
We interupt coverage of the upcoming election to ask this important question:

Has anyone here ever joined the YWCA of Eastern Delaware County? They're a combination of the Y on Landsdowne Avenue by the Trolley, the one in Secane, and the Ridley HS Pool. I want to join, because I'm not losing weight at the rate at which I would like, and can not afford a huge club fee. Anyway, what are the facilities like at Secane in particular (I probably won't be making it to Landsdowne much, and living in Morton, I can walk to Secane). Is it shady, in disrepair, or anything else that I should consider before putting the money out? What's your experience been like if you're a member? Thank you for your patience through this edition of "Chrissy is a cheap fat ass". We now continue our normal posting against Curt Weldon and Mario Civiera ;)


  1. My Mom is a member. She says it's clean, cheap and as good as expensive clubs.
    Now let us get back to Civera.

  2. Absolute best place around for the money,especially a family membership... People of every fitness level co-exist with no fashion shows,excessive muscle heads,etc. You'll be very comfortable...

  3. nice place. I live in Morton too and it is very convenient. I think it is the best bang for your buck, expecially if you become a full privelege member.

  4. Curt and Mario will win again! You liberals need to get a life!

  5. hahah I thought you said Cunt and Mario...

    nice one anonymous!


Feel free to post your thoughts... Try to keep it clean.