
Delaware County Domestic Relations

Have you ever dealt with them? I received a letter (Non Certified) yesterday informing me that I had a bench warrant out for my arrest. It was from the Sheriff's Department relating to a support order that had been vacated over 3 years ago. Apparently, I still owed $927.50 in arrears to them. Now, before you label me a "Deadbeat" let me tell you that I have paid on average $150.00 a week for 19 years for 2 beautiful children who I love, even though my ex informed me that my older daughter wasn't mine when she turned 18. She ain't mine? What do you mean by that? I always had a doubt in the back of my mind about my paternity, but I still signed the birth certificate anyway. It's called love. She will always remain my daughter to me and I will do anything for her and my (Biological Daughter, I feel no difference) I hold no ill feelings, only that I already spent 4 days in Charlie Sexton's famous Gulag over a bench warrant in 1999 over not showing up in 97' for court because my Mom had a stroke that morning (Documented) and while I was WORKING at the Court House! Note to self: Contact Court House for any electrical work they need done, I'm available at a very alluring rate. Anyway, $50.00 times 52 weeks times 18 years plus several thousand dollars given outside the court system =? Was this remaining $927.50 necessary? Could I sue for this? Not worth it... Money = Evil. While I was there, I was seated with 2 other PACES clients. One, was handcuffed and taken to jail (He owed $76,000 dollars); the other, with two warrants, was told to show up for court in November. The young woman at the computer was very pleasant, as were the four sheriff's in the room. A little background on my case. I had 2 children from this woman who went on welfare while living with her mom and caught her red handed (or faced) getting it on with another man. So I left. The woman that I was going to marry soon had my ass in court. So, TMI? I don't care, this is a big issue to me. There are many Dads out there that get shafted by the system, Women who smoke up the money on crack that they receive for the kids. Domestic Relations is a one sided money collecting unit, no more, no less. They do not care if the Mother is doing coke with your money that is supposed to be for the kids. Their job is just to collect, and lock your ass up if they cannot. So, Domestic Relations, I am done with you.I post notice. My bench warrant that was issued in November of 03 that I had no idea of until I visited the PACES web site has been rescinded. ZERO balance. To all others with Domestic Relations cases (You guys and gals who are lax in your payments to the DR. of DC.) PAY up, or shit your pants in the intake unit of Wackenhut, then on to a pod for 22 and a half hours a day until the over worked can arrange a hearing for you! And, to all you smokers out there, NO SMOKING AT WACKENHUT! NO EXCEPTIONS! P.S. Idea to Domestic Relations: USE CERTIFIED MAIL! To You GUYS out there? Keep it in your pants,it's cheaper...


Yesterday afternoon I went to my favourite watering hole, Thomas's Cafe. To make a long story short, there are people in there who believe that Saddam did 911. Mr.B, a long time customer, was even getting pissed off at me and "Bruce" to the point of leaving after we tried in vain to tell him different. I asked B where he got his information. He replied, The TV. The Times... Oh, ok, the Times? You mean The Daily Times? Gil Spencer's Daily Times? B.went on to praise Bush for ridding the world of evil, and if it took ten thousand more dead troops to get the job done, well, so be it. Then, I have Mr. G inform me that I have no right to drive in Pennsylvania, it is a privilege.(I have to look this up, as I made a bet with him). Still another man, a stranger chimed in calling me a Democrat, whatever that is supposed to mean. So here you have 3 guys, one a cop, another claiming to be in the military (The stranger), a third retired coming down on me and Bruce like flies on shit. These guys really believe that Saddam Hussein was the man responsible for 911. I asked them: What about Bin Laden? B replies: There all connected.. Ok, whatever B. Keep reading Gil and keep being sheep to the media. Baaaaa. So, I ask all three one question: Do you own a computer? All three replied NO. Advice? Never discuss politics in a bar. Everybody thinks there right. On another note, I as you all can see, have a "BlogRoll". One site, Peter's Blog is listed there. This is what he posted about my link. Interesting Site? [Geeky Stuff] - peter @ 02:02:39 PM I found my blog (what you're looking at) listed under the "Interesting Sites" category on the Delaware County, PA Web Portal & Directory. This is totally random and weird. Totally random and weird. Hmmmm. Let's see. "Interesting Sites". Yes, I think the guy is talented with web design and graphics, Anime and stuff. Shall I start censoring what sites I add? Should everybody censor their blogrolls? My blogroll has far more "random and weird" sites than his. One, stellaislaura, is a blog from some woman who knits. how did I find her? I haven't got a clue. Must have been drinking and googling one night discussing knitting with the wife. But there it is, blogrolled forever. Hey,I wish someone would blogroll my blog. Hint to Mike... Well it's damn too early for me to be up, so I have time before work to googleblog some more sites that I find interesting. Cheers.


'Which Swift Boat Veteran for Truth Member Blows His Brains Out First?'

September 23, 2004 I said it months ago, and I was right. These Swifties have successfully brought up the 'Dark Secrets and Atrocities' that went on in Vietnam. Regardless of who wins the Election come November 2, the fact is, Americans, Especially the 'Children' Will be doing more and more investigations and studying of the Vietnam War and those studies will include the hidden, well kept atrocities of that war, find out what that many of the things that John Kerry testified to back in the early 1970's are indeed factual, but have been successfully kept away from the general public over the last 35 yrs. Come this Holiday Season, You have to ask yourself, which 'Swift Boat Veteran For Truth Member' will be asked by one of their Grandchildren any of the following questions during Thanksgiving, or Christmas Dinner.... Grandpa, Did You know those guys who Cut Off Vietnamese Children's Heads during the War When You Served? Grandpa, Did you burn down people's homes too? Grandpa, Did you open fire and kill anything that moved? Or will they say things like.... Grandpa (Sobbing) Killing Mommies in front of their Children isn't right. Grandpa (sobbing) you said John Kerry was a Liar, and saying things that were not true but but the teacher in school taught us about Lt. Calley and the My Lai Massacre What those soldiers did was very bad, wasn't it? Grandpa, my teacher taught us about the 'Buried Secrets, Brutal Truths of Tiger Force' Did you know them? Did you do things like they did? (Sobbing) Did you ever cut the head off of a Baby in Vietnam? Which one of these guys, members of the 'Swift Boat Veterans for Truth' will be confronted with what is described above this holiday season by their own families, their grandchildren. Having to look them in their eyes during 'Thanksgiving' or 'Christmas' Dinner and realize that it was the actions of himself, for hopping on John O'Neill's bandwagon, to attempt to prevent John Kerry from becoming President because of Kerry's actions after he came home from the Battle Field and reported what was really going on in those jungles, reading testimony from other veterans of the horrors they have seen, or conducted. All with a one purpose, to bring an end to the madness. Which 'Swiftie' is going to realize that it was himself, who is responsible for opening up the can of dark secrets, atrocities, resulting from the actions of the 'Swift Boat Veterans For Truth Campaign' which has successfully accomplished opening up a the 'Pandora's Box of Vietnam'. As their Grandchildren, and Family are all looking at him during the dinner table, with tears coming down their eyes, and fear and horror overwhelm their faces as they discuss these things John Kerry testified about really did happen, and the issue of the Vietnam War itself, Which one of these 'Swifties' will feel his heart sink into his stomach, feel it being slowly digested by the his amino acids, eating away at him, destroying all he has, for his family will be watching, staring, at him with the realities of the Horrors of War overwhelming all he loves,,,, his family. Which Member of John O'Neill's Crew, will face this? And which one of these Swifties will wait for dinner to be over, their families to put their jackets on and leave for their own homes, then walk into his garage, his basement, or just sit right their in his living room, reflecting, with his gun in his hand, putting it to his head, and Blowing his Brains Out?


