
Delaware County PA - Are you happy with your party?

The following is a TRUE story. As a life long Republican I am getting more and more fed up about our party's representation of us as a whole. This "WAR" in Iraq, costing the peons of America their Brothers & Sisters. Now Social Security is primed to be raped by all the well to do Republicans, and many Democrats too. The per capita personal income in Delaware County was $38,508. honest people who voted for a stronger America. What did we get? more BULLSHIT from a Republican party that ONLY cares about corporations and foreign intrests. What do I want from George W. Bush? 3 things... 1. Bring our troops home. (Were not wanted there and you know it. Fuck em.) 2. Draft legislation that will benefit us working class people.(You know, the ones who put you in office.) 3. Be a man. (Quit being a puppet from Arial Sharon and his Zionist cabal. And finally? PUT AMERICANS AN AMERICA FIRST! WE NEED A TRUE LEADER! Why am I feeling like this? Well the article below moved me to. I invite anyone to try and chastise or debunk this woman. She is a real person. A Mother who lost her Son, one of more than 1,440 who gave their lives in the name of "Freedom". What a crock of shit! So what else is planned in 2005 from Washington via Tel Aviv - Brussels? I can hardly wait. Not Worth My Son's Sacrifice by Cindy Sheehan 02/07/05 "LewRockwell.com" -- I was supposed to be on the Larry King Live show last week. I was asked to be on the show to offer my opinion on the election in Iraq from the perspective of a mom whose son was killed in the war prior to the elections. One of the questions I was going to be asked was: Do I think my son's sacrifice was "worth it?" Well, I didn't get a chance to be on the show, because I was bumped for something that is really important: The Michael Jackson Trial. If I had been allowed to go on Larry King Live last night and give my opinion about the elections and about my son's sacrifice, this is what I would have told Mr. King and his viewers: My son, Spc. Casey Austin Sheehan (KIA, Sadr City, 04/04/04) enlisted in the Army to protect America and give something back to our country. He didn't enlist to be used and misused by a reckless Commander-in-Chief who sent his troops to preemptively attack and occupy a country that was no imminent threat (or any threat) to our country. Casey was sent to die in a war that was based on the imagination of some Neo-Cons who love to fill our lives with fear. Casey didn't agree with the "Mission" but being the courageous and honorable man that he was he knew he had to go to this mistake of a war to support his buddies. Casey also wondered aloud many times why precious troops and resources were being diverted from the real war on terror. Casey was told that he would be welcomed to Iraq as a liberator with chocolates and rose petals strewn in front of his unarmored Humvee. He was in Iraq for two short weeks when the Shi'ite rebel "welcome wagon" welcomed him to Baghdad with bullets and RPG's, which took his young and beautiful life. I think my son's helmet and Viet Nam era flak jacket would have protected him better from the chocolates and flower petals. Casey was killed after George Bush proclaimed "Mission Accomplished" on May 1, 2003 – he was also killed after Saddam was captured in December of that same year. Casey was killed before the transfer of power in June of 2004 and before these elections. Four marines were tragically killed after the election. By my count, about five-dozen Iraqis and coalition troops were killed on Election Day – is that the definition of "Catastrophic Success?" But is that a good day in Iraq? Hundreds of our young people and thousands of Iraqis have been needlessly and senselessly murdered since George Bush triumphantly announced an end to "major combat" almost 2 years ago now. All of the above events have been heralded by this administration as "turning points" in the "war on terror" – or as wonderful events in the "march of democracy." Really? I don't think, judging by very recent history, that the elections will stop the bloodshed and destruction. I would have asked Mr. King if he would want to sacrifice one of his children for sham elections in Iraq. Would he or George Bush send their children to be killed, or maimed for life, for a series of lies, mistakes and miscalculations? Now that every lie has been exposed to the light for the invasion and occupation of Iraq – why are our sons and daughters still there? NOT ONE MORE DROP OF BLOOD SHOULD BE SPILLED FOR THIS PACK OF LIES. This war was sold to the American people by a slimy leadership with a maniacal zeal and phony sincerity that would have impressed snake oil salesmen a century ago. The average American needs to hear from people who have been devastated by the arrogance and ignorance of an administration that doesn't even have the decency or compassion to sign our "death" letters. In the interest of being "fair and balanced" (oops, wrong network), I would have been pitted against a parent who still agrees with the "Mission" and the President. Although I grieve for that parent's loss and I respect that parent's opinion, I would have defied Mr. King, or that parent to explain the "Mission" to me. I don't think anyone can do it with a straight face. The President has also stated that we need to keep our troops in Iraq to honor our sacrifices by completing this elusive and ever changing "Mission." My response to him is "Just because it is too late for Casey and the Sheehan family, why would we want another innocent life taken, in the name of this chameleon of a 'Mission'? Well, I was bumped from the show anyway. Now that Scott Peterson has been convicted and sentenced for his crimes and Laci and Connor's families have the justice they deserve, we have the new "trial of the century" to keep our minds off of the nasty and annoying fact that we are waging an immoral war in Iraq. We can fill our TV screens and homes with the glorified images of the Michael Jackson molestation trial. We can fill our lives with outrage over MJ's victims and hope they get justice; not even questioning the fact that George Bush, his dishonest cabinet, and their misguided policies aren't even brought to the court of public opinion. We won't have to confront ourselves with the fact that the leaders of our country and their lies are responsible for the deaths of 1438 brave Americans – tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis – and the loss of our Nation's credibility throughout the world. That might mean we would have to turn off our television sets and do something about it. Oh yeah. In answer to the original question Larry: No it wasn't worth it!!


