How To Vote In Delaware County
I uploaded this a a "Public Service" announcement to give you a heads up on how these new "voting machines" work. The Danaher ELECTronic 1242 is what Delaware County decided on as our new voting machine, after George Bush passed his HAVA Act. This machine has no paper trail and has caused quite an uproar in the last SELECTION I mean election. Anyway, good luck to you voters, espicially the older ones like my 82 year old Mother. I should go down to Stonehurst and do my own HAVA in her behalf.
Cheers and enjoy watching Condi show you how to vote...
Protest/Press Conference Tuesday at Upper Darby High School
A Protest/Press Conference will be held at UDHS on Tuesday, October 24th at 2:30 pm.
We will meet at the big sign in front of the Auditorium on Lansdowne Avenue. If we are thrown off school property we will move across the street in front of the cemetary gates on the corner, look for me at the location for any last minute details. The subject of the Protest/Press Conference will be non-Township students attending the school, violence in the school and the costs related to those matters. Home made signs are encouraged. We need as many of you who care, and can be there, to attend.
Should last a half-hour.
The only way the school board and administrators to listen is to force them to see and hear us, the best way to do that is to be there with us on Tuesday.
See you there,
Casey Roncaglione 610-804-7373
Is That Paula Brown?
I was checking out the "PA Clean Sweep" web site eariler and went into thier photo gallery. Lo and behold, the woman to the left of the guy at the podium looks like Paula Brown. Agree? Disagree? Do I need glasses? Anyway, the reason I went to the web site is because of an e mail I received eariler (It's about 1:00 AM here in Delco). In it, it reminded me of the 2:00 AM pay increase that many of or representatives gave themselves. As I explained in a previous blog post, I was pissed but if I could vote myself one? Hell, I would. And most of you would too. Admit it! As a self employed electrician I can charge any price I want. Getting paid is a completely different thing.
I think that in all jobs, people should be paid on preformance. Look at the sports jocks. Multi Million dollar contracts and poor preformance (Hint to the Flyers?) And.. Take a look at George Bush. He gets paid no matter how bad he يخدع this country up. And he gets perks too!
Just remember who did what for you in thier jobs as our State Representatives. Investigate. Call them. and for يخدع sakes don't listen to those stupid political commericials! What a waste of money!
Why the hell hasn't anyone written about Curt yet?
What about Grumpy?
Weldon has charged that the investigation was timed to inflict maximum damage on his re-election campaign. Speaking to reporters after a House Aviation Subcommittee meeting Wednesday afternoon, he said the retired FBI agent, Gregory Auld, confirmed the night before that a Sestak worker "was bragging that three weeks ago they knew this was going to come down." "That, to me, is absolutely outrageous," Weldon said. "If that occurred, it means that someone in the Justice Department was coordinating whatever was happening with a political campaign." Except it didn’t happen, according to Auld, who told an entirely different story. "No, that’s not what happened," he said in a phone interview, when asked about Weldon’s statements. Auld, a retired FBI agent from Drexel Hill, said a man at a local gym - he refers to him as "Grumpy" because he doesn’t know his name - told him Tuesday that another man in a Sestak shirt said three weeks ago that "something big" would happen to Weldon last weekend. Auld then approached the Sestak supporter, who told him, "We kind of sniffed this out." "I said, ‘You guys knew about this?’ and he didn’t say anything," Auld said, adding that it was the other man, "Grumpy," who said he had heard from the Sestak worker that "something big was going to come down on Weldon." "He didn’t say, ‘We knew,’ he just said, ‘We sniffed it out,’" Auld said of his conversation with the latter individual. Sestak spokesman Ryan Rudominer said, "The idea that our campaign has any influence over the FBI or the Republican-led Justice Department is laughable." He said the campaign had no prior knowledge of the investigation.wow.. The DelCo G.O.P.s very own media lapdog is jumping ship. Something I never thought I'd see..
We interupt coverage of the upcoming election to ask this important question:
Has anyone here ever joined the YWCA of Eastern Delaware County? They're a combination of the Y on Landsdowne Avenue by the Trolley, the one in Secane, and the Ridley HS Pool.
I want to join, because I'm not losing weight at the rate at which I would like, and can not afford a huge club fee.