Folcroft Cops Deserve Justice

This was posted in the Daily Times. Disgraceful to say the least,that this Truscello guy thinks he's above the law. If I were a Cop in Folcroft, I'd be pissed! Editorial: Officials who spied in Folcroft deserve ouster 09/23/2004 Hundreds of police officers and their supporters stormed Folcroft Borough Council on Tuesday night, demanding to know why borough officials placed electronic surveillance equipment in their own police department -- and what is happening with the county’s criminal investigation of the matter. As an attention-getter, it was a first-rate demonstration. But a more disturbing indicator of the collapse of the Folcroft government came last month. That’s when Folcroft police moved a homicide investigation to the neighboring Darby Township police headquarters -- because they were afraid any interviews that took place in their own police station could be compromised by surreptitious monitoring by outsiders. That paranoia and accusations reign supreme in the borough can be laid at the feet of the borough manager, Anthony Truscello, a longtime Republican power in the town and its former district justice; council Vice President Joseph Zito; and his council colleagues, who say the action was necessary to investigate complaints of cops sleeping on duty. Their wildly irresponsible decision to bug their own police officers has not only rendered their town a laughingstock but has imperiled every police investigation since the spying began. What’s to stop any enterprising defense attorney from subpoenaing all the audio- or videotapes made in the police department to bolster a case in court? Nothing. Who would beresponsible? Truscello, Zito and company. And who will pay? The taxpayers of Folcroft, of course, who already involuntarily shelled out nearly $10,000 for the surveillance equipment in the first place. (They’ll also foot the bill for the litigation certain to be filed by the Fraternal Order of Police, which would seem to have a very legitimate claim on behalf of its members of invasion of privacy.) The crowd was so large, and so incensed, on Tuesday night that Truscello at one point called the state police to ask for protection. That’s how bad things are in Folcroft: The former district justice -- who is still certified by the state to sit on the bench as a senior district judge, and whose daughter Debbie is the town’s sitting district justice -- had to call the state to ask for protection from his own police department. Tuesday’s protesters wanted to know what the county District Attorney’s office was doing about the investigation, which has been in its hands. County detectives, armed with a warrant, hauled out the bugging equipment last May. They got no answers that night or the next day, when a spokesman for District Attorney G. Michael Green would say only that the matter is still being examined. The criminal justice system takes its own time, as any good police officer knows. But the fact that no criminal charges have been filed doesn’t excuse the fact that a gross injustice has occurred, irrevocably rupturing the bond of trust between the people, their police department, and their elected officials. Dismissals and resignations are in order, starting with the borough manager and council leadership. It’s time to clean house in Folcroft -- and, this time, not just of electronic surveillance equipment. ©The Daily Times 2004

