

I had a dream the other night I didn't understand, A figure walking through the mist, with flintlock in his hand. His clothes were torn and dirty, as he stood there by my bed, He took off his three-cornered hat, and speaking low he said: We fought a revolution to secure our liberty, We wrote the Constitution, as a shield from tyranny. For future generations, this legacy we gave, In this, the land of the free and home of the brave. The freedom we secured for you, we hoped you'd always keep, But tyrants labored endlessly while your parents were asleep. Your freedom gone - your courage lost - you're no more than a slave, In this, the land of the free and the home of the brave. You buy permits to travel, and permits to own a gun, Permits to start a business, or to build a place for one. On land that you believe you own, you pay a yearly rent, Although you have no voice in choosing how the money's spent. Your children must attend a school that doesn't educate, Your moral values can't be taught, according to the state. You read about the current "news" in a very biased press, You pay a tax you do not owe, to please the IRS. Your money is no longer made of silver or of gold, You trade your wealth for paper, so life can be controlled. You pay for crimes that make our Nation turn from God to shame, You've taken Satin's number, as you've traded in your name. You've given government control to those who do you harm, So they can padlock churches, and steal the family farm. And keep our country deep in debt, put men of God in jail, Harass your fellow countryman while corrupted courts prevail. Your public servants don't uphold the solemn oath they're sworn, Your daughters visit doctors so children won't be born. Your leaders ship artillery and guns to foreign shores, And send your sons to slaughter, fighting other people's wars. Can you regain your Freedom for which we fought and died? Or don't you have the courage, or the faith to stand with pride? Are there no more values for which you'll fight to save? Or do you wish your children live in fear and be a slave? Sons of the Republic, arise and take a stand! Defend the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land! Preserve our Republic, and each God-given right! And pray to God to keep the torch of freedom burning bright! As I awoke he vanished, in the mist from whence he came, His words were true, we are not free, and we have ourselves to blame. For even now as tyrants trample each God-given right, We only watch and tremble -- too afraid to stand and fight. If he stood by your bedside in a dream while you're asleep, And wonder what remains of your right he fought to keep. What would be your answer if he called out from the grave? Is this still the land of the free and home of the brave? Think REAL hard.. YOUR future depends upon it! I know I have!


Conspiracy Nut I'm Not - Now Where's My Hat?

I really think that this site is really about disinformation. C'mon. The Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie? Mind Control? The powers that be already have cornered the market on it. It's called the American media. Quick question for those you know to ask. Was Saddam Involved with 911? I polled 50 friends and acquaintances. Over 35 of them said yes. And out of those 35 asked them where they got their news from. Answers were; Newspapers: The Daily Times, News of Delaware County, Town Talk. Radio: 1210 AM, 1060 AM. T.V. Fox News, Local channels 3, 6, and 10, Msnbc. Not a one of them ever heard of Tom Flocco, Jeff Rense, or Arianna Huffington. Now they do.. And while were on Conspiracies, check out what News With Views has to say about Chemtrails. News With Views is not a quack site either. For them to have reveal this means that they have researched the issue. Read on about Chemtrails.



THIS JUST IN: Bush To Attack Iran by: sfliberal (34/M/San Francisco, CA) 01/07/05 10:45 pm Msg: 3337872 of 3337874 1 recommendation A determined Bush gives the Iran Government this warning "We have good intelligence that Iran has Weapons of Mass Destruction (Caspian Sea) and harboring terrorists (earthquakes). We will flush those terrorists out of their holes and make them pay for what happened in Southeast Asia before it happens to the U.S. Let's fight those Tsunamis on their soil before we have to fight them on ours. Either you're with the Tsunamis are you're against them. Now Let's Roll" Republicans are in complete support of their fearless leader even though most of them live nowhere near the Ocean. One Midwestern Bush Supporter comments "You just don't know when theses Tsunamis are going to attack. One minute you're walking the streets of Wichita, the next thing you know, BLAMMO! you've been hit by a Tsunami. We, we, have to do something about those, those, those TERRORISTS! God help us all!" She leaves the Walmart parking lot in tears.

I Signed it

Well? Can She?

CIA, Fockers, San Andreas, and other things

I'm currently watching Meet the Fockers" on the USA network. Focker's future FAW is Robert Di Nero. Does the CIA have "Operatives" really like this? I think not. Last night my son nick asked me to help him with a school project concerning the country of Colombia. I scoured the major search engines (Google, Yahoo, and MSN) and one hit came up in the top ten. What was the web site? The CIA World Fact Book. Now, being that I am a bit paranoid concerning the facts that I kind of question people like Congressman Curt Weldon, or take a stab at George Bush and get a lot of hits from DIA, NASA, and especially House.gov made me a little bit nervous even typing the URL. But being this is America and I am an American citizen I did just that. What I found out was that the CIA does have a substantial database of just about every country/ region on the planet. I not only ingested every pertinent fact about Columbia (Much to my Son's delight,)for his project, I spent over an hour on their web site, gaining valuable information about countries the quite frankly, I've never heard of.. I enjoy reading. I read anything and everything that I get my hands on. I think that reading is more than fundamental, it should be mandatory for all Americans. George Bush's program of "No Child Left Behind" falls far short of educating our young. It's a good program, but there is a critical flaw. PARENTS. If parents would interact more with teachers on a personal basis I believe that his goal would be achieved. I for one am guilty of this. For 2005 I pledge more support both monetarily and more importantly to bridge the gap between my Son’s teachers and myself. America is STRONG and her people have the resolve to get the job done, no matter what the cost. We are the number one leader in the caring catagory, hands down. P.S. i think that the CIA should revise their job listing, I do not have a BS degree, but would bet my pants that I would be more valuable to them than one who did. (I checked out their job section as I am getting older for physical work but I read well..)


