
The SCHIP Dilemma - Are Your Children Worth it?

I've been closely following this bill to increase funding for low to middle income families who cannot afford health care for their kids. President Bush vetoed the bill, urging congress to give him yet more money for his "nation building" regime in the Middle East. Well how did our reps in Pennsylvania vote? Democrats - Altmire, Y; Brady, Y; Carney, Y; Doyle, Y; Fattah, Y; Holden, Y; Kanjorski, Y; Murphy, Patrick, Y; Murtha, Y; Schwartz, Y; Sestak, Y. Republicans -Dent, Y; English, Y; Gerlach, Y; Murphy, Tim, Y; Peterson, N; Pitts, N; Platts, Y; Shuster, N. To those "Republicans", Peterson, Pitts and Shuster, you should be ashamed. As Jane Hamsher points out here, people need to be motivated to do something about their so called elected officials when it comes to such a needed service. Please don't tell me it's socialized health care either. America is dead last in health care for the people, while doctors, insurance companies and lawyers get fat with money. How much do they (lobbyist) contribute to these elected officials who all tout that they are for the people again? I have a question for all who are running for office here in Pennsylvania this November: How would you have voted for the SCHIP bill? P.s. Michele Malkin? You ought to be ashamed of yourself!

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