functioning black Adepts with a complete and unquestioned license to kill. These are the top-level agency personnel. Make no mistake. These are the very same men and women who run the Mind Control Ops (CIA), the abduction of children (FBI) on a staggering global level, are involved in and are the contactees between the Ets (USAF, ONI, NSA, etc) and our government, ad nauseam. In short, to understand Chemtrails we must understand the personnel who have the power to do what they want, whenever they want, and we must also understand their needs. They need the following: 1. The overall "frequency" of each of their charges (human beings in each country) to function at a specific rate below the threshold of awareness. The study of brain-wave, Remote Viewing techniques, and other related research holds the key to this. As we know, a physical brain functioning at 12 to 14 cycles per second is agitated and cannot, therefore, become perceptive of any cycle not within the same frequency, especially if that brain is ARTIFICIALLY STABILIZED to that frequency. How can one perceive love, when the brain can only register impatience, anger, etc? (Remember, their goal has to do with our souls in dimensions humanity has never, ever, considered.) It is because of the occult nature of our covert agencies (and the real powers running them) that most cannot even begin to research in the right direction to begin with. 2. The immune system of the host must be depleted. This relates to control, simply put. If the slightest breeze makes you dizzy, what kind of defense can you be expected to put up if you can't lift your arms above your head without getting a headache? The many outnumber the few. This is the main reason for much of the desiccated red blood cells found in chemtrails: biowarfare. This also allows the parasite to latch onto the human host with little resistance from the organism so attached. 3. They need agreement. This last statement is by far the MOST CRUCIAL STAGE of all. It isn't enough to make us slaves, we MUST WANT TO BECOME SLAVES. Food scarcity, low wages, false idealism as propagated via network commercials, all create a state of low-level dependency to a state system, but it is not enough. To win (want to know what winning is to the CIA?) these ruling covert agencies need our permission to do what they will to us (Universal Law, no getting around that one and they've known this since 1847.) The system of this biosphere has one final gate that only each of us can open or close and it is, in fact, free will. Free will. Such a concept. That alone would take another ten pages, but there's no time. Once we understand their needs, their objectives become easily understandable and quite discernable. The real questions never-NEVER-asked in any chemtrails discussions is A) What do they want? B) How must they achieve it? Ancillary objective: create and maintain a lowered immune system, for use by phase three, which is the execution of their binary weapons systems, to be triggered by microwaves. Know what a GWEN tower is? Better find out and soon, as you can see them everywhere from your homes and offices. Ever wonder why we have so very many cell phones practically given away for free right now? Know what a burst transmitter is? Does anyone have even the remotest idea of what a low-watt microwave transmission does to the cerebellum when the human brain is within three feet of such a device? If you lack this knowledge, then it is to your detriment. The information is out there. Get hip. The great side benefit that even the NSA didn't predict (their estimate was a little over 3%) is the 12% reduction in population chemtrails are giving our "masters." That's right - 12%. In the distant future, the 1990s and beyond will become known as "the great dying." In August of 2000, the sky over Los Angeles was actually blood red for two days. (They over-sprayed, due to fucked up orders at Edwards AFB.) The morgues were packed solid for a week and over-flowing. There are still hundreds of thousands reeling from that two-day period. Many hospitals and clinics ran out of antibiotics overnight. Binary weapons need to be triggered and they will use FM, AM, and Microwave GWEN towers to do it. It's all setup, op completed in 1998. Why do this? Wake up! Can't control 6+ billion people - too many. Got to thin them out to keep them in line. I can see the squeemers now as they read this. How and when will they go to Stage Two on this op? Can you say fake alien invasion, with millions dying and getting sick overnight? The test for this will be a planned (already complete staged op, in fact, West Nile Virus [WNV]) biowarfare incident on a major US or European or Australia (the latter most likely, as they are already completely disarmed down under.) This will give them the final test data they need to go to Stage Two, which is the alien invasion occasionally hinted at once and a while on the Internet. Now I must be crazy, right? At least, when I die, I will know who and why. That's more than I can say for most. Tough love. It seems the only way to reach you people. Culling of the Biosphere: Many folks will rightly say that "the culling of the elderly, et al" is flat-out nonsense because Chemtrails affect the sprayers as well as the civilian population. That assertion is essentially correct, but the following should be noted: 1. A virus can only affect you if you are not immunized from it. Think these folks are up to date with their "private cache" of vaccines? Sure. You don't send out a binary weapon until you are damn certain it won't kill you, the killer. This reaction of "the sprayers breathe it in, too!" is grasping at straws that don't even exist in any reality. Simply put: it is denial. 