Memories - And a Happy New Year to All

Every December 31st I break out the photo albums and take notice. Be it one from 1961 or 78', I reflect upon my role in this world. The good thing is that tonight, I am going over with my wife and two boys to our friends house. Eric & Debbie are neighbors of ours. They have a young son and both are "the bestest" Debbie's favourite word LOL.. Anyway, I'll make this one short. To George, Curt, Karen, Charlie and anyone else I have pissed off, I am sorry. My resolution is to be a nicer person, from the inside first. No outer shell glossed over with fresh paint on this Man. Happy New Year to all, and may God bless you and yours. A Picture of my Wife Liz, Nephews Tommy & Joey (Stephen is not there),Son Franny, My Dad Pete, Son Eric, Sister Kathy,& Son Nicky. Cheers! And DONT DRIVE DRUNK! (Take it from one who knows)


Cheap Skate

U.S. Aid For Victims Of Tsunami $35 Million: Cost Of Bush Inauguration $30 Million: Read On and THINK! 14 give $250,000 each to Bush fete Inauguration likely among costliest Manny Fernandez Washington Post Dec. 19, 2004 12:00 AM WASHINGTON - More than a dozen wealthy Bush supporters have donated $250,000 each to help pay for the president's second inauguration, which is shaping up as one of the most expensive. According to a major donor list on the Presidential Inaugural Committee's Web site, 14 companies and individuals each have given $250,000, and 10 have contributed $100,000. The list, which includes all donations made as of Thursday, also shows a contribution of $25,000 and another of $50,000. The $250,000 donors include former Enron President Richard Kinder, Dell Computer founder Michael Dell and Texas oilman and corporate takeover specialist T. Boone Pickens. Also on the $250,000 list are ExxonMobil Corp.; Sallie Mae Inc., a Reston, Va.-based company that annually provides billions of dollars in student loans; United Technologies Corp., a unit of which manufactures Army Black Hawk helicopters; the utility Southern Co.; and Stephens Group Inc., an Arkansas venture capital company. "We've seen a lot of enthusiasm from people wanting to help make the 55th inaugural a success," said Tracey Schmitt, spokeswoman for the Presidential Inaugural Committee, which coordinates most inaugural activities. Oh, how nice Tracey.. You twat.. "People understand that the inauguration of our president is a great tradition, a tradition that transcends partisan politics." Schmitt said the donations help pay for the venues, vendors, parade-route bleachers, entertainment and other costs associated with staging the Jan. 20 inauguration, as well as lead-up events beginning Jan.18. The inauguration is estimated to cost $30 million to $40 million, which private donations will cover. The estimate includes security costs not covered by the federal and local government. Security is expected to be tight for the inauguration, the first since the Sept.11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Mean While, GWB pledges a paltry 30 million for helping the families of over 120,000 dead people? Hey Duyba, Do the right thing like this Republican would. Divert some of those Billions from Halliburton to those REALLY in need. OK? Link Here


GIs can be forced to wear U.N. beret

GIs can be forced to wear U.N. beret Federal judge upholds court martial of soldier who refused orders Posted: December 25, 2004 1:00 a.m. Eastern http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=42102 This is a total sham. The United States Military was created to defend the United States and her territories. PERIOD. The United Nations has no right to use our troops in any capacity or to dictate dress uniform code. Imagine being over in Mosul right now, not home with your family and friends. Young men and women who are bacially guards for oil. Being shot at 24/7 and hated by the civilian population! AND to have to wear a silly looking blue beret? My heart goes out to ALL of them. Here is the guy who was railroaded by our government for upholding his oath of alligence. See Below. ''I, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God!" Another thing that gets me rattled is what happened to the American Battle Star on Tanks, etc? Now they have this sideways triangle. What does it signify? The Abrams tank should have an AMERICAN star on it, like the ones used in WW2. And finally this: Just WHO is protecting AMERICA proper right now? How many military personnel who are trained are in the states? Russia or China could invade us with the many troops they have and all we would have to try to stop them would be with what? Homeowner guns?


Reggie White Dead at 43

My stepson informed me of this about an hour ago. I remember Reggie when he was a member of the Philadelphia Eagles. He will be missed dearly. My heart goes out to his friends and family. R.I.P. Reggie.