Showing posts with label County Council. Show all posts
Showing posts with label County Council. Show all posts


Delco Temporally goes "Blue"

>After seeing this County go "Blue" back in the Spring, and a follow up from last year, I have been reading articles and investigating why this occured.And now that as of last week, I read where Democratic activits here in Delaware County were actusally bragging on Facebook where they "did their part" in getting Biden a Win in Pennsylvania, has led me to totally believe that the primary was full of corruption. This also has occurred in Philadelphia, where none other than Facebook's Mark Zuckerburg "Donated" 40 million Dollars to people to count the mail in ballots. These people broke laws, by not allowing official vote count watchers in from either side, so as in my opinion so they can not say they were cheating. I won't bore you with more "jibberish" as you may be calling this blog post, so I"ll leave you with this link: Excutitve Order from Donald J.Trump Be sure to read it in it's entirety. It's an EXCUTITVE ORDER. In other words? If what I'm reading holds water? CNN, MSNBC, The New York Tinmes, and even the Delco Times, can be held complacement in election interference and worse. And that goes for Facebook, Twitter, and most of the Democratic Party. This is the End Game in my opinion. Cheers.


Our Future here in Delaware County


This is what's on my mind at this late hour. this is my opinion of what's going on here in the United States as well as the rest of the world. The Democrats, with the aid of the MSM, Social Media, the backing of George Soros, The Vatican, and the Communist Government of China, have been mounting a multi-faceted assault on President Trump and the Republic of the United States of America. This amounts to Seditious Treason, espionage and several other "Crimes against the State". Our children are being indoctrinated into Marxist ideals in school, violence is glorified, sexual perversion is rampant. Make no mistake. This shit is REAL. 

And the Republicans are guilty of this as well, but in a different way and a different time. I was dead set against George Bush and his "Terror" campaign naming Saddam Hussein as the bad guy behind 9/11. Within 24 hours of that horrible day, where I watched three buildings imploded right on television, He was begging for war with Iraq. This had NOTHING to do with Saddam or Kuwait. It had everything to do with Him deciding to trade oil not with American Dollars, but with Iraqi Dinar. 

That was his fateful decision that costed 600,000 Iraqi citizens of all ages death, and over 1,200 American Service personnel thier lives. 

And over the years, Gulf "Two", and Afghanistan have cost us dearly.

President Trump is the FIRST "outsider" that I know of that wouldn't play their game. "Both" sides have been trying to oust him, unsuccessfully. 

This November, WE The People need to VOTE TRUMP. Or seal our fate as slaves to the Democrats who want the U.S. to go back to "The Way it Was". Like having our companies outsource to China, and sell out America for their cronies.

Lastly? This "Wuhan" Virus? It was manufactured with the blessing and help in my opinion by Dr. Anthony Fauci, Funding by Bill Gates and George Soros, and the blessing of the MSM, Social Media, Silicon Valley, and the Democratic higher ups.

And locally? We have the inept "Novel" Mayor, Barbarann Keffer, who clearly cannot handle this community and it's problems. More about Her later... 



New Social Networking Platforms for 2020

Here's a quick post of some new Social Networking platforms that I am using to have my political views seen. I also have this Blog, although it's like a dinosaur, but believe it or not, gets attention from certain local "Political Groups" enough to complain to google. It's called the 1st Amendment. You know, the one that you want to take away from republicans or any conservatives people? 

Here are the un biased platforms.

Look for "Franny Ward" on them and friend request me. 


Robert L. Davidson - You Be The Judge

Tomorrow is Pennsylvania's Voters election of Judges in the Commonwealth. I googled our current sitting Judge, Christopher Maddox, and found that he has an opponent, a Man by the name of Robert L. Davidson. Mr. Davidson has had some legal problems concerning finances, a lien from the IRS, several years of municipal tax liens, and other problems.

Judge Maddox has served Upper Darby for over Twelve Years, and has handled tens of thousands of cases. I was in front of him myself years ago, and He was by the book, fair. In retrospect, I deserved what I received. I have lived in Upper Darby Township most of my life, and have seen many changes, mostly negative.

Crime today is rampant in the Stonehurst and Bywood sections, no thanks to the THUGS who live there and no thanks to Section 8 housing. In that respect I want this town to be whole again, a daunting task considering what trash has moved in. I know what your saying, this guy's a racist. nothing could be further from the truth. you see I lived in this town on the border of West Philly in the sixties, seventies, and eighties, and saw a beautiful town turn to shit. Period.

