
'Which Swift Boat Veteran for Truth Member Blows His Brains Out First?'

September 23, 2004 I said it months ago, and I was right. These Swifties have successfully brought up the 'Dark Secrets and Atrocities' that went on in Vietnam. Regardless of who wins the Election come November 2, the fact is, Americans, Especially the 'Children' Will be doing more and more investigations and studying of the Vietnam War and those studies will include the hidden, well kept atrocities of that war, find out what that many of the things that John Kerry testified to back in the early 1970's are indeed factual, but have been successfully kept away from the general public over the last 35 yrs. Come this Holiday Season, You have to ask yourself, which 'Swift Boat Veteran For Truth Member' will be asked by one of their Grandchildren any of the following questions during Thanksgiving, or Christmas Dinner.... Grandpa, Did You know those guys who Cut Off Vietnamese Children's Heads during the War When You Served? Grandpa, Did you burn down people's homes too? Grandpa, Did you open fire and kill anything that moved? Or will they say things like.... Grandpa (Sobbing) Killing Mommies in front of their Children isn't right. Grandpa (sobbing) you said John Kerry was a Liar, and saying things that were not true but but the teacher in school taught us about Lt. Calley and the My Lai Massacre What those soldiers did was very bad, wasn't it? Grandpa, my teacher taught us about the 'Buried Secrets, Brutal Truths of Tiger Force' Did you know them? Did you do things like they did? (Sobbing) Did you ever cut the head off of a Baby in Vietnam? Which one of these guys, members of the 'Swift Boat Veterans for Truth' will be confronted with what is described above this holiday season by their own families, their grandchildren. Having to look them in their eyes during 'Thanksgiving' or 'Christmas' Dinner and realize that it was the actions of himself, for hopping on John O'Neill's bandwagon, to attempt to prevent John Kerry from becoming President because of Kerry's actions after he came home from the Battle Field and reported what was really going on in those jungles, reading testimony from other veterans of the horrors they have seen, or conducted. All with a one purpose, to bring an end to the madness. Which 'Swiftie' is going to realize that it was himself, who is responsible for opening up the can of dark secrets, atrocities, resulting from the actions of the 'Swift Boat Veterans For Truth Campaign' which has successfully accomplished opening up a the 'Pandora's Box of Vietnam'. As their Grandchildren, and Family are all looking at him during the dinner table, with tears coming down their eyes, and fear and horror overwhelm their faces as they discuss these things John Kerry testified about really did happen, and the issue of the Vietnam War itself, Which one of these 'Swifties' will feel his heart sink into his stomach, feel it being slowly digested by the his amino acids, eating away at him, destroying all he has, for his family will be watching, staring, at him with the realities of the Horrors of War overwhelming all he loves,,,, his family. Which Member of John O'Neill's Crew, will face this? And which one of these Swifties will wait for dinner to be over, their families to put their jackets on and leave for their own homes, then walk into his garage, his basement, or just sit right their in his living room, reflecting, with his gun in his hand, putting it to his head, and Blowing his Brains Out?

1 comment:

  1. Ease up dude, the swifties shit is old news, besides, Iraq is no Nam. No ear cutting off, no My Lai Massacre, no Draft (calm down cause that HR. 163 shit aint never gonna pass anyway) We just have to bomb them back to the stoneage like Nixon did to Cambodia! POMF!!!


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