
What Excuse Will This Bastard Give?

Investigation continues as hit-and-run victim buried By: Cindy Scharr, cscharr@delcotimes.com 08/08/2008 As the family and friends of 16-year-old hit-and-run victim Faith Margaret Sinclair said their final goodbyes Friday, investigators waited to hear from the owner of the damaged Mercedes-Benz found inside an Upper Darby garage. What they heard was silence. "We've not heard a thing today," said Sharon Hill Police Chief Robert Tinsley. "I'd love to have him come in with his attorney and talk." Read the full article here. So Mr. Payne, a scumbag who has prior arrests for drunk driving and citations for reckless driving, What's your excuse going to be? Did someone else drive your car? Or here's one: "I thought it was a deer that I struck!!!" Your pathetic guilt only causes me and thousands of others who are following this story want to run you over. How would that feel Mr. Payne? I cannot believe that you're not in jail right now! I don't need to post "Alleged driver" like the newspaper need to do. You can sue me you scumbag. You won't get a dime. How can you sleep at night? Do the right thing. CONFESS! You know you did it! Suck it up and turn yourself in! P.s. I know where you live you bastard and so do a lot of others!

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