Dear Abby

Dear Abby, My husband is a liar and a cheat. He has cheated on me from the beginning, and when I confront him, he denies everything. What's worse, everyone knows he cheats on me. It is so humiliating. Also, since he lost his job three years ago he hasn't even looked for a new one. All he does is buy cigars and cruise around and jokes with his pals, while I have to work to pay the bills. Since our daughter went away to college he doesn't even pretend to like me and hints that I am a lesbian. What should I do? Signed, Clueless Dear Clueless: Grow up and dump him. For Pete's sake, you don't need him anymore, you're a United States Senator from New York, act like it.


So is this guy a chickenshit? I think not!

Decorated soldier avoids second tour 02/01/05 "AP" -- LEXINGTON, Ky. — Rather than face another tour of duty in Iraq, a Lexington First Armored Division soldier who won a Purple Heart after he was wounded by a roadside bomb in April has deserted to Canada. Darrell Anderson, 22, wounded in Iraq last April, was deeply disillusioned about the war, according to his mother, Anita Anderson. The possibility of another tour in Iraq this summer was something he couldn’t face, she told the Lexington Herald-Leader. When Anderson’s holiday leave in Lexington ended three weeks ago, he didn’t return to his Army unit in Germany. Instead, he fled to Canada, where he is hoping the Canadian government will provide refuge for him and a small number of U.S. military deserters who want to avoid the war. “I started to think ... what’s it really for? I was willing to die for my country. I thought I was going over there to defend my country. But that’s not what I was doing,” Anderson said by telephone from Toronto on Monday. When he came home from Iraq last July, Anita Anderson said her son seemed fine, but was deeply changed when he returned home on leave again at Christmas. “He paced the floor constantly, never once slept through the night,” Anita Anderson said of her son. “He would get up in the middle of the night and go out walking. He was having nightmares; he was depressed; he couldn’t even watch a movie.” Anderson might be allowed to stay in Canada, but never be able to return home again to see his parents or his 4-year-old daughter without risking arrest. His daughter now lives with her mother. Anderson joined the Army in January 2003 to get money for college and to serve his country. He went to Iraq a year later with the Army’s 1st Armored Division. Over the next seven months, he was in the thick of the fight against insurgents, mostly in Baghdad. An incident last April changed his views concerning the fighting. Anderson was with a group of soldiers helping to defend an Iraqi police station that was under fire. Suddenly, a car swerved into the area, refusing to stop. Soldiers are expected to open fire when that happens because any stranger is a potential enemy and any vehicle might contain a bomb. But Anderson never pulled the trigger of his M-16. “This car kept coming, and the other guys were yelling, ‘Why don’t you shoot, why don’t you shoot?’ But I felt the car posed no threat. Then, the window of the car rolled down, and it was just an Iraqi family,” Anderson said. “I said, ‘Look it’s just innocent people.’ But they kept telling me, ‘The next time, you open fire. We don’t care.”’ A few days later, Anderson was wounded by a roadside bomb. He received the Purple Heart. But he says the incident at the police station, not his wounds, convinced him that the war was wrong. He said he felt he was being forced to possibly gun down innocent Iraqis. “There are no weapons of mass destruction. Innocent people are being killed every day. It’s a war about money -- to keep money in rich people’s pockets. There is no way I can believe in that. I still believe in my country, but I can no longer be a part of the Army or that war,” Anderson said. The Pentagon has reported about 5,500 U.S. deserters since the war began. Anderson is one of about a dozen or so who have fled to Canada and sought the assistance of Toronto attorney Jeffry House, who is representing them. House, a Vietnam draft dodger, is hoping to persuade Canadian officials to let them stay.