 I'm looking at His record. He has none. He is not even an Attorney. According to His Facebook page he worked for The Arthur Jackson Company, a janitorial Service company located in Upper Darby. How can He be a fair and impartial jury? Judge Maddox has proven himself as fair and impartial, year after year after year. Upper Darby needs alot of change. But somethings must remain the same for it to survive.


The Future of the Delaware County GOP

With the May Primary fast approaching, I am curious to see how our local Republican candidates fare. The Republican candidates are as follows:

For Governor:
Samuel E. Rohrer
Tom Corbett

For Lieutanant Governor:
Steve Johnson
Jean Craige Pepper
Russ Diamond
Chet Beiler
Stephen A. Urban
Daryl Metcalfe
John Kennedy
Billy McCue

United States Senator:
Pat Toomey
K. Peg Luksik

US Representative; (District 7)
Patrick Meehan

State Representative; (District 163)
Nicholas A. Micozzie

Corbett, Toomey, Meehan, and Micozzie I can relate to and am voting for. As far as the Democrats, who knows and who cares? If the Democrats gain control of Delaware County, specifically Upper Darby, you can bet that the township will be annexed into the City of Philadelphia. Don't believe me? Well look it up. The city has swallowed townships like Northern Liberties, Bristol Township, Roxbourough Township, Delaware Township and many more here.

Imagine losing their Police and Fire Departments, Departments of Sanitation, Public Works, and the School District. If you think the township has gone to the dogs now, just wait until November. My advice? Vote Straight Republican in November!


Community Service - Seat Belts Optional

This is going to have some serious legal ramifications. I can only imagine what David Landau will have to say about this.. Read on:
Community service turns into wild ride By Timothy Logue, CHESTER — Seven non-violent offenders sentenced to community service were taken on a hell ride Friday by a drunk county employee responsible for transporting them to and from their trash-picking duties, officials said. “It was terrifying,” said one man who held on for dear life as Adonis Robinson swerved in and out of oncoming traffic and hopped an occasional curb while driving through Upper Darby, Lansdowne, Clifton Heights and Aldan. “The guy was absolutely toasted.” By the time Robinson crashed his county van into a Mercedes in the 200 block of Edgmont Avenue in Chester, six of his passengers had bailed out at various locations. “I’ve had a lot of people show up for community service drunk, but this is the first time for one of my drivers,” said Community Service Director Walter Omlor, who immediately called Upper Darby police when he got word one of his drivers appeared to be driving under the influence. “I know he wasn’t on anything when left in the morning.” Robinson, 54, of the first block of Worrell Street in Chester, was charged with DUI, recklessly endangering another person, driving at unsafe speeds, careless and reckless driving, aggravated assault by vehicle while driving under the influence and driving with open container. He was taken to the cell block at the Chester Police Station and later arraigned by Magisterial District Judge Spencer B. Seaton Jr., according to Omlor, who said Robinson had worked for the county for more than seven years. “I’m a constable and just happened to have warrants on another guy Chester had in custody,” he said. “I saw (Robinson) there and said, ‘You’re done.’ “Everyone in the county knows if you drink on my crew, it’s over.” Robinson took his community service crew, made up of at least three DUI offenders, from Media to Upper Darby for trash duty along West Chester Pike at about 7:45 a.m. Friday. When the group wrapped up its first shift near Upper Darby police headquarters and got back into the van, it became clear something was wrong with their driver. “He picked us up around lunchtime and drove a few blocks toward 69th Street and then he stopped for no reason in the middle of a busy intersection for about 10 or 15 seconds,” said one member of the crew who requested anonymity. “Then he made a right and hit the curb.” Robinson made his way up 69th Street Boulevard past the Tower Theater with his crew of four men and three women, stopping briefly at a Burger King near Church Lane and Marshall Road. “We got out for a few minutes to get some food and nobody wanted to get back in the van,” the crew member said. “One girl looked absolutely terrified and another guy looked at me after we got back in and said ‘Do you smell that?’ “I said, ‘Yeah I smell it.’ By that time, everyone knew the guy was totaled, but I was afraid of the consequences if I said something or turned him in… I didn’t want to lose my (community service) hours.” After booting his crew out of the van for another 15-20 minutes while parked outside the Pearle Vision Center on Church Lane, Robinson collected his crew and headed for Baltimore Avenue. “He was swerving really bad and getting progressively worse,” the crew member said, adding most of the seatbelts were ripped out of the van. “We almost got into an accident at Baltimore Pike. He slammed on the brakes and nearly hit the car in front of him.” Robinson made a right on Baltimore Pike and crossed over Lansdowne Avenue on his way toward Clifton Heights. He pulled over at the Kmart when a woman requested he stop so she could use the bathroom. “That’s when one of the girls called Community Service and told them what was going on.” Upper Darby Police Superintendent Michael J. Chitwood said his department got a call about a community service van with a drunk driver in the vicinity of Parkview Avenue and State Road at 1:45 p.m. but the van was never located. “That was my call,” Omlor said. “I told them, ‘If you find him, test him. If he’s drunk, lock him up and I’ll come get my van.’” With his seven passengers onboard again, Robinson exited the Kmart lot and headed back toward Upper Darby, again making use of the entire roadway. “At that point,” the crew member recalled, “one girl started saying, ‘Please stop, please stop. I want to get out.’” The three women and one man jumped out of the van at Lansdowne and Baltimore with Robinson hardly noticing. Two more passengers got out on Providence Road in the Secane section of Upper Darby after Robinson took them on a wild ride through Aldan. By the time he crashed in Chester, Robinson was down to one passenger. “I have no idea what brought this on,” Omlor said. “It was purely out of the wild and I was as stunned as anyone.” The mother of one woman on the crew — a Villanova student arrested for registering a blood-alcohol level of .03 while traveling as a passenger in her friend’s car in the week leading up to her 21st birthday — was furious when she learned of her daughter’s ordeal. “She was really nervous about (community service) and I tried to reassure her, saying ‘You’re in good hands. You’ll be fine.’ Then I find out she could have been killed.” The crew member said riding with Robinson was the most persuasive anti-DUI message he had ever seen. “The first call I made when I got out was to community service and the second call was to my lawyer,” he said. “It’s pretty ironic. I was there for DUI and I know at least two others who were, too. That guy taught everyone in that van a lesson.” Chester police did not have any information on injuries to Robinson, his passenger or the driver of the Mercedes.
When are the elections again?