Anyway, what are the facilities like at Secane in particular (I probably won't be making it to Landsdowne much, and living in Morton, I can walk to Secane). Is it shady, in disrepair, or anything else that I should consider before putting the money out?
What's your experience been like if you're a member?
Thank you for your patience through this edition of "Chrissy is a cheap fat ass". We now continue our normal posting against Curt Weldon and Mario Civiera ;)
Dirty Tricks
Stolen Campaign Lawnsigns
Upper Darby Township
Casey R. Roncaglione
Democratic Candidate 164th District
After a high speed chase through the streets of Upper Darby, going down one way streets and almost hitting pedestrians, a city License and Inspection official was stopped by over 10 Upper Darby Police. The Township official was attempting to avoid being caught by one of my campaign workers who spotted the official stealing my campaign lawn signs. In his trunk were found my political lawn signs, illegally taken from legal Township locations. The signs were taken from private property, whose owners had given permission to me to post the signs. Lawnsigns were also stolen from Roncaglione's home as well as his neighbors and supporters.
The candidate, Casey R. Roncaglione, Democratic candidate in Upper Darby Township, called the actions typical dirty tricks. "I doubt my opponent Mario Civera (R-164) had anything to do with it, but I don't know that for sure," said Roncaglione.
"It's not the end of the world but it is pretty cheap politics, Mr. Civera has over $190,000 in campaign funds, I have a little over $4,000. He could buy 50,000 signs and not even feel it, I have to watch every penny, so a sign is an important expense to me."
Upper Darby Police are filing a report and superintendent Chitwood promised there would be an investigation possibly leading to charges.. Upper Darby Township, a Republican stronghold has never been too acceptable of competition. Mr. Roncaglione is different though, actually friendly and respective of Mr. Civera.
"Roncaglione spoke to Mr. Civera earlier on the day of the incident to complain that his signs were being taken down. Mr. Civera told Mr. Roncaglione that he doesn't do that and the two parted amicably. Soon after the episode occurred.
Mr. Roncaglione who has pledged a clean campaign hopes this puts an end to the dirty tricks and that the voters get an honest and fair chance to learn the issues to vote for whom they feel can best represent them.
Mister President bring my friends home. Now.
We miss them, their families miss them, our county misses them. They're the best we've got, just think what good they could do right here at home.
The Iraq war is my generation's Vietnam. Unpopular and deadly.
It is time for our sons and daughters and friends to come home. Some won't be coming home, to their families I offer my sincere sorrow. At least we honor and care for our brothers in arms this time. I know many of my fellow Upper Darby High School classmates serving with honor, doing the best they can in what is now a civil war.
I hope they all come home so no more families suffer that ultimate loss. An Iraqi veteran friend of mine, I won't mention his name, is in bad shape. Physical and mental scars are his daily burden. I visit him every one in a while and we talk about the old days, try to have some fun, but in his eyes is a look that only a few who have been in combat will know. I know I'm only a smalltime State Representative candidate with no say in Washington, but I am a citizen of this great country. As an American citizen I ask, Mr. President bring my friends home. Have the biggest parade the country's ever seen for them. Care for their every need. If they want to go to college, pay for it. Treat their wounds, both physical and mental with the best physicians we have, no matter the cost. Make it a priority that every one of them has work when they return.
Treat them like the heroes they are, like no other veteran has been cared for, you owe it to them Mr Bush.
Casey Roncaglione
Crashing the States: Joe Sestak
Crashing the States interviews Joe Sestak Here is a must watch video clip of Joe Sestak being interviewed. In it, he again states the need for our government to take care of business here, where healthcare is non existant, where Americans are being shortchanged in favor of billions of our taxes being spent to corporations who do NOTHING for us, only to line their pockets. VOTE FOR JOE SESTAK IF YOU ARE A TRUE PATRIOT AND TRUE AMERICAN. Cheers... |
My Four Main Campaign Positions
Play That Funky Music White Boy
After all the crap going on with Bush getting his way by effectively destroying our rights as Americans with the power to lock up anyone who he or his cronies deem "Terrorists", I thought the above song is right on target. Habeas corpus is dead. I guarantee that Bush will next declare Martial Law, if the Mid Term "Selections" cannot be pulled off.
Anyone wanna bet?
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