2. They simply don't care who they kill, even their own pawns and puppets in the military -- "fuck 'em." That's the CIA way. Get used to it. Too hard for you? Don't like the words? They use them a hundred times a day, just ask anyone who has ever been debriefed by these agencies; they have the foulest mouths on the planet. Red Grid/Blue Grid In the end, the how, the who, the when of chemtrails is just so much smoke and mirrors. Just because you've identified the UH1H helicopter, the KC-135 tanker, and the use of Boeing 737s in Chemtrails is really, again in the end, meaningless. We all know who were the shooters in Dallas, but so what? That knowledge doesn't change anything. Find out who is giving the orders and why and then you've got something. To Be Continued if possible NAME WITHHELD BY REQUEST --------- Michael of World-Action, November 2002: My main intention of posting this is to remind us of the abilities of chemtrails to confuse us about what is real and what is not real. According to the above, their aim was to come to a level of completion of chemtrail spraying by MARCH 2000 - this was right at the beginning of the reign of the NWO's new main puppet: George Bush Junior - essentially George Bush Senior and his shadowy oil, power & world domination people. Very soon after March 2001, the world's credulity was started to be stretched to the limit, with strange and insane policies by the Bush Administration. Then came the thumping great lie and world rape and traumatisation of '9-11'..... and Chemtrails had been sprayed intensively over the previous two to three years, circulating to every breathing entity on Earth due to global wind currents. THE GREAT DYING --The Real Reason Behind ChemtrailsRe: CT Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 12:21:44

"We Are Not Safe"

Jul 23, 1:32 AM EDT 9/11 Panel Urges Intelligence Overhaul By TERENCE HUNTAP White House Correspondent WASHINGTON (AP) -- America's leaders failed to grasp the gravity of terrorist threats before the devastating attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, taking actions so feeble they never even slowed the al-Qaida plotters, a national commission said in a blistering report Thursday. The panel warned "we are not safe" - and called for major intelligence changes. Its work is sure to reverberate across the presidential campaign. In an exhaustive investigation of the deadliest attack in U.S. history, the commission noted numerous government missteps but did not cast blame on any official and stopped short of saying the hijackings could have been prevented. While the panel did not fault President Bush or former President Clinton, it did say both failed to make anti-terrorism a top priority. "We do not believe they fully understood just how many people al-Qaida might kill and how soon it might do it," the 10-member, bipartisan panel said in its unanimous findings. "We also believe that they did not take it as seriously as it should be taken. It was not their top priority," Thomas Kean, the Republican chairman, said at a news conference with members of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States. "We do believe both presidents could have done more in this area." The final report, available on the commission Web site and at bookstores, largely mirrored the preliminary reports released during the commission's 20 months of investigation. Coming less than four months before the election, the politically sensitive report could be trouble for Bush, who has made his handling of terrorism the centerpiece of his campaign and has insisted he fully understood the threat. Family Members React to 9/11 Report The report comes on the heels of House and Senate reports that documented U.S. intelligence failures and undermined the major claims cited by Bush to justify the war against Iraq. The commission report repeated its earlier preliminary findings that Saddam Hussein did not have a close relationship with al-Qaida and had nothing to do with the attacks. Still, in the days after the hijackings, some in the Bush administration were seeking to make that link, the commission found. