
More Yahoo Msg Board Comedians

RED STATE VOTER APPLICATION by: muconium 12/20/04 10:36 pm Msg: 908712 of 908849 5 recommendations Name: ________________ (_) Billy-Bob (last) (_) Billy-Joe (_) Billy-Ray (_) Billy-Sue (_) Billy-Mae (_) Billy-Jack (_) Billy-Jefferson (Check appropriate box) Age: ____ Sex: ____ M _____ F _____ N/A Shoe Size: ____ Left ____ Right Occupation: (_)Farmer (_)Mechanic (_)Hair Dresser (_)Unemployed Spouse's Name: __________________________ Relationship with spouse: (_) Sister (_) Brother (_) Aunt (_) Uncle (_) Cousin (_) Mother (_) Father (_) Son (_) Daughter (_) Pet Number of children living in household: ___ Number that are yours: ___ Mother's Name: _______________________ Father's Name: _______________________ (If not sure, leave blank) Education: 1 2 3 4 (Circle highest grade completed) Do you (_)own or (_)rent your mobile home? (Check appropriate box) ___ Total number of vehicles you own ___ Number of vehicles that still crank ___ Number of vehicles in front yard ___ Number of vehicles in back yard ___ Number of vehicles on cement blocks Firearms you own and where you keep them: ____ truck ____ bedroom ____ bathroom ____ kitchen ____ shed Model and year of your pickup: ___________194_ Newspapers/magazines you subscribe to: (_)The National Enquirer (_)The Globe (_)TV Guide (_)Soap Opera Digest ___ Number of times you've seen a UFO ___ Number of times you've seen Elvis ___ Number of times you've seen Elvis in a UFO How often do you bathe: (_)Weekly (_)Monthly (_)Not Applicable Color of teeth: (_)Yellow (_)Brownish-Yellow (_)Brown (_)Black (_)N/A Brand of chewing tobacco you prefer: (_)Red-Man How far is your home from a paved road? (_)1 mile (_)2 miles (_)don't know


Chemtrails over Delaware County

This has been going on now since the mid 80's. I welcome all locals who want more information about Chemtrails to visit google and type in the word "Chemtrails". Rense.com has a section devoted to it at: http://www.rense.com/politics6/chemdatapage.html . Cheers.


Voices from Yahoo

Poster on Yahoo wrote: GOODBYE AMERICA by: torture_4_dummies (30/F/Up Shiite Creek, Imam) 12/08/04 11:38 pm Msg: 23922 of 23960 All we see coming from our leaders are reactions and not investigations and public disclosure of why terrorism is increasing against our great country. All they talk about it responding, not about the causes of the hate. Bush and the GOP only see war and economic opportunities within the war to make billions as they stir up the ashes of our emotion over 9/11 and mislead us into more conflicts instead of giving the real reasons to the American people why we have these problems. The USA with its CIA has undermined many foreign governments, it has interfered with many others and may even be responsible for the deaths of some governmental leaders. In Iran, we helped over throw a legitimate government and installed the Shar of Iran as our puppet. We know that did not work and our embassy was taken hostage by the retaliation. Then we helped Iraq and Saddam obtain WMD, gave him logistic intelligence and support and encouraged him to wage war with Iran because Iran now hated our policies. Then we attack Iraq because Iraq was supporting terror against Israel, not the USA. That plus the oil are the only true reasons why Bush attacked. We supported the insurgents of Afghanistan against the Russians in the 60's. We used Pakistan to funnel about 3 billion in aid, weapons and logistics on Russian movements to these people, including our Friend Bin Laden. Bin Laden then killed most of the native leaders and took over the country and then they attack us on 9/11. We then attack Afghanistan. Behind all this activity lies oil. And who is our government loves oil? The Bush and Cheney families. Who in our government would do anything for Israel, even fight a war for them without our approval? Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz and the entire NEO CONS who are all right wing Jews. So I ask you what does democracy have to do with all this?. Why are our boys dying in Iraq? Certainly it is not about democracy for democracy is not about greed, about double standards, lies and deception and until American wakes up to see what games our government is playing we may as well say good-bye to the country we thought represented democracy. The people in power today have learned not only to use mind control games on foreign countries but they have turned what they have learned on to our own people. It is time to wake up folks.


Day Of Infamy 12/07/41

Today marks the 63 anniversary of the most cunning deceitful lies orchestrated by the American government. What's this? Well all of us (Me Too) were told that the Japanese Imperial Navy sneak attacked Pearl Harbor. Yes, they attacked, but it hardly was sneaky. Japanese naval codes were cracked by US naval cryptographers prior to Pearl Harbor. Roosevelt wanted this war. America's mothers didn't. Just Google - "Pearl Harbor Truth" Fast Forward 9/11/01. 19 Arab looking men pull off one of the most complex and phyicially impossible jobs ever. Kill over 3,000 and "level three steel structures, using kerosene". Building over insured 800% to the tune of 17.5 BILLION. Israeli's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is quoted as saying: “Every time we do something, you [Shimon Peres] tell me America will do this and will do that... I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” So when does all of this end? When will the mainstream media start commenting about these facts? 63 more years?


