
The Surge

I have been following a story about a local Deli owned by Mario Civera, my Mothers State Representative in the 164th district, which recently caught fire, allegedly by an electrical problem. The consensus is that Peco, (Exelon) was in some way to blame. As an electrician with almost thirty years experience, I can say that they may be right. But to a point. Seems that there have been many problems with underground transformers exploding in that area over the years, as well as power surges. In Upper Darby Township, there are many homes and businesses that have outdated or inadequate electrical wiring. Residential homes for instance built before 1970 for the most part have no grounding conductor (the mouth of your three prong outlet) connected to it. "Knob and Tube", "Knob and Nail" or "Old style romex" are in almost every home in Drexel Hill. Many homes have no ground rod installed and connected to their electrical service. No lightning arrestor, no "Whole Home" surge protector. Did Civera's Deli have a Surge Protector that may have helped drain off a high voltage surge from a Mal functioning transformer? Probably not. Where I live (Westbrook Park) if I were to remove my cold water and earth ground and rely on the transformer 's neutral my house would probably catch fire. Think I'm kidding? A few years ago my neighbor was renovating his home and called me to come over and find out why every time he used a drill to mix drywall compound, the lights would dim to almost nothing. What I found out is that the plumber removed the cold water ground to his electrical service. Even with a ground rod installed (there is clay under our homes) he had no return path to the transformer. He called Peco, and a technician came over later on that afternoon, checked out the homes electrical service, and told him that the problem was in the meter box. I told the tech that I was a licenced electrician and that the "problem" was in Peco's transformer. He told me he would make note of it, and left. to this day I believe that the transformers "neutral" is not connected. Bottom line? Go to your local hardware store and buy a receptacle tester that shows you an open ground, open neutral, reverse hot and neutral, and correct wiring. Get a local licenced electrician to inspect your home and install 5 items that may save you your home, and more importantly your life : A ground rod A lightning arrestor A "Whole Home" single phase surge protector GFCI receptacles where required Smoke detectors where required Cheers and Go EAGLES!


What Did You Do Last Summer?

So the Springfield Township's Teachers Union decides to call a possible strike after failed meetings (13 since January) to resolve issues such as health care, salaries, etc. So who will suffer? You guessed it. The students. Let's hope they resolved their differences the other night.


20 Years?

After reading about this, it makes you wonder why beasts like her were even allowed to be born. So she will do 20 years, just in time to be released and collect Social Security. Unfortunately for her, the women in prison do not like Child Molesters.


Go On Home British Soldiers - Go On Home

Being that I'm in a political mood tonight, I give you this: (To you stuffy people or children, go away.)

Why I'm a Republician

I oppose tyranny. I am for a free Republic. I am first generation Irish in America. My allegiance is to America and only to America. Any questions? Cheers.

Independant Of The Party Machine

"He's so independent. He's independent of the party machine. I'm like, 'Right on, so am I." <---- This one statement that Sarah Palin says is enough to convince me that she should be PRESIDENT of the Untied States of America. Unfortunately, I'll settle for VP for now. Cheers.


Installing A Puppet

Quote from Dawn (from the Haverford Blog) As John McCain did in a news-clip yesterday, I too send congratulations to Barak Obama for breaking the racial barrier to become the first black American to lead a National Party for election to president of the United States. May the best man win. My Response: Why is the national media and John McCain announcing his V.P. pick, like he is the official GOP canidate? Ron Paul and Mitt Romney didn't "drop out", just suspended their campaigning. I am fed up with the MEDIA who is controlled by foreign countries who select candidates. RON PAUL has my vote in November, come hell or high water. That's my RIGHT. The RNC convention didn't happen already, did it? Watch for RON PAUL delegates (official from their constituents) to be harassed, bullied, and arrested. And the NEWS response? There just a crazy bunch of so called "libs" when in fact most Ron Paul backers are the most intelligent people in this country who actually see the eroding of the Constitution. Welcome to AMERIKA.


Damming Video?

Got this from Gil Spencer's blog a few minutes ago. I had posted about Hussein's involvement last week over at the Haverford Blog. I really don't trust Obama, and to be honest with you think that McCain will start WW3 and reinstate the draft if elected. My Sons and Daughters are not going to be used as cannon fodder for some silver spoon fed out of touch man who feels that war is the answer. My choice is Republican Ron Paul. I will write him in at the voting booth come November. Thousands upon thousands of fellow Americans will also. Will he get elected? Not a chance. But at least I will show them where I stand. Cheers.

Fund Raiser For The Fallen Fire & EMS Memorial

I saw this on another Blog and though I should pass it along, being that our local Firemen and EMT's need all the support they can get. There is a major social event planned for Sunday September 7 from 2-6pm for all Delco emergency services people to raise funds for the Fallen Fire & EMS Memorial. The event includes the band BLACKTHORN, food and drink. If you haven't already purchased your tickets, contact Ed Abel, Sr from Station 44. A list of various other Stations that will have tickets for sale will be posted asap .Thanks for your support. Tickets for this event are $25.00 each or $45.00 a couple. You can contact Rich Heffernan by email at Heff37@icdc.com. Link to story HERE. Cheers.


My Head Explodes

A National Disgrace... This is what liberalism (communism) Produces This quote taken from the congressional record 1963 regarding the goals of the communist party...... Goal # 22 states the following: 22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms." AND # 30 30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man." 1963 congressional record predicted this http://www.rense.com/general32/americ.htm And the libs say Communism is dead... it is not dead... it went underground where it belongs... in the shadows!!! If you shine light on it... it recoils like a serpent.... if they are capable they will call you a name... label you... try to discredit you.....or it could just delete your post.... like Mr. Mrs BAD would!!! But they could never tell you you are WRONG in your observations Every now and then communism reveals it's ugly head. Evidence like this... shows the pinkos are alive and well.... and moving right along with their plans. What friggin excuse can you give to this??? Who/what friggin "artist" could conceive of such a project.. I will tell you.. a public school student.. probably from a guilt ridden family... probably the 60's generation... new wave " love " generation... divorced parents.. ect... ect.... ect.. No structure Who funded this project??? Me & you!! thru Gov control ed National Endowment of the arts.... Or as I like to say .... "Ministry of Art" I guess this "portrait" will be displayed in some cross dressing diversity class. The average government controlled school child will figure that cross dressing was en vogue back with the Founding fathers... They do not learn history anyway.... unless Martin Luther King is involved. Yeah the commies got us here... what are you going to do about it??? For those who do not know me... the strength of our nation is built on the foundation of our NUCLEAR families. A Mom & a Dad. ........... till death do we part!!! Thank You!!! John ps. here is the link to the NEWS story http://www.kypost.com/content/wcposhared/story.aspx?content_id=8896a687-c203-4a0e-89d4-48d589767bd0 If link does not work, just Internet search " Camp Washington Mural"... under news