
Delaware County For Ron Paul

In an earlier post, I briefly posted on why I think that Ron Paul should be elected president in 2008. After reading about the Iowa Straw Poll, and the fact that I believe it was rigged for Romney, only reinforces my belief that the Republican party needs a major overhaul. Ron Paul is one of three candidates (the other two are Mike Gravel and Dennis Kucinich, both Democrats), that say that they would bring our troops home from the Middle East. This so called "War" is killing thousands of American men and women. Didn't we learn anything from Vietnam? Look at Russia, who got it's asses handed to them in Afghanistan in the 80's while we funded Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban. Ron Paul will put an end to this. He will not stoop to the big corporate lobbyist. He is against "Nation Building". He respects and says he will uphold the Constitution of the United States, an oath that Bush took and has laughed at ever since. If you really love America, wake up and get involved. I would like to see Ron Paul here in Clifton Heights. I would like to see him as my president in 2008. If you would also like to see him here, click on the eventful picture above. Cheers. P.S. Interesting video about what the Federal Reserve Bank has done with our nations wealth. Click Here.

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