Clifton Heights Democratic Party

dosen't look like no donkey to me.. I received a flyer from them today in my door. Not knowing anything about them, other than Katie Leonard, my "My Space" buddy, I found that their web site is rather navigable, as in all links seem to work, etc. My only problem is that on the flyer, it says:
Vote Straight Democrat.
I have never voted a straight party ticket in all of the years I have voted. I research the candidate, weigh their contributions to the community, then see what they have to offer me, the voter. Bob Penjuke is my current committeeman here in Clifton Heights. He took over the post after his wife passed away. As my committeeman, (and neighbor down the street) has addressed every issue that I have brought to him, as did his wife Pat. So to see various Democrats like Kevin Parsons state: " After watching the town go down hill he decided to run for council, and that it is time for a change." statement kind of took me by surprise.
What went downhill? Sure the whole county is being affected by druggies and kids with guns (I blame parents and MTV for it, if not the lax social services) but Clifton Heights as a whole is a decent town, with the Clifton Rams and the PAL and the best Fourth of July fireworks on the east coast as all positives! Here's how someone like myself can be swayed to vote for them. Mary McStravog, running for the fourth ward states:
"Mary is dedicated to improving the quality of life for the children of Clifton Heights by addressing recreational needs, especially for the teenage population lack of services our children are receiving in Special Education by working with Upper Darby School Board. Mary is focused and passionate about meeting the needs of families in Clifton Heights, serving the elderly, single parents, for those that are struggling with various issues."
The key words are "Quality of life for the children". That is what matters to me. See, the way I was brought up (Catholic school where the evil nuns solved your ADHD with a ruler) was that us as kids had fun growing up. We also had responsibilities, in which if we did not keep, were met with an iron fist, not kid gloves and Ritalin. There's more to it than running a campaign where you can find faults in your opponent (Well, maybe I'm wrong, look at rove vs. McCain in 2000), than to really come out and tell it like it is, what you can do to change your area in a positive light.
P.S. Your donkey looks like a Hyena :)
needs a paint job
P.S.S. This sign needs a fresh coat of paint.