Speaking out about Israel to save the Jewish soul

Speaking out about Israel to save the Jewish soul Cecilie Surasky 02/01/05 "Jordan Times" Every time a Gazan father faints as he watches his family home demolished; every time a Jew, Muslim or Christian is violently attacked by armed Israelis because they are non-violently protesting the separation wall; every time a rain of Israeli army bullets flies into the body of a young child on her way to school; every time a young Palestinian man is made to play violin by Israeli soldiers, or a pregnant woman dies at a checkpoint, Jews like us must speak out. Remaining silent is no longer an option. We can no longer let our trauma, our deep fear of anti-Jewish hatred implanted in us through generations of persecution, make us remain quiet at the expense of truth. Our continued silence perpetuates the fiction that all Jews are of one mind when it comes to Israel — that we think it can do no wrong; that we believe the Israeli government is innocent of war crimes; that we believe US military support for Israel's illegal occupation is a sign of our special relationship, and not a cynical use of Jewish suffering to provide moral cover for strategic interests in an oil-rich region. Our silence puts us in more danger, not less. Through it, we give our consent not only to the obliteration of the Palestinian people, but to the end of our own people. If not our bodies, then certainly our spirit. Jews like us know in our hearts that every time a Palestinian mother stands sobbing in the road, clutching her children and watching her home being demolished by an Israeli army bulldozer, another brick is dislodged from the edifice of 5,000 years of Jewish values, ethics and justice. We see one of the world's greatest armies cry self defence as it uses tanks, bulldozers and missiles against a poverty stricken civilian population, and we cry inside for the callous manipulation of Jewish fear for the sake of expansionism. We watch images of teenage soldiers who are told they are making Jews safer, shooting at children and young men, tearing up ancient olive trees and destroying entire neighbourhoods. We tremble inside knowing they are only creating a new generation of children whose anger burns so bright that they may one day wear a home-made bomb meant to kill any Jewish man, woman and child. We silently cheer for the rabbi who puts his body in front of a Caterpillar bulldozer to stop it from uprooting olive trees or destroying a home for minor permit violations; the young Israeli conscientious objectors who choose jail over serving in the territories; the Israeli women, many of them older, who spend hot days in the sun monitoring checkpoints in an effort to ensure that the soldiers don't humiliate or torture the Palestinians who must cross them. We cry when we see the myriad ways the occupation has dehumanised the occupier as well as the occupied. And yet, we remain silent, too afraid to speak the words out loud. We say nothing to our families, our friends, our colleagues, our rabbis, our congregations. The truth is that if we don't “come out” about Israel now — speaking openly and clearly about our heartache and outrage, about the injustice we see, the unspeakable wrongness of Israel's pursuit of land over peace — then in the future there will not be a Jewish tradition left to defend. It will have become an empty shell, and all of the infinite good works done every day by Jews throughout time and place will be rendered meaningless by the actions of a state that claims to be a light to the Jewish people, but has become so accustomed to co-creating death and chaos that it can barely claim now to care for its own citizens. How did we become so fearful about calling injustice what it is? Worse, how did, with few notable exceptions, our appointed and de facto leaders become so scared? So lacking the moral courage we desperately need now? Because I work in a Jewish peace organisation, I think I know the answer. More than one rabbi says he supports what we are doing, but he can't help us because his congregation is too conservative. Meanwhile, members of temples report they are too fearful to speak because they believe their rabbi is too conservative. A man in a retirement home where people with hawkish views on Israel dominate calls for help refuses to give his last name for fear of retribution. An employee of a hawkish Jewish community organisation insists that the staff is split between hawks and doves, but many are too intimidated to speak. A Jewish doctor confesses she still hasn't been able to admit to her parents her passionate disagreement with the Israeli government. A rabbi in New York is certain he has lost his job because of a Yom Kippur sermon critical of Israel. A Jewish journalist at a major daily sues because, he says, he is fired for his work against Israel's occupation, and another's Sunday feature story on Jewish peace activists is inexplicably killed two days before publication. An Israeli rabbi who is a world renowned human rights activist frequently meets with Jewish leaders in coffee shops because they are afraid to be seen with him in their offices. The head of a campus Hillel in Virginia is fired because, despite always being balanced at her job, she expressed her personal views to her superiors and to the Israeli embassy. At UC Berkeley, the progressive Jewish student group Tzedek is finally forced to disassociate with the campus Hillel after determining that “the organisation is laden with mechanisms designed to stifle dissent from what it perceives as `mainstream' (Jewish) views about Israel”. And groups like Jewish Voice for Peace, despite having a large membership, are not accepted in mainstream Jewish institutions. On top of it all, we must weather isolation in our own families, and an almost daily barrage of hate messages from other Jews. From fear of being socially shunned, and the systematic pressure campaigns launched a few years ago against most major newspapers for being “anti-Israel”, to the Jewish community council that trained others how to neutralise Jewish peace groups by meeting behind closed doors and using pro-peace buzzwords to co-opt their views, there are all too many examples of the mainstream Jewish community silencing dissent and principled Jews staying in the closet. This phenomenon is all the more puzzling because many would say that questioning and dissent is encoded in Jewish DNA. From Emma Goldman and Saul Alinsky to Betty Freidan, Larry Kramer and refuseniks like Yoni Ben-Artzi, we find a long list of remarkable outspoken Jews whose willingness to stand up for what is right and to question the status quo made history, but also made them enemies. They stand as our heroes not only because of what they achieved, but because of what they faced in order to make all of us better as human beings and citizens of the world. The atmosphere of intimidation in the American Jewish world has had a corrosive effect not just on our families and communities, but on the very tradition which binds us together. We are famous for speaking our minds when we perceive that an injustice is taking place. That is not true when the perpetrator is Israel. Suddenly, we allow our fears of being ostracised from our communities and families to silence us. And as a result, history will show that much of the mainstream Jewish leadership has failed us, and failed us profoundly. Perhaps we will have failed ourselves. But courage does not mean being fearless, it means acting in the face of fear. And Jews like me have to ask: If we no longer stand up for moral courage and call injustice when we see it, regardless of who commits it, then what do we stand for? The writer is the communications director for Jewish Voice for Peace and a New Voices fellow with the Academy of Educational Development. She contributed this article to The Jordan Times.


Do You Get These?