This is what our government is doing

The enemy is us In war, you deny information, spread lies and use psychological warfare. An expert on military information operations explains how Bush has mastered this technique -- and used it against the American people. By Sam Gardiner 09/22/04 "Salon.com" -- On Thursday, Iraq's interim prime minister, Iyad Allawi, will speak before a joint meeting of Congress, and from what he said in London on his way to the United States, it looks like Americans are going to be getting more of the strategic information operations that have been crucial to Bush's policy on Iraq from the beginning. On Monday, Allawi said at a press conference: "Terrorists are coming and pouring into Iraq to try to undermine the situation in Iraq ... And God forbid, if Iraq is broken or the will of Iraq is broken, then London will be a target, Washington will be a target." In those sentences, Allawi employed the basic doctrine of strategic information operations: Influence emotions, motive and objective reasoning. Use repetition to create a collective memory in the target audience. And the recurrent message of both Allawi and the Bush administration is: Iraq = terrorists = 9/11. The Army Field Manual describes information operations as the use of strategies such as information denial, deception and psychological warfare to influence decision making. The notion is as old as war itself. With information operations, one seeks to gain and maintain information superiority -- control information and you control the battlefield. And in the information age, it has become even more imperative to influence adversaries. But with the Iraq war, information operations have gone seriously off track, moving beyond influencing adversaries on the battlefield to influencing the decision making of friendly nations and, even more important, American public opinion. In information denial, one attempts to deceive one's adversary. Since the declared end of combat operations, the Bush administration has orchestrated a number of deceptions about Iraq. But who is its adversary? In August 2003, the administration's message was that everything in Iraq was improving. The White House led the information effort and even published a paper on the successes of the first 100 days of the occupation. By October the message had shifted: Things were going well in Iraq, but the media was telling the wrong story. Then, toward the end of 2003, the message was that the whole problem in Iraq was "dead-enders" and "foreign fighters." If it weren't for them, the situation would be fine. Then, after Saddam Hussein was captured in December, the message shifted again: The coalition had discovered along with the former dictator documents revealing the insurgent network, which now would be broken. Once again, everything would be fine. At the approach of the hand-over to Iraq's interim government in late June, the administration said the event represented the worst fears of the insurgents, who did not want any movement toward democracy. The White House warned that there would be increased violence as the insurgents tried to prevent the interim government from assuming its proper role in running the country. In fact, violence did increase before the transfer, but there was even more violence afterward. But the administration's information about the situation in Iraq sharply declined. Denying information to adversaries is one way of maintaining information dominance. (According to the Army Field Manual, this dimension involves "withholding information that adversaries need for effective decision-making.") In the case of Iraq, this has meant eliminating press releases and press briefings. Since the hand-over of power, the U.S. Embassy in Iraq has issued only six releases, including one on the new Iraqi environment minister's visit to a landfill project. The most recent press release, on Aug. 12, was about a boxer on Iraq's Olympics team. The last press briefing by the Multi-National Force in Iraq was June 25. The interim Iraqi government does not hold press conferences. The White House Web site also reflects the strategy of withholding information. It used to actively provide content on Operation Iraqi Freedom (or as the Web site now says, "Renewal in Iraq"), but the last new entry is dated Aug. 5. The effect of the White House's control of information has been dramatic. The chart shows how English-language press coverage of Iraq has fallen off since July. Early in July, it was typical to find almost 250,000 articles each day mentioning Iraq. That number has dropped to 150,000. The goal of denying the adversary access to information is being realized. But, again, who is the adversary? Before, during and immediately after the war, the White House orchestrated an intensive program of press briefings and releases to saturate media time and space, stay on message, keep ahead of the news cycle and manage expectations. The White House conference call set the daily message. The press briefings from the Central Command headquarters in Doha, Qatar, were designed to dominate the morning and afternoon press coverage, while the afternoon press briefing by the Pentagon was intended for the evening news. The White House is also using psychological warfare -- conveying selected information to organizations and individuals to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning and ultimately behavior -- to spread its version of the war. And the administration's message is obviously central to the process. From the very beginning, that message, delivered both directly and subtly, has been constant and consistent: Iraq = terrorists = 9/11. The president tells us that we are fighting terrorists in Iraq so we don't have to fight them here in the United States. But I know of no one with a respectable knowledge of the events in Iraq who shares that view. My contacts in the intelligence community say the opposite -- that U.S. policies in fact are creating more terrorism. Still, the administration has made its case for the 9/11 terrorism and Iraq connection with some sophistication. For example, on March 25, 2003, the United States renamed the Iraqi fighters in civilian clothes known as the Fedayeen Saddam. Either the Office of the Secretary of Defense or the White House (I have been told it was both) directed that they now be called "terrorist death squads" -- promoting the overarching message: Iraq = terrorists = 9/11. Recently, the purported terrorist connection was reinforced by another change in terminology. When coalition forces bomb a house in Fallujah, the Multi-National Force press releases now announce that they bombed a "safe house." But Marines don't come to that phrase naturally. Marines hit enemy positions. They strike targets. The implication is fairly obvious. Since terrorists use "safe houses," the insurgents in Fallujah must be terrorists. And some of us thus come to believe that we are in Iraq to fight the "global war on terrorism." Appealing to the emotions aroused by 9/11 is classic psychological warfare. And repetition of the terrorist argument is utterly consistent with the theory that one can develop collective memory in a population through repetition. Images are also essential in psychological warfare, so negative images must be defeated as quickly as possible. That's why the images of the contractors killed in Fallujah were so worrisome to the administration. Government intelligence sources told me there was fear they would have an impact like the images of dead U.S. Army Rangers being dragged through the streets in Somalia did in 1993, causing rapid erosion in support for that war. Although we don't know all the facts yet, it's almost certain that the White House or the Pentagon ordered the Marine attack on Fallujah to fight those negative images. Five U.S. soldiers were killed on the same day as the private contractors when their Bradley fighting vehicle was destroyed. But there was almost no official reaction to their deaths, no pictures; their deaths did not pose an image problem. Now, the New York Times reports that military operations to open up the no-go areas in Iraq will not occur until November or December. The official line is that the administration wants to wait until Iraqi security forces are better trained. My military mind only hurts when I hear this argument. The United States has been trying to train the Iraqis to take over for almost two years now. The effort began with the training camp in Hungary before the war, but that program failed. The robust training program that began in the early stages of the occupation was declared a failure with the onset of the insurgents' offensive in April. The administration has not been able to staff the headquarters tasked to direct the training. Nor is it even certain who among those being trained are on our side. The Marines around Fallujah joke that after they take a member of the Iraqi National Guard to the firing range for practice, the sniper who shoots at them that night shows a remarkable improvement in his aim. It's clear the Americans will bear the major brunt of the attack on Fallujah. What could possibly be behind the administration's decision to wait until November or December to launch it? There's certainly no commander in the field saying, "Let's give the bad guys another 60 days to operate freely inside their sanctuaries before we attack." Such a decision would be particularly bizarre when attacks against coalition forces are more frequent than ever, attacks on oil pipelines are on the rise, and the United States is suffering increased casualties. Any military officer would say that you have to take the fight to the enemy. So what can we conclude about this decision? There is only one conceivable answer -- the White House is delaying military operations until after the Nov. 2 election for political reasons. In the meantime, information-denial operations must be ratcheted up to control the story. But that is becoming more difficult. During the early part of the war, there was more deception than truth in the comments and press briefings of the secretary of defense and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Among the fabricated stories was the early surrender of the commander and the entire 51st Iraqi mechanized division. We were told of an uprising in Basra -- it did not happen. We were told Iraqis had stolen U.S. uniforms to commit atrocities -- this was not true. We were told on White House and State Department Web sites that the Iraqi military had formed units of children to attack the coalition -- untrue. We were told of a whole range of agreements between the French and Iraq before the war over weapons -- false. We were told Saddam had marked a red line around Baghdad and that when we crossed it Iraq would use chemical weapons -- completely fabricated. We were told of an elaborate scheme by Saddam's forces to ambush U.S. Marines on March 23 as they fought toward Baghdad. The president mentioned this incident many times. It turns out what really happened that day is that the Marines were repeatedly attacked by a U.S. Air Force A-10. It was a friendly-fire incident, not an Iraqi ruse. But building on the theme of Iraqi evil was more important than the truth. Military intelligence officials' prewar assertion when no WMD were found that Iraq had moved its weapons to Syria is another example of information denial. But although the Iraq Survey Group report to be released at the end of this month will announce once and for all that Iraq did not have WMD, the WMD argument already served its purpose in garnering support for the invasion. The important message now remains: Iraq = terrorists = 9/11. The fog of war has not yet lifted. But when the strategy is to hide the war from the American people, rather than to get them to approve its instigation, fabrication is more difficult to sustain. Karl von Clausewitz, the Prussian theorist of war, wrote, "War is an extension of politics by other means." When I taught Clausewitz to students at various military war colleges, I told them that he meant international politics. But I may have been wrong -- I fear war has become an extension of domestic politics, moving beyond influencing adversaries on the battlefield to influencing the decision making of friendly nations and, even more important, American public opinion. Why have the American people become the adversary? Republicans AND Democrats, Think of your COUNTRY first!

Reverend Blue Jeans

I just watched a re run of "King of Queens" on TV. Doug (Kevin James) was singing the Neil Diamond song " Reverend Blue Jeans", or so I thought it was called. 43 years old and I sing the song the same way Doug does! My wife looked at me the same way that Carrie(Leah Remini)did. Ok, So I was misled all these years. How many people think that CCR has a song that goes.."There's a bathroom on the right?" instead of "There's a bad moon on the rise"? Any other songs out there?


