
PSoTD What Happens When State Legislators Sit In Office for 26 Years?

PSoTD What Happens When State Legislators Sit In Office for 26 Years?


  1. Casey, when will you denounce Ed Rendell, the father of the pay raise?!?

  2. Casey doesn't need to denounce anybody. He's not a Republican idiot. How about Civera taking the pay raise? This blatant corruption will be addressed in November when Civera, Micozzie, and the rest of these bums are voted out!

    Happy days are here again!

  3. What happens when state legislators sit in office and do virtually nothing for 14 years like Greg Vitali?

  4. What happens when state legislators sit in office and do virtually nothing for 14 years like Greg Vitali?

  5. What happens when state legislators sit in office and do virtually nothing for 14 years like Greg Vitali?

  6. Well you do have guts, but he won't debate you.

  7. You, Lentz and SeStak should all go to Iraq and fight our enemies instead of bothering us.

  8. Anonymous said...
    You, Lentz and SeStak should all go to Iraq and fight our enemies instead of bothering us.

    More like: You Anonymous, Civera, Gannon and Weldon who Never Served should get lost. Pussy Republican warhawks who spout about "getting the terrorists"?

    Your the terrorists, and all will get what's due come november!

  9. If you are willing to debate a 26 year incumbent, he should do it. I'd like to hear from him, once, outside of his questionable "public service" appeals.

  10. How sad. Mario, you're not invulnerable. The people who have voted for you in the past are dissapointed with you. If you can't participate in a debate with this young man, why should I vote for you? You've had a free ride for too long, it's refreshing to see someone give you a run.


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