
Big Box Companies...oye...

---caution: long post--- Start Scene 1:00pm - pick up phone - dial Lowes of N. Wilmington, DE (wait on hold) 'how can I help you' "flooring please" (wait on hold) 'hello how can I help you' "hi how are you doing this morning" *yes I usually do start with this. Damn nice guy syndrome or something* 'good and you' "I have a little issue, I signed a contract and paid for flooring and haven't heard anything. I know it takes like 2 weeks for the carpet to come in and after it comes your contractor has 48hrs to call me but I haven't heard anything from anyone and its beyond the 2 weeks" 'oh well I'm not at a computer right now, I'm actually standing watch at a forklift, can I take your name/number and call you back' "I'd rather not, can you transfer me to someone who can answer my question" *seriously, why pick up the phone if you can't help. and no, I will not leave my name/number. I have never ever ever had anyone from any company ever call me back when they said they would. yeah I do know why, minimizing on hold time is probably some company priority but its worse if I do talk to someone who can't answer the question* (noise, people talking, I obviously wasn't getting transfered and instead was on 'active hold' while she just stood there) 'are you still there?' *where was I gonna go?* "yes I'm here" *blahblahblah its crazy busy I don't care I'm annoyed that you answered the phone though you were obviously incapable of helping at the time since you were elsewhere, which is fine just don't answer the phone then* 'ok this shows your carpet came in Wednesday, let me transfer you to the install department and you'll work it out with them' "whatever needs to happen, thanks" (wait on hold) (hear, BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP really loud) "yeah that's not fun, let's not do that" 'oh your still there? hang on' "Install" (insert spheal) 'ok I will contact the contractor and get him to schedule an install date with you' "So I signed a contract that you didn't follow (e.g. me getting called within 48hrs) and all that happens is you call the contractor?" 'yes, let me contact him and get him to call you' "is there a manager around' 'Hang on...wait he left his phone here, hang on...wait he's in a meeting, no wait there he is' *what the!?* 'can I help you?' (insert spheal) "ok let us call the contractor so he can call you and schedule an install" 'yeah but, I didn't get called within the 48hrs as in the contract and nothing happens?' "we'll call the contractor and get you set up" *he just wasn't taking the hint* 'so you didn't follow the contract and nothing happens' "I'm not trying to argue with you I just want to get you schedule" 'I signed a contract to get flooring and part of that was being informed within a certain timeframe which didn't happen and I get no compensation that you didn't follow the contract' *either he was annoyed that I stated basically that same thing again OR because I inserted the word compensation. I'm going with compensation* (louder annoyed voice) 'let us call the contractor and then we can discuss compensation' "ok, thank you" End Scene Start Scene 1:40pm (receiving phone call) 'can I speak with ?' *40 minutes turn around time. not too bad considering he's probably on the job. I KNEW I was goign to get a call pretty soon. I also was pretty sure it would be a waist of time call...see below* "speaking" 'yeah his this is Lowe's said you want your carpet installed?' *no I want it to sit in a warehouse. I paid for it up front and signed a contract to get it installed which included you coming over and doing measurements and a detailed estimate only for me to use it as compost.* "yes" 'I have nothing available up until christmas but I'm not in the office right now I'm on a job so I can't schedule anything until I get back to the office' *don't call me and waist my time! I know why you called me, because lowe's called you and said they're some crazy guy all pissed off (though I'm more annoyed than pissed off) so they asked that you call me right away to lessen my pissed-off-ness though all it did was increase it because you waisted my time* "ok just call me later" End Scene Start Scene 5:57pm (receiving phone call) 'hi can I speak with ' *yes. we only own cell phones. we do not have a home phone number. if anyone answers this particular phone number you have it will 99.9% of the time be the person you want to speak with* "speaking" 'hi this is I just got a cancellation on the 22nd' "um, let me get my calendar (fumble to get out MobilePro)...um, yeah ok 22nd is fine" *22nd actually kinda stinks but given the way the day went screw it, I'll take another day off to get this done. Plus it will hopefully be done off-gassing while we're away* 'ok, um, are you taking the carpet off yourself' "yes I am, so what are the logistics of this? What's the timeframe" 'well since your taking the existing carpet up yourself just one day' "what time will you be showing up" 'probably 9/9:30' *LOVE the specifics!* "speaking of tearing up the carpet, do you need me to remove the doors?* 'um, no we can do that, that's not a big deal' "ok, see you on the 22nd" End Scene I'm convinced there was no 'cancellation' and that it was either Lowe's giving him shit or Lowe's sweatening the pot for him. That depends on if the contractor was ever informed that my carpet came in. Whatever happened between the big box and their contractor is between them, my contract is with Lowes and THEY are to perform. If they get a contractor that's their perogative. Why do I even care? Well all I know is if the roles were reversed, if the little guy screwed up the big box company would have no problem screwing me over. That's why. What do I want? Heck give me a freaking lowe's gift card with 10% or even 5% of my purchase price on it. Ensures my business with you isn't impacted by your screw-up. I mean, there is a home depot a hell of a lot closer to my house. If they don't give me anything I know I can't do anything about it, but, I might as well try. I'm more annoyed that things didn't happen like big box company should ensure they do. I hate that I have to keep constant watch over anything I'm involved in and things just don't work they way they should. I shouldn't have to deal with this, THEY should be dealing with it. Why do I pay money? I mean I could've just bought the material, hauled it home, picked some carpet install guy from the yellow pages and had NONE of this. I went with this due to NOT having to deal with issues but what am I doing? Dealing with issues. I owe it to all the little guy's people out there to try to get something out of this.


  1. Why do I even care? Well all I know is if the roles were reversed, if the little guy screwed up the big box company would have no problem screwing me over. That's why.

    You are quite right about that PIT, for sure! I have a friend who installs carpet. Fast, reasonable, and most of all, no bullshit.

    Did you ever get this issue resolved?

  2. I avoid big box retailers like the plague anymore, nothing but one big pain in the ass. Been to the newest Home Depot in Broomall lately? They've got so much shit crammed into the aisles, those stupid cardboard setups with merchandise on them. You can hardly navigate a god damn cart down the aisles. The rear section of the store is crammed with junk all over the place. I went in there to purchase some winter weatherizing materials about two months ago and walked out after trying to just navigate a cart thru the store. They didn't even have half of the merchandise I needed in stock or even available. I asked an employee "what gives with this place" he stated that the company is trying to cram as much merchandise as physically possible into the footprint of the store to earn the revenue they need but the size and overall footprint of this particular store is about 15% smaller than what they really use on new locations. This idiotic plan has got to be costing them out the ass. I'm now patronizing my small local hardware guy, he's got what I need and I'm in & out of his place in 10 mins tops. Plus I can park right out front. Besides, when he rings me up, he knows what the stuff costs, ever have to wait at a big box retailer while they check on the price of shit? They're clueless anymore. More aggravation that they are worth.


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