Look what I bought

Yes, on Ebay. They reinstated my account. I had these same AFX cars as a kid, and had to spend much more for them recently. But I had to have them.


Chemtrails - Savior of Earth ?

GREETINGS... THIS WAS SENT TO ME... THE FOLLOWING IS THE MESSAGE THAT I RECEIVED.... I DO NOT KNOW WHO AUTHORED THE DOCUMENT... BUT INCREASED SOLAR ACTIVITY IS A DOCUMENTED FACT. CAWDCAIKES I know what chemtrails are and their purpose. Uncovering the terrible secret of chemtrails has led to many sleepless nights. What the human race faces, quite literally, is a battle for our future existence -- at the very least a battle to try to retain the civilization we now enjoy. Terrorism, Iraq, Afghanistan, the potential threats of Iran and North Korea, nuclear conflagration -- all pale when compared to the dire threat our world is facing right now. That's right. Now. This instant -- not some misty time in the far off future. As best as can be documented, chemtrails first appeared in our skies during 1997. But the growing awareness among certain scientific and military circles that something along the lines as chemtrails were needed to protect the human race began as long ago as the early 1980s. Many hypotheses exist as to why the world's military forces (initially, primarily the United States Air Force) embarked upon this massive, well-coordinated, atmospheric aerosol spraying. Most of the hypotheses border on fringe science, complete speculation or fantastic conspiracy theories. These wide-ranging hypotheses span the spectrum from aerial applications in conjunction with HAARP technology being experimented with from installations in Alaska, Colorado, Utah, the United Kingdom, Costa Rica, Australia, the Antarctic and Japan (most are only familiar with the Alaskan operations as that has been heavily reported and discussed) -- to wild assertions that it is some kind of "dumbing down" or "pruning" operation designed to take control of the greater populace, or de-populate the Earth to numbers that can be contained by some shadowy elite. Falling between these two extremes are those that believe that the now worldwide mission is somehow attempting to limit or forestall so-called global warming. Those that are aware of the aerosol spraying (which is a surprisingly small number) and believe it has to do with the climate are actually the closest to the truth. But the truth is so shocking, so unnerving, and so likely to cause huge social and economic upheaval, that it is understandable why the "powers that be" have elected to attempt this planetary rescue mission while keeping most of the world in the dark. Indeed, even most of the crews that fly the missions out of air force bases around the globe in specially re-fitted Lockheed and Boeing jets do not understand the true nature of their mission. The full scope of the mission is only revealed on a need-to-know basis. And what initially began as an American project has now been joined by almost every air force of every nation on Earth. The residue of chemtrails have been analyzed by some independent laboratories and the results have been variable, and to an extent, conflicting. Barium, aluminum oxide particles and carbon black are the primary mixture and work together to create the atmospheric barrier. Stories of samples from chemtrail residue analyzed by a facility in British Columbia, which is presumably licensed by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, were said to have found (in addition to the jet fuel) numerous pathogens including: Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, which causes respiratory infection and attacks the immunization system; Serratia Marcescens, an antibiotic-resistant bacteria causing pneumonia, endocarditis and meningitis; as well as Streptomyces and various molds capable of inducing heart disease, upper respiratory and gastrointestinal ailments. The problem with any analysis that presumably detects pathogens in the aerosol mixture, however, is that the samples could easily have become contaminated as they were not retrieved while airborne, but harvested from the ground or near the ground. Some think that the chemtrail mission is directly related to the late Dr. Edward Teller's infamous white paper advocating aerosol spraying as a means towards global climate control. Dr. Teller, known throughout the world as the "father of the hydrogen bomb," did write such a paper and it is still downloadable from the Internet as a PDF document here: http://www.rense.com/general18/scatteringEdTellerwithnotes.pdf The truth is, Dr. Teller's paper was more of a coincidence than a primary motivator for the aerosol spraying program which had already been approved in principal by both President George H.W. Bush in 1989 and President William Clinton in 1991. In 2001, George W. Bush inherited the program and, working with virtually every government in the world, moved to institute the program on a planetary basis. The Earth is in danger. Real danger. No, we are not about to be invaded by bug-eyed space aliens or gigantic mutant insects erupting from their atomically contaminated lairs. The danger, however, does sound like a science fiction scenario. Unfortunately it is real. Actually, to be exact, the Earth itself is not in imminent danger -- merely every form of life that currently inhabits this planet. When did this danger emerge? No one may ever know for certain, but the signs that something was beginning to go terribly wrong were observed by a few as far back as the 1940s. The true scope of the danger began to be realized in the late 1960s. Less than 15 years later the data being analyzed confirmed that the worst fears were true. At that point the only questions in many researcher's minds was, "How much time do we have?" and "Do we have a sufficient level of technology to save ourselves?" In a way, we are lucky. If this crisis had emerged even 100 years ago the human race wouldn't have stood a chance. It wouldn't even have known what was happening to it. Even now we can understand the ultimate consequences, the effects, yet have very little knowledge of exactly what is causing the phenomenon. While the world is heatedly debating issues such as war and rumors of war, pollution as a cause of global warming, the merits or lack of merits of certain religions or who will win the U.S. presidential election in November, the real action is occurring almost daily at 25,000 to 50,000 feet above our heads. The heroes are anonymous; their are weapons sparkling pinpoints cutting through the atmosphere at 500 mph. I call them heroes because that's what they are -- men and women who are literally fighting every day in a valiant attempt to save all of our lives. No one knows for sure if they will succeed. If they fail, however, the consequences are almost too terrible to contemplate. Quite simply, in the worst case scenario, a mass extinction will occur not experienced on Earth for almost 250 million years. I do not wish to frighten anyone, nor am I a "doom and gloomer," for I believe that we have a good chance of making this work. Being a realist, however, I must admit there are no iron clad guarantees. Putting it bluntly, if we fail, the human race will, for the most part, cease to exist. Climate is just one of the changes facing our brave, new world. Scientists have recently discovered that a new mass extinction is underway. Insect and animal migrations have begun on a titanic scale. Biological mutations are erupting spontaneously that have no counterpart historically and no easy explanation. Most disturbing of all, it has been confirmed that human male sperm counts are dropping precipitously around the world -- a trend that began to be noticed and tracked just several decades ago. Concurrent to this is the little reported fact that this trend towards infertility is not constrained to humans alone, but cuts across all mammalian species. The late film director and producer, George Pal, created many classic science fiction and fantasy movies from the 1950s through the 1970s. One of his earliest films was the spectacular, "When Worlds Collide," which some who speak of renegade planets or cometary bodies rely on heavy for their "factual" source material. Well, rest easy, for it is very unlikely you or I will ever see the planetary impacts or close flybys (such as the much discussed "Planet X") anytime soon. By anytime soon I mean during the next several thousand years. Yet, in a sense, there are worlds colliding right now. These worlds are in our solar system and include our Earth. The collisions are not of mass, but energy. Some of the energy is coming from the sun, which has become more active than at anytime since the last 1200 to 1400 years. But other activity seems to be extra-solar in nature. Here a secret, but fierce debate has begun as to whether it is because our entire solar system has moved into a new area of space rampant with anomalous energy, or if it is cyclical in nature and energy streams between our system and another dimension have erupted once again after millions of years. As I mentioned previously, the debate is interesting, but the effect is what is most important. Whatever the cause, it has been agreed upon that the effect is very quickly going to change our climate radically, displace billions, disrupt food supplies, cause massive outbreaks of disease, irradiate parts of the Earth, melt the Arctic ice, turn off crucial ocean currents such as the Gulf Stream that protect northern Europe from arctic-like conditions. . . and all that is merely the precursor of the breakdowns to come. Mars... the ancient god of war, of turmoil, of destruction. The angry red planet. Perhaps aptly named, Mars was the first planet that gave us clues that what was happening to Earth's climate had little, if anything, to do with fluorocarbon in hair spray or the burning of fossil fuels. Large, politicized organizations like The Sierra Club and Greenpeace and politicians like Al Gore may still be beating the "evil industry is causing global warming" drum, but they are ignorant of the facts. The handwringers over the stalemated Kyoto Protocol don't know or understand that their rather draconian agreement could have been passed and enforced to the letter and it would make not one iota of difference to the massive upcoming climate change ahead of us. It is analogous to attempting to stop a rampaging flood with a few, feeble sandbags. Mars is heating up. Mars is undergoing massive climactic change, exactly as our Earth is warming. The year 2050 is about the time that NASA predicts the polar ice caps on Mars will be completely eradicated. Curiously, the United States Navy has embarked on a time schedule to launch its new arctic fleet by 2050. You see, the year 2050 is when they project the north pole will be divested of much of its ice and its waterways will be open to navigation. Mars and Earth are both losing their ice caps. So, the Earth is heating up. . . and it's not caused by pollution or volcanic action. Mars is heating up. . . and it is certainly not being caused by pollution, nor even volcanic eruptions. Are these the only two