This guy, or girl named Sule Ajara IM'ed me in a Yahoo chat room. Believe it or not, I told the moron that my REAL name was Richard Blaine, as in my hero Humphrey Bogart of Casablanca, and that I was sort of working for the U.S. Government. Still, he/she went and sent the me e mail. Anyway, this is what transpired via my message log. Message Log frannyward (4:41:19 AM): Hello sule_ajara (4:41:52 AM): hi sule_ajara (4:41:52 AM): asl frannyward (4:42:05 AM): 43/male/usa and you? sule_ajara (4:42:20 AM): 44, male, nigeria frannyward (4:42:39 AM): Yo. What u doing in here? sule_ajara (4:42:49 AM): how are u sule_ajara (4:42:59 AM): am here for an important matter sule_ajara (4:43:07 AM): what of u frannyward (4:43:32 AM): Law enforcement.. sule_ajara (4:43:46 AM): are u a lawyer? sule_ajara (4:43:52 AM): or what? frannyward (4:44:05 AM): Nope. I m an electrican sule_ajara (4:44:36 AM): why, law enforcement? frannyward (4:45:07 AM): I also work for a secret United States section of the GSA. frannyward (4:45:25 AM): Looking for suspicious characters frannyward (4:45:28 AM): lol sule_ajara (4:45:38 AM): ok sule_ajara (4:45:42 AM): nice to meet u frannyward (4:45:51 AM): peace you too sule_ajara (4:46:32 AM): but i have an important matter which u might be able to handle because we need secrecy and confidentiality in the business frannyward (4:46:56 AM): Well, I cannot accept that as you see I am held by U.S. statutes sule_ajara (4:47:46 AM): it does not matter, i need a foreign partner preferably from USA because i need to do good investment in USA frannyward (4:48:43 AM): Well as I said eariler I as held by my employer cannot do transactions with forigners. sule_ajara (4:49:21 AM): all i need is your bank account details where the money will be transfered into frannyward (4:49:34 AM): Yeah, ok , sure thing. sule_ajara (4:50:05 AM): the total money involved is US$8.5mllion frannyward (4:50:59 AM): Send it to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, D.C. Acct # 39330136 Wachovia Bank, Routing # 012364005 C.O. Richard Blaine sule_ajara (4:51:47 AM): no, it is the duty of our bank (African Development Bank) to transfer the money into your bank account frannyward (4:52:08 AM): ok, well do it. I sent you the info. sule_ajara (4:52:09 AM): and u need to apply to our bank for the release and transfer of the money frannyward (4:52:19 AM): Ok, whats the URL? sule_ajara (4:53:20 AM): i want to give u the full details of this business so that u will understand it very well frannyward (4:54:01 AM): Well now the ball is in your court. e mail me all the details at frannyward@yahoo.com and I'll gladly apply. sule_ajara (4:54:24 AM): just wait sule_ajara (4:54:40 AM): i will send the mail to u right now ok frannyward (4:54:42 AM): Ok. Waiting and checking my Yahoo account sule_ajara (4:55:33 AM): and i will also send u the application form so that u will fill it and send to ur bank immediately. i want us to conclude this transaction within 10 working days. frannyward (4:56:42 AM): Ok, I'm still waiting. AND, be sure not to divulge any information to others. That would comprimise our agreement. sule_ajara (4:57:23 AM): what is ur full name frannyward (4:58:52 AM): My "REAL NAME"? Richard Blaine sule_ajara (4:58:54 AM): yes, we must keep this transaction very very secret and confidential at all times, and i want to assure u that this transaction will not affect your job and u must promise me that you will not betray me or disappoint me when this money enters into your bank account sule_ajara (4:59:34 AM): mine is, Sule Ajara sule_ajara (4:59:48 AM): are u married? frannyward (5:00:03 AM): Ok. glad to meet you Sule... Yes, Married sule_ajara (5:00:25 AM): please wait for 3 munites, i will send the mail to u now sule_ajara (5:00:31 AM): just wait for me frannyward (5:00:31 AM): ok sule_ajara (5:01:00 AM): add me to ur lists frannyward (5:13:22 AM): Still waiting for you e mail. Are you messing with me? Please respond... sule_ajara (5:15:48 AM): hello friend sule_ajara (5:15:58 AM): plz give me ur email address again frannyward (5:16:16 AM): frannyward@yahoo.com sule_ajara (5:16:47 AM): ur name sule_ajara (5:16:51 AM): again please frannyward (5:16:59 AM): Richard Blaine frannyward (5:17:22 AM): My Alias is Francis Ward sule_ajara (5:17:35 AM): can u call me so that i can hear ur voice frannyward (5:17:50 AM): No, I don't do Long Distance sule_ajara (5:18:04 AM): why? frannyward (5:18:35 AM): Cause I don't have it on the phone. all my LD contacts are thru e mail. sule_ajara (5:18:58 AM): ok sule_ajara (5:19:13 AM): but we need constant communication in this business frannyward (5:19:39 AM): We can have it through Yahoo IM. If not, then the deal is off. sule_ajara (5:20:08 AM): ok sule_ajara (5:20:17 AM): i have sent the mail to u now check ur email box frannyward (5:20:23 AM): 10 -4 , now off to work for me. And here's the full header e-mail Click Here Sorry thing is, people acually fall for these things! Be forwarned. If it's too good to be true, it probably is. Greed will get you everywhere, yet nowhere. Off to work.


