Showing posts with label democrat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label democrat. Show all posts


Delco Hires A Health Czar

I just found about about this woman being chosen to be our first Health Department head. Melissa C. Lyon, who's resume includes several stints in administrative position in the State of New York, as well as for a small Bio Tech company. My issue and should be yours's also if you live in Delaware County?  
Well it's what's below, penned by Leana Wen M.D.

1) Require vaccinations for interstate travel. If you want the privilege of traveling on a plane or train, you need to do your part and get vaccinated.
2) Urge businesses to implement "no vaccine, no service" rules, and supporting San Francisco and New York in requiring vaccines to enter indoor restaurants, bars, gyms and other venues.
3) Mandate for all children 12 and older to be vaccinated, as we do for other childhood immunizations (as Los Angeles Unified School District has just decided to).
4) Issue a national proof of vaccination, as many other countries have done. 
5) Urge states, local governments, and businesses to re-implement indoor mask mandates until vaccinations rates are much higher and cases are much lower.

The time for cajoling is over. Biden should use the full authority of the federal government to make it difficult for Americans to remain unvaccinated.

In other words, yet another pro vax, pro mandate, anti-constitution, authoritarian rule bureaucrat who like many in any government capacity, have been on a power and money trip since this whole shitshow started in Wuhan, China.
So buckle up Delco! Or should I say, roll your sleeve up! 



Robert L. Davidson - You Be The Judge

Tomorrow is Pennsylvania's Voters election of Judges in the Commonwealth. I googled our current sitting Judge, Christopher Maddox, and found that he has an opponent, a Man by the name of Robert L. Davidson. Mr. Davidson has had some legal problems concerning finances, a lien from the IRS, several years of municipal tax liens, and other problems.

Judge Maddox has served Upper Darby for over Twelve Years, and has handled tens of thousands of cases. I was in front of him myself years ago, and He was by the book, fair. In retrospect, I deserved what I received. I have lived in Upper Darby Township most of my life, and have seen many changes, mostly negative.

Crime today is rampant in the Stonehurst and Bywood sections, no thanks to the THUGS who live there and no thanks to Section 8 housing. In that respect I want this town to be whole again, a daunting task considering what trash has moved in. I know what your saying, this guy's a racist. nothing could be further from the truth. you see I lived in this town on the border of West Philly in the sixties, seventies, and eighties, and saw a beautiful town turn to shit. Period.

 I'm looking at His record. He has none. He is not even an Attorney. According to His Facebook page he worked for The Arthur Jackson Company, a janitorial Service company located in Upper Darby. How can He be a fair and impartial jury? Judge Maddox has proven himself as fair and impartial, year after year after year. Upper Darby needs alot of change. But somethings must remain the same for it to survive.


Hillary And Brother Nathanial

Being subscribed to David Vose's You Tube Channel, I receive updates of videos he shares. When I opened my e mail, there popped up "Brother Nathaniel", well known as a man who converted from Judaism to Christianity. Seems he makes no bones about Jewish Men and Women and that their agendas.I have always been critical of wealthy people, regardless of their race or religion.

My worry as a White Christian Male in America today? It's seeing the "less fortunate" people receive "entitlements", from money to buy a home, start a business, or even just sit around and do nothing. I am seeing 5 million "Illegals" ready to receive hefty IRS checks. I see free lunches, free healthcare, the list goes on and on.

I have worked since I was 14 years old, and being "Self Employed" means I get no free healthcare, nor do I receive "unemployment benefits". I will never have a "retirement fund", nor a "pension". now, many will say, tough shit buddy, you made your bed, now lay in it, Not a problem.

But I DO have a problem, and it is in this video "Brother Nat", hit the nail on the head, No White Family, other than the one with the "Special Needs"child. Kinda makes all the others superior in their eyes I guess.

There are two people who I would never consider voting for to hold ANY type of office. One is (you guessed it) Hillary Rodham Clinton. The other? That fat prick Chris Christie.  You know Him, The guy who loves the Dallas Cowboys and likes to give awkward hugs to Jerry Jones?

Who am I going to vote for? There are a few that I will consider.Elizabeth Warren. About the only WOMAN I'd like to see as President.

Rand Paul. I voted for his Dad as a write in before, I agree with what he has to say. Problem is, will he do as he says if he wins?

Ben Carson. An "African American" who more intelligence than myself, a man for all Americans, not "Special Interest Groups". There are others, but this is certain. If another Bush or Clinton obtains the White House again, we as the "Middle Class" of all colors, you know, us who work for a living and watch as it's all given away? will be even more in debt, in fear of losing our homes, jobs, and future for our Children and Grandchildren.



Hamsher Fever

Jane Hamsher - The most wanted blogger in Delaware County
A few days ago I posted something on both the Haverford Blog and our own forum, telling everyone that I was setting up a blogger meet at a local bar. I also stated that Jane Hamsher (of Firedoglake), Above Average Jane (of Aboveavejane), Akkam (from Akkam's Razor), and hopefully a few others could (not would) be in attendance. I was amazed of the flood of e mails that I received, 23 in all, asking me if Jane Hamsher was really going to be there! Cripes, don't people actually READ? I never said that she was going to be there, I said " Also in attendance could be".. I trully wish Jane would have shown up, but number one, I believe she lives in Virginia! Two, I don't know her personally, and if I did It's not like I could call her up and say: Hi Jane, this is Fran. I'm having a blogger meet at Peabody's and I want you here NOW! Even if I did know her, she would probably tell me to **** off, and I wouldn't blame her one bit. (Us Men are so demanding at times, aren't we?) Finally, I received one e mail from a liberal Democrat asking me if I could confirm that Jane Hamsher would be in attendance. Thankfully I read it and replied that Noooo She wouldn't be there, that I was only kidding! Two people did show up, and we had a good chat, abit brief. The first thing that they asked was: Is Jane here? P.S. I was hoping John Gault would have shown up..