planets exhibiting such anomalous climate changes? No. The amazing truth is every planet in our solar system is being affected, from Mercury all the way out to distant Pluto (mean distance from sun 3.67 billion miles). Astronomers first discovered that Pluto is heating up during their 2003 routine observations. The data left them scratching their collective heads. Not only was Pluto heating up, but it was getting hotter even as its orbit was taking it farther away from the sun! Other observations of the planets during the past decade have revealed that Mercury, the closest planet to the sun (its mean distance from the Sun is cited as 36,000,000 miles) has developed an ice cap. Think about that: it has formed an icecap. What does that mean in respect to the extra-solar energy flowing into our system? It is heating up a world like Pluto while cooling down parts of a planet like Mercury, where the average temperature has always been measured as hot enough to melt lead. But there is much more. The thick atmosphere of Venus is rapidly changing. Its chemical composition has changed remarkably in the past several years and that change is accelerating. The giant gas planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) are heating up. The radiation being emitted from them has intensified. Remarkably, even their luminosity has increased from 50% to over 300% depending on the planet. And most astounding of all, Io, one of Jupiter's many moons, has become so hot that if it continues its temperature rise Io is in danger of melting. The climate change is not just affecting Earth. It is a solar systemwide phenomenon. Less than eight years ago the United States took the lead and instituted a brilliant and bold project borne out of desperation: creating a thermal, anti-radiation barrier in a band of our atmosphere beneath Earth's troposphere. Although the project itself may cause some planetary climate change, it is calculated to cause far less damage than the events that have been extrapolated to occur in our near future. It is a two-edged sword as the aerosol spraying will undeniably affect some individuals making them sick or otherwise affecting to an extent their immune systems and respiratory systems. The trade off, however, is long term survival of our civilization. The dice are rolling and no one knows if one of the most secret projects in history can protect our world from the extra-solar (perhaps extra-dimensional) catastrophes lying in wait ahead of us. It is ironic, that a project every bit as secretive as the breaking of the Nazi High Command codes, or the Manhattan atom bomb project, is visible in the skies above our heads on any given day (and sometimes any given night). It lends credence to the old intelligence axiom that the best way to keep something secret is by hiding it in plain sight. Obviously, hundreds of millions have seen chemtrails in the skies and have ignored them or dismissed them as simple ice-vapor contrails. During the past several years some of the media have raised questions about chemtrails (such as Fox News' reports about them in 2002). But the news reports mysteriously fade away and mainstream investigative reporters and science reporters who express an interest are, for the most part, persuaded to drop their efforts to identify exactly what is going on in our skies and why. As long ago as the early 1940s, some physicists and astronomers began to notice a pattern of change coming over the sun. It did not become more pronounced until the new millennium arrived. During the past four years, from 2000 through 2004, the sun's activity has become more unpredictable and more obvious. Scientists, some working for the military or the federal government, began to think the unthinkable: the sun and all the planets were beginning a massive transformation. This transformation is unstoppable, potentially catastrophic to life and will most certainly cause the Earth's environment to experience abrupt changes on a massive scale. Because the sun and all the planets together are reacting to this outside phenomenon, it is beginning to be suspected that some trans-dimensional energy in this region of space is interacting with the normal activity of the sun and the planets. Richard C. Hoagland, among others, has been advocating such an energy transference between our universe and (for lack of a better term) a "sister universe" for some years now. He has been all too aware of the significant changes happening with our sun and all the planets in our solar system. His latest paper discussing this phenomenon, (which he calls "hyper-dimensional") is "Interplanetary Day After Tomorrow?" available to read at this URL: http://www.enterprisemission.com/_articles/05-14- 2004/Interplanetary_1.htm Mr. Hoagland has a brilliant and highly imaginative mind. He is also a maverick. Because some of his methods are unorthodox and his insight unsettling, much of the scientific establishment tends to dismiss his ideas. The irony is, years after they dismiss his observations they often are found rushing to publish papers in peer publications exactly echoing what he often first pointed out to them. Such is the history of the established norm versus the insightful innovators. Hyper-dimensionalism or trans-dimensional energy transference, call it what you will,this phenomenon seems to be at the root of the system-wide disaster unfolding right before our eyes. It is only the beginning, perhaps the beginning of the end. H. G. Wells' famous tale, "The Time Machine," was spun about a Nineteenth century inventor who breaks the boundaries of time and propels himself more than 800,000 years into the future only to find that the human race has split into two: the Eloi, who live on the surface of the world, and the Morlocks who are subterranean dwellers. Over the eons the Morlocks became monstrous, half-human cannibals that still controlled a rudimentary technology. The Eloi became simple, Eden-like creatures who were blissfully unaware that they were the entree of choice on the Morlock's dinner plates. The road ahead of us may not produce such a gruesome schism, but the human race may indeed be forced into a scenario similar to that envisioned by Mr. Wells' scientific fantasy. Many who read this are very much aware of the massive underground complexes that have been built in the United States and other countries since World War II. Much of the technology was acquired from Nazi engineering projects and during the last 60 years vastly improved upon using more advanced technology and materials. The original purpose of most of the underground complexes (many in hollowed out mountains or under the wasteland of parched desert terrain) was for key elements of society and government to survive a nuclear cataclysm. To an extent that is still one of the purposes. But all have been modified and more are being constructed around the world at breakneck speed in the event that the system phenomenon is not constrained by the aerosol chemical barrier, or the changes of the solar system last much longer than what is hoped. I say "hoped" because although there are numerous hypotheses, no one really knows how long this change will last or if, indeed, it may become permanent. Therefore, millions of people may have to spend the rest of their lives in underground cities -- and perhaps their children and grandchildren. Of course, that still leaves billions on the surface of a dying planet. How long those billions will be able to survive, no one knows. The future "Morlocks" will be tasked with furthering the research so one day Mankind can safely regain a foothold on the surface, while the "Eloi" will have to fend for themselves. Seeing the impact that the extra-solar changes could bring to this planet if the aerosol spraying program fails, it seems more likely that the "Morlocks" will remain human, while the "Eloi" surface survivors (if any) could mutate into the monsters. I have traveled around the world and lived in many different American cities. Currently, I reside in the Southwest. I watch the chemplanes fly in from Edwards Air Force base in California, desperately performing their mission. Although most of the crews are not aware of it, the success of their mission holds the fate of the human race in their hands. Several months ago I met a flight engineer who is a regular crew member aboard a re-fitted U.S. Air Force Boeing aircraft that is part of the aerosol mission out of Edwards. I will call him "Roger Anderson," although that is not his real name. He is a friend of a friend of mine who works in chemical engineering. Anderson was quite frank with me after I divulged to him all I knew at that point about the history and mission of chemtrails. We were sitting in the corner of an almost deserted BBQ restaurant in the city of Simi Valley, California (a restaurant, by the way, often frequented by men who work at Northrop's Skunkworks on Project Aurora, if that rings any bells with you). Anderson confirmed the true mission objectives and protocols and laughed when I brought up some of the half-baked conspiracy theories out there. He shook his head and found it fascinating that people could believe that the government would purposefully try to make people sick on a worldwide scale. After all, he pointed out, we're all breathing the same air -- whether you are a farmer in Iowa, a mechanic in Texas or a politician in Washington, DC. When I pressed him about the long term health effects from an aerosol spray that always contains at its base carbon black, ionized aluminum particles and barium, he admitted it will make some people ill. But he went on to argue that the alternative is much worse if just left to follow its own course without at least the attempt of human intervention. Based on what I have personally learned from my own research and contacts with government scientists these past few years, I had to agree. So what comes next? Will we reach the apex of drama as depicted in that old, British science fiction film, "The Day the Earth Caught Fire," where actor Leo McKern, portraying the editor of a London newspaper, holds up two possible headlines for the morning edition: "Earth Saved. Billions Give Thanks," or "Earth Doomed. People of the World Pray." The film ended with that scene and the viewer was left to their own imagination as to which scenario ensued. We are in that same predicament. We don't know exactly the cause of the phenomenon we are fighting. We don't know how long it will last or the peak of its intensity. We only know that the Earth, as well as all the other planets and our sun, has become enveloped in an unknown energy field that threatens all stability across the solar system and our very lives. When you see the chemplanes and the chemtrails in their wakes, look at them not with fear and trepidation, nor with anger and enmity, but embrace them and their brave crews. They are truly fighting the odds to save us and our planet. Look up at the skies and say a prayer for the heroes who are among us. If they fail, we all fail and our race itself may fail. But damn it, at least we went down swinging! Mirrored Here