Teach Your Children Well

Earlier tonight I was helping my son Fran with his History homework. It was about the war of 1812. He was of course bored as hell and wanted to watch Monday Night Football. I don't blame him, but History and Science and Geography were my favourite subjects when I was in the eighth grade at St.Cyril of Alexandria. Drexel Hill Middle School is where our two boys attend. One in eighth,(Fran) and one in sixth,(Nick). Science is NOT Fran's favourite subject. I loved it as a kid, had many science experiments in grade school, and watch the Discovery Channel every night. So, how do you get a 13 year old to look forward to Science class? I have but only one idea. Transfer Lauren (Yes she is a Science teacher in eighth grade for another township middle school in the same district), to DHMS. This young teacher I'm sure will get every boys attention in the classroom. Did I mention that she also has a side job as a Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleader?
My step son Eric informed me about her. He was a classmate at UDHS with her and also knows her personally. He said that she was "Good People" and other things that I will keep private. So there it is. Lauren? How about helping out these kids in D.H.? Sort of a lend-lease program between schools. Your beauty and teaching abilities would go a long way out there in Drexel Hill also. Kids these days need someone to motivate them with real issues, and I don't have the mystique and sincerity that you have. Either way, Go E A G L E S! I hope they win it all this year, God knows we need it!


Clifton Rams

Our two sons play for the Clifton Rams, and one of them will advance to the Championship game next week. Fran Jr. lost last week to Colwyn, and Nicky, of the Midget Varsity, won today against Colwyn 12-0. I am so proud of all of the coaches, players and the family members who acually SHOW UP at these games. and, to Drexel Hill, you parents are the most arrogent assholes alive. To do what you did last week while one of our Clifton Cheerleaders was singing our national anthem was dispicable. Stuffy assholes from Drexel Park. Gee, your homes aren't worth nearly as much as you would like them to be. Crime and blight are right accross the trolley tracks. The parents and fans of the Clifton Rams are a tight knit community who not only cheer for the home team but respect the other team. This is one of the reasons why I love Clifton Heights. Were proud of our children. Be sure to look for pictures of the championship game next week. I will be posting them. (Update:) I bought the domain name CliftonRams.com and a server through ipowerweb. I will be adding stuff slowly to it.

I Concede the Presidency to George W. Bush

It's Saturday morning, and I'm taking it easy today. I have a lot of things that have to be completed, like the job in Downingtown, and Mike's place. But today I will play auto mechanic, installing a new blower motor for our van, and a headlight. Why the title "I Concede the Presidency to G.W.B.?" Well I'll put it this way. Last night I saw my buddy at Thomas' Cafe. As I sat down, he informs everyone around him that "The Democrat" just walked in. I half heartedly let out a laugh, and informed the gang that I was not nor never was a Democrat. I've been Republican since eighteen. Just because I voted for Kerry did not mean that I was a "Liberal" or a Dem. Why Kerry then? Gee. Good question. I wanted us out of Iraq and the Middle East. Period. Since George Bush stated that he would be working to bring an end to this conflict, and to try to create a Palestinian state within four years, I am delighted. Since he won, he also seems more focused, and less stressed out. So, President Bush, I will back you up in anything you do, trusting that you will make the right decisions that will both benefit our great country, and the world. Who do I want for President in 2008? John McCain.


A November To Remember

Well it's been quite a beginning to my November. President Bush was "elected" to the White House for his lame duck session. I missed the Benefit at the Lagoon last night, (I'll explain that later,) and as I read the Daily Rag, I see several things that caught my eye. One is in Sound Off. One post, "Election Envy Of Rest Of World" tells of America conducting a fair and well- planned election. Obiviously, this caller never heard of DieBold and other bullshit things going on in other states like Ohio and Florida. Pennsylvania, specifically Delaware County, has Mechanical voting machines. You know, big & green and with a curtain. Wonder why Bush lost here? Hard to cheat compared to those "Electronic" ones that don't leave a paper trail. Another thing I read was Ed Gebhart's Opinion colomun, about a Vietnam Vet's experiences, or so he titles it. Well, he let's you all know that the FACTS were that Clinton was a draft dodger, and that Kerry "Gave aid and comfort to the enemy". I do not see nowhere about Cheney's FIVE deferments, nor Bush's coking it up and AWOL in ALABAMA. Yes, we all make misteaks, even our President. Bottom line? Ed Gebhart is an old geezer who like Gil Spencer thinks that he knows it all. These two men have tunnel vision. They don't care who or what is running our country, as long as it's Republican. Another line out of the Daily Rag that caught my eye and is the GOD'S HONEST TRUTH is from the article "Calling For Help". You know, it's about several freaked out chicks who have decided to make it rich after getting tired of their jobs. (They must be liberals.) Here it is: "She didn't mind the signature requirement, nor was it hard to accomplish. The women also didn't mind when they were told they HAD to register Republican in order to qualify for the job. REQUIREMENT? What country do we live in? I'll actively give anybody more than he/she can handle if they EVER tell me that as a requirement for employment or getting a contract I need to be registered as a Republican in Delaware County. I remember when I was eighteen being told, "You have to register Republican if you want a job in Upper Darby." So I did. (Even so I never did get that trashman job either). My Advice to all you Democrats living in Delco? Go to the courthouse and inquire about any job openings. Be sure to change your party though if your serious about working. Or know a good attorney.


Something's Wrong with The Water In Delaware County

Yes. Our tap water smells of a putrid stench. like Naylor's Run creek when I was a kid in the 60's down at Cobbs Creek park. My wife and son drank a few glasses earlier and both are complaining of frontal headaches. Ever since AQUA took over the Philadelphia Suburban Water Company this has been a frequent complaint in our household in Clifton Heights. Well, It's off to bed now. Be sure to get off your asses and VOTE tomorrow.


Icemans Blog: Folcroft-Asshole-Bastards on Bennington Road

Seems there are scumbags living in Delaware County. My buddy Mike tells of thieves in Folcroft, Delaware County. I hope these cretins have instant karma beheveled right back at them! Typical Bennigton Rd scum? Or just needy crack whores? It amazes me that people can be so downright tuncs... Icemans Blog: Folcroft-Asshole-Bastards on Bennington Road