Michael Marcavage Has Morals After All

The Rise of The Homosexual Super Citizen By Justin Darr MichNews.com Jan 24, 2005 "All pigs are created equal, except some pigs are more equal than others" wrote George Orwell in his classic "Animal Farm." While it is always fun poking fun at Stalin being a pig, applying Owellian metaphors to American society will usually do nothing but get a person called "paranoid" by their friends, and a "ranting lunatic" by most others. However, when reality strikes you in the face and the preponderance of evidence is undeniable, the truth is the truth no matter how insane or impossible it may sound. The facts in America today are that homosexuals have been elevated to be America's Super Citizens, above the law to the point where their psychological need for acceptance trounces even the most basic Constitutional rights of others. The Super Citizens have struck their latest blow to our rights in my home state of Pennsylvania, in the well known case of the "Philadelphia 11", or "Philadelphia 5", or the "Philadelphia 4, plus one minor, who despite being ignored by the press is still being prosecuted." Whatever you call it, the situation is the same. Several people are being put on trial for having the audacity to say they believe homosexuality is wrong. Despite what you may have read, this is not a case of judicial activism. Philadelphia Municipal Court Judge William Austin Meehan has a long, solid, history of upholding the letter of the law as it was written. Nor is the problem the law itself. Title 18 of the "Consolidated Pennsylvania Statutes" regarding Crimes and Offenses has no language or penalties that differ greatly from any of the other 49 states. In fact, 18 Pa.C.S. §5504 (e) clearly states that the sections on hate crimes "shall not apply. to any Constitutionally protected activity." A good law, a good judge, and two group of people peacefully assembling to exercise their First Amendment rights. So what went wrong? Nothing except that one of the groups of protestors chose to read Bible verses to America's untouchable elite, homosexual activists. Now, this small group of Christians must face the full wrath of the militant homosexual lobby for infringing on their self created right to be above all reproach. In the America of the homosexual Super Citizen, it does not matter what the law says, how it applies to others, or even the intent of the legislators who wrote it. All that matters is how homosexual activists can twist it to achieve their goal of not just forcing Americans to accept their chosen lifestyle, but it place it and themselves above any criticisms or scrutiny. Homosexuality should not be the equal of traditional heterosexual marriage and families, but its superior. What people chose to do in their bedrooms should be a private matter unless they are homosexual, then their sexual choices should be taught in the public schools, celebrated in the media, and warrant preferential treatment in the workplace. Additionally, all this should be backed with the full force of legislation so if you should choose to speak out against homosexuality, you can face criminal prosecution. However, according to the Super Citizens, the law should only be respected and enforced if it directly benefits them. If the law cannot be twisted to fit their agenda, as in Pennsylvania, then they will break it. Who can forget San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsome tossing aside California law and marrying homosexual couples last year? Rather than Newsome receiving the censure any other elected official would have received for, say ignoring state gun control laws, he was exulted as a hero and those who stood up for the will of the people and rule of law were vilified. Why? Because homosexual activists see themselves as above the law. The duplicity and elitism of the homosexual activists is undeniable. They see the law as something applying to others, but never themselves. Democratic processes are the enemy because the will of the people staunchly opposes the forced indoctrination of their lifestyle on their children, therefore should be ridiculed and ignored. While saying one critical word to them should be met with accusations of intolerance, no degree of intimidation or slander is too outrageous to achieve their goal of using which ever public bathroom they choose. The life blood of a civil society is free speech and respect for the rule of law. Nobody likes to be criticized or have their beliefs questioned, but it is a necessary part of being free. If Americans allow any group to be elevated above the others to the point where saying "I think you are wrong" is a crime, then only a select few will be free and the rest subjugated. We are not saying that homosexuals do not have rights. We are not saying homosexuals should be permitted to be the victims of prejudice or violence. What we are saying is being a homosexual does not make you better than anyone else, and that intimidating or silencing those who disagree with you through legislation is wrong. If anyone sees themselves as a Super Citizen, where their rights supercede those of all others and the law becomes a one sided force for their benefit alone, then our entire democratic society will be lost. I agree 100% with the above thread. I realize that I'll be labeled a "Homophobe" but when my kids are being taught in school that "It's okay that Johhny has two daddies" and "Suzie has two mommies and the new one about Sponge Bob etc,and other unnatural gay bullshit I draw the line with Marcavage. I might not go to heaven in his mind but I DO read the Bible and ask God for forgiveness and the will to do one good deed a day.So there Michael, Am I not on God's list of the redeemed? BTW: To Michael: Enjoy J-Ville, be sure to wear your EAGLES jersey.. And ask God to help them win.


Delaware County Sex Offender

I think that this is an awesome tool for citizens to access. I punched in Delaware County zip codes and viewed at least 6 persons who I went to high school with, neighbors, or people that grew up in Upper Darby. What I already knew was that my neighbor that lives behind me is a child molester and is on the list (19018, Clifton Heights). What gets me is that he "When we moved in in November of 2001" offered to help and although I didn't know it at the time, declined but thanked him anyway. My daughters were at the time 17 and 15. I noticed that he was especially friendly to Natalie, the younger one. Well to make a long story short after I was informed about what he did to his granddaughter I basically told him that I would "$%$&%*&#$^#$^#^#^#^^#^#^ if I caught him even talking to her. He responded with a "I don't know what your talking about" attitude. People like him I believe are mentally sick and either need to be locked up forever, (He got probation and home monitoring) or put down. Parents have enough to worry about these days without worrying what the "Nice Neighbor's " hidden agenda are. Thank God the State of Pennsylvania and the Pennsy State Troopers made this information available. Pedophiles use the internet to trade pictures and videos and to prey on young kids. I monitor my kids internet access through a key logger. They know this and being that they are minors and I am their dad, have to accept it or I will just ban their IP on the Router. Do not rely on Safe Surf or the other garden variety blockers as they are a waste of money. Inspect your kids usage, and most of all, INFORM them of sicko pricks who come off as "nice guys" who are friends in chat rooms. I know I might be sounding paranoid, but children are fragile, and these predators know that.