SBVT more interested in politics then truth

Local Voices: SBVT more interested in politics then truth 09/18/2004 To the Times: In Gil Spencer’s column "Not everyone sold on Kerry’s Vietnam valor" (July 30), he introduced readers to Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a group founded to oppose the presidential candidacy of John Kerry. SBVT is a "527" group, a tax-exempt public advocacy group, free to spend money to influence elections as long as they do not work in coordination with political parties or candidates. On its Web site (www.swiftvets.com), SBVT describes itself as "non-partisan." The connections and loyalties SBVT has to the Republican Party, Bush family, and the Bush/Cheney 2004 re-election campaign makes any non-partisan claim by this group ridiculous. SBVT has waged a politically motivated smear campaign against John Kerry in an attempt to divert attention from questions surrounding President George W. Bush’s own military service record during Vietnam and his record as president of the United States for the past four years. Sen. John McCain condemned the SBVT advertisement after it first aired as "dishonest and dishonorable" and called on the White House to condemn it as well. The White House declined to do so and let the ad run its course. President Bush finally spoke out Aug. 23, suggesting all 527 groups are bad for the presidential election. Bush failed to specifically criticize the ad from SBVT. He chose to collectively bunch all 527 groups with the SBVT group. Many of these groups are involved in "get out the vote" campaigns. Most of these 527 groups are not engaging in smear campaigns with unsupported libelous allegations. In the 60-second TV ad, members of SBVT are presented as men who "served with John Kerry." None of the veterans featured in the ad served on either of John Kerry’s two swift boats (PCF 44 and PCF 94). In the ad, Louis Letson claims he knew Kerry was lying about his first Purple Heart because he treated him for that injury. Navy records show that Letson was not his doctor and did not treat Kerry for the injury in question. Adrian Lonsdale said in the advertisement that "(Kerry) lacks the capacity to lead." This opinion contradicts Lonsdale’s own assessment in 1996 of the courage and bravado demonstrated by the young officers that ran the swift boats. Lonsdale stated, "Sen. John Kerry was no exception." Another veteran in the ad, Lt. Commander George Elliot, states, "John Kerry has not been honest about what happened in Vietnam." However, during Kerry’s Senate re-election campaign in 1996, Elliott defended Kerry and described the action that merited him the Silver Star as "an act of courage." John E. O’Neill, co-author of "Unfit for Command," (which details SBVT claims), is listed as co-chairman of SBVT. He is a lawyer at the Houston-based firm Clements, O’Neill, Pierce, Wilson and Fulkerson. The clients of this law firm include oil and energy giants. President George W. Bush’s general counsel when he was the Texas governor, Margaret Wilson, is also a partner at the firm. She followed President George W. Bush to Washington and now serves as the deputy counsel for the Department of Commerce. In his column, Spencer cited comments by Rear Adm. Roy Hoffman (retired), chairman of SBVT. He failed to include the information that a Los Angeles Times examination of Navy archives found Hoffman actually praised Kerry’s performance in cabled messages during the Vietnam War. Spencer also cited comments by Kerry’s commanding officer, Lt. Commander Grant Hibberd, concerning the first Purple Heart Kerry was awarded for a shrapnel wound received Dec 2, 1968. Hibberd now expresses doubts about the source and severity of Kerry’s wound. Yet Hibberd made no mention of his doubts in a 1969 evaluation in which he gave Kerry the highest possible marks for the categories of moral courage, judgment and decisiveness and the second highest possible marks for the category of military bearing. If Hibberd was so troubled after the incident, why didn’t he include his doubts in his evaluation? It would also be easier to take the word of SBVT as truth if the major monetary contributors to the group didn’t include some Texans with deep pockets and longstanding loyalties to the Republican Party and Bush family. The most generous donors include Bob Perry, CEO of Houston-based Perry Homes, one of the largest builders in Texas. A campaign finance watchdog group, Texans for Public Justice, ranked Perry as the No. 3 donor in the state of Texas during the 2002 election cycle, with more than $4 million in donations to Republican political action committees and Republican candidates. The Bush administration has repeatedly denied any involvement or connection with the group launching these attack ads. It is hard to explain why a veteran featured in the recent ad, Kenneth Cordier, was a member of the Bush/Cheney 2004 Veteran’s Steering Committee. Cordier resigned from his position on Aug. 21, and his name was promptly removed from the Bush/Cheney 2004 Web site. It is difficult to believe the claims made by the veterans in the SBVT ad campaign because many of them have gone on record in the past praising John Kerry’s service in Vietnam. (That they came) forward with these accusations only after Kerry became the presumptive presidential nominee for the Democratic Party shows SBVT is more interested in politics than truth. One would sensibly think veterans who served as John Kerry’s crewmates would be the best judges of his honesty, character and leadership ability. Most of the veterans who actually served as crewmates of John Kerry showed their support for his candidacy for president by appearing on stage with him at the Democratic National Convention in July. JONATHAN THOMAS Aston ©The Daily Times 2004