Going To The Dogs?

FEZ, our dog.. Mean to strangers, But lovable and faithful I read recently that our current County Council is going to turn Kent Park into a "Dog Park", at a cost of over $440 thousand dollars. My sons and me like to fish in that area, especially above the dam. While the concept of this park is a noble one, Imagine the legal ramifications of having it. Let's say a dog (like one of those nasty pit bulls) gets loose and mauls a child? Or the same pit bull attacks my little Chihuahua? Quote from the County Web Site: "There is a lot of public support across the county for dog parks. These are facilities set aside for dogs and their owners to exercise and play off-leash in a controlled environment,” Cartisano said. “This isn’t just a dog issue; it’s a people issue. We want to establish a fenced-in dog park where well-behaved canines can exercise in a clean, safe environment without disturbing other people, wildlife or property.” "Well-behaved canines" means over 70 percent of dogs (including our dog) will not be allowed into the park. C'mon now. Dogs hate other dogs. Chihuahua's are mean and nasty. Our's was an SPCA dog, and after he gotten sick, the vet saw evidence of abuse (cracked ribs), etc from the former owners. So will they have an obedience school at our disposal there? "A clean, safe environment without disturbing other people, wildlife or property." And the issue of trying to fish while hundreds of barking, snarling mutts isn't my cup of tea either. What about the locals? Would you like to work 3rd shift and have to come home to hear mutts barking while being forced to smell dog crap? My answer is to build a recreation center, complete with a "skate park". The youth of Delaware County need s p a c e more so than "Man's best friend". Kids today are in some areas (Springfield) forbidden to skateboard on public property. I would be the first to volunteer to oversee the children, and maybe even strap on my Rollerblades and show them a thing or two. To those who remember "Tot Lot", and "Box Hockey" in UD. Those were the good old days, before X Box, PS2, and even this Pandora's box in which I type this post, items that rob America's youth of an interactive personal childhood, complete with fights, friendship, competitiveness, and scraping your knee. Build a decent recreation center FOR CHILDREN, Not DOGS. Cheers. UPDATE - 7/22/08: According to the News Of Delaware County, The Dog Park is officially open tomorrow. Will Oni bring her Pit Bull to meet my Chihuahua? Posted on Tue, Jul 22, 2008 New county dog park opens July 24 in Upper Darby Delaware County Council invites dog owners who have well-behaved canines to enjoy the county's first dog park, located in Kent Park in Upper Darby.Dog owners can let their canine pals romp unleashed in the fenced-in facility, which is part of an overall renovation to the Kent Park facility. The dog park is part of Delaware County's extensive parks system, which features 11 parks and 616 acres of open, protected space that enhances the environment and gives people a place to exercise, enjoy nature and build community. The Delaware County Department of Parks and Recreation and Upper Darby Township are operating the dog park at Kent Park jointly. The dog park is part of a renovated multi-recreational area that features a playground, fishing area, and the separate fenced-in dog park, complete with a covered pavilion, benches, water and, of course, dog-litter bags. Kent Park is a scenic 10-acre stretch of green that runs along Darby Creek under the historic Lindbergh Bridge. Kent Park is a county-owned park that has traditionally been used for hiking and fishing. Advertisement The Kent Park recreational area is part of a broader plan to create a Greenway along Darby Creek. In response to dog owners, Kent Park offers a fenced-in area for dogs to get fresh air, exercise and playtime with other dogs. The Kent Park Dog Park features two fenced-in areas: one for dogs 25 pounds and larger; and one for smaller dogs. Both enclosures are double-gated to prevent dogs from getting loose. Park users are required to register their dogs with Delaware County/Upper Darby, and to abide by the rules and regulations designed to keep the park safe and well-maintained. Kent Park Dog Park is located in the 3900 block of Bridge Street, off of Baltimore Pike in Upper Darby. Hours are 8 a.m. to dusk daily. People must register their dogs to obtain a key fob for entrance. Current license and rabies inoculation are required. Registration is $20 per household; $10 for renewal; $10 for senior citizens and $5 for renewal. Limited Introductory Use: The computer system for the access key fobs is still being installed. Until that is complete, dog owners will have access to the dog park from 4 to 8 p.m. weeknights and 10 a.m. 6 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. People still need to register and they will be notified when the key fob system is complete.