Curt Weldon - A Fireman's Friend
As some of you know, I'm not really a fan of Curt Weldon. A friend of mine who knows this recently reminded me that Mr. Weldon has been a big supporter of Firemen across the country, and has managed to obtain as Senior member of the House Armed Services Committee $7.6 billion dollars to help fund volunteer fire companies across the U.S.
As an admirer of firemen in general for the jobs they do and the lives that they save, I thought that I would post something about Mr.Weldon in a positive light, one in witch he deserves. I'll admit that yes he has looked out for them, and that to me is a good thing.
My Thoughts:
This country needs a "Weed and Seed" program for all the politicians. Across Party lines, across Counties, across States, etc. Me? I'm still voting for Joe Sestak. Will it make a difference? Maybe not. But It hopefully will send a message that Delconians need their Congressmen right here, not worrying about Iraq or Iran or other things that a President should be handling. (Our current Prez has made a joke out of foreign relations, and is better suited to stay in Crawford with his Horses)
Curt Weldon has actually contributed to Delco where it is most needed. So Dave, I stand corrected about Curt. You win. I'll buy you a cold one at Thomas's.
P.S. Here's a thought: Joe Sestak for Congress, Curt Weldon for President. Deal?
The School Property Tax
The following is part of an e-mail from a Drexel Hill resident to me, and my response. My point was that there must be a better way to fund schools, and make them even better, without such a reliance on property taxes. I attended the public school system in Upper Darby, K-12. I know how good it is, how much teachers, administrators and school board members care about what they do. Why not find new and innovative funding sources, rock solid and certain, so that our schools can continue to, and even improve the ultimate product, the children of our community.
After writing my previous message to you this afternoon, I continued to shake my head. I wondered to myself, "How could someone be so oblivious to the connection between well-supported school districts and the quality of life in a community? Does this person have no idea that houses represent the biggest financial investment that low-income people will ever make and that, by letting the schools crumble and therefore destroying the attractiveness of the community, he will basically be flushing those peoples' hard-won investments down the toilet?? Does he really want to turn Drexel Hill into another Lansdowne? I think it is wonderful that someone your age wants is serious about political issues, and I really do applaud you for that. You are obviously bright and have a lot of energy. But what in the world makes you think that in 20 years you have gained the life experience to be able to be a state representative? Is it presumptuosness? Arrogance? Plain old ignorance? You simply have no idea of the broader consequences of the positions you are espousing. You couldn't. You just haven't been on the planet long enough.
Thank you for your thoughtful comments. One question, if you don't mind. If for over 20 years of Mario's service why have property taxes risen to the point of forcing some of our neighbors from their homes, and what would be the problem with finding other sources to replace them while maintaining and even improving our schools? I must say I find it refreshing to hear from someone who cares enough of our community to speak up. I may only be 20 but I never would have taken an illegal payraise as Mr. Civera did. I would never allow winter utility shutoffs just because of campaign contributions received by Mr. Civera. I would never drive a $650 Caddy at taxpayer expense as Mr. Civera does. I would never fight to keep the actions of our legislature secret as Mr. Civera does. I might not be legally able to drink but I am of age to fight our wars and serve in our legislature. I've been taught that when I see something wrong, do something about it. Don't just sit by and let it happen. So win or lose at least I'm trying to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem. I'll end with this; Will your teenagers be better of with the status-quo of Mr. Civera or the reform and vision of the future that puts people first, as I espouse. I went on too long, I apologize, but I believe I'm on the right side and it's thought provoking to discuss the issues with a concerned person like you. I'm OK with your non-support, at least we live in America where when it's over, we shake hands and work together.
Casey Roncaglione
Striking The Root On August 22nd
From a Yahoo Msg Board: Recommend this Post Ignore this User Email this Posting Report Abuse Re: NO CRITICISM OF ISLAMIC ATROCITIES! by: yankeerunningdog 08/13/06 11:05 pm Msg: 1631 of 1759 18 recommendations Why is the USA inciting hatred of Muslims all over the world. Bush even used the term ISLAMO FACIST the other day. If anyone said Jewish facist, they would be locked up for hate crimes. Posted as a reply to: Msg 1629 by striykermtPeople like myself are just really getting ticked off about the way the Bush admin has managed to align all these "Muslims" to hate us. I believe that they really don't hate US, per say, only our selected officials. This above comment only re-inforces my belief that America should quit being the watch dog of the world, quit interfering in other countries business, and worry about her own people first. Bush and his cronies have totally screwed up this country. This isn't about Dem or Pub either. Both parties are equal in guilt for NOT doing something radical about the current situation. What we need is new leadership, ones who will take this county away from the corporations, take over the MSM who only release slanted stories of what is really happening in the world, and work for US, the American citizen! On August 22nd, there is a wide growing rumor that world war three will start in the middle east, first by Iran launching SSN-25 Onyx sideburn missles missiles in the Persian Gulf, or something even more devastating. Some "Muslim" holy day also is on the 22nd. Bottom line is that all you know, all you love,Your America may be obliteriated by some nutcase with his hand on a button in a city near you. Remember the SALT treaties that Nixon created? One can only hope that someone with real balls steps up to the plate and takes action against these crazy so called leaders in Washington, Tel Aviv, and Jolly Old England (Yes, the same country that we had our so called independence from.) In closing, I feel enlightened by what knowledge I have gained by being on the net now for 17 years. Forget about BS liquid bombs on domestic Aircraft(A HOAX), I'd be more worried about the next 9-11, that will surely happen to save these thugs in Washington's jobs and thier sick NWO agenda. Good Night.
