
Curt Weldon - A Fireman's Friend

As some of you know, I'm not really a fan of Curt Weldon. A friend of mine who knows this recently reminded me that Mr. Weldon has been a big supporter of Firemen across the country, and has managed to obtain as Senior member of the House Armed Services Committee $7.6 billion dollars to help fund volunteer fire companies across the U.S. As an admirer of firemen in general for the jobs they do and the lives that they save, I thought that I would post something about Mr.Weldon in a positive light, one in witch he deserves. I'll admit that yes he has looked out for them, and that to me is a good thing. My Thoughts: This country needs a "Weed and Seed" program for all the politicians. Across Party lines, across Counties, across States, etc. Me? I'm still voting for Joe Sestak. Will it make a difference? Maybe not. But It hopefully will send a message that Delconians need their Congressmen right here, not worrying about Iraq or Iran or other things that a President should be handling. (Our current Prez has made a joke out of foreign relations, and is better suited to stay in Crawford with his Horses) Curt Weldon has actually contributed to Delco where it is most needed. So Dave, I stand corrected about Curt. You win. I'll buy you a cold one at Thomas's. P.S. Here's a thought: Joe Sestak for Congress, Curt Weldon for President. Deal?


  1. Unfortunately, Mr. Weldon likes to dump money by the (quite literal) truckload into many of the make-believe fire departments in his state. There is nothing wrong with having a well run volunteer FD, but when they buy several three-quarters of a million dollar parade prepped ladder trucks for a one square mile town that has only one story buildings, it really is a waste of our taxpayer money. Yes for American Fire Departments including volunteers, and NO! to wasting money on shiny toys for pretend firemen.

  2. Keep our supermarkets safe, Vote Weldon!
    However, I recommend sestak if you want to keep your country safe.

  3. Vote Franny Ward for #1 shithead award

  4. Keep it up Toenail.. More ammo for me when we go to court.


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