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, in a Sept. 17, 2001, memo to Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, wrote that if there was "even a 10 percent chance" that Saddam had a role in the attacks, "maximum priority should be placed on eliminating that threat." Despite Wolfowitz's arguments, Rumsfeld issued a memo to Pentagon commanders on Sept. 19 that addressed only al-Qaida, the Taliban and Afghanistan. Bush welcomed the panel's recommendations as "very constructive," although his administration has reacted coolly toward a key proposal to establish a Cabinet-level national intelligence director. He said that "where government needs to act, we will." Bush initially opposed the creation of the commission, resisted the release of some documents and fought against letting national security adviser Condoleezza Rice testify publicly under oath. Still Kean thanked Bush for allowing "unprecedented access to documents and cooperation from your administration." Democrat John Kerry, campaigning for president in Detroit, said disputes within the Bush administration had delayed the commission's work and improvements to the nation's security. "Nearly three years after terrorists have attacked our shores and murdered our loved ones, this report carries a very simple message for all of America about the security of all Americans - we can do better," Kerry said. House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., expressed doubt that lawmakers would have time to consider sweeping reforms this year. But efforts began in both the House and Senate to build bipartisan coalitions of support for the recommendations. Relatives of Sept. 11 victims said they would lobby, too. "The families know that this is an election year. We're going to hold these people's feet to the fire," said Debra Burlingame, whose brother Charles was the pilot of the hijacked plane that struck the Pentagon. The report portrayed the Sept. 11 terrorists as sure-footed and determined while the nation they were preparing to strike was unprepared, sluggish and uncomprehending of the imminent danger. "Across the government, there were failures of imagination, policy, capabilities and management," the commission concluded in a 567-page indictment that documented a series of missed opportunities by the CIA and FBI to uncover the Sept. 11 plot. Nearly 3,000 people were killed when 19 Arab hijackers flew airliners into New York's Twin Towers, the Pentagon and the Pennsylvania countryside. Three years later, Americans are safer because of improvements in homeland security and the war against terrorists, the report said. "But we are not safe." "Every expert with whom we spoke told us an attack of even greater magnitude is now possible and even probable," Kean said. "We do not have the luxury of time." The commission's report said that as the Sept. 11 plot advanced, the U.S. government was bogged down in an outdated Cold War mentality, lacking imagination to deal with new threats or recognize the looming danger. "What we can say with confidence is that none of the measures adopted by the U.S. government from 1998 to 2001 disturbed or even delayed the progress of the al-Qaida plot," the report said. Commission co-chairman Lee Hamilton, a former Democratic congressman from Indiana, said a key finding was that no one in government was in charge of insuring that intelligence agencies pool resources, avoid duplication and plan jointly to keep America safe. To unify efforts, the commission recommended creating a national counterterrorism center. It also recommended a Cabinet-level national intelligence director to centralize efforts now spread over 15 agencies in six Cabinet departments, including the CIA. The report said Congress, like the executive branch, responded slowly to the rise of global terrorism. But the panel found that the "most important failure" leading to the Sept. 11 attacks "was one of imagination. We do not believe leaders understood the gravity of the threat." The commission identified nine "specific points of vulnerability" in the Sept. 11 plot that might have led to its disruption had the government been better organized and more watchful. Despite these opportunities, "we cannot know whether any single step or series of steps would have defeated" the hijackers, the report concluded. Some members have speculated the attacks could have been stopped. "We do not know," Kean said. "We think it's possible. But we have not drawn that absolute conclusion because we don't believe that absolute conclusion is justified by the facts." The report detailed contacts between Iraq and al-Qaida, noting that Osama bin Laden began exploring a possible alliance in the early 1990s. The report said that an Iraqi delegation traveled to Afghanistan in July 1998 to meet with the ruling Taliban and with bin Laden. While there were "friendly contacts" between Iraq and al-Qaida and a common hatred of the United States, none of these contacts "ever developed into a collaborative relationship," the report said. That question has been the subject of intense political debate, as critics accuse Bush of exaggerating the contacts between al-Qaida and Iraq to justify the war. The panel said it did not find evidence that Iran, Iraq's neighbor, had advance knowledge of bin Laden's plans, or that Saudi Arabia's government had a role in the terror conspiracy, which involved 15 Saudi hijackers.     So... what does all this mean? Read my previous post.