Call Me Lefty
What is making the Republicans so nervous?
There's an excellent article in today's Inquirer that reports a shift away from Republican registrations in the suburbs. This is good news. Although it wasn't cited as a reason in the article, I think many of these conversions are due to the Bush administration's failures. Progressives are certainly against their policies, but are now being joined by true conservatives as well. Weldon doesn't want Bush to campaign for him, and I doubt Santorum will either.
Look for more gains between 2006 and 2008, especially if Sestak and Casey prevail.
The Republican strangle hold is loosening in Delaware County to the point that we may actually see Democrats entering in previously uncontested local elections. That's a win for democracy.
Joe Sestak
Throw him in the pen!
I hope Gibson does do jail time for this. Any other regular Joe out there would have to (and should), and just because he's a "star" doesn't mean squat. I'm sick of those Hollywood idiots getting preferential treatment when it comes to drugs and alcohol. What if he had caused an accident and someone was killed because of his negligence?
Ok, rant over...
Prosecutors Charge Mel Gibson With DUI
AP Special Correspondent
LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Mel Gibson now faces a legal battle in addition to the one to restore his public image.
Prosecutors on Wednesday charged Gibson with driving under the influence of alcohol, having an elevated blood-alcohol level and an open container of liquor in his car when he was pulled over in Malibu last week.
If convicted, Gibson faces up to six months in jail, though first-time misdemeanor drunken driving offenders usually face minimal, if any, time behind bars. It's up to the judge to determine if Gibson would serve any time.
Prosecutors made no mention of Gibson's self-described "belligerent behavior" and "despicable" remarks in the complaint - reportedly the unleashing of an anti-Semitic tirade.
"After evaluating all the evidence presented by the Sheriff's Department - and they presented every scrap of evidence they had - we evaluated carefully and felt the charges we filed were the appropriate charges in this case," said district attorney spokeswoman Sandi Gibbons.
Gibson's lawyer, Blair Berk, declined to comment, saying, "It is inappropriate to discuss the ongoing case." An attorney may appear in the actor's place during his Sept. 28 arraignment.
Arrested at 2:36 a.m. Friday after his Lexus was stopped for speeding, Gibson allegedly had a blood-alcohol level of 0.12 percent, over the legal limit of 0.08 percent.
"He will be held accountable for his violations under the law," Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca said, adding that the charges "didn't surprise me."
In the aftermath of Gibson's arrest, his publicist, Alan Nierob, has said the actor-director was in an ongoing program for alcohol abuse before the arrest and has entered another, on an outpatient basis.
Gibson has apologized twice. In the latest he addressed the Jewish community, apologizing for his "vitriolic and harmful words."
According to a law enforcement official who spoke on condition of anonymity, the Sheriff's Department's report says Gibson told the arresting deputy: "The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world," and asked him, "Are you a Jew?"
Gibson, 50, has had a troubled relationship with Jewish organizations since his 2004 blockbuster "The Passion of the Christ," which some criticized for portraying Jews as responsible for the death of Jesus. Supporters say the movie merely followed the Gospel story.
Gibson's apologies weren't accepted by former TV producer Merv Adelson, who took out an ad in Wednesday's Los Angeles Times blasting movie studio heads for not strongly and publicly condemning the Oscar-winning actor-director.
"Let's make ourselves proud and NOT support this JERK in any way, just because he's a so called 'star,'" wrote Adelson, co-founder of Lorimar Productions, which produced such TV hits as "Eight is Enough" and "The Waltons."
A sheriff's spokesman's initial account of the arrest described it as occurring "without incident" and made no mention of Gibson's remarks, fueling claims of a cover-up after they came to light.
In an interview with the Associated Press, Sheriff Baca maintained deputies made no attempts to cover up his comments.
"Those are completely false," Baca said while attending a congressional hearing in San Diego. "The district attorney in his statement clearly verifies that all of the evidence - including inappropriate remarks, hateful remarks, anti-Semitic remarks, including with the videotape along with the audiotape," is there.
Baca added that the deputy who stopped Gibson "had the full authority to not arrest him and just take him home."
"You know, if that were his option, if he chose that option, he would be within our policy. But he chose the arrest option, which to me, shows me he's doing a terrific job," Baca said.
Republicans For Joe Sestak
So what is going on here? What will Cool Curt come up with next? Another Swift boat type attack on Joe Sestak? Just to let you know Curt, this Republican is voting for vice admiral Joseph Sestak (Ret.) I always admire men and women who put their life on the line, and although I know that Mr. Weldon did so as a fireman years ago, he couldn't hold a candle to the job that Mr. Sestak did.
Wearing A Uniform?
