It's called CHRISTMAS You Minority!
Wait..who are the terrorists again? Oh yeah, us.
Camp out for Hunger
"Diagnosis: Critical"
The Right To Travel Freely In America - DENIED !
My First Post...
Natalee Alive?
An Interesting Project
Special Guy 29
Foot In Mouth Disease - Terrell Owens Undoing
Nov.7 (Bloomberg) -- Philadelphia Eagles receiver Terrell Owens, a four-time Pro Bowl selection, won't play for the team again this season after criticizing the organization and quarterback Donovan McNabb, coach Andy Reid said.
So Terrell Owens opened his big mouth way to many times, being critical of his fellow teammates. According to several local Philly news outlets, Owens has acted like an out of control megalomaniac.
One entry found for megalomania.
Main Entry: meg·a·lo·ma·nia
Pronunciation: "me-g&-lO-'mA-nE-&, -ny&
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin
1 : a mania for great or grandiose performance
2 : a delusional mental disorder that is marked by infantile feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur
- meg·a·lo·ma·ni·ac /-'mA-nE-"ak/ adjective or noun
- meg·a·lo·ma·ni·a·cal /-m&-'nI-&-k&l/ also meg·a·lo·man·ic /-'ma-nik/ adjective
- meg·a·lo·ma·ni·a·cal·ly /-m&-'nI-&-k(&-)lE/ adverb
Ok. Enough of that. Fact is, Owens fits the bill to the tee. What does this mean to me? NOTHING. I've known all along as well of many other Philly sports fans that these "Lone Rangers" in the end do more damage to the team as a whole than they are worth.
Remember Eric Lindros?
The big baby who couldn't do nothing unless Mommy & Daddy approved? The same Eric who repurtedly screwed Rod Brind'Amour's wife? The one who was "IT" ?
The Eagles will survive, as you all know, it takes A TEAM to win. Not one or two players. Remember this quote? "Win together now and we walk together forever." Yes, A man who I grew up admiring as a coach of the greatest hockey team ever, Fred Shero said that in 1975, during the Stanley Cup playoffs. The Eagles, and Andy Reid have made a good call in terminating Owens, as hurtful as his talent will be missed. I just feel sorry for all you people who went out and bought a T.O. jersey. Maybe you can auction them off on Ebay. Or burn them in effigy. Good riddance I say.