
Joe Sestak - Affordable Healthcare

I was sent this video. We here in Delco who do not have healthcare for our families are watching what you say. The above video has Joe Sestak talking about it. Curt Weldon also has a stance. Problem is, he has had many years to get the job done, and still no affordable healthcare. I move to vote Joe Sestak as our new Congressman. Time for new blood. Cheers.


  1. Baloney! Sestak lives in Virginia!

  2. So does Santorum but I don't hear you wingnuts whining about that.

    Joe's a Cardinal O'Hara boy who served his country for 31 years. Where exactly did Weldon, the guru of military spending, serve? Oh, that's right -- he didn't.

    Other than lining his (and his kids and his cronies) pockets with our tax dollars and buying a few firetrucks, what do we have to show for 20 years of Curt Weldon?

    Even at the Boeing plant he loves to crow about, they have less jobs now than they did five years ago.

    From 1998 to now, Delco has lost over 8,000 jobs.

    Like Franny says, time for new blood. Sestak has the right stuff and he would make us proud.

  3. Sestak will alienate others in Congress and be an ineffective representative. His abrasive, self-centered style is well known in Naval circles to have resulted in a great many excellent men choosing to leave our military's ranks. Sestak was a brown-noser and manipulator who doesn't deserve your vote.

  4. Anonymous said...

    Sestak will alienate others in Congress and be an ineffective representative. His abrasive, self-centered style is well known in Naval circles to have resulted in a great many excellent men choosing to leave our military's ranks. Sestak was a brown-noser and manipulator who doesn't deserve your vote.

    Based on what information? Cite please.

    He won't alienate his fellow Democrats which, come January, will outnumber the Republicans.

  5. Wow, he's gonna make health care affordable for everyone! This guys a friggin miracle worker then right? I guess all that Naval experience will make this dream come true for him then. Damn, I shoulda joined the Navy.

  6. Curt Weldon is our Congressman and will be well into the future. This carpetbagger named Joe can stay where he lives.

  7. It cracks me up when all you liberal Democratics get yourselves so worked up over military candidates nowadays. In years past, you were against the military and our soldiers. Now, because it is politically expedient, you embrace them. Hilarious!!!

  8. Is it true that the Delaware County Democratic Party ran the following ad back in January in the Daily Times:

    "Wanted: Democratic candidates for public office. No experience or prior community involvement necessary. No need for applicants to actually live in the places where they will run. Must be arrogant and bossy. Military experience helpful (as long as our polls say so), however, it is OK if you were fired from your last post. OK if you have not voted very often."

  9. "Like Samuel L. Jackson's character at the end of the movie Unbreakable, you become aware, only after the fact, of the disgraceful role that you were destined to play" Dude, put down the mouse and get out of the house for Christ's sake. Movie character references.......I guess I should be grateful that's it's not the same old Bush Hitler shit but then again, you proved me wrong with the stereotypical "brownshirt" reference. Do your parent's even take you seriously at this point in your life?

  10. "Like Samuel L. Jackson's character at the end of the movie Unbreakable, you become aware, only after the fact, of the disgraceful role that you were destined to play" Dude, put down the mouse and get out of the house for Christ's sake. Movie character references.......I guess I should be grateful that's it's not the same old Bush Hitler shit but then again, you proved me wrong with the stereotypical "brownshirt" reference. Do your parent's even take you seriously at this point in your life?

  11. Can anyone tell me why if Sestak loves his country & Delaware County so much, where is his name on a Tax bill in delaware county, or for that matter the State of PA where he want's to representate? Why doesn't he ever Vote in delaware county? And why was he "offered to leave" the military? Don't normaly good leaders get promoted, not given easy ways out? Sestak has No governmental leadership Experience. Weldon started out with helping his own neighbors take back their streets, & because of his commitment to his constituients has been Elected & Promoted to the position he is in today! He is respected, around the world but does not forget where his roots are. Many families atribute Boeing's Ridley plant still being open to him, it's another example of of Weldon's love & care for his hometown area & Delaware County. If sestak wants to start out helping out his local community maybe he should begin volunteering his time like Weldon did & still does, not seeking something in return & claiming you did something for your country by using your Failed Military career as your title tagline in a campaign. ~ Proudly voting for Curt in 2006

  12. Number one, the above poster cannot spell for the life of him, and number two, Curt Weldon is a corrupt career crook, who never gave a shit about Delaware County. Boeing? Daughter worked there? Sexton? Another sneaky Springfield Twp bum! Goodbye all you bush backing scumbags!


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