Showing posts with label Election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Election. Show all posts


Stronghold or Stranglehold?

Well Happy New Year to the few who read this Blog anymore. A lot of things have changed over the years since I first started this blog. The biggest shocker of 2019 was the take over of Delaware County by the Democratic Party, or I should say "Delco Dems".

From the Judges of the Superior Court, the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, County Council, The District Attorney's office, Most of the Magisterial District Judge positions, and the Upper Darby School Board, Democrats were ALL voted in.

This is from what I hear the first time since the Civil War that Dems controlled Delaware County. A lot of people I see and hear have varied opinions for this. The current situation involving the President, Minorities moving in to the area from Philly, even George Soro's intervention by donating over a million bucks to the Party.

One thing is clear at least from my standpoint. Our new Mayor here in Upper Darby, Barbarann Keffer, has had a pitiful record of managing a small borough of Milbourne, to the point of being fired. She, as a council member, didn't contribute much. There is her questionable allegiance to Margo Davidson. I'm really hoping that these newly elected officials keep their "Promises" and are open and transparent. Only time will tell. Enough said. For now.



Robert L. Davidson - You Be The Judge

Tomorrow is Pennsylvania's Voters election of Judges in the Commonwealth. I googled our current sitting Judge, Christopher Maddox, and found that he has an opponent, a Man by the name of Robert L. Davidson. Mr. Davidson has had some legal problems concerning finances, a lien from the IRS, several years of municipal tax liens, and other problems.

Judge Maddox has served Upper Darby for over Twelve Years, and has handled tens of thousands of cases. I was in front of him myself years ago, and He was by the book, fair. In retrospect, I deserved what I received. I have lived in Upper Darby Township most of my life, and have seen many changes, mostly negative.

Crime today is rampant in the Stonehurst and Bywood sections, no thanks to the THUGS who live there and no thanks to Section 8 housing. In that respect I want this town to be whole again, a daunting task considering what trash has moved in. I know what your saying, this guy's a racist. nothing could be further from the truth. you see I lived in this town on the border of West Philly in the sixties, seventies, and eighties, and saw a beautiful town turn to shit. Period.

 I'm looking at His record. He has none. He is not even an Attorney. According to His Facebook page he worked for The Arthur Jackson Company, a janitorial Service company located in Upper Darby. How can He be a fair and impartial jury? Judge Maddox has proven himself as fair and impartial, year after year after year. Upper Darby needs alot of change. But somethings must remain the same for it to survive.