
Dion Davidson

Why Dion? Well he is the one who owns the web site www.findlori.com. What makes me curious is that she went missing as he says on the 19th, and on the very next day, he buys the web site name. a little background on this: 07/27/04 06:14:48 whois findlori.com .com is a domain of USA & International Commercial Searches for .com can be run at http://www.crsnic.net/ whois -h whois.crsnic.net findlori.com ... Redirecting to MELBOURNE IT, LTD. D/B/A INTERNET NAMES WORLDWIDE whois -h whois.melbourneit.com findlori.com ... Domain Name.......... findlori.com Creation Date........ 2004-07-20 Registration Date.... 2004-07-20 Expiry Date.......... 2005-07-20 Organisation Name.... Dion Davidson Organisation Address. 1240 Crestridge Rd Organisation Address. Sandy Organisation Address. 84094 Organisation Address. UT Organisation Address. UNITED STATES Admin Name........... Dion Davidson Admin Address........ 1240 Crestridge Rd Admin Address........ Sandy Admin Address........ 84094 Admin Address........ UT Admin Address........ UNITED STATES Admin Email.......... diondavidson@yahoo.com Admin Phone.......... +1.8015727750 Admin Fax............ Tech Name............ YahooDomains TechContact Tech Address......... 701 First Ave. Tech Address......... Sunnyvale Tech Address......... 94089 Tech Address......... CA Tech Address......... UNITED STATES Tech Email........... domain.tech@YAHOO-INC.COM Tech Phone........... +1.6198813096 Tech Fax............. +1.6198813010 Name Server.......... yns1.yahoo.com Name Server.......... yns2.yahoo.com Now, call me crazy, but listen to me. What kind of nut buys a web site name on the bet that a local woman who disappears the day before will become big news? Either the guy has a savvy eye or is truly heartbroken about this woman. Relative maybe? The timeline is what has me curious.


  1. I found your blog by searching for findlori. Why does yahoo point to your blog? are you paying them?

  2. No, I am Not paying anyone. I just posted what I saw as weird. one does not just buy a domain name and put up a web site 24 hours after one is reported missing unless they are either:

    A. A relative or good friend.
    B. A person looking for self gratification.
    C. A Nut Case.

  3. A good friend. I was contacted by Mark's sister hours after Lori went missing and set up the site that night. Thanks for your concern.
    Dion Davidson


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