If you tell a lie enough it will eventually become the truth...

I heard the dreaded news this afternoon on my way home from work. RAIN this weekend. How can I enjoy the $700.00 plus membership and bond fees for the Clifton Swim Club when it rains and is cold on weekends? Hot as a griddle today, sweated my kuhunies off. Now, this weekend? 78 and rainy. I think that there is something sinister going on. Really.   Off to better things... Here's something that makes me conclude that the Federal government and others got away with MURDER.   9/11 Commission Releases Final Report:The September 11th Commission concludes that a "failure of imagination," not governmental neglect, allowed 19 hijackers to carry out the deadliest terrorist attack in US history. The panel calls for an intelligence overhaul to confront an al-Qaida organization intent on striking again. While faulting institutional shortcomings, the bipartisan report "does not blame President Bush or former president Clinton for mistakes" contributing to the 2001 terrorist attack. The report, which is the culmination of a 20-month investigation into the plot that killed nearly 3,000 people in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania, describes the meticulous planning and determination of hijackers who sought to exploit weaknesses in airline and border procedures by taking test flights. Coincidentally?, a surveillance video that surfaced Wednesday shows four of the hijackers passing through security gates at Dulles International Airport in Washington shortly before boarding the plane they would crash into the Pentagon. In the video (left), the hijackers can be seen undergoing additional scrutiny after setting off metal detectors, then being permitted to continue to their gate. White House officials and congressional leaders were briefed on the panel's findings, and Bush was presented a copy about 9:30am by the commission's chairmen, just before the 11:30am public release on the commission's web site and in bookstores. The president said he looked forward to reading it. He also said Wednesday his administration was doing everything possible to combat terrorism, a major theme of his re-election campaign: "Had we had any inkling whatsoever that terrorists were about to attack our country, we would have moved heaven and earth to protect America. I'm confident President Clinton would have done the same thing. Any president would." One administration official said the 575-page report concludes that Bush and Clinton took the threat of al-Qaida seriously and were "genuinely concerned about the danger posed by al-Qaida," but didn't do enough to stop the terrorist organization headed by Osama bin Laden. There was a "failure of imagination" to provide either Bush or Clinton with new options -- particularly military approaches -- to deal with al-Qaida, the official said. There also was a failure to adapt to the post-Cold War era, and people just kept trying the same kinds of things that didn't work, the official said. As expected, the report will propose a national counterterrorism center headed by a new cabinet-level national director of intelligence. The director would have authority over the CIA, FBI, and other agencies, while congressional oversight also would be strengthened. Out of all of this I get 575 pages of LIES and deception. It took all of 30 hours for the MEDIA to brand this magical group called Al- Quidea or whatever from "Credible" sources to tell the sheeple that 19 "Arabs" caused this. I tell you that it took millions of man hours and millions of dollars to catch the unibomber. To the 911 commission I say BULLSHIT. And here's another FACT. I am NOT one of those "Conspiracy Nuts" that the media and those in politics are quick to label anyone who questions the government. There is too much proof, and hopefully those who read this post will search the internet and find these FACTS that YOUR government is trying to hide or twist. Look. I care about my community here in Clifton Heights. And also the whole of Delaware County and the state of Pennsylvania. Go farther and I care about the whole of the United States. Just think of those words for a minute or two. "United States". So, why then if were so united does the federal government seem to pit each against the other? Why are "Lobbyist" allowed? To me they are legalized whores spending YOUR tax dollars and kissing up to these so called senators who only "care" about you when it's election time. Ok. As always, I have to stop. But think about it. Don't put your religion or party affiliation in front of your fellow man or woman. Cheers. P.S. Vote wisely in November.