Preparing for Military Draft in Spring 2005

This is for all the parents out there who have children between 18-26 years of age. US Preparing for Military Draft in Spring 2005 by Adam Stutz • Wednesday January 28, 2004 at 09:50 AM The current agenda of the US federal government is to reinstate the draft in order to staff up for a protracted war on "terrorism." Pending legislation in the House and Senate (twin bills S 89 and HR 163) would time the program so the draft could begin at early as Spring 2005 -- conveniently just after the 2004 presidential election! Reinstatement of the draft Dear Friends and Family, I urge you to read the article below on the current agenda of the federal government to reinstate the draft in order to staff up for a protracted war on "terrorism." Pending legislation in the House and Senate (twin bills S 89 and HR 163) would time the program so the draft could begin at early as Spring 2005 -- conveniently just after the 2004 presidential election! But the administration is quietly trying to get these bills passed NOW, so our action is needed immediately. Details and links follow. If voters who currently support U.S. aggression abroad were confronted with the possibility that their own children or grandchildren might not have a say about whether to fight, many of these same voters might have a change of mind. (Not that it should make a difference, but this plan would among other things eliminate higher education as a shelter and would not exclude women -- and Canada is no longer an option.) Please send this on to all the parents and teachers you know, and all the aunts and uncles, grandparents, godparents.... And let your children know -- it's their future, and they can be a powerful voice for change! Please also write to your representatives to ask them why they aren't telling their constituents about these bills -- and write to newspapers and other media outlets to ask them why they're not covering this important story. The Draft* $28 million has been added to the 2004 Selective Service System (SSS) budget to prepare for a military draft that could start as early as June 15, 2005. SSS must report to Bush on March 31, 2005 that the system, which has lain dormant for decades, is ready for activation. Please see website: http://www.sss.gov/perfplan_fy2004.html to view the SSS Annual Performance Plan - Fiscal Year 2004. The Pentagon has quietly begun a public campaign to fill all 10,350 draft board positions and 11,070 appeals board slots nationwide.. Though this is an unpopular election year topic, military experts and influential members of Congress are suggesting that if Rumsfeld's prediction of a "long, hard slog" in Iraq and Afghanistan [and a permanent state of war on "terrorism"] proves accurate, the U.S. may have no choice but to draft. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article5146.htm Congress brought twin bills, S. 89 and H.R. 163 forward this year, entitled the Universal National Service Act of 2003, "To provide for the common defense by requiring that all young persons [age 18--26] in the United States, including women, perform a period of military service or a period of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, and for other purposes." These active bills currently sit in the Committee on Armed Services. Dodging the draft will be more difficult than those from the Vietnam era remember. College and Canada will not be options. In December 2001, Canada and the US signed a "Smart Border Declaration," which could be used to keep would-be draft dodgers in. Signed by Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs, John Manley, and US Homeland Security Director, Gov. Tom Ridge, the declaration involves a 30-point plan which implements, among other things, a "pre-clearance agreement" of people entering and departing each country. Reforms aimed at making the draft more equitable along gender and class lines also eliminates higher education as a shelter. Underclassmen would only be able to postpone service until the end of their cur-rent semester. Seniors would have until the end of the academic year. *This article by Adam Stutz is from the "What's Hot Off the Press" column of the newsletter of Project Censored, a media research group at Sonoma State University that tracks the news published in independent journals and newsletters. From these, Project Censored compiles an annual list (more than 20 years running) of 25 news stories of social significance that have been overlooked, under-reported, or self-censored by the country's major national news media. The mission of Project Censored is "to educate people about the role of independent journalism in a democratic society and to tell The News That Didn't Make the News and why." "What's Hot Off the Press" includes student synopses of articles currently being investigated for inclusion in the next Project Censored report. For more info and/or to receive Project Censored's newsletter, go to http://www.projectcensored.org, or email [censored]@sonoma.edu


Why I didn't download SP2

Windows XP SP2 Opens Door For Everyone Published on: Thursday, 16 September 2004, 16:07 GMT As soon as you install SP2 on a Windows XP PC with a certain configuration, your file and printer releases are despite activated Firewall, world-wide visibly likewise all other services. The PC must make only for an internal LAN releases as well as by modem or ISDN a connection available to the InterNet manufacture. DSL users are excluded likewise concerned, those, which already integrated a Firewall in the DSL modem or one DSL-rout use. In addition the InterNet connecting release of this PC must be deactivated. It resulted in test way Scans on the part of the PC world that this configuration is by no means rare or exotic: Without larger trouble and in only short time we found private documents on easily accessible computers in the InterNet. It is to be assumed it weighs their owner in deceitful security that its releases would be visible only in the internal home net, since a password protection was not often even to be overcome.