The Draft: Die in the name of "FREEDOM"

U.S. may run out of reserve troops in a year More U.S.-trained Iraqi forces are needed to ease combat burden By Robert Burns, Associated Press WASHINGTON At the current pace of U.S. deployments to Iraq, the Pentagon may be hard-pressed by next year to provide enough reserve combat troops suitable for the mission, judging from the military services own estimates of available manpower. The notion of running out of reserve troops would have been dismissed only a year ago, but the strain of fighting a longer, harder war than U.S. commanders foresaw is taking a heavy toll on part-time troops of the Army National Guard, Army Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve. The problem may ease if, as the Bush administration hopes, security in Iraq improves substantially this year as more U.S.-trained Iraqi troops join the fight against the insurgency. But few inside the Army think they can count on such an optimistic scenario. Of the 150,000 U.S. troops in Iraq now, nearly 50 percent are from the Guard and Reserve. The National Guard, with a total force of about 350,000 citizen soldiers, says it has about 86,000 available for future deployments to Iraq fewer than it has sent there the past two years. And it has used up virtually all of its most readily deployable combat brigades. In an indication of the concern about a thinning of its ranks, last month the National Guard tripled the re-enlistment bonuses offered to soldiers in Iraq who can fill critical skill shortages. Similarly, the Army Reserve has about 37,500 deployable soldiers left about 18 percent of its total troop strength. The Marine Corps Reserve appears to be in a comparable position because most of its 40,000 troops have been mobilized at least once already. Officials said they have no figures available on how many are available for future deployments to Iraq. Both the Army and the Marines are soliciting reservists to volunteer for duty in Iraq. The reserves are pretty well shot after the Pentagon makes the next troop rotation, starting this summer, said Robert Goldich, a defense analyst at the Congressional Research Service. The mix of troops in the U.S. force rotation now under way in Iraq is about 50 percent active duty and 50 percent reserves. Among the evidence: Of the National Guards 15 best-trained, best-equipped and most ready-to-deploy combat brigades, all but one are either in Iraq now, have demobilized after returning from a one-year tour there or have been alerted for duty in 2005-2006. The exception is the South Carolina National Guards 218th Infantry Brigade, which has not been deployed to Iraq as a full brigade because smaller groups of its soldiers have been mobilized periodically for homeland defense and numerous missions abroad, including Iraq. The Army Reserve, with about 205,000 citizen soldiers on its rolls for support rather than combat duty, has been so heavily used since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that, for practical purposes, it has only about 37,500 troops available to perform the kinds of missions required in Iraq, according to an internal briefing chart titled, Whats Left in the Army Reserve? The chief of the Army Reserve, Lt. Gen. James Helmly, recently advised other Army leaders that his citizen militia is in grave danger of being unable to meet all its operational responsibilities. He said the Reserve is rapidly degenerating into a broken force. But that is set to change to 70 percent active and 30 percent reserve for the rotation after that, beginning this summer, because combat-ready Guard units have been tapped out. Thus, two active-duty Army divisions that have already served one-year tours in Iraq the 101st Airborne and the 4th Infantry have been selected to return in the coming rotation. The 1st Marine Expeditionary Force already is on its second tour in Iraq. The original expectation, after the fall of Baghdad in April 2003, was that a troop withdrawal could begin within weeks. But an unanticipated insurgency lethal and resilient changed the picture and led to stress the Army faces today. In some respects, the use of Army and Marine reservists in Iraq has been a success story. Goldich, the defense analyst, said their performance has generally been excellent. Commanders sing their praise. Yet there is a limit to the reserves resources, and the limit may be nearing. Its not the absolute number of reservists that poses a problem. Its the number who have the right skills for what is required in Iraq and who have not already served lengthy tours on active duty since President Bush authorized the Pentagon three days after the Sept. 11 attacks to mobilize as many as 1 million reservists for up to 24 months. A portion of the best-trained reservists are approaching the 24-month limit, and some senior officials inside the Army are considering whether the limit should be redefined so that mobilizations over the past three years would, in effect, not count against the 24-month limit. My take on this: So just when does this draft take place? How many thousands of young men and women do you have to see with amputations and trama until you start to protest this "War"? How do you feel about this? Willing to serve? Willing to have your children drafted and sent to Iraq? For what! A war to pump oil to Israel? That's what this war is all about and was about from the beginning. Iran will be next. I remember November 1979, when American Hostages from the American embassy were held for over a year. "Nightline" with Ted Koppel was a household name because of it. Reagan made a deal with the Iranians to hold the last 52 until he was inaugurated, January 20th,1981. But atleast DIPLOMACY was used to solve this crisis, not "Shock & Awe"! As a Republican I am finding it more and more harder to accept what Washington is doing in the name of "Freedom". God Bless our troops for putting up with shit from Civies who seal their fate from Washington.I know that if the draft is reinstated, my children will NOT be going to serve and die for Israel. America does not need to police the world. Diplomacy should be the number one action taken. But they, (The Government and big greedy corporations)Cannot. You see, there is MONEY to be made. America thrives on war and big profit margins.. Some will say, Your doing alright, so why are you bitching? Because I as a parent do not like to see young kids used as "babysitters" with M249's having to "protect" oil lines that do not serve America. Iraq and that CIA puppet/pawn Saddam had absolutely nothing to do with September 11th. Most people from Delaware County believe that he did, mainly because of the news media. As Major Strasser said: "In Casablanca, human life is cheap". In Iraq, it's a bargain.


The Eagles Are Going To The Super Bowl

I am so happy about this that I could cry! After years and years of frustration and disapointment Philly fans finally have their Eagles heading to J-Ville. To all the nay sayers out there who doubted them, (Yes, I did at the beginning of the season,)Poo on you. The revenue that Philadelphia and the sorounding counties will generate can only add to the excitement. Go EAGLES! On a sad note, Johnny Carson has passed away. I remember watching him religiously and enjoyed them. I went out and bought his 4 part series on "The Tonight Show" several years ago and intend on watching them again soon. Johnny made stars out of many people, including Jay Leno, David Letterman, Bette Midler, and a slew of others. RIP John.