U.S. Navy Uniform Regulations, 1401.3.b(2)
(2) Former Members of the Armed Forces. Unless discussed in DOD Directive
1334.1 or Title 10 U.S. Code Sec. 772, former members who served honorably during a war and whose most recent service was terminated under honorable conditions, may wear the uniform of the highest grade held during their service only on the following occasions and during travel related to those occasions.
(a) Military funerals, memorial services, weddings and inaugurals.
Curt and his cronies attacked Joe Sestak about wearing his uniform in a Memorial Day parade, something that he knows NOTHING about.
So. What will it be? More BS from your campaign peons Curt? More appearances throughout Delco? What I find very disturbing is that the Republican base in power in this country today is using this fear factor as their main campaign issue. Let me repeat: The Republican base in power in this country today is using this fear factor as their main campaign issue.
Iraq had NOTHING to do with 911, but our troops are fed this bullshit from a standing dictate. Most people get their daily BS from 1210 WPHT and Fox news. Is it any wonder they are blind? These same people that I know have told me that Curt Weldon is a good man, and that I am a traitor to the party for wanting to vote for Joe Sestak. I thought AMERICA was free! Party? Like the Nazi party? Communist Party?
Likuid Party? Party lines mean NOTHING! (Just look at Joe Lieberman). At least I am NOT ALONE.
Look. I have seen this country before my eyes be attacked by ghosts on 911, then raped by companies like BP/EXXON/HALLIBURTON and watched as our so called elected Senators and Congressmen blindly fall in line and vote for my rights to be stripped away. I really believe that Joe Sestak will not be one of those who will adhere exclusively to his party line. He wants YOUR rights back, wants this bullshit invasion of the Middle East by corporate America to stop, and most importantly, bring America and Americans the respect and honor that she once enjoyed.
At the risk of losing some local electrical work that I do, I will use my rights as a freedom loving Republican to:
Vote for Joe Sestak this November.
Watch as Gasoline reaches $4.00 a gallon while the Republican controlled Congress does NOTHING! Why should they? Their making really big bucks and drive around in vehicles that YOU pay for!
Feds disarm local gun shop
This is LONG overdue and I think it's the best news to come out of Upper Darby in a long time.
In case you didn't know, here are some facts pertaining to guns that came from the pawn shop:
Lou's guns were used in 19 homicides and 65 shootings between 2003 and 2005, according to Capt. Benjamin Naish, a police spokesman.
In some of Philadelphia's most sensational homicides, these guns killed:
• Anthony Oliver, 14, who was shot accidentally by a friend who had just bought a .25-caliber handgun for $50 on the street last year.
• Faheem Thomas-Childs, 10, in the middle of a gunbattle between two drug gangs outside his school in February 2004.
• Police Officer Lauretha Vaird during a botched robbery in 1996, and a year later, seriously wounded another officer, Jay Delaney, who was shot six times and unable to return to work.
GREAT work by the Feds!!!!
UPPER DARBY -- Two months after a vocal protest regarding the quantity of gun sales at a local pawnshop, the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has taken action and revoked its license to sell handguns. Mark W. Potter, Special Agent in Charge of the Philadelphia Division of ATF, announced Monday the revoking of Lou’s Loans’ federal firearms license to sell guns.
"There are a number of adjudicated cases in which crime guns and guns associated with straw purchases came from Lou’s Loans," Potter said. "ATF’s mission is to protect the public and with our actions today I believe Philadelphia and the surrounding communities are a bit safer now that a known source for crime guns has been closed."
Lou’s Loans, formally Lou’s Jewelry and Pawn Shop, 29 S. 69th St., was open Monday selling money orders and conducting business as usual for other sales and services.
Employees declined comment.
The revocation, a result of an ATF regulatory investigation finding numerous and egregious violations of the Gun Control Act by Lou’s Loans, terminates all gun sales from Lou’s.
"This is a great day for the law enforcement community," Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood said. "Straw purchases are a big issue. Certainly it limits Upper Darby’s involvement in gun violence."
In May, Chitwood joined with CeaseFire NJ and PA, Pennsylvanians Against Trafficking Handguns, Men United for a Better Philadelphia, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence (BPV) and the Pennsylvania Million Mom March on 69th Street, across the street from Lou’s, to focus attention on the quantity of legal sales by straw purchasers and illegal transfer of firearms.
"This was a location that local, state and federal levels have shown to be a major center for guns used to murder, maim and destroy people and families," Chitwood said. "I applaud ATF for their action. Hopefully revoking the gun license limits access to guns in our community."
Merchants on 69th Street, who declined to be identified, also applauded the action.
"I’m in favor of it," one man said. "The less guns on the street the better. I’m glad for anything that keeps guns off the streets. Violence is on the rise and a lot more has to be done to reduce the violence."
"It’s scary," one shopkeeper said. "I’m very glad they revoked their license. We don’t need any more violence. It’s harder to get a license in a foreign country where only the government issues them. I’m not against the American system but it needs some improvement."
A New Jersey resident working on the street said the gun laws in Pennsylvania should be stricter.
"It should be monitored," the man said. "Jersey’s laws are stricter."
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