Valerie Plame

I wonder why this "scandal" has been avoided in the press lately... First, the media is all over it. Now, hardly a peep. Here's a Quote from the Washington Post Story: "Fitzgerald is investigating whether Bush administration officials leaked the name of CIA covert officer Valerie Plame to syndicated columnist Robert D. Novak last July. Plame is married to former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV, a public critic of the Bush administration's claims about Iraq's efforts to develop weapons of mass destruction. Wilson has suggested that administration officials disclosed his wife's identity as retaliation for his criticism." So there it is in a nutshell. Bush administration member(s) of unknown identity leak classified information (Rat Her Out) and no one cares... You know that it is a federal crime of treason for one to divulge (Rat Her Out) a CIA operative's identity? Things are beginning to stink around the intel circles. What's next? Osama Bin Laden is going to mysteriously be captured? I'm betting that it will happen before November 2nd. How about you?


Censure Yahoo

Censure Yahoo for disabling the recommendation feature in it's message boards. Yahoo had a feature in it's message boards enabling the user to "Recommend this post". Well since this election has been heating up, many recommendations have been made for Anti Bush and Pro Kerry posts. So much so that to a Bush supporter, you would not want to continue reading. It's amazing that Yahoo caves into the likes of Karl Rove (I'm sure he is behind this) and others. The feature was very entertaining and more importnantly, provide the user to tell the poster that he agreed with his post. So what's up Yahoo? At least tell the users of your news boards why this has occured.


M & T Bank

Worry Free Checking My Ass As of September 3rd, 2004, My "Worry Free" checking account balance is - $ 181.16. And I'm going to explain to you why. M & T Bank is from New York. They had purchased the bank I held an account in for years October 6th, 2000. Prior to that, I enjoyed knowing that when I made a cash deposit on a Friday morning, the money was available for withdrawal or to be applied to checks written the same day. Since M & T Bank came along, you could arrive at the bank at 9:00 AM, Deposit $ 1000.00 in CASH, and not see the money until Tuesday morning! Meanwhile, back at M & T Headquarters, the greedy bastards would slam you with NSF fees of $ 30.00 a shot. In all, I have payed over $ 1,500.00! Use your Check Card as a MAC purchase at the WAWA? Cha Ching! $ 1.50. Withdrawl cash from any non M & T bank ATM, including PNC Bank which does not charge you for access? Slam! $ 1.50 please. Don't use your Check Card? Cha Ching! That will be another $ 1.50. Web Banking bill pay fee? NEVER USED It but yes, every month, $2.95 out of my account. And what the hell is a $3.00 fee for return check option doing there when I do nothing but bounce them? Here's the latest statement: Date Transaction Description Withdrawals Deposits Total Balance 08/30/2004 DEPOSIT $50.00 -$181.16 08/26/2004 CHECK CARD INACTIVITY FEE $1.50 -$231.16 08/26/2004 FEE FOR CHECK RETURN OPTION $3.00 -$229.66 08/02/2004 WEB BANKING BILL PAY FEE $2.95 -$226.66 07/26/2004 FEE FOR CHECK RETURN OPTION $3.00 -$223.71 07/20/2004 INSUFFICIENT FUNDS FEE- $30.00 -$220.71 07/20/2004 INSUFFICIENT FUNDS FEE-CHECK NUMBER **** $30.00 -$190.71 07/19/2004 STOLEN FROM AN INTERNET CO. (Will Post about this later) $5.95 -$160.71 07/01/2004 WEB BANKING BILL PAY FEE $2.95 Ok. Now some will say: "This guy just can't balance a budget", well your half right. In March of this year, I opened a checking account at Commerce Bank. No more slamming me with bounced check fees. Why? Well I can go there with cash even on a Sunday and deposit it, walk out the door, go to a MAC machine and the money is there to pay bills. So, getting back to M & T or I should say, M $ T, I went online and e mailed them concerning this. This is a few of their replies: (Note the dates.) Date: 11/10/2003 Message ID: 2259765 To: From: M&T Subject: Re: General Question (Sent 11/6/03) Dear Mr. Ward: Thank you for your email. Please note that cash deposits made before 2:00pm on a weekday will post to your account that same day. However, this will not appear in Web Banking until our system updates have been completed for that day. Updates do not complete until after 6:00am the next day. Because you made this deposit on the 5th before 2:00pm, it posted on that date. A review of your account record shows that you do not have overdraft protection. M&T offers a Line of Credit to be used with your checking account for overdraft purposes. If funds are not available in your account, the line of credit will transfer the dollar amount needed to pay the item up to the credit limit. There is a $1.00 line of credit transfer fee assessed for each occurrence in addition to finance charges on the outstanding balance. The finance charges assessed to your account work similarly to a credit card. This is a big savings compared to insufficient funds fees. There are three convenient ways to apply for a Line of Credit. As you are already a web user, you may find it easiest to visit our web site at http://www.mandtbank.com/ and choose the “Loans and Credit” option. From there you will need to click “Apply Now” and enter the appropriate information. When asked the “Loan Type,” choose “Overdraft Protection.” Of course, you may also apply at your nearest M&T Branch or by calling the M&T Telephone Banking Center at 1-800-724-2440. Thank you for banking with M&T. Well, that is not true. I have made deposits in cash well before 2 pm and have deposit slips to prove it! A line of credit? Yeah right, I was turned down. Why give me overdraft protection when you can get money from people like me? Now, they have a new type of checking account called "Totally Free". I inquired about it and was told by a teller that I'd have to pay off my account, then close it, then open up a new one to qualify. Now, does that make any sense? Banks should automatically give existing customers the new benefits. M & T Bank had $31.5 billion at December 31, 2001. And an office in the Cayman Islands. How nice.. Well, in the end, I will pay this off , cancel the Check Card and what am I with? A glorified piggy bank? Nah, I 'll just close the account completely. Banks should be investigated! I will say this about the bank. I'll miss the friendly tellers and staff at the local branch. That's one thing they have going for them, but remember, these tellers worked for the old bank, Keystone. I wonder what they think of their employers? Maybe I'll ask.. P.S. Copy this code and add it to your blog. M&T Bank


Energy Hog

Someone sent me this web site to add to our Delaware County Links section. Being that it isn't a Delaware County, PA link, I decided to post it here and in my blogroll. It explains energy losses from your home, etc with an interactive game using flash. Check it out! Fun for all ages!Energy Hog