Let It Snow

AMERICA - THE FATHERLAND IT HAPPENED BEFORE, IN HITLER'S GERMANY By: Al Cronkrite The similarities between America at the turn of the Century and Germany in the 1930s are stunning, frightening, and unprecedented. They offer an apodictic history lesson of perils, present and future. The American press and media have for several decades been lap dogs of the pernicious policies and apparent totalitarian intentions of our government. In spite of heavy Jewish control of our newspapers, television, and movies and the genocide suffered by their near relatives, the owners of these public voices have consistently failed to warn us of the dangers that lie ahead. Like America, Germany, before the rise of the Nazi government, was a democratic republic, Field Marshall Paul von Hindenburg was President, and Adolph Hitler was a boisterous politician with some disreputable associates and a gift for oratory. In the March 1932 presidential election Hitler ran second to von Hindenburg with a mere 30.1 percent of the vote. However, there were two other minor candidates and von Hindenburg’s 49.6 percent set up a mandated run-off. The run-off gave Hindenburg 53 percent and Hitler 36.8 percent. The National Socialist Party (Nazi) did better in the ensuing congressional election garnering 230 Reichstag seats out of a possible 608. The 230 seats made it Germany’s largest political party and granted Hitler new political clout. On July 27th, 1932, four days before the election, Hitler attracted some 60 thousand listeners in Brandenburg and Potsdam and 220 thousand 120 thousand inside and 100 thousand outside) at Grunewald Stadium in Berlin. By November 1932, gridlocks in the Reichstag forced new elections; the Nazis lost seats but remained the largest political party. Hitler asked von Hindenburg to appoint him Chancellor. Hindenburg refused. Franz von Papen whom Hindenburg had appointed Chancellor in June of 1932 was a farcical individual and under his leadership the Reichstag remained in chaos and deadlock. In an effort to remedy the situation von Hindenburg appointed army General Kurt von Schleicher who, unable to gain a majority coalition, resigned after 57 days. On January 10th, 1933, President von Hindenburg appointed Hitler Chancellor. The following month in February, 1933, a fire at the Reichstag building resulted in the arrest of a Dutch Communist name Marinus van der Lubbe and an blustery assertion by the new Chancellor and his associates that Communist terrorists had begun the revolution and were planning to burn buildings, museums, mansions, and industrial plants. It was shrilly proclaimed that women and children might be murdered, private property endangered and the health and welfare of the peaceful population put at risk. Hitler persuaded President Hindenburg to issue a decree "For the Protection of the People and the State". The decree suspended constitutional guarantees of civil liberties by calling for "Restrictions on personal liberty, on the right of free expression of opinion, including freedom of the press; on the rights of assembly and association; and violations of the privacy of postal, telegraph and telephonic communications; and warrants for house searches, orders for confiscations as well as restrictions on property, are also permissible beyond the legal limits prescribed." Two weeks after the Reichstag fire on March 23, 1933, Hitler went to the Reichstag and secured an overwhelming vote to suspend the Constitution freeing him to be dictator of Germany. The existing judicial system with its independent judges was quickly replaced with controllable courts overseen by trustworthy party members whose job it was to protect and enforce the new regime Hitler had made no secret of his hatred for Jews and in 1935 the Nuremberg laws were enacted legalizing anti-Semitism. The most frightening corollary between Hitler’s Germany and Bush’s America involves the reactions of the citizens. Bernard Weiner in a review of German author Sebastian Haffner’s book, "Defying Hitler" records the following in regard to the German people: "Given their built-in weakness and their willingness to swallow the most outrageous Big Lies emanating from the propaganda ministry and the media, most Germans were fruit waiting to be plucked by the Nazi harvesters. ‘They still fall for anything. After all that, I do not see that one can blame the majority of Germans who, in 1933, believed that the Reichstag fire was the work of the Communists. [The Parliament burned down and a convenient Communist arsonist was fingered, which the Nazis used as the excuse to unleash police-state tactics against all opponents.] What one can blame them for, and what shows their terrible collective weakness of character clearly for the first time during the Nazi period, is that this settled the matter. With sheepish submissiveness the German people accepted that, as a result of the fire, each one of them lost what little personal freedom and dignity was guaranteed by the constitution; as though it followed as a necessary consequence.’" Sebastian Haffner lived in German under the Nazi regime "Defying Hitler", published in 2000, is a post humus publication found in his files following his death at the age of 91. America is rife with similarities to Nazi Germany. The Reichstag fire was allowed to go forward and loudly blamed on Communist terrorist-conspirators in order to frighten the people into accepting suspension of the Constitution in much the same way the 9/11 episode has been used to override much of our own Constitution. Devvy Kidd has written a review of a new book by Michael Ruppert entitled "Crossing the Rubicon" that documents suspected government complicity in the 9/11 tragedy. Hitler received some support for all classes of Germans but his largest voting block was among rural Protestant Christians. The situation in America is some different but the present regime has been able to gain the backing of large numbers of Protestant Evangelical Christians. In reviewing a new book by Daniel J. Flynn entitled "Moronic Intellectuals" Thomas DiLorenzo writes "Carefully surveying many of Strauss’s writings, Flynn notes that although he was an atheist and "scoffed at the idea of God," he nevertheless thought that appeals to religion could be helpful in duping naïve Christians, especially, into going along with his interventionist foreign policy agenda. It seems to have worked, since ‘evangelical Christians’ are among the most bloodthirsty warmongers in American society today." There is an interesting parallel between Hitler’s anti-Semitism and America’s denigration of the Arabs. Again, it is not exactly the same but Israeli and American hatred of Islam and willingness to see Arab men, women, and children killed in an illegal war bears a considerable resemblance to the general anti-Semitic sentiments in 1930s Germany. Another familiar excuse for membership in an aberrant political party was that it might allow reform of the Nazi Party. This mindset was prominent among intellectuals. How many thousands of American citizens and political hacks maintain membership in the Republican Party with the vain