
Wait..who are the terrorists again? Oh yeah, us.

From the AP: Miami police announced Monday they will stage random shows of force at hotels, banks and other public places to keep terrorists guessing and remind people to be vigilant. Deputy Police Chief Frank Fernandez said officers might, for example, surround a bank building, check the IDs of everyone going in and out and hand out leaflets about terror threats. "This is an in-your-face type of strategy. It's letting the terrorists know we are out there," Fernandez said. --------------- So the Miami Police is now an occupying force keeping the terrorist citizens at bay. In other news Miami citizens are now prohibited from walking around in public without an arm band signifying their political affiliation, sexual preference, practiced religion and domesticated animal preference all in the name of Homeland Security. One official noted "an ancillary benefit of this program is it makes dating that much easier". I ask again, who are the terrorist? Bin Ladin? The Police? Us? My cat? Everyone? Well, everyone except politicians...

1 comment:

  1. Here's an interesting parallel to Miami.

    They have been designated, by the Bush White House, as U.S.-born citizens, as "Domestic Terrorists" for directly confronting, or seeking to directly confront, Federal Judges who they accuse of corruption. Homeland Security contends that this tends to interfere with the operation and credibility of the Federal Judiciary, such as in Chicago and at the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C.

    The full article and more can be
    found here.

    Your post reminds me of a saying that I heard years ago pertaining to the Jews in Nazi Germany and how people didn't care because they weren't Jewish.


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