
Yesterday afternoon I went to my favourite watering hole, Thomas's Cafe. To make a long story short, there are people in there who believe that Saddam did 911. Mr.B, a long time customer, was even getting pissed off at me and "Bruce" to the point of leaving after we tried in vain to tell him different. I asked B where he got his information. He replied, The TV. The Times... Oh, ok, the Times? You mean The Daily Times? Gil Spencer's Daily Times? B.went on to praise Bush for ridding the world of evil, and if it took ten thousand more dead troops to get the job done, well, so be it. Then, I have Mr. G inform me that I have no right to drive in Pennsylvania, it is a privilege.(I have to look this up, as I made a bet with him). Still another man, a stranger chimed in calling me a Democrat, whatever that is supposed to mean. So here you have 3 guys, one a cop, another claiming to be in the military (The stranger), a third retired coming down on me and Bruce like flies on shit. These guys really believe that Saddam Hussein was the man responsible for 911. I asked them: What about Bin Laden? B replies: There all connected.. Ok, whatever B. Keep reading Gil and keep being sheep to the media. Baaaaa. So, I ask all three one question: Do you own a computer? All three replied NO. Advice? Never discuss politics in a bar. Everybody thinks there right. On another note, I as you all can see, have a "BlogRoll". One site, Peter's Blog is listed there. This is what he posted about my link. Interesting Site? [Geeky Stuff] - peter @ 02:02:39 PM I found my blog (what you're looking at) listed under the "Interesting Sites" category on the Delaware County, PA Web Portal & Directory. This is totally random and weird. Totally random and weird. Hmmmm. Let's see. "Interesting Sites". Yes, I think the guy is talented with web design and graphics, Anime and stuff. Shall I start censoring what sites I add? Should everybody censor their blogrolls? My blogroll has far more "random and weird" sites than his. One, stellaislaura, is a blog from some woman who knits. how did I find her? I haven't got a clue. Must have been drinking and googling one night discussing knitting with the wife. But there it is, blogrolled forever. Hey,I wish someone would blogroll my blog. Hint to Mike... Well it's damn too early for me to be up, so I have time before work to googleblog some more sites that I find interesting. Cheers.

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