intention of returning it to Conservative Constitutionalism? Though real anti-Semitism is rare in America there is a direct corollary concerning the success and affluence of Jews and their equal success and affluence in 1930s Germany. In Germany Jews were resented and Lutheran Protestants had the vehement anti-Semitic writings of Martin Luther to re-enforce their sentiments. The misgivings that hung on as the Nazi regime came to power, the lose of personal freedom, the police state restrictions, murder, and genocide began to be offset by victories on the battlefield, by order in the economy, and realization that most Germans who conformed and did not resist were allowed to live orderly lives without government interference. Those who were involved in the regime itself - the magistrates, the law enforcement officials, and the soldiers were intent on their own careers and conformed to the orders they were given. The massacres that occurred in Nazi Germany and on a much smaller scale in America at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas in April, 1993, were not carried our by crazed or mentally unbalanced individuals; the murders were committed by normal citizens acting as comrades with the approval of the governments that employed them. On a CD entitled "The Rebirth of Tyranny in America" Attorney Gerry Spence talks about the rank dishonesty and misuse of power in the FBI’s conduct of the Randy Weaver case. Spence is a superb trial lawyer and his rendition is spellbinding. During the trial, FBI agents manipulated evidence, made false statements, and were proven to have used criminal procedures all in an effort to convict an innocent man. When the criminal behavior was specified the FBI agents involved received perfunctory punishments; one of the key men received a promotion. Government operatives who committed crimes against those they are paid to serve are freed and rewarded while innocent citizens who pay for their service are illegally hounded, persecuted and killed with impunity. Spence calls it tyranny and it is but a short hop from the atrocities of Nazi Germany. There was heavy pragmatic support for policies that German citizens knew in their hearts were evil. As in America, the propriety of the programs was judged by consequences. German society was predominantly secular and the propensity of human reason to equate virtue with success clouded thought. Citizens, unwilling to accept and face reality, began to live in a dream world. Americans are similarly afflicted. Christians are lawless and willing to forgo freedom and place their trust in a dishonest secular government living with the dream that it is the will of God prior to the end times. Intellectuals and the secular cadre that conduct the everyday business in America are without an immutable legal structure and hampered by the limited capacity of human reason. Their pragmatic approach allows ever increasing barbarism as a means to their ends. It was the same in Germany. The wholesale murder of the helpless did not begin immediately .Priortothe1940s it was brutality,injustice,and an occasional murder. But as tyranny matured it became wholesale murder and genocide. Americans are willing to allow our government to murder over eighty men, women, and children at Waco and condone the passing of a freedom robbing Patriots Act, written and waiting to be passed when citizens and legislators were stampeded by fear. Such precedents provide a dire prescience. Americans have become used to illegal searches and freedom robbing law enforcement. The airports subject every passenger to personal indignities and our police officers regularly stop innocent citizens and demand their acquiescence which if not given will result in brutal incapacitation, handcuffs, and a jail cell. The death of a police officer is treated as more important than the death of one of the citizens they are hired to serve. Vindictive brutality is common. Hitler was intent on creating a German Empire by conquest while America has created an empire by stealth. The Nazis in Germany were responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent citizens. Although their conquest was overt it went on for an extended period before the wrath of other nations set them against it. America’s conquest has been more subtle and to this point substantial opposition has been confined to the overt invasion of Iraq. Human casualties have already accumulated but if the present course continues, and it appears nothing will prevent it, they will increase to massive proportions. Most disturbing is the lack of a moral compass in our plan for world hegemony. Rumsfeld and the Straussian based Neo-Con cabal who fashion our foreign policies make their decisions with consequential pragmatism. Human lives mean little. Former Secretary of State, Madeline Albright, was quoted as stating that our policies in Iraq were worth the deaths of half a million children. This humanistic, callous disregard for life is identical to the thought that pervaded Hitler’s Third Reich! Many of us who have spent the time to understand what is happening in America and who write about it have found ourselves isolated and scorned by family and often by friends. Dissent in times of despotic peril is not popular. Citizens want to trust their government and therein lies much of the problem. Our Founders were wise in regard to government; they distrusted it and made every attempt to curtail its growth. This wisdom is gone and has been replaced with an inordinate dependence. It is a dysfunctional relationship in which the head has become the foot. The heroes of history are often oddities to their contemporaries. Jacob Hornberger of the Future of Freedom Foundation has written a review of "The White Rose" entitled a "Lesson In Dissent". The White Rose is the story of a group of young academics who sacrificed their lives to resist the evils of Hitler’s Germany. Robert Scholl was the father of brother and sister, Hans and Sophie Scholl, both involved in the movement, he despised Hitler and though his children had joined the Hitler youth and might have had him arrested he was able to convince them of the evil that was progressing and they in turn were the impetus that began a pamphlet resistance. It is a touching story of bravery and self sacrifice, a real life story of "give me freedom or give me death". However, the resistance was not organized. The Scholls and their brave little group acted with no outside support. Most Protestant ministers offered little resistance. More Catholics ended up in the concentration camps than Protestants. The general population was submissive and many were supportive. America has an almost identical pattern! As we approach the presidential election we need to understand that it makes no difference which of the two political parties wins the election the slide into tyranny will continue unabated. The powers that promote it have firm control of the majority of our elected officials including our Presidents. Fighting the monster is a lonely venture with frustration certain and martyrdom possible. "Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact."